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package io.undertow.server.handlers;

import io.undertow.UndertowMessages;
import io.undertow.server.ExchangeCompletionListener;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.util.StatusCodes;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator;

Handler that allows for graceful server shutdown. Basically it provides a way to prevent the server from accepting new requests, and wait for existing requests to complete.

The handler itself does not shut anything down.

Import: The thread safety semantics of the handler are very important. Don't touch anything unless you know what you are doing.

Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * Handler that allows for graceful server shutdown. Basically it provides a way to prevent the server from * accepting new requests, and wait for existing requests to complete. * <p> * The handler itself does not shut anything down. * <p> * Import: The thread safety semantics of the handler are very important. Don't touch anything unless you know * what you are doing. * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class GracefulShutdownHandler implements HttpHandler { private static final long SHUTDOWN_MASK = 1L << 63; private static final long ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK = (1L << 63) - 1; private static final LongUnaryOperator incrementActive = current -> { long incrementedActiveCount = activeCount(current) + 1; return incrementedActiveCount | (current & ~ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK); }; private static final LongUnaryOperator incrementActiveAndShutdown = incrementActive.andThen(current -> current | SHUTDOWN_MASK); private static final LongUnaryOperator decrementActive = current -> { long decrementedActiveCount = activeCount(current) - 1; return decrementedActiveCount | (current & ~ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK); }; private final GracefulShutdownListener listener = new GracefulShutdownListener(); private final List<ShutdownListener> shutdownListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private final Object lock = new Object(); private volatile long state = 0; private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<GracefulShutdownHandler> stateUpdater = AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(GracefulShutdownHandler.class, "state"); private final HttpHandler next; public GracefulShutdownHandler(HttpHandler next) { this.next = next; } private static boolean isShutdown(long state) { return (state & SHUTDOWN_MASK) != 0; } private static long activeCount(long state) { return state & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK; } @Override public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception { long snapshot = stateUpdater.updateAndGet(this, incrementActive); if (isShutdown(snapshot)) { decrementRequests(); exchange.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); exchange.endExchange(); return; } exchange.addExchangeCompleteListener(listener); next.handleRequest(exchange); } public void shutdown() { //the request count is never zero when shutdown is set to true stateUpdater.updateAndGet(this, incrementActiveAndShutdown); decrementRequests(); } public void start() { synchronized (lock) { stateUpdater.updateAndGet(this, current -> current & ACTIVE_COUNT_MASK); for (ShutdownListener listener : shutdownListeners) { listener.shutdown(false); } shutdownListeners.clear(); } } private void shutdownComplete() { synchronized (lock) { lock.notifyAll(); for (ShutdownListener listener : shutdownListeners) { listener.shutdown(true); } shutdownListeners.clear(); } }
Waits for the handler to shutdown.
/** * Waits for the handler to shutdown. */
public void awaitShutdown() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (lock) { if (!isShutdown(stateUpdater.get(this))) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.handlerNotShutdown(); } while (activeCount(stateUpdater.get(this)) > 0) { lock.wait(); } } }
Waits a set length of time for the handler to shut down
  • millis – The length of time
Returns:true If the handler successfully shut down
/** * Waits a set length of time for the handler to shut down * * @param millis The length of time * @return <code>true</code> If the handler successfully shut down */
public boolean awaitShutdown(long millis) throws InterruptedException { synchronized (lock) { if (!isShutdown(stateUpdater.get(this))) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.handlerNotShutdown(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + millis; while (activeCount(stateUpdater.get(this)) != 0) { long left = end - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (left <= 0) { return false; } lock.wait(left); } return true; } }
Adds a shutdown listener that will be invoked when all requests have finished. If all requests have already been finished the listener will be invoked immediately.
  • shutdownListener – The shutdown listener
/** * Adds a shutdown listener that will be invoked when all requests have finished. If all requests have already been finished * the listener will be invoked immediately. * * @param shutdownListener The shutdown listener */
public void addShutdownListener(final ShutdownListener shutdownListener) { synchronized (lock) { if (!isShutdown(stateUpdater.get(this))) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.handlerNotShutdown(); } long count = activeCount(stateUpdater.get(this)); if (count == 0) { shutdownListener.shutdown(true); } else { shutdownListeners.add(shutdownListener); } } } private void decrementRequests() { long snapshot = stateUpdater.updateAndGet(this, decrementActive); // Shutdown has completed when the activeCount portion is zero, and shutdown is set. if (snapshot == SHUTDOWN_MASK) { shutdownComplete(); } } private final class GracefulShutdownListener implements ExchangeCompletionListener { @Override public void exchangeEvent(HttpServerExchange exchange, NextListener nextListener) { try { decrementRequests(); } finally { nextListener.proceed(); } } }
A listener which can be registered with the handler to be notified when all pending requests have finished.
/** * A listener which can be registered with the handler to be notified when all pending requests have finished. */
public interface ShutdownListener {
Notification that the container has shutdown.
  • shutdownSuccessful – If the shutdown succeeded or not
/** * Notification that the container has shutdown. * * @param shutdownSuccessful If the shutdown succeeded or not */
void shutdown(boolean shutdownSuccessful); } }