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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.undertow.protocols.http2;

import io.undertow.UndertowMessages;
import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.framed.SendFrameHeader;
import io.undertow.util.HeaderMap;
import io.undertow.util.ImmediatePooledByteBuffer;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.ChannelListeners;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

Headers channel
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * Headers channel * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class Http2DataStreamSinkChannel extends Http2StreamSinkChannel implements Http2Stream { private final HeaderMap headers; private boolean first = true; private final HpackEncoder encoder; private ChannelListener<Http2DataStreamSinkChannel> completionListener; private final int frameType; private boolean completionListenerReady; private TrailersProducer trailersProducer; Http2DataStreamSinkChannel(Http2Channel channel, int streamId, int frameType) { this(channel, streamId, new HeaderMap(), frameType); } Http2DataStreamSinkChannel(Http2Channel channel, int streamId, HeaderMap headers, int frameType) { super(channel, streamId); this.encoder = channel.getEncoder(); this.headers = headers; this.frameType = frameType; } public TrailersProducer getTrailersProducer() { return trailersProducer; } public void setTrailersProducer(TrailersProducer trailersProducer) { this.trailersProducer = trailersProducer; } @Override protected SendFrameHeader createFrameHeaderImpl() { //TODO: this is a mess WRT re-using between headers and push_promise, sort out a more reasonable abstraction int dataPaddingBytes = getChannel().getPaddingBytes(); int attempted = getBuffer().remaining() + dataPaddingBytes + (dataPaddingBytes > 0 ? 1 : 0); final int fcWindow = grabFlowControlBytes(attempted); if (fcWindow == 0 && getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { //flow control window is exhausted return new SendFrameHeader(getBuffer().remaining(), null); } if(fcWindow <= dataPaddingBytes + 1) { //so we won't actually be able to send any data, just padding, which is obviously not what we want if(getBuffer().remaining() >= fcWindow) { //easy fix, we just don't send any padding dataPaddingBytes = 0; } else if (getBuffer().remaining() == dataPaddingBytes ){ //corner case. dataPaddingBytes = 1; } else { dataPaddingBytes = fcWindow - getBuffer().remaining() - 1; } } final boolean finalFrame = isFinalFrameQueued() && fcWindow >= (getBuffer().remaining() + (dataPaddingBytes > 0 ? dataPaddingBytes + 1 : 0)); PooledByteBuffer firstHeaderBuffer = getChannel().getBufferPool().allocate(); PooledByteBuffer[] allHeaderBuffers = null; ByteBuffer firstBuffer = firstHeaderBuffer.getBuffer(); boolean firstFrame = false; HeaderMap trailers = null; if(finalFrame && this.trailersProducer != null) { trailers = this.trailersProducer.getTrailers(); if(trailers != null && trailers.size() == 0) { trailers = null; } } if (first) { firstFrame = true; first = false; //back fill the length firstBuffer.put((byte) 0); firstBuffer.put((byte) 0); firstBuffer.put((byte) 0); firstBuffer.put((byte) frameType); //type firstBuffer.put((byte) 0); //back fill the flags Http2ProtocolUtils.putInt(firstBuffer, getStreamId()); int paddingBytes = getChannel().getPaddingBytes(); if(paddingBytes > 0) { firstBuffer.put((byte) (paddingBytes & 0xFF)); } writeBeforeHeaderBlock(firstBuffer); HeaderMap headers = this.headers; HpackEncoder.State result = encoder.encode(headers, firstBuffer); PooledByteBuffer current = firstHeaderBuffer; int headerFrameLength = firstBuffer.position() - 9 + paddingBytes; firstBuffer.put(0, (byte) ((headerFrameLength >> 16) & 0xFF)); firstBuffer.put(1, (byte) ((headerFrameLength >> 8) & 0xFF)); firstBuffer.put(2, (byte) (headerFrameLength & 0xFF)); firstBuffer.put(4, (byte) ((isFinalFrameQueued() && !getBuffer().hasRemaining() && frameType == Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_HEADERS && trailers == null ? Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_STREAM : 0) | (result == HpackEncoder.State.COMPLETE ? Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS : 0 ) | (paddingBytes > 0 ? Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_PADDED : 0))); //flags ByteBuffer currentBuffer = firstBuffer; if(currentBuffer.remaining() < paddingBytes) { allHeaderBuffers = allocateAll(allHeaderBuffers, current); current = allHeaderBuffers[allHeaderBuffers.length - 1]; currentBuffer = current.getBuffer(); } for(int i = 0; i < paddingBytes; ++ i) { currentBuffer.put((byte) 0); } while (result != HpackEncoder.State.COMPLETE) { //todo: add some kind of limit here allHeaderBuffers = allocateAll(allHeaderBuffers, current); current = allHeaderBuffers[allHeaderBuffers.length - 1]; result = encodeContinuationFrame(headers, current); } } PooledByteBuffer currentPooled = allHeaderBuffers == null ? firstHeaderBuffer : allHeaderBuffers[allHeaderBuffers.length - 1]; ByteBuffer currentBuffer = currentPooled.getBuffer(); ByteBuffer trailer = null; int remainingInBuffer = 0; boolean requiresTrailers = false; if (getBuffer().remaining() > 0) { if (fcWindow > 0) { //make sure we have room in the header buffer if (currentBuffer.remaining() < 10) { allHeaderBuffers = allocateAll(allHeaderBuffers, currentPooled); currentPooled = allHeaderBuffers == null ? firstHeaderBuffer : allHeaderBuffers[allHeaderBuffers.length - 1]; currentBuffer = currentPooled.getBuffer(); } int toSend = fcWindow - dataPaddingBytes - (dataPaddingBytes > 0 ? 1 :0); remainingInBuffer = getBuffer().remaining() - toSend; getBuffer().limit(getBuffer().position() + toSend); currentBuffer.put((byte) ((fcWindow >> 16) & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put((byte) ((fcWindow >> 8) & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put((byte) (fcWindow & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put((byte) Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_DATA); //type if(trailers == null) { currentBuffer.put((byte) ((finalFrame ? Http2Channel.DATA_FLAG_END_STREAM : 0) | (dataPaddingBytes > 0 ? Http2Channel.DATA_FLAG_PADDED : 0))); //flags } else { if(finalFrame) { requiresTrailers = true; } currentBuffer.put((byte) (dataPaddingBytes > 0 ? Http2Channel.DATA_FLAG_PADDED : 0)); //flags } Http2ProtocolUtils.putInt(currentBuffer, getStreamId()); if(dataPaddingBytes > 0) { currentBuffer.put((byte) (dataPaddingBytes & 0xFF)); trailer = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataPaddingBytes); } } else { remainingInBuffer = getBuffer().remaining(); } } else if (finalFrame && !firstFrame) { currentBuffer.put((byte) ((fcWindow >> 16) & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put((byte) ((fcWindow >> 8) & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put((byte) (fcWindow & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put((byte) Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_DATA); //type if (trailers == null) { currentBuffer.put((byte) ((Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_STREAM & 0xFF) | (dataPaddingBytes > 0 ? Http2Channel.DATA_FLAG_PADDED : 0))); //flags } else { requiresTrailers = true; currentBuffer.put((byte) ((dataPaddingBytes > 0 ? Http2Channel.DATA_FLAG_PADDED : 0))); //flags } Http2ProtocolUtils.putInt(currentBuffer, getStreamId()); if (dataPaddingBytes > 0) { currentBuffer.put((byte) (dataPaddingBytes & 0xFF)); trailer = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataPaddingBytes); } } else if(finalFrame && trailers != null) { requiresTrailers = true; } if (requiresTrailers) { PooledByteBuffer firstTrailerBuffer = getChannel().getBufferPool().allocate(); if (trailer != null) { firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put(trailer); } firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put((byte) 0); firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put((byte) 0); firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put((byte) 0); firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put((byte) Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_HEADERS); //type firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put((byte) (Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_STREAM | Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS)); //back fill the flags