package io.vertx.codegen;

import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Doc;
import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Text;
import io.vertx.codegen.type.AnnotationValueInfo;
import io.vertx.codegen.type.TypeInfo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

Describes a property of a data object model.
Author:Julien Viet
/** * Describes a property of a {@link io.vertx.codegen.DataObjectModel data object model}. * * @author <a href="">Julien Viet</a> */
public class PropertyInfo { final PropertyKind kind; final boolean declared; final String name; final Doc doc; final TypeInfo type; final String setterMethod; final String adderMethod; final String getterMethod; final boolean jsonifiable; final boolean deprecated; final Text deprecatedDesc; final Map<String, AnnotationValueInfo> annotations; public PropertyInfo(boolean declared, String name, Doc doc, TypeInfo type, String setterMethod, String adderMethod, String getterMethod, List<AnnotationValueInfo> annotations, PropertyKind kind, boolean jsonifiable, boolean deprecated, Text deprecatedDesc) { this.kind = kind; this.declared = declared; = name; this.doc = doc; this.type = type; this.annotations =, (m, a) -> m.put(a.getName(), a), HashMap::putAll); this.adderMethod = adderMethod; this.setterMethod = setterMethod; this.getterMethod = getterMethod; this.jsonifiable = jsonifiable; this.deprecated = deprecated; this.deprecatedDesc = deprecatedDesc; }
Returns:true if the property is declared by the its data object, that means it does not override the same property from other data object ancestors
/** * @return true if the property is declared by the its data object, that means it does not override the same property * from other data object ancestors */
public boolean isDeclared() { return declared; }
Returns:the resolved documentation of this property
/** * @return the resolved documentation of this property */
public Doc getDoc() { return doc; }
Returns:the property kind
/** * @return the property kind */
public PropertyKind getKind() { return kind; }
Returns:the property name
/** * @return the property name */
public String getName() { return name; }
Returns:the property type
/** * @return the property type */
public TypeInfo getType() { return type; }
Returns:the name of the Java method that can read the state of this property on the data object.
/** * @return the name of the Java method that can read the state of this property on the data object. */
public String getGetterMethod() { return getterMethod; }
Returns:the name of the Java method that will update the state of this property on the data object, the nature of the method depends on the isAdder() and isList() values.
/** * @return the name of the Java method that will update the state of this property on the data object, the nature of the method * depends on the {@link #isAdder()} and {@link #isList()} values. */
public String getSetterMethod() { return setterMethod; } public String getAdderMethod() { return adderMethod; }
Returns:the list of AnnotationValueInfo for this property
/** * @return the list of {@link AnnotationValueInfo} for this property */
public List<AnnotationValueInfo> getAnnotations() { return new ArrayList<>(annotations.values()); } public AnnotationValueInfo getAnnotation(String annotationName) { return annotations.get(annotationName); }
Returns:true if the property is managed as a single value
/** * @return true if the property is managed as a single value */
public boolean isValue() { return kind == PropertyKind.VALUE; }
Returns:true if the property is managed by a java.util.List<T>
/** * @return true if the property is managed by a {@code java.util.List<T>} */
public boolean isList() { return kind == PropertyKind.LIST; }
Returns:true if the property is managed by a java.util.Set<T>
/** * @return true if the property is managed by a {@code java.util.Set<T>} */
public boolean isSet() { return kind == PropertyKind.SET; }
Returns:true if the property is managed by a java.util.Map<String, T>
/** * @return true if the property is managed by a {@code java.util.Map<String, T>} */
public boolean isMap() { return kind == PropertyKind.MAP; }
Returns:true if the property has a setter method
/** * @return true if the property has a setter method */
public boolean isSetter() { return setterMethod != null; }
Returns:true if the property has an adder method
/** * @return true if the property has an adder method */
public boolean isAdder() { return adderMethod != null; }
Returns:true if the property is annotated, either on field or method
/** * @return true if the property is annotated, either on field or method */
public boolean isAnnotated() { return !annotations.isEmpty(); }
Returns:true if the property type can be converted to a Json type
/** * @return true if the property type can be converted to a Json type */
public boolean isJsonifiable() { return jsonifiable; }
Returns:true if the property has a @Deprecated annotation
/** * * @return {@code true} if the property has a {@code @Deprecated} annotation */
public boolean isDeprecated() { return deprecated; }
Returns:the description of deprecated
/** * @return the description of deprecated */
public Text getDeprecatedDesc() { return deprecatedDesc; } }