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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.undertow.protocols.http2;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import org.xnio.Bits;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.ChannelListeners;
import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.channels.StreamSinkChannel;

import io.undertow.server.protocol.framed.FrameHeaderData;
import io.undertow.util.HeaderMap;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;

Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class Http2StreamSourceChannel extends AbstractHttp2StreamSourceChannel implements Http2Stream{
Flag that is set if the headers frame has the end stream flag set, but not end headers which means the last continuation frame is the end of the stream.
/** * Flag that is set if the headers frame has the end stream flag set, but not end headers * which means the last continuation frame is the end of the stream. */
private boolean headersEndStream = false; private boolean rst = false; private final HeaderMap headers; private final int streamId; private Http2HeadersStreamSinkChannel response; private int flowControlWindow; private ChannelListener<Http2StreamSourceChannel> completionListener; private int remainingPadding;
This is a bit of a hack, basically it allows the container to delay sending a RST_STREAM on a channel that is knows is broken, because it wants to delay the RST until after the response has been set Used for handling the super nasty 100-continue logic
/** * This is a bit of a hack, basically it allows the container to delay sending a RST_STREAM on a channel that is knows is broken, * because it wants to delay the RST until after the response has been set * * Used for handling the super nasty 100-continue logic */
private boolean ignoreForceClose = false; private long contentLengthRemaining; private TrailersHandler trailersHandler; Http2StreamSourceChannel(Http2Channel framedChannel, PooledByteBuffer data, long frameDataRemaining, HeaderMap headers, int streamId) { super(framedChannel, data, frameDataRemaining); this.headers = headers; this.streamId = streamId; this.flowControlWindow = framedChannel.getInitialReceiveWindowSize(); String contentLengthString = headers.getFirst(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH); if(contentLengthString != null) { contentLengthRemaining = Long.parseLong(contentLengthString); } else { contentLengthRemaining = -1; } } @Override protected void handleHeaderData(FrameHeaderData headerData) { Http2FrameHeaderParser data = (Http2FrameHeaderParser) headerData; Http2PushBackParser parser = data.getParser(); if(parser instanceof Http2DataFrameParser) { remainingPadding = ((Http2DataFrameParser) parser).getPadding(); if(remainingPadding > 0) { try { updateFlowControlWindow(remainingPadding + 1); } catch (IOException e) { IoUtils.safeClose(getFramedChannel()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } else if(parser instanceof Http2HeadersParser) { if(trailersHandler != null) { trailersHandler.handleTrailers(((Http2HeadersParser) parser).getHeaderMap()); } } handleFinalFrame(data); } @Override protected long updateFrameDataRemaining(PooledByteBuffer data, long frameDataRemaining) { long actualDataRemaining = frameDataRemaining - remainingPadding; if(data.getBuffer().remaining() > actualDataRemaining) { long paddingThisBuffer = data.getBuffer().remaining() - actualDataRemaining; data.getBuffer().limit((int) (data.getBuffer().position() + actualDataRemaining)); remainingPadding -= paddingThisBuffer; return frameDataRemaining - paddingThisBuffer; } return frameDataRemaining; } void handleFinalFrame(Http2FrameHeaderParser headerData) { Http2FrameHeaderParser data = headerData; if (data.type == Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_DATA) { if (Bits.anyAreSet(data.flags, Http2Channel.DATA_FLAG_END_STREAM)) { this.lastFrame(); } } else if (data.type == Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_HEADERS) { if (Bits.allAreSet(data.flags, Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_STREAM)) { if (Bits.allAreSet(data.flags, Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS)) { this.lastFrame(); } else { //continuation frames are coming, then we end the stream headersEndStream = true; } } } else if (headersEndStream && data.type == Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_CONTINUATION) { if (Bits.anyAreSet(data.flags, Http2Channel.CONTINUATION_FLAG_END_HEADERS)) { this.lastFrame(); } } } public Http2HeadersStreamSinkChannel getResponseChannel() { if (response != null) { return response; } response = new