Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
package io.reactivex.internal.schedulers; import io.reactivex.Scheduler; import io.reactivex.annotations.NonNull; import io.reactivex.disposables.*; import io.reactivex.internal.disposables.EmptyDisposable; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
Scheduler that creates and caches a set of thread pools and reuses them if possible.
/** * Scheduler that creates and caches a set of thread pools and reuses them if possible. */
public final class IoScheduler extends Scheduler { private static final String WORKER_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "RxCachedThreadScheduler"; static final RxThreadFactory WORKER_THREAD_FACTORY; private static final String EVICTOR_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "RxCachedWorkerPoolEvictor"; static final RxThreadFactory EVICTOR_THREAD_FACTORY;
The name of the system property for setting the keep-alive time (in seconds) for this Scheduler workers.
/** The name of the system property for setting the keep-alive time (in seconds) for this Scheduler workers. */
private static final String KEY_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = ""; public static final long KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_DEFAULT = 60; private static final long KEEP_ALIVE_TIME; private static final TimeUnit KEEP_ALIVE_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS; static final ThreadWorker SHUTDOWN_THREAD_WORKER; final ThreadFactory threadFactory; final AtomicReference<CachedWorkerPool> pool;
The name of the system property for setting the thread priority for this Scheduler.
/** The name of the system property for setting the thread priority for this Scheduler. */
private static final String KEY_IO_PRIORITY = ""; static final CachedWorkerPool NONE; static { KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = Long.getLong(KEY_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_DEFAULT); SHUTDOWN_THREAD_WORKER = new ThreadWorker(new RxThreadFactory("RxCachedThreadSchedulerShutdown")); SHUTDOWN_THREAD_WORKER.dispose(); int priority = Math.max(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, Math.min(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY, Integer.getInteger(KEY_IO_PRIORITY, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY))); WORKER_THREAD_FACTORY = new RxThreadFactory(WORKER_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX, priority); EVICTOR_THREAD_FACTORY = new RxThreadFactory(EVICTOR_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX, priority); NONE = new CachedWorkerPool(0, null, WORKER_THREAD_FACTORY); NONE.shutdown(); } static final class CachedWorkerPool implements Runnable { private final long keepAliveTime; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ThreadWorker> expiringWorkerQueue; final CompositeDisposable allWorkers; private final ScheduledExecutorService evictorService; private final Future<?> evictorTask; private final ThreadFactory threadFactory; CachedWorkerPool(long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, ThreadFactory threadFactory) { this.keepAliveTime = unit != null ? unit.toNanos(keepAliveTime) : 0L; this.expiringWorkerQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ThreadWorker>(); this.allWorkers = new CompositeDisposable(); this.threadFactory = threadFactory; ScheduledExecutorService evictor = null; Future<?> task = null; if (unit != null) { evictor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, EVICTOR_THREAD_FACTORY); task = evictor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this, this.keepAliveTime, this.keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } evictorService = evictor; evictorTask = task; } @Override public void run() { evictExpiredWorkers(); } ThreadWorker get() { if (allWorkers.isDisposed()) { return SHUTDOWN_THREAD_WORKER; } while (!expiringWorkerQueue.isEmpty()) { ThreadWorker threadWorker = expiringWorkerQueue.poll(); if (threadWorker != null) { return threadWorker; } } // No cached worker found, so create a new one. ThreadWorker w = new ThreadWorker(threadFactory); allWorkers.add(w); return w; } void release(ThreadWorker threadWorker) { // Refresh expire time before putting worker back in pool threadWorker.setExpirationTime(now() + keepAliveTime); expiringWorkerQueue.offer(threadWorker); } void evictExpiredWorkers() { if (!expiringWorkerQueue.isEmpty()) { long currentTimestamp = now(); for (ThreadWorker threadWorker : expiringWorkerQueue) { if (threadWorker.getExpirationTime() <= currentTimestamp) { if (expiringWorkerQueue.remove(threadWorker)) { allWorkers.remove(threadWorker); } } else { // Queue is ordered with the worker that will expire first in the beginning, so when we // find a non-expired worker we can stop evicting. break; } } } } long now() { return System.nanoTime(); } void shutdown() { allWorkers.dispose(); if (evictorTask != null) { evictorTask.cancel(true); } if (evictorService != null) { evictorService.shutdownNow(); } } } public IoScheduler() { this(WORKER_THREAD_FACTORY); }
Constructs an IoScheduler with the given thread factory and starts the pool of workers.
  • threadFactory – thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null.
/** * Constructs an IoScheduler with the given thread factory and starts the pool of workers. * @param threadFactory thread factory to use for creating worker threads. Note that this takes precedence over any * system properties for configuring new thread creation. Cannot be null. */
public IoScheduler(ThreadFactory threadFactory) { this.threadFactory = threadFactory; this.pool = new AtomicReference<CachedWorkerPool>(NONE); start(); } @Override public void start() { CachedWorkerPool update = new CachedWorkerPool(KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, KEEP_ALIVE_UNIT, threadFactory); if (!pool.compareAndSet(NONE, update)) { update.shutdown(); } } @Override public void shutdown() { for (;;) { CachedWorkerPool curr = pool.get(); if (curr == NONE) { return; } if (pool.compareAndSet(curr, NONE)) { curr.shutdown(); return; } } } @NonNull @Override public Worker createWorker() { return new EventLoopWorker(pool.get()); } public int size() { return pool.get().allWorkers.size(); } static final class EventLoopWorker extends Scheduler.Worker { private final CompositeDisposable tasks; private final CachedWorkerPool pool; private final ThreadWorker threadWorker; final AtomicBoolean once = new AtomicBoolean(); EventLoopWorker(CachedWorkerPool pool) { this.pool = pool; this.tasks = new CompositeDisposable(); this.threadWorker = pool.get(); } @Override public void dispose() { if (once.compareAndSet(false, true)) { tasks.dispose(); // releasing the pool should be the last action pool.release(threadWorker); } } @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return once.get(); } @NonNull @Override public Disposable schedule(@NonNull Runnable action, long delayTime, @NonNull TimeUnit unit) { if (tasks.isDisposed()) { // don't schedule, we are unsubscribed return EmptyDisposable.INSTANCE; } return threadWorker.scheduleActual(action, delayTime, unit, tasks); } } static final class ThreadWorker extends NewThreadWorker { private long expirationTime; ThreadWorker(ThreadFactory threadFactory) { super(threadFactory); this.expirationTime = 0L; } public long getExpirationTime() { return expirationTime; } public void setExpirationTime(long expirationTime) { this.expirationTime = expirationTime; } } }