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 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
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package io.undertow.security.impl;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.security.api.AuthenticationMechanism;
import io.undertow.security.api.GSSAPIServerSubjectFactory;
import io.undertow.security.api.SecurityContext;
import io.undertow.security.idm.Account;
import io.undertow.security.idm.GSSContextCredential;
import io.undertow.security.idm.IdentityManager;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.server.ServerConnection;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.ExclusivityChecker;
import io.undertow.util.AttachmentKey;
import io.undertow.util.FlexBase64;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager;
import org.ietf.jgss.Oid;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.List;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.security.auth.kerberos.KerberosPrincipal;

import static io.undertow.util.Headers.AUTHORIZATION;
import static io.undertow.util.Headers.HOST;
import static io.undertow.util.Headers.NEGOTIATE;
import static io.undertow.util.Headers.WWW_AUTHENTICATE;
import static io.undertow.util.StatusCodes.UNAUTHORIZED;

AuthenticationMechanism for GSSAPI / SPNEGO based authentication.

GSSAPI authentication is associated with the HTTP connection, as long as a connection is being re-used allow the authentication state to be re-used.

TODO - May consider an option to allow it to also be associated with the underlying session but that has it's own risks so would need to come with a warning.

Author:Darran Lofthouse
/** * {@link io.undertow.security.api.AuthenticationMechanism} for GSSAPI / SPNEGO based authentication. * <p> * GSSAPI authentication is associated with the HTTP connection, as long as a connection is being re-used allow the * authentication state to be re-used. * <p> * TODO - May consider an option to allow it to also be associated with the underlying session but that has it's own risks so * would need to come with a warning. * * @author <a href="mailto:darran.lofthouse@jboss.com">Darran Lofthouse</a> */
public class GSSAPIAuthenticationMechanism implements AuthenticationMechanism { public static final ExclusivityChecker EXCLUSIVITY_CHECKER = new ExclusivityChecker() { @Override public boolean isExclusivityRequired(HttpServerExchange exchange) { List<String> authHeaders = exchange.getRequestHeaders().get(AUTHORIZATION); if (authHeaders != null) { for (String current : authHeaders) { if (current.startsWith(NEGOTIATE_PREFIX)) { return true; } } } return false; } }; private static final String NEGOTIATION_PLAIN = NEGOTIATE.toString(); private static final String NEGOTIATE_PREFIX = NEGOTIATE + " "; private static final Oid[] DEFAULT_MECHANISMS; static { try { Oid spnego = new Oid(""); Oid kerberos = new Oid("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2"); DEFAULT_MECHANISMS = new Oid[] { spnego, kerberos }; } catch (GSSException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static final String name = "SPNEGO"; private final IdentityManager identityManager; private final GSSAPIServerSubjectFactory subjectFactory; private final Oid[] mechanisms; public GSSAPIAuthenticationMechanism(final GSSAPIServerSubjectFactory subjectFactory, IdentityManager identityManager, Oid ...supportedMechanisms) { this.subjectFactory = subjectFactory; this.identityManager = identityManager; this.mechanisms = supportedMechanisms; } public GSSAPIAuthenticationMechanism(final GSSAPIServerSubjectFactory subjectFactory, Oid ...supportedMechanisms) { this(subjectFactory, null, supportedMechanisms); } public GSSAPIAuthenticationMechanism(final GSSAPIServerSubjectFactory subjectFactory) { this(subjectFactory, DEFAULT_MECHANISMS); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private IdentityManager getIdentityManager(SecurityContext securityContext) { return identityManager != null ? identityManager : securityContext.getIdentityManager(); } @Override public AuthenticationMechanismOutcome authenticate(final HttpServerExchange exchange, final SecurityContext securityContext) { ServerConnection connection = exchange.getConnection(); NegotiationContext negContext = connection.getAttachment(NegotiationContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY); if (negContext != null) { UndertowLogger.SECURITY_LOGGER.debugf("Existing negotiation context found for %s", exchange); exchange.putAttachment(NegotiationContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY, negContext); if (negContext.isEstablished()) { IdentityManager identityManager = getIdentityManager(securityContext); final Account account = identityManager.verify(new GSSContextCredential(negContext.getGssContext())); if (account != null) { securityContext.authenticationComplete(account, name, false); UndertowLogger.SECURITY_LOGGER.debugf("Authenticated as user %s with existing GSSAPI negotiation context for %s", account.getPrincipal().getName(), exchange); return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.AUTHENTICATED; } else { UndertowLogger.SECURITY_LOGGER.debugf("Failed to authenticate with existing GSSAPI negotiation context for %s", exchange); return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } } } List<String> authHeaders = exchange.getRequestHeaders().get(AUTHORIZATION); if (authHeaders != null) { for (String current : authHeaders) { if (current.startsWith(NEGOTIATE_PREFIX)) { String base64Challenge = current.substring(NEGOTIATE_PREFIX.length()); try { ByteBuffer challenge = FlexBase64.decode(base64Challenge); return runGSSAPI(exchange, challenge, securityContext); } catch (IOException e) { } // By this point