 * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Pivotal Software Inc, All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *       https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package reactor.core.publisher;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;

import reactor.core.CoreSubscriber;
import reactor.core.Exceptions;
import reactor.core.Fuseable;
import reactor.core.Scannable;
import reactor.core.publisher.Sinks.EmitResult;
import reactor.util.annotation.Nullable;
import reactor.util.concurrent.Queues;
import reactor.util.context.Context;

import static reactor.core.publisher.FluxPublish.PublishSubscriber.TERMINATED;

An implementation of a message-passing Processor implementing publish-subscribe with synchronous (thread-stealing and happen-before interactions) drain loops.

The default create factories will only produce the new elements observed in the parent sequence after a given Subscriber is subscribed.

Author:Stephane Maldini
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the input and output value type
Deprecated:To be removed in 3.5. Prefer clear cut usage of Sinks through variations of Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer(). This processor was blocking in onNext(Object). This behaviour can be implemented with the Sinks API by calling Many.tryEmitNext(Object) and retrying, e.g.:
while (sink.tryEmitNext(v).hasFailed()) {
/** * An implementation of a message-passing Processor implementing * publish-subscribe with synchronous (thread-stealing and happen-before interactions) * drain loops. * <p> * The default {@link #create} factories will only produce the new elements observed in * the parent sequence after a given {@link Subscriber} is subscribed. * <p> * <p> * <img width="640" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reactor/reactor-core/v3.1.3.RELEASE/src/docs/marble/emitter.png" * alt=""> * <p> * * @param <T> the input and output value type * * @author Stephane Maldini * @deprecated To be removed in 3.5. Prefer clear cut usage of {@link Sinks} through * variations of {@link Sinks.MulticastSpec#onBackpressureBuffer() Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer()}. * This processor was blocking in {@link EmitterProcessor#onNext(Object)}. * This behaviour can be implemented with the {@link Sinks} API by calling * {@link Sinks.Many#tryEmitNext(Object)} and retrying, e.g.: * <pre>{@code while (sink.tryEmitNext(v).hasFailed()) { * LockSupport.parkNanos(10); * } * }</pre> */
@Deprecated public final class EmitterProcessor<T> extends FluxProcessor<T, T> implements InternalManySink<T> { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final FluxPublish.PubSubInner[] EMPTY = new FluxPublish.PublishInner[0];
Create a new EmitterProcessor using Queues.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE backlog size and auto-cancel.
Type parameters:
  • <E> – Type of processed signals
Returns:a fresh processor
Deprecated:use Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer() (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5.
/** * Create a new {@link EmitterProcessor} using {@link Queues#SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE} * backlog size and auto-cancel. * * @param <E> Type of processed signals * * @return a fresh processor * @deprecated use {@link Sinks.MulticastSpec#onBackpressureBuffer() Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer()} * (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5. */
@Deprecated public static <E> EmitterProcessor<E> create() { return create(Queues.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, true); }
Create a new EmitterProcessor using Queues.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE backlog size and the provided auto-cancel.
  • autoCancel – automatically cancel
Type parameters:
  • <E> – Type of processed signals
Returns:a fresh processor
Deprecated:use Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer(bufferSize, boolean) using the old default of Queues.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE for the bufferSize (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5.
/** * Create a new {@link EmitterProcessor} using {@link Queues#SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE} * backlog size and the provided auto-cancel. * * @param <E> Type of processed signals * @param autoCancel automatically cancel * * @return a fresh processor * @deprecated use {@link Sinks.MulticastSpec#onBackpressureBuffer(int, boolean) Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer(bufferSize, boolean)} * using the old default of {@link Queues#SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE} for the {@code bufferSize} * (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5. */
@Deprecated public static <E> EmitterProcessor<E> create(boolean autoCancel) { return create(Queues.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE, autoCancel); }
Create a new EmitterProcessor using the provided backlog size, with auto-cancel.
  • bufferSize – the internal buffer size to hold signals
Type parameters:
  • <E> – Type of processed signals
Returns:a fresh processor
Deprecated:use Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer(bufferSize) (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5.
/** * Create a new {@link EmitterProcessor} using the provided backlog size, with auto-cancel. * * @param <E> Type of processed signals * @param bufferSize the internal buffer size to hold signals * * @return a fresh processor * @deprecated use {@link Sinks.MulticastSpec#onBackpressureBuffer(int) Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer(bufferSize)} * (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5. */
