 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package io.undertow.servlet.handlers;

import static io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletPathMatch.Type.REDIRECT;
import static io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletPathMatch.Type.REWRITE;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.DispatcherType;
import javax.servlet.http.MappingMatch;

import io.undertow.server.HandlerWrapper;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.cache.LRUCache;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.resource.Resource;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.resource.ResourceManager;
import io.undertow.servlet.UndertowServletMessages;
import io.undertow.servlet.api.Deployment;
import io.undertow.servlet.api.DeploymentInfo;
import io.undertow.servlet.api.FilterMappingInfo;
import io.undertow.servlet.api.ServletInfo;
import io.undertow.servlet.core.ManagedFilter;
import io.undertow.servlet.core.ManagedFilters;
import io.undertow.servlet.core.ManagedServlet;
import io.undertow.servlet.core.ManagedServlets;
import io.undertow.servlet.handlers.security.ServletSecurityRoleHandler;

Facade around ServletPathMatchesData. This facade is responsible for re-generating the matches if anything changes.
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * Facade around {@link ServletPathMatchesData}. This facade is responsible for re-generating the matches if anything changes. * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class ServletPathMatches { public static final String DEFAULT_SERVLET_NAME = "default"; private final Deployment deployment; private volatile String[] welcomePages; private final ResourceManager resourceManager; private volatile ServletPathMatchesData data; private final LRUCache<String, ServletPathMatch> pathMatchCache = new LRUCache<>(1000, -1, true); //TODO: configurable public ServletPathMatches(final Deployment deployment) { this.deployment = deployment; this.welcomePages = deployment.getDeploymentInfo().getWelcomePages().toArray(new String[deployment.getDeploymentInfo().getWelcomePages().size()]); this.resourceManager = deployment.getDeploymentInfo().getResourceManager(); } public void initData(){ getData(); } public ServletChain getServletHandlerByName(final String name) { return getData().getServletHandlerByName(name); } public ServletPathMatch getServletHandlerByPath(final String path) { ServletPathMatch existing = pathMatchCache.get(path); if(existing != null) { return existing; } ServletPathMatch match = getData().getServletHandlerByPath(path); if (!match.isRequiredWelcomeFileMatch()) { pathMatchCache.add(path, match); return match; } try { String remaining = match.getRemaining() == null ? match.getMatched() : match.getRemaining(); Resource resource = resourceManager.getResource(remaining); if (resource == null || !resource.isDirectory()) { pathMatchCache.add(path, match); return match; } boolean pathEndsWithSlash = remaining.endsWith("/"); final String pathWithTrailingSlash = pathEndsWithSlash ? remaining : remaining + "/"; ServletPathMatch welcomePage = findWelcomeFile(pathWithTrailingSlash, !pathEndsWithSlash); if (welcomePage != null) { pathMatchCache.add(path, welcomePage); return welcomePage; } else { welcomePage = findWelcomeServlet(pathWithTrailingSlash, !pathEndsWithSlash); if (welcomePage != null) { pathMatchCache.add(path, welcomePage); return welcomePage; } else if(pathEndsWithSlash) { pathMatchCache.add(path, match); return match; } else { ServletPathMatch redirect = new ServletPathMatch(match.getServletChain(), match.getMatched(), match.getRemaining(), REDIRECT, "/"); pathMatchCache.add(path, redirect); return redirect; } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void invalidate() { this.data = null; this.pathMatchCache.clear(); } private ServletPathMatchesData getData() { ServletPathMatchesData data = this.data; if (data != null) { return data; } synchronized (this) { if (this.data != null) { return this.data; } return this.data = setupServletChains(); } } private ServletPathMatch findWelcomeFile(final String path, boolean requiresRedirect) { if(File.separatorChar != '/' && path.contains(File.separator)) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String i : welcomePages) { try { sb.append(path); sb.append(i); final String mergedPath = sb.toString(); sb.setLength(0); Resource resource = resourceManager.getResource(mergedPath); if (resource != null) { final ServletPathMatch handler = data.getServletHandlerByPath(mergedPath); return new ServletPathMatch(handler.getServletChain(), mergedPath, null, requiresRedirect ? REDIRECT : REWRITE, mergedPath); } } catch (IOException e) { } } return null; } private ServletPathMatch findWelcomeServlet(final String path, boolean requiresRedirect) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String i : welcomePages) { sb.append(path); sb.append(i); final String mergedPath = sb.toString(); sb.setLength(0); final ServletPathMatch handler = data.getServletHandlerByPath(mergedPath); if (handler != null && !handler.isRequiredWelcomeFileMatch()) { return new ServletPathMatch(handler.getServletChain(), handler.getMatched(), handler.getRemaining(), requiresRedirect ? REDIRECT : REWRITE, mergedPath); } } return null; } public void setWelcomePages(List<String> welcomePages) { this.welcomePages = welcomePages.toArray(new String[welcomePages.size()]); }
Sets up the handlers in the servlet chain. We setup a chain for every path + extension match possibility. (i.e. if there a m path mappings and n extension mappings we have n*m chains).

