package io.undertow.server.handlers.resource;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.UndertowMessages;
import io.undertow.util.ETag;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.xnio.FileChangeCallback;
import org.xnio.FileChangeEvent;
import org.xnio.FileSystemWatcher;
import org.xnio.OptionMap;
import org.xnio.Xnio;

import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;

Serves files from the file system.
/** * Serves files from the file system. */
public class PathResourceManager implements ResourceManager { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PathResourceManager.class.getName()); private static final boolean DEFAULT_CHANGE_LISTENERS_ALLOWED = !Boolean.getBoolean("io.undertow.disable-file-system-watcher"); private static final long DEFAULT_TRANSFER_MIN_SIZE = 1024; private static final ETagFunction NULL_ETAG_FUNCTION = new ETagFunction() { @Override public ETag generate(Path path) { return null; } }; private final List<ResourceChangeListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); private FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher; protected volatile String base; protected volatile FileSystem fileSystem;
Size to use direct FS to network transfer (if supported by OS/JDK) instead of read/write
/** * Size to use direct FS to network transfer (if supported by OS/JDK) instead of read/write */
private final long transferMinSize;
Check to validate caseSensitive issues for specific case-insensitive FS.
See Also:
  • isFileSameCase.isFileSameCase(Path, String)
/** * Check to validate caseSensitive issues for specific case-insensitive FS. * @see io.undertow.server.handlers.resource.PathResourceManager#isFileSameCase(java.nio.file.Path, String) */
private final boolean caseSensitive;
Check to allow follow symbolic links
/** * Check to allow follow symbolic links */
private final boolean followLinks;
Used if followLinks == true. Set of paths valid to follow symbolic links. If this is empty and followLinks it true then all links will be followed
/** * Used if followLinks == true. Set of paths valid to follow symbolic links. If this is empty and followLinks * it true then all links will be followed */
private final TreeSet<String> safePaths = new TreeSet<>(); private final ETagFunction eTagFunction; private final boolean allowResourceChangeListeners; public PathResourceManager(final Path base) { this(base, DEFAULT_TRANSFER_MIN_SIZE, true, false, null); } public PathResourceManager(final Path base, long transferMinSize) { this(base, transferMinSize, true, false, null); } public PathResourceManager(final Path base, long transferMinSize, boolean caseSensitive) { this(base, transferMinSize, caseSensitive, false, null); } public PathResourceManager(final Path base, long transferMinSize, boolean followLinks, final String... safePaths) { this(base, transferMinSize, true, followLinks, safePaths); } protected PathResourceManager(long transferMinSize, boolean caseSensitive, boolean followLinks, final String... safePaths) { this(transferMinSize, caseSensitive, followLinks, DEFAULT_CHANGE_LISTENERS_ALLOWED, safePaths); } protected PathResourceManager(long transferMinSize, boolean caseSensitive, boolean followLinks, boolean allowResourceChangeListeners, final String... safePaths) { this.fileSystem = FileSystems.getDefault(); this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive; this.followLinks = followLinks; this.transferMinSize = transferMinSize; this.allowResourceChangeListeners = allowResourceChangeListeners; if (this.followLinks) { if (safePaths == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("safePaths"); } for (final String safePath : safePaths) { if (safePath == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("safePaths"); } } this.safePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(safePaths)); } this.eTagFunction = NULL_ETAG_FUNCTION; } public PathResourceManager(final Path base, long transferMinSize, boolean caseSensitive, boolean followLinks, final String... safePaths) { this(base, transferMinSize, caseSensitive, followLinks, DEFAULT_CHANGE_LISTENERS_ALLOWED, safePaths); } public PathResourceManager(final Path base, long transferMinSize, boolean caseSensitive, boolean followLinks, boolean allowResourceChangeListeners, final String... safePaths) { this(builder() .setBase(base) .setTransferMinSize(transferMinSize) .setCaseSensitive(caseSensitive) .setFollowLinks(followLinks) .setAllowResourceChangeListeners(allowResourceChangeListeners) .setSafePaths(safePaths)); } private PathResourceManager(Builder builder) { this.allowResourceChangeListeners = builder.allowResourceChangeListeners; if (builder.base == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("base"); } this.fileSystem = builder.base.getFileSystem(); String basePath = builder.base.normalize().toAbsolutePath().toString(); if (!basePath.endsWith(fileSystem.getSeparator())) { basePath = basePath + fileSystem.getSeparator(); } this.base = basePath; this.transferMinSize = builder.transferMinSize; this.caseSensitive = builder.caseSensitive; this.followLinks = builder.followLinks; if (this.followLinks) { if (builder.safePaths == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("safePaths"); } for (final String safePath : builder.safePaths) { if (safePath == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("safePaths"); } } this.safePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(builder.safePaths)); } this.eTagFunction = builder.eTagFunction; } public Path getBasePath() { return fileSystem.getPath(base); } public PathResourceManager setBase(final Path base) { if (base == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("base"); } this.fileSystem = base.getFileSystem(); String basePath = base.toAbsolutePath().toString(); if (!basePath.endsWith(fileSystem.getSeparator())) { basePath = basePath + fileSystem.getSeparator(); } this.base = basePath; return this; } public PathResourceManager setBase(final File base) { if (base == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("base"); } this.fileSystem = FileSystems.getDefault(); String basePath = base.getAbsolutePath(); if (!basePath.endsWith(fileSystem.getSeparator())) { basePath = basePath + fileSystem.getSeparator(); } this.base = basePath; return this; } public Resource getResource(final String p) { String path; //base always ends with a / if (p.startsWith("/")) { path = p.substring(1); } else { path = p; } try { Path file = fileSystem.getPath(base, path); String normalizedFile = file.normalize().toString(); if(!normalizedFile.startsWith(base)) { if(normalizedFile.length() == base.length() - 1) { //special case for the root path, which may not have a trailing slash if(!base.startsWith(normalizedFile)) { log.tracef("Failed to get path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as file was outside the base directory", p, base); return null; } } else { log.tracef("Failed to get path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as file was outside the base directory", p, base); return null; } } if (Files.exists(file)) { if(path.endsWith("/") && ! Files.isDirectory(file)) { //UNDERTOW-432 don't return non directories if the path ends with a / log.tracef("Failed to get path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as path ended with a / but was not a directory", p, base); return null; } boolean followAll = this.followLinks && safePaths.isEmpty(); SymlinkResult symlinkBase = getSymlinkBase(base, file); if (!followAll && symlinkBase != null && symlinkBase.requiresCheck) { if (this.followLinks && isSymlinkSafe(file)) { return getFileResource(file, path, symlinkBase.path, normalizedFile); } else { log.tracef("Failed to get path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as it was not a safe symlink path", p, base); return null; } } else { return getFileResource(file, path, symlinkBase == null ? null : symlinkBase.path, normalizedFile); } } else { log.tracef("Failed to get path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as the path did not exist", p, base); return null; } } catch (IOException e) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_LOGGER.debugf(e, "Invalid path %s", p); return null; } catch (SecurityException e) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_LOGGER.errorf(e, "Missing JSM permissions for path %s", p); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_LOGGER.debugf(e, "Other issue for path %s", p); return null; } } @Override public boolean isResourceChangeListenerSupported() { return allowResourceChangeListeners; } @Override public synchronized void registerResourceChangeListener(ResourceChangeListener listener) { if(!allowResourceChangeListeners) { //by rights we should throw an exception here, but this works around a bug in Wildfly where it just assumes //PathResourceManager supports this. This will be fixed in a later version return; } if (!fileSystem.equals(FileSystems.getDefault())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Resource change listeners not supported when using a non-default file system"); } listeners.add(listener); if (fileSystemWatcher == null) { fileSystemWatcher = Xnio.getInstance().createFileSystemWatcher("Watcher for " + base, OptionMap.EMPTY); fileSystemWatcher.watchPath(new File(base), new FileChangeCallback() { @Override public void handleChanges(Collection<FileChangeEvent> changes) { synchronized (PathResourceManager.this) { final List<ResourceChangeEvent> events = new ArrayList<>(); for (FileChangeEvent change : changes) { if (change.getFile().getAbsolutePath().startsWith(base)) { String path = change.getFile().getAbsolutePath().substring(base.length()); if (File.separatorChar == '\\' && path.contains(File.separator)) { path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } events.add(new ResourceChangeEvent(path, ResourceChangeEvent.Type.valueOf(change.getType().name()))); } } for (ResourceChangeListener listener : listeners) { listener.handleChanges(events); } } } }); } } @Override public synchronized void removeResourceChangeListener(ResourceChangeListener listener) { if(!allowResourceChangeListeners) { return; } listeners.remove(listener); } public long getTransferMinSize() { return transferMinSize; } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (fileSystemWatcher != null) { fileSystemWatcher.close(); } }
Returns true is some element of path inside base path is a symlink.
/** * Returns true is some element of path inside base path is a symlink. */
private SymlinkResult getSymlinkBase(final String base, final Path file) throws IOException { int nameCount = file.getNameCount(); Path root = fileSystem.getPath(base); int rootCount = root.getNameCount(); Path f = file; for (int i = nameCount - 1; i>=0; i--) { if (SecurityActions.isSymbolicLink(f)) { return new SymlinkResult(i+1 > rootCount, f); } f = f.getParent(); } return null; }
Security check for case insensitive file systems. We make sure the case of the filename matches the case of the request. This is only a check for case sensitivity, not for non canonical . and ../ which are allowed. For example: file.getName() == "page.jsp" && file.getCanonicalFile().getName() == "page.jsp" should return true file.getName() == "page.jsp" && file.getCanonicalFile().getName() == "page.JSP" should return false file.getName() == "./page.jsp" && file.getCanonicalFile().getName() == "page.jsp" should return true
/** * Security check for case insensitive file systems. * We make sure the case of the filename matches the case of the request. * This is only a check for case sensitivity, not for non canonical . and ../ which are allowed. * * For example: * file.getName() == "page.jsp" && file.getCanonicalFile().getName() == "page.jsp" should return true * file.getName() == "page.jsp" && file.getCanonicalFile().getName() == "page.JSP" should return false * file.getName() == "./page.jsp" && file.getCanonicalFile().getName() == "page.jsp" should return true */
private boolean isFileSameCase(final Path file, String normalizeFile) throws IOException { String canonicalName = file.toRealPath().toString(); return canonicalName.equals(normalizeFile); }
Security check for followSymlinks feature. Only follows those symbolink links defined in safePaths.