@Deprecated public static <E> EmitterProcessor<E> create(int bufferSize) { return create(bufferSize, true); }
Create a new EmitterProcessor using the provided backlog size and auto-cancellation.
  • bufferSize – the internal buffer size to hold signals
  • autoCancel – automatically cancel
Type parameters:
  • <E> – Type of processed signals
Returns:a fresh processor
Deprecated:use Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer(bufferSize, autoCancel) (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5.
/** * Create a new {@link EmitterProcessor} using the provided backlog size and auto-cancellation. * * @param <E> Type of processed signals * @param bufferSize the internal buffer size to hold signals * @param autoCancel automatically cancel * * @return a fresh processor * @deprecated use {@link Sinks.MulticastSpec#onBackpressureBuffer(int, boolean) Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer(bufferSize, autoCancel)} * (or the unsafe variant if you're sure about external synchronization). To be removed in 3.5. */
@Deprecated public static <E> EmitterProcessor<E> create(int bufferSize, boolean autoCancel) { return new EmitterProcessor<>(autoCancel, bufferSize); } final int prefetch; final boolean autoCancel; volatile Subscription s; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<EmitterProcessor, Subscription> S = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(EmitterProcessor.class, Subscription.class, "s"); volatile FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T>[] subscribers; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<EmitterProcessor, FluxPublish.PubSubInner[]> SUBSCRIBERS = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(EmitterProcessor.class, FluxPublish.PubSubInner[].class, "subscribers"); @SuppressWarnings("unused") volatile int wip; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<EmitterProcessor> WIP = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(EmitterProcessor.class, "wip"); volatile Queue<T> queue; int sourceMode; volatile boolean done; volatile Throwable error; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<EmitterProcessor, Throwable> ERROR = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(EmitterProcessor.class, Throwable.class, "error"); EmitterProcessor(boolean autoCancel, int prefetch) { if (prefetch < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferSize must be strictly positive, " + "was: " + prefetch); } this.autoCancel = autoCancel; this.prefetch = prefetch; //doesn't use INIT/CANCELLED distinction, contrary to FluxPublish) //see remove() SUBSCRIBERS.lazySet(this, EMPTY); } @Override public Stream<? extends Scannable> inners() { return Stream.of(subscribers); } @Override public Context currentContext() { return Operators.multiSubscribersContext(subscribers); } @Override public void subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual) { Objects.requireNonNull(actual, "subscribe"); EmitterInner<T> inner = new EmitterInner<>(actual, this); actual.onSubscribe(inner); if (inner.isCancelled()) { return; } if (add(inner)) { if (inner.isCancelled()) { remove(inner); } drain(); } else { Throwable e = error; if (e != null) { inner.actual.onError(e); } else { inner.actual.onComplete(); } } } @Override public void onComplete() { //no particular error condition handling for onComplete @SuppressWarnings("unused") EmitResult emitResult = tryEmitComplete(); } @Override public EmitResult tryEmitComplete() { if (done) { return EmitResult.FAIL_TERMINATED; } done = true; drain(); return EmitResult.OK; } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { emitError(throwable, Sinks.EmitFailureHandler.FAIL_FAST); } @Override public EmitResult tryEmitError(Throwable t) { Objects.requireNonNull(t, "onError"); if (done) { return EmitResult.FAIL_TERMINATED; } if (Exceptions.addThrowable(ERROR, this, t)) { done = true; drain(); return EmitResult.OK; } else { return Sinks.EmitResult.FAIL_TERMINATED; } } @Override public void onNext(T t) { if (sourceMode == Fuseable.ASYNC) { drain(); return; } emitNext(t, Sinks.EmitFailureHandler.FAIL_FAST); } @Override public EmitResult tryEmitNext(T t) { if (done) { return Sinks.EmitResult.FAIL_TERMINATED; } Objects.requireNonNull(t, "onNext"); Queue<T> q = queue; if (q == null) { if (Operators.setOnce(S, this, Operators.emptySubscription())) { q = Queues.<T>get(prefetch).get(); queue = q; } else { for (; ; ) { if (isCancelled()) { return EmitResult.FAIL_CANCELLED; } q = queue; if (q != null) { break; } } } } if (!q.offer(t)) { return subscribers == EMPTY ? EmitResult.FAIL_ZERO_SUBSCRIBER : EmitResult.FAIL_OVERFLOW; } drain(); return EmitResult.OK; } @Override public int currentSubscriberCount() { return subscribers.length; } @Override public Flux<T> asFlux() { return this; } @Override protected boolean isIdentityProcessor() { return true; }
Return the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog.
Returns:the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog.
/** * Return the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog. * * @return the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog. */
public int getPending() { Queue<T> q = queue; return q != null ? q.size() : 0; } @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return isTerminated() || isCancelled(); } @Override public void onSubscribe(final Subscription s) { if (Operators.setOnce(S, this, s)) { if (s instanceof Fuseable.QueueSubscription) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Fuseable.QueueSubscription<T> f = (Fuseable.QueueSubscription<T>) s; int m = f.requestFusion(Fuseable.ANY); if (m == Fuseable.SYNC) { sourceMode = m; queue = f; drain(); return; } else if (m == Fuseable.ASYNC) { sourceMode = m; queue = f; s.request(Operators.unboundedOrPrefetch(prefetch)); return; } } queue = Queues.<T>get(prefetch).get(); s.request(Operators.unboundedOrPrefetch(prefetch)); } } @Override @Nullable public Throwable getError() { return error; }
