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package io.undertow.websockets.core;

import io.undertow.server.protocol.framed.FramePriority;

import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque;

Web socket frame priority
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * Web socket frame priority * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class WebSocketFramePriority implements FramePriority<WebSocketChannel, StreamSourceFrameChannel, StreamSinkFrameChannel> {
Strict ordering queue. Makes sure that the initial frame for a stream is sent in the order that send() is called.

Required to pass the autobahn test suite with no non-strict performance.

TODO: provide a way to disable this.

/** * Strict ordering queue. Makes sure that the initial frame for a stream is sent in the order that send() is called. * <p> * Required to pass the autobahn test suite with no non-strict performance. * <p> * TODO: provide a way to disable this. */
private final Queue<StreamSinkFrameChannel> strictOrderQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); private StreamSinkFrameChannel currentFragmentedSender; boolean closed = false; boolean immediateCloseFrame = false; @Override public boolean insertFrame(StreamSinkFrameChannel newFrame, List<StreamSinkFrameChannel> pendingFrames) { if (newFrame.getType() != WebSocketFrameType.PONG && newFrame.getType() != WebSocketFrameType.PING) { StreamSinkFrameChannel order = strictOrderQueue.peek(); if (order != null) { if (order != newFrame && order.isOpen()) { //generally we want to queue close frames immediately //however if the close frame is initiated from this side we respect the ordering //if the close frame is from the other side we have to echo it back immediately if (newFrame.getType() != WebSocketFrameType.CLOSE) { return false; } else if (!newFrame.getWebSocketChannel().isCloseFrameReceived() && !immediateCloseFrame) { return false; } } if(order == newFrame && newFrame.isFinalFragment()) { strictOrderQueue.poll(); } } } if (closed) { //drop the frame newFrame.markBroken(); return true; } if (currentFragmentedSender == null) { //we are not sending fragmented if (!newFrame.isWritesShutdown()) { //start of a fragmented message currentFragmentedSender = newFrame; } if (pendingFrames.isEmpty()) { pendingFrames.add(newFrame); } else if (newFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrameType.PING || newFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrameType.PONG) { //add at the start of the queue int index = 1; //index = 1 because the very first frame may be half written out already boolean done = false; //insert before the first frame that is not a ping or pong while (index < pendingFrames.size()) { WebSocketFrameType type = pendingFrames.get(index).getType(); if(type != WebSocketFrameType.PING && type != WebSocketFrameType.PONG) { pendingFrames.add(index, newFrame); done = true; break; } index++; } if(!done) { pendingFrames.add(newFrame); } } else { pendingFrames.add(newFrame); } } else if (newFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrameType.PING || newFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrameType.PONG) { //we stick ping and pong in the middle of fragmentation if (pendingFrames.isEmpty()) { pendingFrames.add(newFrame); } else { pendingFrames.add(1, newFrame); } } else { //we are currently sending fragmented, we can't queue and non control messages if (currentFragmentedSender != newFrame) { return false; } else { if (newFrame.isFinalFragment()) { currentFragmentedSender = null; } pendingFrames.add(newFrame); } } if (newFrame.getType() == WebSocketFrameType.CLOSE) { closed = true; } return true; } @Override public void frameAdded(StreamSinkFrameChannel addedFrame, List<StreamSinkFrameChannel> pendingFrames, Deque<StreamSinkFrameChannel> holdFrames) { if (addedFrame.isFinalFragment()) { while (true) { StreamSinkFrameChannel frame = strictOrderQueue.peek(); if(frame == null) { break; } if(holdFrames.contains(frame)) { if(insertFrame(frame, pendingFrames)) { holdFrames.remove(frame); } else { break; } } else { break; } } while (!holdFrames.isEmpty()) { StreamSinkFrameChannel frame = holdFrames.peek(); if (insertFrame(frame, pendingFrames)) { holdFrames.poll(); } else { return; } } } } void addToOrderQueue(final StreamSinkFrameChannel channel) { if (channel.getType() != WebSocketFrameType.PING && channel.getType() != WebSocketFrameType.PONG) { strictOrderQueue.add(channel); } } void immediateCloseFrame() { this.immediateCloseFrame = true; } }