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package io.undertow.security.impl;

import static io.undertow.UndertowMessages.MESSAGES;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.security.api.NotificationReceiver;
import io.undertow.security.api.SecurityContext;
import io.undertow.security.api.SecurityNotification;
import io.undertow.security.api.SecurityNotification.EventType;
import io.undertow.security.idm.Account;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;

A base class for SecurityContext implementations predominantly focusing on the notification handling allowing the specific implementation for focus on authentication.
Author:Darran Lofthouse
/** * A base class for {@link SecurityContext} implementations predominantly focusing on the notification handling allowing the * specific implementation for focus on authentication. * * @author <a href="mailto:darran.lofthouse@jboss.com">Darran Lofthouse</a> */
public abstract class AbstractSecurityContext implements SecurityContext { private boolean authenticationRequired; protected final HttpServerExchange exchange; private Node<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = null; private Account account; private String mechanismName; protected AbstractSecurityContext(final HttpServerExchange exchange) { this.exchange = exchange; } @Override public void setAuthenticationRequired() { authenticationRequired = true; } @Override public boolean isAuthenticationRequired() { return authenticationRequired; } @Override public boolean isAuthenticated() { return account != null; } @Override public Account getAuthenticatedAccount() { return account; }
Returns:The name of the mechanism used to authenticate the request.
/** * @return The name of the mechanism used to authenticate the request. */
@Override public String getMechanismName() { return mechanismName; } @Override public void authenticationComplete(Account account, String mechanism, final boolean cachingRequired) { authenticationComplete(account, mechanism, false, cachingRequired); } protected void authenticationComplete(Account account, String mechanism, boolean programatic, final boolean cachingRequired) { this.account = account; this.mechanismName = mechanism; UndertowLogger.SECURITY_LOGGER.debugf("Authenticated as %s, roles %s", account.getPrincipal().getName(), account.getRoles()); sendNoticiation(new SecurityNotification(exchange, EventType.AUTHENTICATED, account, mechanism, programatic, MESSAGES.userAuthenticated(account.getPrincipal().getName()), cachingRequired)); } @Override public void authenticationFailed(String message, String mechanism) { UndertowLogger.SECURITY_LOGGER.debugf("Authentication failed with message %s and mechanism %s for %s", message, mechanism, exchange); sendNoticiation(new SecurityNotification(exchange, EventType.FAILED_AUTHENTICATION, null, mechanism, false, message, true)); } @Override public void registerNotificationReceiver(NotificationReceiver receiver) { if(notificationReceivers == null) { notificationReceivers = new Node<>(receiver); } else { Node<NotificationReceiver> cur = notificationReceivers; while (cur.next != null) { cur = cur.next; } cur.next = new Node<>(receiver); } } @Override public void removeNotificationReceiver(NotificationReceiver receiver) { Node<NotificationReceiver> cur = notificationReceivers; if(receiver.equals(cur.item)) { notificationReceivers = cur.next; } else { Node<NotificationReceiver> old = cur; while (cur.next != null) { cur = cur.next; if(receiver.equals(cur.item)) { old.next = cur.next; } old = cur; } } } private void sendNoticiation(final SecurityNotification notification) { Node<NotificationReceiver> cur = notificationReceivers; while (cur != null) { cur.item.handleNotification(notification); cur = cur.next; } } @Override public void logout() { if (!isAuthenticated()) { return; } UndertowLogger.SECURITY_LOGGER.debugf("Logged out %s", exchange); sendNoticiation(new SecurityNotification(exchange, SecurityNotification.EventType.LOGGED_OUT, account, mechanismName, true, MESSAGES.userLoggedOut(account.getPrincipal().getName()), true)); this.account = null; this.mechanismName = null; }
To reduce allocations we use a custom linked list data structure
Type parameters:
  • <T> –
/** * To reduce allocations we use a custom linked list data structure * @param <T> */
protected static final class Node<T> { final T item; Node<T> next; private Node(T item) { this.item = item; } } }