package io.undertow.server.protocol.proxy;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.UndertowMessages;
import io.undertow.connector.ByteBufferPool;
import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import io.undertow.protocols.ssl.UndertowXnioSsl;
import io.undertow.server.DelegateOpenListener;
import io.undertow.server.OpenListener;
import io.undertow.util.NetworkUtils;
import io.undertow.util.PooledAdaptor;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.OptionMap;
import org.xnio.StreamConnection;
import org.xnio.channels.StreamSourceChannel;
import org.xnio.conduits.PushBackStreamSourceConduit;
import org.xnio.ssl.SslConnection;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

Implementation of version 1 of the proxy protocol (

Even though it is not required by the spec this implementation provides a stateful parser, that can handle fragmentation of

Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * Implementation of version 1 of the proxy protocol ( * <p> * Even though it is not required by the spec this implementation provides a stateful parser, that can handle * fragmentation of * * @author Stuart Douglas */
class ProxyProtocolReadListener implements ChannelListener<StreamSourceChannel> { private static final int MAX_HEADER_LENGTH = 107; private static final byte[] NAME = "PROXY ".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); private static final String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"; private static final String TCP4 = "TCP4"; private static final String TCP_6 = "TCP6"; private final StreamConnection streamConnection; private final OpenListener openListener; private final UndertowXnioSsl ssl; private final ByteBufferPool bufferPool; private final OptionMap sslOptionMap; private int byteCount; private String protocol; private InetAddress sourceAddress; private InetAddress destAddress; private int sourcePort = -1; private int destPort = -1; private StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private boolean carriageReturnSeen = false; private boolean parsingUnknown = false; ProxyProtocolReadListener(StreamConnection streamConnection, OpenListener openListener, UndertowXnioSsl ssl, ByteBufferPool bufferPool, OptionMap sslOptionMap) { this.streamConnection = streamConnection; this.openListener = openListener; this.ssl = ssl; this.bufferPool = bufferPool; this.sslOptionMap = sslOptionMap; if (bufferPool.getBufferSize() < MAX_HEADER_LENGTH) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.bufferPoolTooSmall(MAX_HEADER_LENGTH); } } @Override public void handleEvent(StreamSourceChannel streamSourceChannel) { PooledByteBuffer buffer = bufferPool.allocate(); boolean freeBuffer = true; try { for (; ; ) { int res =; if (res == -1) { IoUtils.safeClose(streamConnection); return; } else if (res == 0) { return; } else { buffer.getBuffer().flip(); while (buffer.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { char c = (char) buffer.getBuffer().get(); if (byteCount < NAME.length) { //first we verify that we have the correct protocol if (c != NAME[byteCount]) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); } } else { if (parsingUnknown) { //we are parsing the UNKNOWN protocol //we just ignore everything till \r\n if (c == '\r') { carriageReturnSeen = true; } else if (c == '\n') { if (!carriageReturnSeen) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); } //we are done if (buffer.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { freeBuffer = false; proxyAccept(null, null, buffer); } else { proxyAccept(null, null, null); } return; } else if (carriageReturnSeen) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); } } else if (carriageReturnSeen) { if (c == '\n') { //we are done SocketAddress s = new InetSocketAddress(sourceAddress, sourcePort); SocketAddress d = new InetSocketAddress(destAddress, destPort); if (buffer.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { freeBuffer = false; proxyAccept(s, d, buffer); } else { proxyAccept(s, d, null); } return; } else { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); } } else switch (c) { case ' ': //we have a space if (sourcePort != -1 || stringBuilder.length() == 0) { //header was invalid, either we are expecting a \r or a \n, or the previous character was a space throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); } else if (protocol == null) { protocol = stringBuilder.toString(); stringBuilder.setLength(0); if (protocol.equals(UNKNOWN)) { parsingUnknown = true; } else if (!protocol.equals(TCP4) && !protocol.equals(TCP_6)) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); } } else if (sourceAddress == null) { sourceAddress = parseAddress(stringBuilder.toString(), protocol); stringBuilder.setLength(0); } else if (destAddress == null) { destAddress = parseAddress(stringBuilder.toString(), protocol); stringBuilder.setLength(0); } else { sourcePort = Integer.parseInt(stringBuilder.toString()); stringBuilder.setLength(0); } break; case '\r': if (destPort == -1 && sourcePort != -1 && !carriageReturnSeen && stringBuilder.length() > 0) { destPort = Integer.parseInt(stringBuilder.toString()); stringBuilder.setLength(0); carriageReturnSeen = true; } else if (protocol == null) { if (UNKNOWN.equals(stringBuilder.toString())) { parsingUnknown = true; carriageReturnSeen = true; } } else { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); } break; case '\n': throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.invalidProxyHeader(); default: stringBuilder.append(c); } } byteCount++; if (byteCount == MAX_HEADER_LENGTH) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.headerSizeToLarge(); } } } } } catch (IOException e) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.ioException(e); IoUtils.safeClose(streamConnection); } catch (Exception e) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.ioException(new IOException(e)); IoUtils.safeClose(streamConnection); } finally { if (freeBuffer) { buffer.close(); } } } private void proxyAccept(SocketAddress source, SocketAddress dest, PooledByteBuffer additionalData) { StreamConnection streamConnection = this.streamConnection; if (source != null) { streamConnection = new AddressWrappedConnection(streamConnection, source, dest); } if (ssl != null) { //we need to apply the additional data before the SSL wrapping if (additionalData != null) { PushBackStreamSourceConduit conduit = new PushBackStreamSourceConduit(streamConnection.getSourceChannel().getConduit()); conduit.pushBack(new PooledAdaptor(additionalData)); streamConnection.getSourceChannel().setConduit(conduit); } SslConnection sslConnection = ssl.wrapExistingConnection(streamConnection, sslOptionMap == null ? OptionMap.EMPTY : sslOptionMap); UndertowXnioSsl.getSslEngine(sslConnection).setUseClientMode(false); streamConnection = sslConnection; callOpenListener(streamConnection, null); } else { callOpenListener(streamConnection, additionalData); } } private void callOpenListener(StreamConnection streamConnection, final PooledByteBuffer buffer) { if (openListener instanceof DelegateOpenListener) { ((DelegateOpenListener) openListener).handleEvent(streamConnection, buffer); } else { if (buffer != null) { PushBackStreamSourceConduit conduit = new PushBackStreamSourceConduit(streamConnection.getSourceChannel().getConduit()); conduit.pushBack(new PooledAdaptor(buffer)); streamConnection.getSourceChannel().setConduit(conduit); } openListener.handleEvent(streamConnection); } } static InetAddress parseAddress(String addressString, String protocol) throws IOException { if (protocol.equals(TCP4)) { return NetworkUtils.parseIpv4Address(addressString); } else { return NetworkUtils.parseIpv6Address(addressString); } } private static final class AddressWrappedConnection extends StreamConnection { private final StreamConnection delegate; private final SocketAddress source; private final SocketAddress dest; AddressWrappedConnection(StreamConnection delegate, SocketAddress source, SocketAddress dest) { super(delegate.getIoThread()); this.delegate = delegate; this.source = source; this.dest = dest; setSinkConduit(delegate.getSinkChannel().getConduit()); setSourceConduit(delegate.getSourceChannel().getConduit()); } @Override protected void notifyWriteClosed() { IoUtils.safeClose(delegate.getSinkChannel()); } @Override protected void notifyReadClosed() { IoUtils.safeClose(delegate.getSourceChannel()); } @Override public SocketAddress getPeerAddress() { return source; } @Override public SocketAddress getLocalAddress() { return dest; } } }