 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package io.undertow.websockets.core;

import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import io.undertow.util.ImmediatePooledByteBuffer;
import io.undertow.util.WorkerUtils;
import org.xnio.Buffers;
import org.xnio.ChannelExceptionHandler;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.XnioExecutor;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static org.xnio.ChannelListeners.flushingChannelListener;

Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class WebSockets {
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendText(final String message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendText(message, wsChannel, callback, null); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendText(final String message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { final ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendText(final String message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendText(message, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendText(final String message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { final ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendText(final ByteBuffer message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(message, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendText(final ByteBuffer message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(message, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendText(final ByteBuffer message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(message, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendText(final ByteBuffer message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(message, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendText(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendText(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendText(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendText(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendTextBlocking(final String message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { final ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); sendBlockingInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete
  • message – The text to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param message The text to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendTextBlocking(final ByteBuffer message, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(message, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete text message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendTextBlocking(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.TEXT, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendPing(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendPing(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendPing(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendPing(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendPing(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendPing(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendPing(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendPing(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendPing(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendPing(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendPing(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete ping message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendPing(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete ping message using blocking IO
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete ping message using blocking IO * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendPingBlocking(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete ping message using blocking IO
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete ping message using blocking IO * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendPingBlocking(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete ping message using blocking IO Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete ping message using blocking IO * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendPingBlocking(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PING, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendPong(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendPong(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendPong(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendPong(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendPong(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendPong(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendPong(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendPong(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendPong(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendPong(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendPong(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete pong message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendPong(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete pong message using blocking IO
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete pong message using blocking IO * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendPongBlocking(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete pong message using blocking IO
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete pong message using blocking IO * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendPongBlocking(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete pong message using blocking IO Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete pong message using blocking IO * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendPongBlocking(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.PONG, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendBinary(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendBinary(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, null, -1); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendBinary(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static void sendBinary(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, null, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
  • timeoutmillis – the timeout in milliseconds
/** * Sends a complete binary message, invoking the callback when complete * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion * @param timeoutmillis the timeout in milliseconds */
public static <T> void sendBinary(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); }
Sends a complete binary message using blocking IO
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete binary message using blocking IO * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendBinaryBlocking(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(data, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete binary message using blocking IO
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete binary message using blocking IO * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendBinaryBlocking(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(mergeBuffers(data), WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete binary message using blocking IO Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done.
  • pooledData – The data to send, it will be freed when done
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete binary message using blocking IO * Automatically frees the pooled byte buffer when done. * * @param pooledData The data to send, it will be freed when done * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendBinaryBlocking(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(pooledData, WebSocketFrameType.BINARY, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendClose(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { CloseMessage sm = new CloseMessage(data); sendClose(sm, wsChannel, callback); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendClose(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { CloseMessage sm = new CloseMessage(data); sendClose(sm, wsChannel, callback, context); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendClose(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { CloseMessage sm = new CloseMessage(data); sendClose(sm, wsChannel, callback); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendClose(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { CloseMessage sm = new CloseMessage(data); sendClose(sm, wsChannel, callback, context); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • code – The close code
