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package io.undertow.util;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

A utility class that can check known user agents which are known to be incompatible with SameSite=None attribute.

  • Versions of Chrome from Chrome 51 to Chrome 66 (inclusive on both ends). These Chrome versions will reject a cookie with `SameSite=None`. This also affects older versions of Chromium-derived browsers, as well as Android WebView. This behavior was correct according to the version of the cookie specification at that time, but with the addition of the new "None" value to the specification, this behavior has been updated in Chrome 67 and newer. (Prior to Chrome 51, the SameSite attribute was ignored entirely and all cookies were treated as if they were `SameSite=None`.)
  • Versions of UC Browser on Android prior to version 12.13.2. Older versions will reject a cookie with `SameSite=None`. This behavior was correct according to the version of the cookie specification at that time, but with the addition of the new "None" value to the specification, this behavior has been updated in newer versions of UC Browser.
  • Versions of Safari and embedded browsers on MacOS 10.14 and all browsers on iOS 12. These versions will erroneously treat cookies marked with `SameSite=None` as if they were marked `SameSite=Strict`. This bug has been fixed on newer versions of iOS and MacOS.

See Also:
/** * A utility class that can check known user agents which are known to be incompatible with SameSite=None attribute. * <p> * <ul> * <li>Versions of Chrome from Chrome 51 to Chrome 66 (inclusive on both ends). * These Chrome versions will reject a cookie with `SameSite=None`. This also * affects older versions of Chromium-derived browsers, as well as Android WebView. * This behavior was correct according to the version of the cookie specification * at that time, but with the addition of the new "None" value to the specification, * this behavior has been updated in Chrome 67 and newer. (Prior to Chrome 51, * the SameSite attribute was ignored entirely and all cookies were treated as if * they were `SameSite=None`.)</li> * <li>Versions of UC Browser on Android prior to version 12.13.2. Older versions * will reject a cookie with `SameSite=None`. This behavior was correct according * to the version of the cookie specification at that time, but with the addition of * the new "None" value to the specification, this behavior has been updated in newer * versions of UC Browser. * <li>Versions of Safari and embedded browsers on MacOS 10.14 and all browsers on iOS 12. * These versions will erroneously treat cookies marked with `SameSite=None` as if they * were marked `SameSite=Strict`. This bug has been fixed on newer versions of iOS and MacOS. * </ul> * <p> * @see <a href="https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/incompatible-clients">SameSite=None: Known Incompatible Clients</a>. */
public final class SameSiteNoneIncompatibleClientChecker {
User Agents Regex Patterns
/** * User Agents Regex Patterns */
private static final Pattern IOS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\(iP.+; CPU .*OS (\\d+)[_\\d]*.*\\) AppleWebKit\\/"); private static final Pattern MACOSX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\(Macintosh;.*Mac OS X (\\d+)_(\\d+)[_\\d]*.*\\) AppleWebKit\\/"); private static final Pattern SAFARI_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Version\\/.* Safari\\/"); private static final Pattern MAC_EMBEDDED_BROWSER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^Mozilla\\/[\\.\\d]+ \\(Macintosh;.*Mac OS X [_\\d]+\\) AppleWebKit\\/[\\.\\d]+ \\(KHTML, like Gecko\\)$"); private static final Pattern CHROMIUM_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Chrom(e|ium)"); private static final Pattern CHROMIUM_VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Chrom[^ \\/]+\\/(\\d+)[\\.\\d]* "); // private static final Pattern UC_BROWSER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("UCBrowser\\/"); private static final Pattern UC_BROWSER_VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("UCBrowser\\/(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)[\\.\\d]* "); public static boolean shouldSendSameSiteNone(String useragent) { return !isSameSiteNoneIncompatible(useragent); } // browsers known to be incompatible. public static boolean isSameSiteNoneIncompatible(String useragent) { if (useragent == null || useragent.isEmpty()) { return false; } return hasWebKitSameSiteBug(useragent) || dropsUnrecognizedSameSiteCookies(useragent); } private static boolean hasWebKitSameSiteBug(String useragent) { return isIosVersion(12, useragent) || (isMacosxVersion(10, 14, useragent) && (isSafari(useragent) || isMacEmbeddedBrowser(useragent))); } private static boolean dropsUnrecognizedSameSiteCookies(String useragent) { if (isUcBrowser(useragent)) { return !isUcBrowserVersionAtLeast(12, 13, 2, useragent); } return isChromiumBased(useragent) && isChromiumVersionAtLeast(51, useragent) && !isChromiumVersionAtLeast(67, useragent); } // Regex parsing of User-Agent String. (See note above!) private static boolean isIosVersion(int major, String useragent) { Matcher m = IOS_PATTERN.matcher(useragent); if (m.find()) { // Extract digits from first capturing group. return String.valueOf(major).equals(m.group(1)); } return false; } private static boolean isMacosxVersion(int major, int minor, String useragent) { Matcher m = MACOSX_PATTERN.matcher(useragent); if (m.find()) { // Extract digits from first and second capturing groups. return String.valueOf(major).equals(m.group(1)) && String.valueOf(minor).equals(m.group(2)); } return false; } private static boolean isSafari(String useragent) { return SAFARI_PATTERN.matcher(useragent).find() && !isChromiumBased(useragent); } private static boolean isMacEmbeddedBrowser(String useragent) { return MAC_EMBEDDED_BROWSER_PATTERN.matcher(useragent).find(); } private static boolean isChromiumBased(String useragent) { return CHROMIUM_PATTERN.matcher(useragent).find(); } private static boolean isChromiumVersionAtLeast(int major, String useragent) { Matcher m = CHROMIUM_VERSION_PATTERN.matcher(useragent); if (m.find()) { // Extract digits from first capturing group. int version = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1)); return version >= major; } return false; } static boolean isUcBrowser(String useragent) { return useragent.contains("UCBrowser/"); } private static boolean isUcBrowserVersionAtLeast(int major, int minor, int build, String useragent) { Matcher m = UC_BROWSER_VERSION_PATTERN.matcher(useragent); if (m.find()) { // Extract digits from three capturing groups. int major_version = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1)); int minor_version = Integer.parseInt(m.group(2)); int build_version = Integer.parseInt(m.group(3)); if (major_version != major) { return major_version > major; } if (minor_version != minor) { return minor_version > minor; } return build_version >= build; } return false; } }