If a chain consists of only the default servlet then we add it as an async handler, so that resources can be served up directly without using blocking operations.

TODO: this logic is a bit convoluted at the moment, we should look at simplifying it
/** * Sets up the handlers in the servlet chain. We setup a chain for every path + extension match possibility. * (i.e. if there a m path mappings and n extension mappings we have n*m chains). * <p/> * If a chain consists of only the default servlet then we add it as an async handler, so that resources can be * served up directly without using blocking operations. * <p/> * TODO: this logic is a bit convoluted at the moment, we should look at simplifying it */
private ServletPathMatchesData setupServletChains() { //create the default servlet ServletHandler defaultServlet = null; final ManagedServlets servlets = deployment.getServlets(); final ManagedFilters filters = deployment.getFilters(); final Map<String, ServletHandler> extensionServlets = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, ServletHandler> pathServlets = new HashMap<>(); final Set<String> pathMatches = new HashSet<>(); final Set<String> extensionMatches = new HashSet<>(); DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = deployment.getDeploymentInfo(); //loop through all filter mappings, and add them to the set of known paths for (FilterMappingInfo mapping : deploymentInfo.getFilterMappings()) { if (mapping.getMappingType() == FilterMappingInfo.MappingType.URL) { String path = mapping.getMapping(); if (path.equals("*")) { //UNDERTOW-95, support this non-standard filter mapping path = "/*"; } if (!path.startsWith("*.")) { pathMatches.add(path); } else { extensionMatches.add(path.substring(2)); } } } //now loop through all servlets. for (Map.Entry<String, ServletHandler> entry : servlets.getServletHandlers().entrySet()) { final ServletHandler handler = entry.getValue(); //add the servlet to the approprite path maps for (String path : handler.getManagedServlet().getServletInfo().getMappings()) { if (path.equals("/")) { //the default servlet pathMatches.add("/*"); if (defaultServlet != null) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.twoServletsWithSameMapping(path); } defaultServlet = handler; } else if (!path.startsWith("*.")) { //either an exact or a /* based path match if (path.isEmpty()) { path = "/"; } pathMatches.add(path); if (pathServlets.containsKey(path)) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.twoServletsWithSameMapping(path); } pathServlets.put(path, handler); } else { //an extension match based servlet String ext = path.substring(2); extensionMatches.add(ext); if(extensionServlets.containsKey(ext)) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.twoServletsWithSameMapping(path); } extensionServlets.put(ext, handler); } } } ServletHandler managedDefaultServlet = servlets.getServletHandler(DEFAULT_SERVLET_NAME); if(managedDefaultServlet == null) { //we always create a default servlet, even if it is not going to have any path mappings registered managedDefaultServlet = servlets.addServlet(new ServletInfo(DEFAULT_SERVLET_NAME, DefaultServlet.class)); } if (defaultServlet == null) { //no explicit default servlet was specified, so we register our mapping pathMatches.add("/*"); defaultServlet = managedDefaultServlet; } final ServletPathMatchesData.Builder builder = ServletPathMatchesData.builder(); //we now loop over every path in the application, and build up the patches based on this path //these paths contain both /* and exact matches. for (final String path : pathMatches) { //resolve the target servlet, will return null if this is the default servlet MatchData targetServletMatch = resolveServletForPath(path, pathServlets, extensionServlets, defaultServlet); final Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>> noExtension = new EnumMap<>(DispatcherType.class); final Map<String, Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>>> extension = new HashMap<>(); //initalize the extension map. This contains all the filers in the noExtension map, plus //any filters that match the extension key for (String ext : extensionMatches) { extension.put(ext, new EnumMap<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>>(DispatcherType.class)); } //loop over all the filters, and add them to the appropriate map in the correct order for (final FilterMappingInfo filterMapping : deploymentInfo.getFilterMappings()) { ManagedFilter filter = filters.getManagedFilter(filterMapping.getFilterName()); if (filterMapping.getMappingType() == FilterMappingInfo.MappingType.SERVLET) { if (targetServletMatch.handler != null) { if (filterMapping.getMapping().equals(targetServletMatch.handler.getManagedServlet().getServletInfo().getName()) || filterMapping.getMapping().equals("*")) { addToListMap(noExtension, filterMapping.getDispatcher(), filter); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>>> entry : extension.entrySet()) { ServletHandler pathServlet = targetServletMatch.handler; boolean defaultServletMatch = targetServletMatch.defaultServlet; if (defaultServletMatch && extensionServlets.