 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package io.undertow.conduits;

import io.undertow.UndertowMessages;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.http.HttpAttachments;
import io.undertow.util.Attachable;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.channels.StreamSourceChannel;
import org.xnio.conduits.AbstractStreamSinkConduit;
import org.xnio.conduits.ConduitWritableByteChannel;
import org.xnio.conduits.Conduits;
import org.xnio.conduits.StreamSinkConduit;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static org.xnio.Bits.allAreClear;
import static org.xnio.Bits.anyAreSet;

Channel that implements HTTP chunked transfer coding for data streams that already have chunk markers.
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * Channel that implements HTTP chunked transfer coding for data streams that already have chunk markers. * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class PreChunkedStreamSinkConduit extends AbstractStreamSinkConduit<StreamSinkConduit> { private final ConduitListener<? super PreChunkedStreamSinkConduit> finishListener;
Flag that is set when terminateWrites() or @{link #close()} is called
/** * Flag that is set when {@link #terminateWrites()} or @{link #close()} is called */
private static final int FLAG_WRITES_SHUTDOWN = 1; private static final int FLAG_FINISHED = 1 << 2; int state = 0; final ChunkReader<PreChunkedStreamSinkConduit> chunkReader;
Construct a new instance.
  • next – the channel to wrap
  • finishListener – The finish listener
  • attachable – The attachable
/** * Construct a new instance. * * @param next the channel to wrap * @param finishListener The finish listener * @param attachable The attachable */
public PreChunkedStreamSinkConduit(final StreamSinkConduit next, final ConduitListener<? super PreChunkedStreamSinkConduit> finishListener, final Attachable attachable) { super(next); //we don't want the reader to call the finish listener, so we pass null this.chunkReader = new ChunkReader<>(attachable, HttpAttachments.RESPONSE_TRAILERS, this); this.finishListener = finishListener; } @Override public int write(final ByteBuffer src) throws IOException { return doWrite(src); } int doWrite(final ByteBuffer src) throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_WRITES_SHUTDOWN)) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (chunkReader.getChunkRemaining() == -1) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.extraDataWrittenAfterChunkEnd(); } if (src.remaining() == 0) { return 0; } int oldPos = src.position(); int oldLimit = src.limit(); int ret = next.write(src); if(ret == 0) { return ret; } int newPos = src.position(); src.position(oldPos); src.limit(oldPos + ret); try { while (true) { long chunkRemaining = chunkReader.readChunk(src); if (chunkRemaining == -1) { if (src.remaining() == 0) { return ret; } else { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.extraDataWrittenAfterChunkEnd(); } } else if(chunkRemaining == 0) { return ret; } int remaining; if (src.remaining() >= chunkRemaining) { src.position((int) (src.position() + chunkRemaining)); remaining = 0; } else { remaining = (int) (chunkRemaining - src.remaining()); src.position(src.limit()); } chunkReader.setChunkRemaining(remaining); if (!src.hasRemaining()) { break; } } } finally { src.position(newPos); src.limit(oldLimit); } return ret; } @Override public long write(final ByteBuffer[] srcs, final int offset, final int length) throws IOException { for (int i = offset; i < length; ++i) { if (srcs[i].hasRemaining()) { return write(srcs[i]); } } return 0; } @Override public long writeFinal(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException { return Conduits.writeFinalBasic(this, srcs, offset, length); } @Override public int writeFinal(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException { if (!src.hasRemaining()) { terminateWrites(); return 0; } int ret = doWrite(src); terminateWrites(); return ret; } @Override public long transferFrom(final FileChannel src, final long position, final long count) throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_WRITES_SHUTDOWN)) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } return src.transferTo(position, count, new ConduitWritableByteChannel(this)); } @Override public long transferFrom(final StreamSourceChannel source, final long count, final ByteBuffer throughBuffer) throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_WRITES_SHUTDOWN)) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } return IoUtils.transfer(source, count, throughBuffer, new ConduitWritableByteChannel(this)); } @Override public boolean flush() throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_WRITES_SHUTDOWN)) { boolean val = next.flush(); if (val && allAreClear(state, FLAG_FINISHED)) { invokeFinishListener(); } return val; } else { return next.flush(); } } private void invokeFinishListener() { state |= FLAG_FINISHED; if (finishListener != null) { finishListener.handleEvent(this); } } @Override public void terminateWrites() throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_WRITES_SHUTDOWN)) { return; } if (chunkReader.getChunkRemaining() != -1) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.chunkedChannelClosedMidChunk(); } state |= FLAG_WRITES_SHUTDOWN; } @Override public void awaitWritable() throws IOException { next.awaitWritable(); } @Override public void awaitWritable(final long time, final TimeUnit timeUnit) throws IOException { next.awaitWritable(time, timeUnit); } }