Http2ProtocolUtils.putInt(firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer(), getStreamId()); HpackEncoder.State result = encoder.encode(trailers, firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer()); if (result != HpackEncoder.State.COMPLETE) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.http2TrailerToLargeForSingleBuffer(); } int headerFrameLength = firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().position() - 9; firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put(0, (byte) ((headerFrameLength >> 16) & 0xFF)); firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put(1, (byte) ((headerFrameLength >> 8) & 0xFF)); firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().put(2, (byte) (headerFrameLength & 0xFF)); firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().flip(); int size = firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer().remaining(); trailer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); trailer.put(firstTrailerBuffer.getBuffer()); trailer.flip(); firstTrailerBuffer.close(); } if (allHeaderBuffers == null) { //only one buffer required currentBuffer.flip(); return new SendFrameHeader(remainingInBuffer, currentPooled, false, trailer); } else { //headers were too big to fit in one buffer //for now we will just copy them into a big buffer int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allHeaderBuffers.length; ++i) { length += allHeaderBuffers[i].getBuffer().position(); allHeaderBuffers[i].getBuffer().flip(); } try { ByteBuffer newBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); for (int i = 0; i < allHeaderBuffers.length; ++i) { newBuf.put(allHeaderBuffers[i].getBuffer()); } newBuf.flip(); return new SendFrameHeader(remainingInBuffer, new ImmediatePooledByteBuffer(newBuf), false, trailer); } finally { //the allocate can oome for (int i = 0; i < allHeaderBuffers.length; ++i) { allHeaderBuffers[i].close(); } } } } private HpackEncoder.State encodeContinuationFrame(HeaderMap headers, PooledByteBuffer current) { ByteBuffer currentBuffer; HpackEncoder.State result;//continuation frame //note that if the buffers are small we may not actually need a continuation here //but it greatly reduces the code complexity //back fill the length currentBuffer = current.getBuffer(); currentBuffer.put((byte) 0); currentBuffer.put((byte) 0); currentBuffer.put((byte) 0); currentBuffer.put((byte) Http2Channel.FRAME_TYPE_CONTINUATION); //type currentBuffer.put((byte) 0); //back fill the flags Http2ProtocolUtils.putInt(currentBuffer, getStreamId()); result = encoder.encode(headers, currentBuffer); int contFrameLength = currentBuffer.position() - 9; currentBuffer.put(0, (byte) ((contFrameLength >> 16) & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put(1, (byte) ((contFrameLength >> 8) & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put(2, (byte) (contFrameLength & 0xFF)); currentBuffer.put(4, (byte) (result == HpackEncoder.State.COMPLETE ? Http2Channel.HEADERS_FLAG_END_HEADERS : 0 )); //flags return result; } @Override public boolean flush() throws IOException { if(completionListenerReady && completionListener != null) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(this, completionListener); completionListener = null; } return super.flush(); } protected void writeBeforeHeaderBlock(ByteBuffer buffer) { } protected boolean isFlushRequiredOnEmptyBuffer() { return first; } public HeaderMap getHeaders() { return headers; } @Override protected void handleFlushComplete(boolean finalFrame) { super.handleFlushComplete(finalFrame); if (finalFrame) { if (completionListener != null) { completionListenerReady = true; } } } @Override protected void channelForciblyClosed() throws IOException { super.channelForciblyClosed(); if (completionListener != null) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(this, completionListener); completionListener = null; } } public ChannelListener<Http2DataStreamSinkChannel> getCompletionListener() { return completionListener; } public void setCompletionListener(ChannelListener<Http2DataStreamSinkChannel> completionListener) { this.completionListener = completionListener; } public interface TrailersProducer { HeaderMap getTrailers(); } }