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { pathServlet = extensionServlets.get(entry.getKey()); } if (filterMapping.getMapping().equals(pathServlet.getManagedServlet().getServletInfo().getName()) || filterMapping.getMapping().equals("*")) { addToListMap(extension.get(entry.getKey()), filterMapping.getDispatcher(), filter); } } } else { if (filterMapping.getMapping().isEmpty() || !filterMapping.getMapping().startsWith("*.")) { if (isFilterApplicable(path, filterMapping.getMapping())) { addToListMap(noExtension, filterMapping.getDispatcher(), filter); for (Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>> l : extension.values()) { addToListMap(l, filterMapping.getDispatcher(), filter); } } } else { addToListMap(extension.get(filterMapping.getMapping().substring(2)), filterMapping.getDispatcher(), filter); } } } //resolve any matches and add them to the builder if (path.endsWith("/*")) { String prefix = path.substring(0, path.length() - 2); //add the default non-extension match builder.addPrefixMatch(prefix, createHandler(deploymentInfo, targetServletMatch.handler, noExtension, targetServletMatch.matchedPath, targetServletMatch.defaultServlet, targetServletMatch.mappingMatch, targetServletMatch.userPath), targetServletMatch.defaultServlet || targetServletMatch.handler.getManagedServlet().getServletInfo().isRequireWelcomeFileMapping()); //build up the chain for each non-extension match for (Map.Entry<String, Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>>> entry : extension.entrySet()) { ServletHandler pathServlet = targetServletMatch.handler; String pathMatch = targetServletMatch.matchedPath; boolean defaultServletMatch = targetServletMatch.defaultServlet; if (defaultServletMatch && extensionServlets.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { defaultServletMatch = false; pathServlet = extensionServlets.get(entry.getKey()); } HttpHandler handler = pathServlet; if (!entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { handler = new FilterHandler(entry.getValue(), deploymentInfo.isAllowNonStandardWrappers(), handler); } builder.addExtensionMatch(prefix, entry.getKey(), servletChain(handler, pathServlet.getManagedServlet(), entry.getValue(), pathMatch, deploymentInfo, defaultServletMatch, defaultServletMatch ? MappingMatch.DEFAULT : MappingMatch.EXTENSION, defaultServletMatch ? "/" : "*." + entry.getKey())); } } else if (path.isEmpty()) { //the context root match builder.addExactMatch("/", createHandler(deploymentInfo, targetServletMatch.handler, noExtension, targetServletMatch.matchedPath, targetServletMatch.defaultServlet, targetServletMatch.mappingMatch, targetServletMatch.userPath)); } else { //we need to check for an extension match, so paths like /exact.txt will have the correct filter applied int lastSegmentIndex = path.lastIndexOf('/'); String lastSegment; if(lastSegmentIndex > 0) { lastSegment = path.substring(lastSegmentIndex); } else { lastSegment = path; } if (lastSegment.contains(".")) { String ext = lastSegment.substring(lastSegment.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (extension.containsKey(ext)) { Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>> extMap = extension.get(ext); builder.addExactMatch(path, createHandler(deploymentInfo, targetServletMatch.handler, extMap, targetServletMatch.matchedPath, targetServletMatch.defaultServlet, targetServletMatch.mappingMatch, targetServletMatch.userPath)); } else { builder.addExactMatch(path, createHandler(deploymentInfo, targetServletMatch.handler, noExtension, targetServletMatch.matchedPath, targetServletMatch.defaultServlet, targetServletMatch.mappingMatch, targetServletMatch.userPath)); } } else { builder.addExactMatch(path, createHandler(deploymentInfo, targetServletMatch.handler, noExtension, targetServletMatch.matchedPath, targetServletMatch.defaultServlet, targetServletMatch.mappingMatch, targetServletMatch.userPath)); } } } //now setup name based mappings //these are used for name based dispatch for (Map.Entry<String, ServletHandler> entry : servlets.getServletHandlers().entrySet()) { final Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>> filtersByDispatcher = new EnumMap<>(DispatcherType.class); for (final FilterMappingInfo filterMapping : deploymentInfo.getFilterMappings()) { ManagedFilter filter = filters.getManagedFilter(filterMapping.getFilterName()); if (filterMapping.getMappingType() == FilterMappingInfo.MappingType.SERVLET) { if (filterMapping.getMapping().equals(entry.getKey())) { addToListMap(filtersByDispatcher, filterMapping.getDispatcher(), filter); } } } if (filtersByDispatcher.isEmpty()) { builder.addNameMatch(entry.getKey(), servletChain(entry.getValue(), entry.getValue().getManagedServlet(), filtersByDispatcher, null, deploymentInfo, false, MappingMatch.EXACT, "")); } else { builder.addNameMatch(entry.getKey(), servletChain(new FilterHandler(filtersByDispatcher, deploymentInfo.isAllowNonStandardWrappers(), entry.getValue()), entry.getValue().getManagedServlet(), filtersByDispatcher, null, deploymentInfo, false, MappingMatch.EXACT, "")); } } return builder.build(); } private ServletChain createHandler(final DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, final ServletHandler targetServlet, final Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>> noExtension, final String servletPath, final boolean defaultServlet, MappingMatch mappingMatch, String pattern) { final ServletChain initialHandler; if (noExtension.isEmpty()) { initialHandler = servletChain(targetServlet, targetServlet.getManagedServlet(), noExtension, servletPath, deploymentInfo, defaultServlet, mappingMatch, pattern); } else { FilterHandler handler = new FilterHandler(noExtension, deploymentInfo.isAllowNonStandardWrappers(), targetServlet); initialHandler = servletChain(handler, targetServlet.getManagedServlet(), noExtension, servletPath, deploymentInfo, defaultServlet, mappingMatch, pattern); } return initialHandler; } private static MatchData resolveServletForPath(final String path, final Map<String, ServletHandler> pathServlets, final Map<String, ServletHandler> extensionServlets, ServletHandler defaultServlet) { if (pathServlets.containsKey(path)) { if (path.endsWith("/*")) { final String base = path.substring(0, path.length() - 2); return new MatchData(pathServlets.get(path), base, path, MappingMatch.PATH, false); } else { if(path.equals("/")) { return new MatchData(pathServlets.get(path), path, "", MappingMatch.CONTEXT_ROOT, false); } return new MatchData(pathServlets.get(path), path, path, MappingMatch.EXACT, false); } } String match = null; ServletHandler servlet = null; String userPath = ""; for (final Map.Entry<String, ServletHandler> entry : pathServlets.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.endsWith("/*")) { final String base = key.substring(0, key.length() - 1); if (match == null || base.length() > match.length()) { if (path.startsWith(base) || path.equals(base.substring(0, base.length() - 1))) { match = base.substring(0, base.length() - 1); servlet = entry.getValue(); userPath = key; } } } } if (servlet != null) { return new MatchData(servlet, match, userPath, MappingMatch.PATH, false); } int index = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { String ext = path.substring(index + 1); servlet = extensionServlets.get(ext); if (servlet != null) { return new MatchData(servlet, null, "*." + ext, MappingMatch.EXTENSION, false); } } return new MatchData(defaultServlet, null, "/", MappingMatch.DEFAULT, true); } private static boolean isFilterApplicable(final String path, final String filterPath) { String modifiedPath; if (filterPath.equals("*")) { modifiedPath = "/*"; } else { modifiedPath = filterPath; } if (path.isEmpty()) { return modifiedPath.equals("/*") || modifiedPath.equals("/"); } if (modifiedPath.endsWith("/*")) { String baseFilterPath = modifiedPath.substring(0, modifiedPath.length() - 1); return path.startsWith(baseFilterPath); } else { return modifiedPath.equals(path); } } private static <K, V> void addToListMap(final Map<K, List<V>> map, final K key, final V value) { List<V> list = map.get(key); if (list == null) { map.put(key, list = new ArrayList<>()); } list.add(value); } private static ServletChain servletChain(HttpHandler next, final ManagedServlet managedServlet, Map<DispatcherType, List<ManagedFilter>> filters, final String servletPath, final DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, boolean defaultServlet, MappingMatch mappingMatch, String pattern) { HttpHandler servletHandler = next; if(!deploymentInfo.isSecurityDisabled()) { servletHandler = new ServletSecurityRoleHandler(servletHandler, deploymentInfo.getAuthorizationManager()); } servletHandler = wrapHandlers(servletHandler, managedServlet.getServletInfo().getHandlerChainWrappers()); return new ServletChain(servletHandler, managedServlet, servletPath, defaultServlet, mappingMatch, pattern, filters); } private static HttpHandler wrapHandlers(final HttpHandler wrapee, final List<HandlerWrapper> wrappers) { HttpHandler current = wrapee; for (HandlerWrapper wrapper : wrappers) { current = wrapper.wrap(current); } return current; } private static class MatchData { final ServletHandler handler; final String matchedPath; final String userPath; final MappingMatch mappingMatch; final boolean defaultServlet; private MatchData(final ServletHandler handler, final String matchedPath, String userPath, MappingMatch mappingMatch, boolean defaultServlet) { this.handler = handler; this.matchedPath = matchedPath; this.userPath = userPath; this.mappingMatch = mappingMatch; this.defaultServlet = defaultServlet; } } }