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package io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.mod_cluster;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;

import java.net.InetSocketAddress;

Author:Emanuel Muckenhuber, Radoslav Husar
Version:March 2016
/** * @author Emanuel Muckenhuber * @author Radoslav Husar * @version March 2016 */
public class MCMPConfig { public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static WebBuilder webBuilder() { return new WebBuilder(); } private final InetSocketAddress managementSocketAddress; private final AdvertiseConfig advertiseConfig; public MCMPConfig(Builder builder) { this.managementSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(builder.managementHost, builder.managementPort); if (managementSocketAddress.isUnresolved()) { throw UndertowLogger.PROXY_REQUEST_LOGGER.unableToResolveModClusterManagementHost(builder.managementHost); } if (managementSocketAddress.getAddress().isAnyLocalAddress()) { throw UndertowLogger.PROXY_REQUEST_LOGGER.cannotUseWildcardAddressAsModClusterManagementHost(builder.managementHost); } if (builder.advertiseBuilder != null) { this.advertiseConfig = new AdvertiseConfig(builder.advertiseBuilder, this); } else { this.advertiseConfig = null; } } @Deprecated public String getManagementHost() { return managementSocketAddress.getHostString(); } @Deprecated public int getManagementPort() { return managementSocketAddress.getPort(); } public InetSocketAddress getManagementSocketAddress() { return managementSocketAddress; } public AdvertiseConfig getAdvertiseConfig() { return advertiseConfig; } public HttpHandler create(final ModCluster modCluster, final HttpHandler next) { return new MCMPHandler(this, modCluster, next); } static class MCMPWebManagerConfig extends MCMPConfig { private final boolean allowCmd; private final boolean checkNonce; private final boolean reduceDisplay; MCMPWebManagerConfig(WebBuilder builder) { super(builder); this.allowCmd = builder.allowCmd; this.checkNonce = builder.checkNonce; this.reduceDisplay = builder.reduceDisplay; } public boolean isAllowCmd() { return allowCmd; } public boolean isCheckNonce() { return checkNonce; } public boolean isReduceDisplay() { return reduceDisplay; } @Override public HttpHandler create(ModCluster modCluster, HttpHandler next) { return new MCMPWebManager(this, modCluster, next); } } static class AdvertiseConfig { private final String advertiseGroup; private final String advertiseAddress; private final int advertisePort; private final int advertiseTtl; private final int advertiseFrequency; private final String securityKey; private final String protocol; private final String path; private final InetSocketAddress managementSocketAddress; AdvertiseConfig(AdvertiseBuilder builder, MCMPConfig config) { this.advertiseGroup = builder.advertiseGroup; this.advertiseAddress = builder.advertiseAddress; this.advertisePort = builder.advertisePort; this.advertiseTtl = builder.advertiseTtl; this.advertiseFrequency = builder.advertiseFrequency; this.securityKey = builder.securityKey; this.protocol = builder.protocol; this.path = builder.path; this.managementSocketAddress = config.getManagementSocketAddress(); } public String getAdvertiseGroup() { return advertiseGroup; } public String getAdvertiseAddress() { return advertiseAddress; } public int getAdvertisePort() { return advertisePort; } public int getAdvertiseTtl() { return advertiseTtl; } public int getAdvertiseFrequency() { return advertiseFrequency; } public String getSecurityKey() { return securityKey; } public String getProtocol() { return protocol; } public String getPath() { return path; } public InetSocketAddress getManagementSocketAddress() { return managementSocketAddress; } } public static class Builder { String managementHost; int managementPort; AdvertiseBuilder advertiseBuilder; public Builder setManagementHost(String managementHost) { this.managementHost = managementHost; return this; } public Builder setManagementPort(int managementPort) { this.managementPort = managementPort; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder enableAdvertise() { this.advertiseBuilder = new AdvertiseBuilder(this); return advertiseBuilder; } public MCMPConfig build() { return new MCMPConfig(this); } public HttpHandler create(final ModCluster modCluster, final HttpHandler next) { final MCMPConfig config = build(); return config.create(modCluster, next); } } public static class WebBuilder extends Builder { boolean checkNonce = true; boolean reduceDisplay = false; boolean allowCmd = true; public WebBuilder setCheckNonce(boolean checkNonce) { this.checkNonce = checkNonce; return this; } public WebBuilder setReduceDisplay(boolean reduceDisplay) { this.reduceDisplay = reduceDisplay; return this; } public WebBuilder setAllowCmd(boolean allowCmd) { this.allowCmd = allowCmd; return this; } @Override public MCMPConfig build() { return new MCMPWebManagerConfig(this); } } public static class AdvertiseBuilder { String advertiseGroup = ""; String advertiseAddress = ""; int advertisePort = 23364; int advertiseTtl = 10; int advertiseFrequency = 10000; String securityKey; String protocol = "http"; String path = "/"; private final Builder parent; public AdvertiseBuilder(Builder parent) { this.parent = parent; } public AdvertiseBuilder setAdvertiseGroup(String advertiseGroup) { this.advertiseGroup = advertiseGroup; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder setAdvertiseAddress(String advertiseAddress) { this.advertiseAddress = advertiseAddress; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder setAdvertisePort(int advertisePort) { this.advertisePort = advertisePort; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder setAdvertiseTtl(int advertiseTtl) { this.advertiseTtl = advertiseTtl; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder setAdvertiseFrequency(int advertiseFrequency) { this.advertiseFrequency = advertiseFrequency; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder setSecurityKey(String securityKey) { this.securityKey = securityKey; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder setProtocol(String protocol) { this.protocol = protocol; return this; } public AdvertiseBuilder setPath(String path) { if (path.startsWith("/")) { this.path = path; } else { this.path = "/" + path; } return this; } public Builder getParent() { return parent; } } }