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package io.undertow.protocols.http2;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

A structure that represents HTTP2 priority information. Note that this structure is not thread safe, it is intended to be protected by an external lock
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * A structure that represents HTTP2 priority information. * * Note that this structure is not thread safe, it is intended to be protected by an external lock * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class Http2PriorityTree { private final Http2PriorityNode rootNode; private final Map<Integer, Http2PriorityNode> nodesByID = new HashMap<>();
fixed length queue of completed streams that have no dependents, they are kept around for a short time then expired.
/** * fixed length queue of completed streams that have no dependents, they are kept around for a short time then expired. * */
private int[] evictionQueue; private int evictionQueuePosition;
The maximum number of streams that we store priority information for
/** * The maximum number of streams that we store priority information for */
public Http2PriorityTree() { this.rootNode = new Http2PriorityNode(0, 0); nodesByID.put(0, this.rootNode); this.evictionQueue = new int[10]; //todo: make this size customisable }
Resisters a stream, with its dependency and dependent information
  • streamId – The stream id
  • dependency – The stream this stream depends on, if no stream is specified this should be zero
  • weighting – The weighting. If no weighting is specified this should be 16
/** * Resisters a stream, with its dependency and dependent information * @param streamId The stream id * @param dependency The stream this stream depends on, if no stream is specified this should be zero * @param weighting The weighting. If no weighting is specified this should be 16 */
public void registerStream(int streamId, int dependency, int weighting, boolean exclusive) { final Http2PriorityNode node = new Http2PriorityNode(streamId, weighting); if(exclusive) { Http2PriorityNode existing = nodesByID.get(dependency); if(existing != null) { existing.exclusive(node); } } else { Http2PriorityNode existing = nodesByID.get(dependency); if(existing != null) { existing.addDependent(node); } } nodesByID.put(streamId, node); }
Method that is invoked when a stream has been removed
  • streamId – id of the stream removed
/** * Method that is invoked when a stream has been removed * * @param streamId id of the stream removed */
public void streamRemoved(int streamId) { Http2PriorityNode node = nodesByID.get(streamId); if(node == null) { return; } if(!node.hasDependents()) { //add to eviction queue int toEvict = evictionQueue[evictionQueuePosition]; evictionQueue[evictionQueuePosition++] = streamId; Http2PriorityNode nodeToEvict = nodesByID.get(toEvict); //we don't remove the node if it has since got dependents since it was put into the queue //as this is the whole reason we maintain the queue in the first place if(nodeToEvict != null && !nodeToEvict.hasDependents()) { nodesByID.remove(toEvict); } } }
Creates a priority queue
/** * Creates a priority queue * @return */
public Comparator<Integer> comparator() { return new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { Http2PriorityNode n1 = nodesByID.get(o1); Http2PriorityNode n2 = nodesByID.get(o2); if(n1 == null && n2 == null) { return 0; } if(n1 == null) { return -1; } if(n2 == null) { return 1; } //do the comparison //this is kinda crap, but I can't really think of any better way to handle this double d1 = createWeightingProportion(n1); double d2 = createWeightingProportion(n2); return Double.compare(d1, d2); } }; } private double createWeightingProportion(Http2PriorityNode n1) { double ret = 1; Http2PriorityNode node = n1; while (node != null) { Http2PriorityNode parent = node.parent; if(parent != null) { ret *= (node.weighting/(double)parent.totalWeights); } node = parent; } return ret; } public void priorityFrame(int streamId, int streamDependency, int weight, boolean exlusive) { Http2PriorityNode existing = nodesByID.get(streamId); if(existing == null) { return; } int dif = weight - existing.weighting; existing.parent.totalWeights += dif; existing.weighting = weight; if(exlusive) { Http2PriorityNode newParent = nodesByID.get(streamDependency); if(newParent != null) { existing.parent.removeDependent(existing); newParent.exclusive(existing); } } else if(existing.parent.streamId != streamDependency) { Http2PriorityNode newParent = nodesByID.get(streamDependency); if(newParent != null) { newParent.addDependent(existing); } } } private static class Http2PriorityNode { private Http2PriorityNode parent;
This stream id of this node
/** * This stream id of this node */
private final int streamId;
The stream weighting
/** * The stream weighting */
int weighting;
The sum of all dependencies weights
/** * The sum of all dependencies weights */
int totalWeights;
streams that depend on this stream, in weighted order. May contains null at the end of the list
/** * streams that depend on this stream, in weighted order. May contains null at the end of the list */
private Http2PriorityNode[] dependents = null; Http2PriorityNode(int streamId, int weighting) { this.streamId = streamId; this.weighting = weighting; } void removeDependent(Http2PriorityNode node) { if(dependents == null) { return; } totalWeights -= node.weighting; boolean found = false; int i; for(i = 0; i < dependents.length - 1; ++i ) { if(dependents[i] == node) { found = true; } if(found) { dependents[i] = dependents[i + i]; } if(dependents[i] == null) { break; } } if(found) { dependents[i + 1] = null; } } boolean hasDependents() { return dependents != null && dependents[0] != null; } public void addDependent(Http2PriorityNode node) { if(dependents == null) { dependents = new Http2PriorityNode[5]; } int i = 0; boolean found = false; for(; i < dependents.length; ++i ) { if(dependents[i] == null) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { Http2PriorityNode[] old = dependents; dependents = new Http2PriorityNode[dependents.length + 5]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, dependents, 0, old.length); ++i; } dependents[i] = node; node.parent = this; totalWeights += node.weighting; } public void exclusive(Http2PriorityNode node) { if(dependents == null) { dependents = new Http2PriorityNode[5]; } for(Http2PriorityNode i : dependents) { if(i != null) { node.addDependent(i); } } dependents[0] = node; for(int i = 1; i < dependents.length; ++ i) { dependents[i] = null; } totalWeights = node.weighting; } } }