Http2HeadersStreamSinkChannel(getHttp2Channel(), streamId); getHttp2Channel().registerStreamSink(response); return response; } @Override public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException { int read = super.read(dst); updateFlowControlWindow(read); return read; } @Override public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) throws IOException { long read = super.read(dsts, offset, length); updateFlowControlWindow((int) read); return read; } @Override public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts) throws IOException { long read = super.read(dsts); updateFlowControlWindow((int) read); return read; } @Override public long transferTo(long count, ByteBuffer throughBuffer, StreamSinkChannel streamSinkChannel) throws IOException { long read = super.transferTo(count, throughBuffer, streamSinkChannel); updateFlowControlWindow((int) read + throughBuffer.remaining()); return read; } @Override public long transferTo(long position, long count, FileChannel target) throws IOException { long read = super.transferTo(position, count, target); updateFlowControlWindow((int) read); return read; } private void updateFlowControlWindow(final int read) throws IOException { if (read <= 0) { return; } flowControlWindow -= read; //TODO: RST stream if flow control limits are exceeded? //TODO: make this configurable, we should be able to set the policy that is used to determine when to update the window size Http2Channel http2Channel = getHttp2Channel(); http2Channel.updateReceiveFlowControlWindow(read); int initialWindowSize = http2Channel.getInitialReceiveWindowSize(); //TODO: this is not great, as we may have already received all the data so there is no need, need to have a way to figure out if all data is buffered if (flowControlWindow < (initialWindowSize / 2)) { int delta = initialWindowSize - flowControlWindow; flowControlWindow += delta; http2Channel.sendUpdateWindowSize(streamId, delta); } } @Override protected void complete() throws IOException { super.complete(); if (completionListener != null) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(this, completionListener); } } public HeaderMap getHeaders() { return headers; } public ChannelListener<Http2StreamSourceChannel> getCompletionListener() { return completionListener; } public void setCompletionListener(ChannelListener<Http2StreamSourceChannel> completionListener) { this.completionListener = completionListener; if(isComplete()) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(this, completionListener); } } @Override void rstStream(int error) { if (rst) { return; } rst = true; markStreamBroken(); } @Override protected void channelForciblyClosed() { if (completionListener != null) { completionListener.handleEvent(this); } if(!ignoreForceClose) { getHttp2Channel().sendRstStream(streamId, Http2Channel.ERROR_CANCEL); } markStreamBroken(); } public void setIgnoreForceClose(boolean ignoreForceClose) { this.ignoreForceClose = ignoreForceClose; } public boolean isIgnoreForceClose() { return ignoreForceClose; } public int getStreamId() { return streamId; } boolean isHeadersEndStream() { return headersEndStream; } public TrailersHandler getTrailersHandler() { return trailersHandler; } public void setTrailersHandler(TrailersHandler trailersHandler) { this.trailersHandler = trailersHandler; } @Override public String toString() { return "Http2StreamSourceChannel{" + "headers=" + headers + '}'; }
Checks that the actual content size matches the expected. We check this proactivly, rather than as the data is read
  • frameLength – The amount of data in the frame
  • last – If this is the last frame
/** * Checks that the actual content size matches the expected. We check this proactivly, rather than as the data is read * @param frameLength The amount of data in the frame * @param last If this is the last frame */
void updateContentSize(long frameLength, boolean last) { if(contentLengthRemaining != -1) { contentLengthRemaining -= frameLength; if(contentLengthRemaining < 0) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.debugf("Closing stream %s on %s as data length exceeds content size", streamId, getFramedChannel()); getFramedChannel().sendRstStream(streamId, Http2Channel.ERROR_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } else if(last && contentLengthRemaining != 0) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.debugf("Closing stream %s on %s as data length was less than content size", streamId, getFramedChannel()); getFramedChannel().sendRstStream(streamId, Http2Channel.ERROR_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } } public interface TrailersHandler { void handleTrailers(HeaderMap headerMap); } }