Returns:true if all subscribers have actually been cancelled and the processor auto shut down
/** * @return true if all subscribers have actually been cancelled and the processor auto shut down */
public boolean isCancelled() { return Operators.cancelledSubscription() == s; } @Override final public int getBufferSize() { return prefetch; } @Override public boolean isTerminated() { return done && getPending() == 0; } @Override public int getPrefetch() { return prefetch; } @Override @Nullable public Object scanUnsafe(Attr key) { if (key == Attr.PARENT) return s; if (key == Attr.BUFFERED) return getPending(); if (key == Attr.CANCELLED) return isCancelled(); if (key == Attr.PREFETCH) return getPrefetch(); return super.scanUnsafe(key); } final void drain() { if (WIP.getAndIncrement(this) != 0) { return; } int missed = 1; for (; ; ) { boolean d = done; Queue<T> q = queue; boolean empty = q == null || q.isEmpty(); if (checkTerminated(d, empty)) { return; } FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T>[] a = subscribers; if (a != EMPTY && !empty) { long maxRequested = Long.MAX_VALUE; int len = a.length; int cancel = 0; for (FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T> inner : a) { long r = inner.requested; if (r >= 0L) { maxRequested = Math.min(maxRequested, r); } else { //Long.MIN == PublishInner.CANCEL_REQUEST cancel++; } } if (len == cancel) { T v; try { v = q.poll(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Exceptions.addThrowable(ERROR, this, Operators.onOperatorError(s, ex, currentContext())); d = true; v = null; } if (checkTerminated(d, v == null)) { return; } if (sourceMode != Fuseable.SYNC) { s.request(1); } continue; } int e = 0; while (e < maxRequested && cancel != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { d = done; T v; try { v = q.poll(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Exceptions.addThrowable(ERROR, this, Operators.onOperatorError(s, ex, currentContext())); d = true; v = null; } empty = v == null; if (checkTerminated(d, empty)) { return; } if (empty) { //async mode only needs to break but SYNC mode needs to perform terminal cleanup here... if (sourceMode == Fuseable.SYNC) { //the q is empty done = true; checkTerminated(true, true); } break; } for (FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T> inner : a) { inner.actual.onNext(v); if (Operators.producedCancellable(FluxPublish .PublishInner.REQUESTED, inner, 1) == Long.MIN_VALUE) { cancel = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } } e++; } if (e != 0 && sourceMode != Fuseable.SYNC) { s.request(e); } if (maxRequested != 0L && !empty) { continue; } } else if ( sourceMode == Fuseable.SYNC ) { done = true; if (checkTerminated(true, empty)) { //empty can be true if no subscriber break; } } missed = WIP.addAndGet(this, -missed); if (missed == 0) { break; } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T>[] terminate() { return SUBSCRIBERS.getAndSet(this, TERMINATED); } boolean checkTerminated(boolean d, boolean empty) { if (s == Operators.cancelledSubscription()) { if (autoCancel) { terminate(); Queue<T> q = queue; if (q != null) { q.clear(); } } return true; } if (d) { Throwable e = error; if (e != null && e != Exceptions.TERMINATED) { Queue<T> q = queue; if (q != null) { q.clear(); } for (FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T> inner : terminate()) { inner.actual.onError(e); } return true; } else if (empty) { for (FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T> inner : terminate()) { inner.actual.onComplete(); } return true; } } return false; } final boolean add(EmitterInner<T> inner) { for (; ; ) { FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T>[] a = subscribers; if (a == TERMINATED) { return false; } int n = a.length; FluxPublish.PubSubInner<?>[] b = new FluxPublish.PubSubInner[n + 1]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, n); b[n] = inner; if (SUBSCRIBERS.compareAndSet(this, a, b)) { return true; } } } final void remove(FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T> inner) { for (; ; ) { FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T>[] a = subscribers; if (a == TERMINATED || a == EMPTY) { return; } int n = a.length; int j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] == inner) { j = i; break; } } if (j < 0) { return; } FluxPublish.PubSubInner<?>[] b; if (n == 1) { b = EMPTY; } else { b = new FluxPublish.PubSubInner<?>[n - 1]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, j); System.arraycopy(a, j + 1, b, j, n - j - 1); } if (SUBSCRIBERS.compareAndSet(this, a, b)) { //contrary to FluxPublish, there is a possibility of auto-cancel, which //happens when the removed inner makes the subscribers array EMPTY if (autoCancel && b == EMPTY && Operators.terminate(S, this)) { if (WIP.getAndIncrement(this) != 0) { return; } terminate(); Queue<T> q = queue; if (q != null) { q.clear(); } } } return; } } @Override public long downstreamCount() { return subscribers.length; } static final class EmitterInner<T> extends FluxPublish.PubSubInner<T> { final EmitterProcessor<T> parent; EmitterInner(CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual, EmitterProcessor<T> parent) { super(actual); this.parent = parent; } @Override void drainParent() { parent.drain(); } @Override void removeAndDrainParent() { parent.remove(this); parent.drain(); } } }