Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */
package io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import org.reactivestreams.*; import io.reactivex.*; import io.reactivex.internal.subscriptions.SubscriptionHelper; import io.reactivex.internal.util.BackpressureHelper; import io.reactivex.plugins.RxJavaPlugins;
An observable which auto-connects to another observable, caches the elements from that observable but allows terminating the connection and completing the cache.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the source element type
/** * An observable which auto-connects to another observable, caches the elements * from that observable but allows terminating the connection and completing the cache. * * @param <T> the source element type */
public final class FlowableCache<T> extends AbstractFlowableWithUpstream<T, T> implements FlowableSubscriber<T> {
The subscription to the source should happen at most once.
/** * The subscription to the source should happen at most once. */
final AtomicBoolean once;
The number of items per cached nodes.
/** * The number of items per cached nodes. */
final int capacityHint;
The current known array of subscriber state to notify.
/** * The current known array of subscriber state to notify. */
final AtomicReference<CacheSubscription<T>[]> subscribers;
A shared instance of an empty array of subscribers to avoid creating a new empty array when all subscribers cancel.
/** * A shared instance of an empty array of subscribers to avoid creating * a new empty array when all subscribers cancel. */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final CacheSubscription[] EMPTY = new CacheSubscription[0];
A shared instance indicating the source has no more events and there is no need to remember subscribers anymore.
/** * A shared instance indicating the source has no more events and there * is no need to remember subscribers anymore. */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final CacheSubscription[] TERMINATED = new CacheSubscription[0];
The total number of elements in the list available for reads.
/** * The total number of elements in the list available for reads. */
volatile long size;
The starting point of the cached items.
/** * The starting point of the cached items. */
final Node<T> head;
The current tail of the linked structure holding the items.
/** * The current tail of the linked structure holding the items. */
Node<T> tail;
How many items have been put into the tail node so far.
/** * How many items have been put into the tail node so far. */
int tailOffset;
If FlowableCache<T>.subscribers is FlowableCache<T>.TERMINATED, this holds the terminal error if not null.
/** * If {@link #subscribers} is {@link #TERMINATED}, this holds the terminal error if not null. */
Throwable error;
True if the source has terminated.
/** * True if the source has terminated. */
volatile boolean done;
Constructs an empty, non-connected cache.
  • source – the source to subscribe to for the first incoming subscriber
  • capacityHint – the number of items expected (reduce allocation frequency)
/** * Constructs an empty, non-connected cache. * @param source the source to subscribe to for the first incoming subscriber * @param capacityHint the number of items expected (reduce allocation frequency) */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public FlowableCache(Flowable<T> source, int capacityHint) { super(source); this.capacityHint = capacityHint; this.once = new AtomicBoolean(); Node<T> n = new Node<T>(capacityHint); this.head = n; this.tail = n; this.subscribers = new AtomicReference<CacheSubscription<T>[]>(EMPTY); } @Override protected void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> t) { CacheSubscription<T> consumer = new CacheSubscription<T>(t, this); t.onSubscribe(consumer); add(consumer); if (!once.get() && once.compareAndSet(false, true)) { source.subscribe(this); } else { replay(consumer); } }
Check if this cached observable is connected to its source.
Returns:true if already connected
/** * Check if this cached observable is connected to its source. * @return true if already connected */
/* public */boolean isConnected() { return once.get(); }
Returns true if there are observers subscribed to this observable.
Returns:true if the cache has Subscribers
/** * Returns true if there are observers subscribed to this observable. * @return true if the cache has Subscribers */
/* public */ boolean hasSubscribers() { return subscribers.get().length != 0; }
Returns the number of events currently cached.
Returns:the number of currently cached event count
/** * Returns the number of events currently cached. * @return the number of currently cached event count */
/* public */ long cachedEventCount() { return size; }
Atomically adds the consumer to the FlowableCache<T>.subscribers copy-on-write array if the source has not yet terminated.
  • consumer – the consumer to add
/** * Atomically adds the consumer to the {@link #subscribers} copy-on-write array * if the source has not yet terminated. * @param consumer the consumer to add */
void add(CacheSubscription<T> consumer) { for (;;) { CacheSubscription<T>[] current = subscribers.get(); if (current == TERMINATED) { return; } int n = current.length; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") CacheSubscription<T>[] next = new CacheSubscription[n + 1]; System.arraycopy(current, 0, next, 0, n); next[n] = consumer; if (subscribers.compareAndSet(current, next)) { return; } } }
Atomically removes the consumer from the FlowableCache<T>.subscribers copy-on-write array.
  • consumer – the consumer to remove
/** * Atomically removes the consumer from the {@link #subscribers} copy-on-write array. * @param consumer the consumer to remove */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void remove(CacheSubscription<T> consumer) { for (;;) { CacheSubscription<T>[] current = subscribers.get(); int n = current.length; if (n == 0) { return; } int j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (current[i] == consumer) { j = i; break; } } if (j < 0) { return; } CacheSubscription<T>[] next; if (n == 1) { next = EMPTY; } else { next = new CacheSubscription[n - 1]; System.arraycopy(current, 0, next, 0, j); System.arraycopy(current, j + 1, next, j, n - j - 1); } if (subscribers.compareAndSet(current, next)) { return; } } }
Replays the contents of this cache to the given consumer based on its current state and number of items requested by it.
