package io.undertow.client;
import io.undertow.util.HttpString;
import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;
@MessageBundle(projectCode = "UT")
public interface UndertowClientMessages {
UndertowClientMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(UndertowClientMessages.class);
@Message(id = 1000, value = "Connection closed")
String connectionClosed();
@Message(id = 1001, value = "Request already written")
IllegalStateException requestAlreadyWritten();
@Message(id = 1020, value = "Failed to upgrade channel due to response %s (%s)")
String failedToUpgradeChannel(final int responseCode, String reason);
@Message(id = 1030, value = "invalid content length %d")
IllegalArgumentException illegalContentLength(long length);
@Message(id = 1031, value = "Unknown scheme in URI %s")
IllegalArgumentException unknownScheme(URI uri);
@Message(id = 1032, value = "Unknown transfer encoding %s")
IOException unknownTransferEncoding(String transferEncodingString);
@Message(id = 1033, value = "Invalid connection state")
IOException invalidConnectionState();
@Message(id = 1034, value = "Unknown AJP packet type %s")
IOException unknownAjpMessageType(byte packetType);
@Message(id = 1035, value = "Unknown method type for AJP request %s")
IOException unknownMethod(HttpString method);
@Message(id = 1036, value = "Data still remaining in chunk %s")
IOException dataStillRemainingInChunk(long remaining);
@Message(id = 1037, value = "Wrong magic number, expected %s, actual %s")
IOException wrongMagicNumber(String expected, String actual);
@Message(id = 1038, value = "Received invalid AJP chunk %s with response already complete")
IOException receivedInvalidChunk(byte prefix);