we had a header we should have been able to verify but for some reason // it was not correctly structured. return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } } } // No suitable header was found so authentication was not even attempted. return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_ATTEMPTED; } public ChallengeResult sendChallenge(final HttpServerExchange exchange, final SecurityContext securityContext) { NegotiationContext negContext = exchange.getAttachment(NegotiationContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY); String header = NEGOTIATION_PLAIN; if (negContext != null) { byte[] responseChallenge = negContext.useResponseToken(); exchange.putAttachment(NegotiationContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY, null); if (responseChallenge != null) { header = NEGOTIATE_PREFIX + FlexBase64.encodeString(responseChallenge, false); } } else { Subject server = null; try { server = subjectFactory.getSubjectForHost(getHostName(exchange)); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { // Deliberately ignore - no Subject so don't offer GSSAPI is our main concern here. } if (server == null) { return ChallengeResult.NOT_SENT; } } exchange.getResponseHeaders().add(WWW_AUTHENTICATE, header); UndertowLogger.SECURITY_LOGGER.debugf("Sending GSSAPI challenge for %s", exchange); return new ChallengeResult(true, UNAUTHORIZED); } public AuthenticationMechanismOutcome runGSSAPI(final HttpServerExchange exchange, final ByteBuffer challenge, final SecurityContext securityContext) { try { Subject server = subjectFactory.getSubjectForHost(getHostName(exchange)); // The AcceptSecurityContext takes over responsibility for setting the result. return Subject.doAs(server, new AcceptSecurityContext(exchange, challenge, securityContext)); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } } private String getHostName(final HttpServerExchange exchange) { String hostName = exchange.getRequestHeaders().getFirst(HOST); if (hostName != null) { if (hostName.startsWith("[") && hostName.contains("]")) { hostName = hostName.substring(0, hostName.indexOf(']') + 1); } else if (hostName.contains(":")) { hostName = hostName.substring(0, hostName.indexOf(":")); } return hostName; } return null; } private class AcceptSecurityContext implements PrivilegedExceptionAction<AuthenticationMechanismOutcome> { private final HttpServerExchange exchange; private final ByteBuffer challenge; private final SecurityContext securityContext; private AcceptSecurityContext(final HttpServerExchange exchange, final ByteBuffer challenge, final SecurityContext securityContext) { this.exchange = exchange; this.challenge = challenge; this.securityContext = securityContext; } public AuthenticationMechanismOutcome run() throws GSSException { NegotiationContext negContext = exchange.getAttachment(NegotiationContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY); if (negContext == null) { negContext = new NegotiationContext(); exchange.putAttachment(NegotiationContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY, negContext); // Also cache it on the connection for future calls. exchange.getConnection().putAttachment(NegotiationContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY, negContext); } GSSContext gssContext = negContext.getGssContext(); if (gssContext == null) { GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance(); GSSCredential credential = manager.createCredential(null, GSSCredential.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME, mechanisms, GSSCredential.ACCEPT_ONLY); gssContext = manager.createContext(credential); negContext.setGssContext(gssContext); } byte[] respToken = gssContext.acceptSecContext(challenge.array(), challenge.arrayOffset(), challenge.limit()); negContext.setResponseToken(respToken); if (negContext.isEstablished()) { if (respToken != null) { // There will be no further challenge but we do have a token so set it here. exchange.getResponseHeaders().add(WWW_AUTHENTICATE, NEGOTIATE_PREFIX + FlexBase64.encodeString(respToken, false)); } IdentityManager identityManager = securityContext.getIdentityManager(); final Account account = identityManager.verify(new GSSContextCredential(negContext.getGssContext())); if (account != null) { securityContext.authenticationComplete(account, name, false); return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.AUTHENTICATED; } else { return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } } else { // This isn't a failure but as the context is not established another round trip with the client is needed. return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } } } private static class NegotiationContext { static final AttachmentKey<NegotiationContext> ATTACHMENT_KEY = AttachmentKey.create(NegotiationContext.class); private GSSContext gssContext; private byte[] responseToken; private Principal principal; GSSContext getGssContext() { return gssContext; } void setGssContext(GSSContext gssContext) { this.gssContext = gssContext; } byte[] useResponseToken() { // The token only needs to be returned once so clear it once used. try { return responseToken; } finally { responseToken = null; } } void setResponseToken(byte[] responseToken) { this.responseToken = responseToken; } boolean isEstablished() { return gssContext != null ? gssContext.isEstablished() : false; } Principal getPrincipal() { if (!isEstablished()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No established GSSContext to use for the Principal."); } if (principal == null) { try { principal = new KerberosPrincipal(gssContext.getSrcName().toString()); } catch (GSSException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create Principal", e); } } return principal; } } }