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package io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.mod_cluster;

import io.undertow.util.HttpString;

Author:Emanuel Muckenhuber
/** * @author Emanuel Muckenhuber */
interface MCMPConstants { String ALIAS_STRING = "Alias"; String BALANCER_STRING = "Balancer"; String CONTEXT_STRING = "Context"; String DOMAIN_STRING = "Domain"; String FLUSH_PACKET_STRING = "flushpackets"; String FLUSH_WAIT_STRING = "flushwait"; String HOST_STRING = "Host"; String JVMROUTE_STRING = "JVMRoute"; String LOAD_STRING = "Load"; String MAXATTEMPTS_STRING = "Maxattempts"; String PING_STRING = "ping"; String PORT_STRING = "Port"; String REVERSED_STRING = "Reversed"; String SCHEME_STRING = "Scheme"; String SMAX_STRING = "smax"; String STICKYSESSION_STRING = "StickySession"; String STICKYSESSIONCOOKIE_STRING = "StickySessionCookie"; String STICKYSESSIONPATH_STRING = "StickySessionPath"; String STICKYSESSIONREMOVE_STRING = "StickySessionRemove"; String STICKYSESSIONFORCE_STRING = "StickySessionForce"; String TIMEOUT_STRING = "Timeout"; String TTL_STRING = "ttl"; String TYPE_STRING = "Type"; String WAITWORKER_STRING = "WaitWorker"; HttpString ALIAS = new HttpString(ALIAS_STRING); HttpString BALANCER = new HttpString(BALANCER_STRING); HttpString CONTEXT = new HttpString(CONTEXT_STRING); HttpString DOMAIN = new HttpString(DOMAIN_STRING); HttpString FLUSH_PACKET = new HttpString(FLUSH_PACKET_STRING); HttpString FLUSH_WAIT = new HttpString(FLUSH_WAIT_STRING); HttpString HOST = new HttpString(HOST_STRING); HttpString JVMROUTE = new HttpString(JVMROUTE_STRING); HttpString LOAD = new HttpString(LOAD_STRING); HttpString MAXATTEMPTS = new HttpString(MAXATTEMPTS_STRING); HttpString PING = new HttpString(PING_STRING); HttpString PORT = new HttpString(PORT_STRING); HttpString REVERSED = new HttpString(REVERSED_STRING); HttpString SCHEME = new HttpString(SCHEME_STRING); HttpString SMAX = new HttpString(SMAX_STRING); HttpString STICKYSESSION = new HttpString(STICKYSESSION_STRING); HttpString STICKYSESSIONCOOKIE = new HttpString(STICKYSESSIONCOOKIE_STRING); HttpString STICKYSESSIONPATH = new HttpString(STICKYSESSIONPATH_STRING); HttpString STICKYSESSIONREMOVE = new HttpString(STICKYSESSIONREMOVE_STRING); HttpString STICKYSESSIONFORCE = new HttpString(STICKYSESSIONFORCE_STRING); HttpString TIMEOUT = new HttpString(TIMEOUT_STRING); HttpString TTL = new HttpString(TTL_STRING); HttpString TYPE = new HttpString(TYPE_STRING); HttpString WAITWORKER = new HttpString(WAITWORKER_STRING); String TYPESYNTAX = "SYNTAX"; String TYPEMEM = "MEM"; }