/** * Security check for followSymlinks feature. * Only follows those symbolink links defined in safePaths. */
private boolean isSymlinkSafe(final Path file) throws IOException { String canonicalPath = file.toRealPath().toString(); for (String safePath : this.safePaths) { if (safePath.length() > 0) { if (safePath.startsWith(fileSystem.getSeparator())) { /* * Absolute path */ if (safePath.length() > 0 && canonicalPath.length() >= safePath.length() && canonicalPath.startsWith(safePath)) { return true; } } else { /* * In relative path we build the path appending to base */ String absSafePath = base + fileSystem.getSeparator() + safePath; Path absSafePathFile = fileSystem.getPath(absSafePath); String canonicalSafePath = absSafePathFile.toRealPath().toString(); if (canonicalSafePath.length() > 0 && canonicalPath.length() >= canonicalSafePath.length() && canonicalPath.startsWith(canonicalSafePath)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
Apply security check for case insensitive file systems.
/** * Apply security check for case insensitive file systems. */
protected PathResource getFileResource(final Path file, final String path, final Path symlinkBase, String normalizedFile) throws IOException { if (this.caseSensitive) { if (symlinkBase != null) { String relative = symlinkBase.relativize(file.normalize()).toString(); String fileResolved = file.toRealPath().toString(); String symlinkBaseResolved = symlinkBase.toRealPath().toString(); if (!fileResolved.startsWith(symlinkBaseResolved)) { log.tracef("Rejected path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as the case did not match actual case of %s", path, base, normalizedFile); return null; } String compare = fileResolved.substring(symlinkBaseResolved.length()); if(compare.startsWith(fileSystem.getSeparator())) { compare = compare.substring(fileSystem.getSeparator().length()); } if(relative.startsWith(fileSystem.getSeparator())) { relative = relative.substring(fileSystem.getSeparator().length()); } if (relative.equals(compare)) { log.tracef("Found path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s", path, base); return new PathResource(file, this, path, eTagFunction.generate(file)); } log.tracef("Rejected path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as the case did not match actual case of %s", path, base, normalizedFile); return null; } else if (isFileSameCase(file, normalizedFile)) { log.tracef("Found path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s", path, base); return new PathResource(file, this, path, eTagFunction.generate(file)); } else { log.tracef("Rejected path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s, as the case did not match actual case of %s", path, base, normalizedFile); return null; } } else { log.tracef("Found path resource %s from path resource manager with base %s", path, base); return new PathResource(file, this, path, eTagFunction.generate(file)); } } private static class SymlinkResult { public final boolean requiresCheck; public final Path path; private SymlinkResult(boolean requiresCheck, Path path) { this.requiresCheck = requiresCheck; this.path = path; } } public interface ETagFunction {
Generates an ETag for the provided Path.
  • path – Path for which to generate an ETag
Returns:ETag representing the provided path, or null
/** * Generates an {@link ETag} for the provided {@link Path}. * * @param path Path for which to generate an ETag * @return ETag representing the provided path, or null */
ETag generate(Path path); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static final class Builder { private Path base; private long transferMinSize = DEFAULT_TRANSFER_MIN_SIZE; private boolean caseSensitive = true; private boolean followLinks = false; private boolean allowResourceChangeListeners = DEFAULT_CHANGE_LISTENERS_ALLOWED; private ETagFunction eTagFunction = NULL_ETAG_FUNCTION; private String[] safePaths; private Builder() { } public Builder setBase(Path base) { this.base = base; return this; } public Builder setTransferMinSize(long transferMinSize) { this.transferMinSize = transferMinSize; return this; } public Builder setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) { this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive; return this; } public Builder setFollowLinks(boolean followLinks) { this.followLinks = followLinks; return this; } public Builder setAllowResourceChangeListeners(boolean allowResourceChangeListeners) { this.allowResourceChangeListeners = allowResourceChangeListeners; return this; } public Builder setETagFunction(ETagFunction eTagFunction) { this.eTagFunction = eTagFunction; return this; } public Builder setSafePaths(String[] safePaths) { this.safePaths = safePaths; return this; } public ResourceManager build() { return new PathResourceManager(this); } } }