package io.vertx.ext.consul;

import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

Converter for ServiceOptions. NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the ServiceOptions original class using Vert.x codegen.
/** * Converter for {@link io.vertx.ext.consul.ServiceOptions}. * NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the {@link io.vertx.ext.consul.ServiceOptions} original class using Vert.x codegen. */
public class ServiceOptionsConverter { public static void fromJson(Iterable<java.util.Map.Entry<String, Object>> json, ServiceOptions obj) { for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, Object> member : json) { switch (member.getKey()) { case "address": if (member.getValue() instanceof String) { obj.setAddress((String)member.getValue()); } break; case "checkOptions": if (member.getValue() instanceof JsonObject) { obj.setCheckOptions(new io.vertx.ext.consul.CheckOptions((JsonObject)member.getValue())); } break; case "id": if (member.getValue() instanceof String) { obj.setId((String)member.getValue()); } break; case "meta": if (member.getValue() instanceof JsonObject) { java.util.Map<String, java.lang.String> map = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<>(); ((Iterable<java.util.Map.Entry<String, Object>>)member.getValue()).forEach(entry -> { if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) map.put(entry.getKey(), (String)entry.getValue()); }); obj.setMeta(map); } break; case "name": if (member.getValue() instanceof String) { obj.setName((String)member.getValue()); } break; case "port": if (member.getValue() instanceof Number) { obj.setPort(((Number)member.getValue()).intValue()); } break; case "tags": if (member.getValue() instanceof JsonArray) { java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> list = new java.util.ArrayList<>(); ((Iterable<Object>)member.getValue()).forEach( item -> { if (item instanceof String) list.add((String)item); }); obj.setTags(list); } break; } } } public static void toJson(ServiceOptions obj, JsonObject json) { toJson(obj, json.getMap()); } public static void toJson(ServiceOptions obj, java.util.Map<String, Object> json) { if (obj.getAddress() != null) { json.put("address", obj.getAddress()); } if (obj.getCheckOptions() != null) { json.put("checkOptions", obj.getCheckOptions().toJson()); } if (obj.getId() != null) { json.put("id", obj.getId()); } if (obj.getMeta() != null) { JsonObject map = new JsonObject(); obj.getMeta().forEach((key, value) -> map.put(key, value)); json.put("meta", map); } if (obj.getName() != null) { json.put("name", obj.getName()); } json.put("port", obj.getPort()); if (obj.getTags() != null) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); obj.getTags().forEach(item -> array.add(item)); json.put("tags", array); } } }