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package io.undertow.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

Utility class for parsing headers that accept q values
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * Utility class for parsing headers that accept q values * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class QValueParser { private QValueParser() { }
Parses a set of headers that take q values to determine the most preferred one. It returns the result in the form of a sorted list of list, with every element in the list having the same q value. This means the highest priority items are at the front of the list. The container should use its own internal preferred ordering to determinately pick the correct item to use
  • headers – The headers
Returns:The q value results
/** * Parses a set of headers that take q values to determine the most preferred one. * * It returns the result in the form of a sorted list of list, with every element in * the list having the same q value. This means the highest priority items are at the * front of the list. The container should use its own internal preferred ordering * to determinately pick the correct item to use * * @param headers The headers * @return The q value results */
public static List<List<QValueResult>> parse(List<String> headers) { final List<QValueResult> found = new ArrayList<>(); QValueResult current = null; for (final String header : headers) { final int l = header.length(); //we do not use a string builder //we just keep track of where the current string starts and call substring() int stringStart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { char c = header.charAt(i); switch (c) { case ',': { if (current != null && (i - stringStart > 2 && header.charAt(stringStart) == 'q' && header.charAt(stringStart + 1) == '=')) { //if this is a valid qvalue current.qvalue = header.substring(stringStart + 2, i); current = null; } else if (stringStart != i) { current = handleNewEncoding(found, header, stringStart, i); } stringStart = i + 1; break; } case ';': { if (stringStart != i) { current = handleNewEncoding(found, header, stringStart, i); stringStart = i + 1; } break; } case ' ': { if (stringStart != i) { if (current != null && (i - stringStart > 2 && header.charAt(stringStart) == 'q' && header.charAt(stringStart + 1) == '=')) { //if this is a valid qvalue current.qvalue = header.substring(stringStart + 2, i); } else { current = handleNewEncoding(found, header, stringStart, i); } } stringStart = i + 1; } } } if (stringStart != l) { if (current != null && (l - stringStart > 2 && header.charAt(stringStart) == 'q' && header.charAt(stringStart + 1) == '=')) { //if this is a valid qvalue current.qvalue = header.substring(stringStart + 2, l); } else { current = handleNewEncoding(found, header, stringStart, l); } } } Collections.sort(found, Collections.reverseOrder()); String currentQValue = null; List<List<QValueResult>> values = new ArrayList<>(); List<QValueResult> currentSet = null; for(QValueResult val : found) { if(!val.qvalue.equals(currentQValue)) { currentQValue = val.qvalue; currentSet = new ArrayList<>(); values.add(currentSet); } currentSet.add(val); } return values; } private static QValueResult handleNewEncoding(final List<QValueResult> found, final String header, final int stringStart, final int i) { final QValueResult current = new QValueResult(); current.value = header.substring(stringStart, i); found.add(current); return current; } public static class QValueResult implements Comparable<QValueResult> {
The string value of the result
/** * The string value of the result */
private String value;
we keep the qvalue as a string to avoid parsing the double.

This should give both performance and also possible security improvements
/** * we keep the qvalue as a string to avoid parsing the double. * <p/> * This should give both performance and also possible security improvements */
private String qvalue = "1"; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getQvalue() { return qvalue; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof QValueResult)) return false; QValueResult that = (QValueResult) o; if (getValue() != null ? !getValue().equals(that.getValue()) : that.getValue() != null) return false; return getQvalue() != null ? getQvalue().equals(that.getQvalue()) : that.getQvalue() == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = getValue() != null ? getValue().hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (getQvalue() != null ? getQvalue().hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public int compareTo(final QValueResult other) { //we compare the strings as if they were decimal values. //we know they can only be final String t = qvalue; final String o = other.qvalue; if (t == null && o == null) { //neither of them has a q value //we compare them via the server specified default precedence //note that encoding is never null here, a * without a q value is meaningless //and will be discarded before this return 0; } if (o == null) { return 1; } else if (t == null) { return -1; } final int tl = t.length(); final int ol = o.length(); //we only compare the first 5 characters as per spec for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (tl == i || ol == i) { return ol - tl; //longer one is higher } if (i == 1) continue; // this is just the decimal point final int tc = t.charAt(i); final int oc = o.charAt(i); int res = tc - oc; if (res != 0) { return res; } } return 0; } public boolean isQValueZero() { //we ignore * without a qvalue if (qvalue != null) { int length = Math.min(5, qvalue.length()); //we need to find out if this is prohibiting identity //encoding (q=0). Otherwise we just treat it as the identity encoding boolean zero = true; for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j) { if (j == 1) continue;//decimal point if (qvalue.charAt(j) != '0') { zero = false; break; } } return zero; } return false; } } }