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package io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy;

import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

Factory for route/affinity iterator parser. This implementation lazily parses routes while supporting strategies in RouteParsingStrategy including ranked routing. The iterator never creates new String instances but returns a CharSequence wrapper from the existing session ID.
Author:Radoslav Husar
/** * Factory for route/affinity iterator parser. This implementation lazily parses routes while supporting strategies in * {@link RouteParsingStrategy} including ranked routing. The iterator never creates new String instances but returns * a CharSequence wrapper from the existing session ID. * * @author Radoslav Husar */
public class RouteIteratorFactory { public enum ParsingCompatibility { MOD_JK, MOD_CLUSTER, } private final RouteParsingStrategy routeParsingStrategy; private final ParsingCompatibility parsingCompatibility; private final String rankedRouteDelimiter;
  • routeParsingStrategy – route parsing strategy
  • parsingCompatibility – route parsing compatibility behavior
/** * @param routeParsingStrategy route parsing strategy * @param parsingCompatibility route parsing compatibility behavior */
public RouteIteratorFactory(RouteParsingStrategy routeParsingStrategy, ParsingCompatibility parsingCompatibility) { this(routeParsingStrategy, parsingCompatibility, null); }
  • routeParsingStrategy – route parsing strategy
  • parsingCompatibility – route parsing compatibility behavior
  • rankedRouteDelimiter – String sequence to split routes at if ranked routing is enabled
/** * @param routeParsingStrategy route parsing strategy * @param parsingCompatibility route parsing compatibility behavior * @param rankedRouteDelimiter String sequence to split routes at if ranked routing is enabled */
public RouteIteratorFactory(RouteParsingStrategy routeParsingStrategy, ParsingCompatibility parsingCompatibility, String rankedRouteDelimiter) { if (routeParsingStrategy == RouteParsingStrategy.RANKED && rankedRouteDelimiter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.routeParsingStrategy = routeParsingStrategy; this.parsingCompatibility = parsingCompatibility; this.rankedRouteDelimiter = rankedRouteDelimiter; }
Returns an Iterator<CharSequence> of routes.
  • sessionId – String of sessionID from the cookie/parameter possibly including encoded/appended affinity/route information
Returns:routes iterator; never returns null
/** * Returns an {@link Iterator<CharSequence>} of routes. * * @param sessionId String of sessionID from the cookie/parameter possibly including encoded/appended affinity/route information * @return routes iterator; never returns {@code null} */
public Iterator<CharSequence> iterator(String sessionId) { return new RouteIterator(sessionId); } private class RouteIterator implements Iterator<CharSequence> { private final String sessionId; private boolean nextResolved; private int nextPos; private CharSequence next; RouteIterator(String sessionId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; if (routeParsingStrategy == RouteParsingStrategy.NONE) { this.nextResolved = true; this.next = null; } else { int index = (sessionId == null) ? -1 : sessionId.indexOf('.'); if (index == -1) { // Case where there is no routing information at all. this.nextResolved = true; this.next = null; } else { nextPos = index + 1; } } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { resolveNext(); return next != null; } @Override public CharSequence next() { resolveNext(); if (next != null) { CharSequence result = next; nextResolved = (routeParsingStrategy != RouteParsingStrategy.RANKED); next = null; return result; } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } private void resolveNext() { if (!nextResolved) { if (routeParsingStrategy != RouteParsingStrategy.RANKED) { if (parsingCompatibility == ParsingCompatibility.MOD_JK) { // mod_jk aka LoadBalancingProxyClient uses mod_jk parsing mechanism though never supports domain // it treats route only as the sequence after the first "." but before the second "."; // i.e. does not allow "." in route int last = sessionId.indexOf('.', nextPos); if (last == -1) { last = sessionId.length(); } next = CharBuffer.wrap(sessionId, nextPos, last); } else { // mod_cluster treats everything after first "." as the route; i.e. allows "." in route next = CharBuffer.wrap(sessionId, nextPos, sessionId.length()); } } else if (nextPos >= sessionId.length()) { next = null; } else { int currentPos = sessionId.indexOf(rankedRouteDelimiter, nextPos); next = CharBuffer.wrap(sessionId, nextPos, (currentPos != -1) ? currentPos : sessionId.length()); nextPos += next.length() + rankedRouteDelimiter.length(); } nextResolved = true; } } } }