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param code The close code * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendClose(final int code, String reason, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendClose(new CloseMessage(code, reason), wsChannel, callback); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • code – The close code
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param code The close code * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendClose(final int code, String reason, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { sendClose(new CloseMessage(code, reason), wsChannel, callback, context); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • closeMessage – The close message
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param closeMessage The close message * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion */
public static void sendClose(final CloseMessage closeMessage, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<Void> callback) { sendClose(closeMessage, wsChannel, callback, null); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • closeMessage – The close message
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
  • callback – The callback to invoke on completion
  • context – The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param closeMessage The close message * @param wsChannel The web socket channel * @param callback The callback to invoke on completion * @param context The context object that will be passed to the callback on completion */
public static <T> void sendClose(final CloseMessage closeMessage, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context) { wsChannel.setCloseCode(closeMessage.getCode()); wsChannel.setCloseReason(closeMessage.getReason()); sendInternal(closeMessage.toByteBuffer(), WebSocketFrameType.CLOSE, wsChannel, callback, context, -1); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • closeMessage – the close message
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param closeMessage the close message * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendCloseBlocking(final CloseMessage closeMessage, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { wsChannel.setCloseReason(closeMessage.getReason()); wsChannel.setCloseCode(closeMessage.getCode()); sendBlockingInternal(closeMessage.toByteBuffer(), WebSocketFrameType.CLOSE, wsChannel); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • code –
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param code * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendCloseBlocking(final int code, String reason, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendCloseBlocking(new CloseMessage(code, reason), wsChannel); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendCloseBlocking(final ByteBuffer data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendCloseBlocking(new CloseMessage(data), wsChannel); }
Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete
  • data – The data to send
  • wsChannel – The web socket channel
/** * Sends a complete close message, invoking the callback when complete * * @param data The data to send * @param wsChannel The web socket channel */
public static void sendCloseBlocking(final ByteBuffer[] data, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendCloseBlocking(new CloseMessage(data), wsChannel); } private static <T> void sendInternal(final ByteBuffer data, WebSocketFrameType type, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { sendInternal(new ImmediatePooledByteBuffer(data), type, wsChannel, callback, context, timeoutmillis); } private static <T> void sendInternal(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, WebSocketFrameType type, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, T context, long timeoutmillis) { boolean closePooledData = true; try { StreamSinkFrameChannel channel = wsChannel.send(type); // TODO chunk data into some MTU-like thing to control packet size closePooledData = false; // channel.send takes ownership of pooledData so it no longer needs to be closed if(!channel.send(pooledData)) { throw WebSocketMessages.MESSAGES.unableToSendOnNewChannel(); } flushChannelAsync(wsChannel, callback, channel, context, timeoutmillis); } catch (IOException e) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError(wsChannel, context, e); } else { IoUtils.safeClose(wsChannel); } } finally { if ( closePooledData ) { pooledData.close(); } } } private static <T> void flushChannelAsync(final WebSocketChannel wsChannel, final WebSocketCallback<T> callback, StreamSinkFrameChannel channel, final T context, long timeoutmillis) throws IOException { final WebSocketFrameType type = channel.getType(); channel.shutdownWrites(); if (!channel.flush()) { channel.getWriteSetter().set(flushingChannelListener( new ChannelListener<StreamSinkFrameChannel>() { @Override public void handleEvent(StreamSinkFrameChannel channel) { if (callback != null) { callback.complete(wsChannel, context); } if (type == WebSocketFrameType.CLOSE && wsChannel.isCloseFrameReceived()) { IoUtils.safeClose(wsChannel); } //we explicitly set the channel to null, as in some situations this //listener may get invoked twice channel.getWriteSetter().set(null); } }, new ChannelExceptionHandler<StreamSinkFrameChannel>() { @Override public void handleException(StreamSinkFrameChannel channel, IOException exception) { if (callback != null) { callback.onError(wsChannel, context, exception); } IoUtils.safeClose(channel, wsChannel); //we explicitly set the channel to null, as in some situations this //listener may get invoked twice channel.getWriteSetter().set(null); } } )); if(timeoutmillis > 0) { setupTimeout(channel, timeoutmillis); } channel.resumeWrites(); return; } if (callback != null) { callback.complete(wsChannel, context); } } private static void setupTimeout(final StreamSinkFrameChannel channel, long timeoutmillis) { final XnioExecutor.Key key = WorkerUtils.executeAfter(channel.getIoThread(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (channel.isOpen()) { IoUtils.safeClose(channel); } } }, timeoutmillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); channel.getCloseSetter().set(new ChannelListener<StreamSinkFrameChannel>() { @Override public void handleEvent(StreamSinkFrameChannel channel) { key.remove(); } }); } private static void sendBlockingInternal(final ByteBuffer data, WebSocketFrameType type, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { sendBlockingInternal(new ImmediatePooledByteBuffer(data), type, wsChannel); } private static void sendBlockingInternal(final PooledByteBuffer pooledData, WebSocketFrameType type, final WebSocketChannel wsChannel) throws IOException { boolean closePooledData = true; try { StreamSinkFrameChannel channel = wsChannel.send(type); // TODO chunk data into some MTU-like thing to control packet size closePooledData = false; // channel.send takes ownership of pooledData so it no longer needs to be closed if(!channel.send(pooledData)) { throw WebSocketMessages.MESSAGES.unableToSendOnNewChannel(); } channel.shutdownWrites(); while (!channel.flush()) { channel.awaitWritable(); } if (type == WebSocketFrameType.CLOSE && wsChannel.isCloseFrameReceived()) { IoUtils.safeClose(wsChannel); } } finally { if (closePooledData) { pooledData.close(); } } } private WebSockets() { } public static ByteBuffer mergeBuffers(ByteBuffer... payload) { int size = (int) Buffers.remaining(payload); if (size == 0) { return Buffers.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER; } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); for (ByteBuffer buf : payload) { buffer.put(buf); } buffer.flip(); return buffer; } }