 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.undertow.server.handlers;

import io.undertow.Handlers;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.server.HttpUpgradeListener;
import io.undertow.util.CopyOnWriteMap;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;
import io.undertow.util.Methods;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.ChannelListeners;
import org.xnio.StreamConnection;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

An HTTP request handler which upgrades the HTTP request and hands it off as a socket to any XNIO consumer.
Author:David M. Lloyd, Stuart Douglas
/** * An HTTP request handler which upgrades the HTTP request and hands it off as a socket to any XNIO consumer. * * @author <a href="mailto:david.lloyd@redhat.com">David M. Lloyd</a> * @author Stuart Douglas */
public final class ChannelUpgradeHandler implements HttpHandler { private final CopyOnWriteMap<String, List<Holder>> handlers = new CopyOnWriteMap<>(); private volatile HttpHandler nonUpgradeHandler = ResponseCodeHandler.HANDLE_404;
Add a protocol to this handler.
  • productString – the product string to match
  • openListener – the open listener to call
  • handshake – a handshake implementation that can be used to verify the client request and modify the response
/** * Add a protocol to this handler. * * @param productString the product string to match * @param openListener the open listener to call * @param handshake a handshake implementation that can be used to verify the client request and modify the response */
public synchronized void addProtocol(String productString, ChannelListener<? super StreamConnection> openListener, final HttpUpgradeHandshake handshake) { addProtocol(productString, null, openListener, handshake); }
Add a protocol to this handler.
  • productString – the product string to match
  • openListener – the open listener to call
  • handshake – a handshake implementation that can be used to verify the client request and modify the response
/** * Add a protocol to this handler. * * @param productString the product string to match * @param openListener the open listener to call * @param handshake a handshake implementation that can be used to verify the client request and modify the response */
public synchronized void addProtocol(String productString, HttpUpgradeListener openListener, final HttpUpgradeHandshake handshake) { addProtocol(productString, openListener, null, handshake); } private synchronized void addProtocol(String productString, HttpUpgradeListener openListener, final ChannelListener<? super StreamConnection> channelListener, final HttpUpgradeHandshake handshake) { if (productString == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("productString is null"); } if (openListener == null && channelListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("openListener is null"); } if(openListener == null) { openListener = new HttpUpgradeListener() { @Override public void handleUpgrade(StreamConnection streamConnection, HttpServerExchange exchange) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(streamConnection, channelListener); } }; } List<Holder> list = handlers.get(productString); if (list == null) { handlers.put(productString, list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>()); } list.add(new Holder(openListener, handshake, channelListener)); }
Add a protocol to this handler.
  • productString – the product string to match
  • openListener – the open listener to call
/** * Add a protocol to this handler. * * @param productString the product string to match * @param openListener the open listener to call */
public void addProtocol(String productString, ChannelListener<? super StreamConnection> openListener) { addProtocol(productString, openListener, null); }
Add a protocol to this handler.
  • productString – the product string to match
  • openListener – the open listener to call
/** * Add a protocol to this handler. * * @param productString the product string to match * @param openListener the open listener to call */
public void addProtocol(String productString, HttpUpgradeListener openListener) { addProtocol(productString, openListener, null); }
Remove a protocol from this handler. This will remove all upgrade handlers that match the product string
  • productString – the product string to match
/** * Remove a protocol from this handler. This will remove all upgrade handlers that match the product string * * @param productString the product string to match */
public synchronized void removeProtocol(String productString) { handlers.remove(productString); }
Remove a protocol from this handler.
  • productString – the product string to match
  • openListener – The open listener
/** * Remove a protocol from this handler. * * @param productString the product string to match * @param openListener The open listener */
public synchronized void removeProtocol(String productString, ChannelListener<? super StreamConnection> openListener) { List<Holder> holders = handlers.get(productString); if (holders == null) { return; } Iterator<Holder> it = holders.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Holder holder = it.next(); if (holder.channelListener == openListener) { holders.remove(holder); break; } } if (holders.isEmpty()) { handlers.remove(productString); } }
Remove a protocol from this handler.
  • productString – the product string to match
  • upgradeListener – The upgrade listener
/** * Remove a protocol from this handler. * * @param productString the product string to match * @param upgradeListener The upgrade listener */
public synchronized void removeProtocol(String productString, HttpUpgradeListener upgradeListener) { List<Holder> holders = handlers.get(productString); if (holders == null) { return; } Iterator<Holder> it = holders.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Holder holder = it.next(); if (holder.listener == upgradeListener) { holders.remove(holder); break; } } if (holders.isEmpty()) { handlers.remove(productString); } }
Get the non-upgrade delegate handler.
Returns:the non-upgrade delegate handler
/** * Get the non-upgrade delegate handler. * * @return the non-upgrade delegate handler */
public HttpHandler getNonUpgradeHandler() { return nonUpgradeHandler; }
Set the non-upgrade delegate handler.
  • nonUpgradeHandler – the non-upgrade delegate handler
/** * Set the non-upgrade delegate handler. * * @param nonUpgradeHandler the non-upgrade delegate handler */
public ChannelUpgradeHandler setNonUpgradeHandler(final HttpHandler nonUpgradeHandler) { Handlers.handlerNotNull(nonUpgradeHandler); this.nonUpgradeHandler = nonUpgradeHandler; return this; } public void handleRequest(final HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception { final List<String> upgradeStrings = exchange.getRequestHeaders().get(Headers.UPGRADE); if (upgradeStrings != null && exchange.getRequestMethod().equals(Methods.GET)) { for (String string : upgradeStrings) { final List<Holder> holders = handlers.get(string); if (holders != null) { for (Holder holder : holders) { final HttpUpgradeListener listener = holder.listener; if (holder.handshake != null) { if (!holder.handshake.handleUpgrade(exchange)) { //handshake did not match, try again continue; } } exchange.upgradeChannel(string,listener); exchange.endExchange(); return; } } } } nonUpgradeHandler.handleRequest(exchange); } private static final class Holder { final HttpUpgradeListener listener; final HttpUpgradeHandshake handshake; final ChannelListener<? super StreamConnection> channelListener; private Holder(final HttpUpgradeListener listener, final HttpUpgradeHandshake handshake, ChannelListener<? super StreamConnection> channelListener) { this.listener = listener; this.handshake = handshake; this.channelListener = channelListener; } } }