  • consumer – the consumer to continue replaying items to
/** * Replays the contents of this cache to the given consumer based on its * current state and number of items requested by it. * @param consumer the consumer to continue replaying items to */
void replay(CacheSubscription<T> consumer) { // make sure there is only one replay going on at a time if (consumer.getAndIncrement() != 0) { return; } // see if there were more replay request in the meantime int missed = 1; // read out state into locals upfront to avoid being re-read due to volatile reads long index = consumer.index; int offset = consumer.offset; Node<T> node = consumer.node; AtomicLong requested = consumer.requested; Subscriber<? super T> downstream = consumer.downstream; int capacity = capacityHint; for (;;) { // first see if the source has terminated, read order matters! boolean sourceDone = done; // and if the number of items is the same as this consumer has received boolean empty = size == index; // if the source is done and we have all items so far, terminate the consumer if (sourceDone && empty) { // release the node object to avoid leaks through retained consumers consumer.node = null; // if error is not null then the source failed Throwable ex = error; if (ex != null) { downstream.onError(ex); } else { downstream.onComplete(); } return; } // there are still items not sent to the consumer if (!empty) { // see how many items the consumer has requested in total so far long consumerRequested = requested.get(); // MIN_VALUE indicates a cancelled consumer, we stop replaying if (consumerRequested == Long.MIN_VALUE) { // release the node object to avoid leaks through retained consumers consumer.node = null; return; } // if the consumer has requested more and there is more, we will emit an item if (consumerRequested != index) { // if the offset in the current node has reached the node capacity if (offset == capacity) { // switch to the subsequent node node =; // reset the in-node offset offset = 0; } // emit the cached item downstream.onNext(node.values[offset]); // move the node offset forward offset++; // move the total consumed item count forward index++; // retry for the next item/terminal event if any continue; } } // commit the changed references back consumer.index = index; consumer.offset = offset; consumer.node = node; // release the changes and see if there were more replay request in the meantime missed = consumer.addAndGet(-missed); if (missed == 0) { break; } } } @Override public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) { s.request(Long.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public void onNext(T t) { int tailOffset = this.tailOffset; // if the current tail node is full, create a fresh node if (tailOffset == capacityHint) { Node<T> n = new Node<T>(tailOffset); n.values[0] = t; this.tailOffset = 1; = n; tail = n; } else { tail.values[tailOffset] = t; this.tailOffset = tailOffset + 1; } size++; for (CacheSubscription<T> consumer : subscribers.get()) { replay(consumer); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onError(Throwable t) { if (done) { RxJavaPlugins.onError(t); return; } error = t; done = true; for (CacheSubscription<T> consumer : subscribers.getAndSet(TERMINATED)) { replay(consumer); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onComplete() { done = true; for (CacheSubscription<T> consumer : subscribers.getAndSet(TERMINATED)) { replay(consumer); } }
Hosts the downstream consumer and its current requested and replay states. this holds the work-in-progress counter for the serialized replay.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
/** * Hosts the downstream consumer and its current requested and replay states. * {@code this} holds the work-in-progress counter for the serialized replay. * @param <T> the value type */
static final class CacheSubscription<T> extends AtomicInteger implements Subscription { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6770240836423125754L; final Subscriber<? super T> downstream; final FlowableCache<T> parent; final AtomicLong requested; Node<T> node; int offset; long index;
Constructs a new instance with the actual downstream consumer and the parent cache object.
  • downstream – the actual consumer
  • parent – the parent that holds onto the cached items
/** * Constructs a new instance with the actual downstream consumer and * the parent cache object. * @param downstream the actual consumer * @param parent the parent that holds onto the cached items */
CacheSubscription(Subscriber<? super T> downstream, FlowableCache<T> parent) { this.downstream = downstream; this.parent = parent; this.node = parent.head; this.requested = new AtomicLong(); } @Override public void request(long n) { if (SubscriptionHelper.validate(n)) { BackpressureHelper.addCancel(requested, n); parent.replay(this); } } @Override public void cancel() { if (requested.getAndSet(Long.MIN_VALUE) != Long.MIN_VALUE) { parent.remove(this); } } }
Represents a segment of the cached item list as part of a linked-node-list structure.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the element type
/** * Represents a segment of the cached item list as * part of a linked-node-list structure. * @param <T> the element type */
static final class Node<T> {
The array of values held by this node.
/** * The array of values held by this node. */
final T[] values;
The next node if not null.
/** * The next node if not null. */
volatile Node<T> next; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Node(int capacityHint) { this.values = (T[])new Object[capacityHint]; } } }