 * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Pivotal Software Inc, All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package reactor.core.publisher;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import reactor.core.Exceptions;
import reactor.core.Scannable;
import reactor.util.annotation.Nullable;
import reactor.util.concurrent.Queues;
import reactor.util.concurrent.WaitStrategy;
import reactor.util.context.Context;

A base processor used by executor backed processors to take care of their ExecutorService
Author:Stephane Maldini
/** * A base processor used by executor backed processors to take care of their ExecutorService * * @author Stephane Maldini */
abstract class EventLoopProcessor<IN> extends FluxProcessor<IN, IN> implements Runnable { static <E> Flux<E> coldSource(RingBuffer<Slot<E>> ringBuffer, @Nullable Throwable t, @Nullable Throwable error, RingBuffer.Sequence start){ Flux<E> bufferIterable = generate(start::getAsLong, (seq, sink) -> { long s = seq + 1; if(s > ringBuffer.getCursor()){ sink.complete(); } else { E d = ringBuffer.get(s).value; if (d != null) { sink.next(d); } } return s; }); if (error != null) { if (t != null) { t = Exceptions.addSuppressed(t, error); return concat(bufferIterable, Flux.error(t)); } return concat(bufferIterable, Flux.error(error)); } return bufferIterable; }
Create a Runnable event loop that will keep monitoring a LongSupplier and compare it to a RingBuffer
Returns:a Runnable loop to execute to start the requesting loop
/** * Create a {@link Runnable} event loop that will keep monitoring a {@link * LongSupplier} and compare it to a {@link RingBuffer} * * @param upstream the {@link Subscription} to request/cancel on * @param p parent {@link EventLoopProcessor} * @param postWaitCallback a {@link Consumer} notified with the latest sequence read * @param readCount a {@link LongSupplier} a sequence cursor to wait on * * @return a {@link Runnable} loop to execute to start the requesting loop */
static Runnable createRequestTask( Subscription upstream, EventLoopProcessor<?> p, @Nullable Consumer<Long> postWaitCallback, LongSupplier readCount) { return new RequestTask(upstream, p, postWaitCallback, readCount); }
Spin CPU until the request LongSupplier is populated at least once by a strict positive value. To relieve the spin loop, the read sequence itself will be used against so it will wake up only when a signal is emitted upstream or other stopping condition including terminal signals thrown by the Reader waiting barrier.
  • pendingRequest – the LongSupplier request to observe
  • barrier – Reader to wait on
  • isRunning – AtomicBoolean calling loop running state
  • nextSequence – LongSupplier ring buffer read cursor
  • waiter – an optional extra spin observer for the wait strategy in Reader
Returns:true if a request has been received, false in any other case.
/** * Spin CPU until the request {@link LongSupplier} is populated at least once by a * strict positive value. To relieve the spin loop, the read sequence itself will be * used against so it will wake up only when a signal is emitted upstream or other * stopping condition including terminal signals thrown by the {@link * RingBuffer.Reader} waiting barrier. * * @param pendingRequest the {@link LongSupplier} request to observe * @param barrier {@link RingBuffer.Reader} to wait on * @param isRunning {@link AtomicBoolean} calling loop running state * @param nextSequence {@link LongSupplier} ring buffer read cursor * @param waiter an optional extra spin observer for the wait strategy in {@link * RingBuffer.Reader} * * @return true if a request has been received, false in any other case. */
static boolean waitRequestOrTerminalEvent(LongSupplier pendingRequest, RingBuffer.Reader barrier, AtomicBoolean isRunning, LongSupplier nextSequence, Runnable waiter) { try { long waitedSequence; while (pendingRequest.getAsLong() <= 0L) { //pause until first request waitedSequence = nextSequence.getAsLong() + 1; waiter.run(); barrier.waitFor(waitedSequence, waiter); if (!isRunning.get()) { WaitStrategy.alert(); } LockSupport.parkNanos(1L); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread() .interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!isRunning.get() || WaitStrategy.isAlert(e)) { return false; } throw e; } return true; }
Concurrent addition bound to Long.MAX_VALUE. Any concurrent write will "happen" before this operation.
  • sequence – current sequence to update
  • toAdd – delta to add
/** * Concurrent addition bound to Long.MAX_VALUE. Any concurrent write will "happen" * before this operation. * * @param sequence current sequence to update * @param toAdd delta to add */
static void addCap(RingBuffer.Sequence sequence, long toAdd) { long u, r; do { r = sequence.getAsLong(); if (r == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return; } u = Operators.addCap(r, toAdd); } while (!sequence.compareAndSet(r, u)); }
Concurrent substraction bound to 0 and Long.MAX_VALUE. Any concurrent write will "happen" before this operation.
  • sequence – current sequence to update
  • toSub – delta to sub
Returns:value before subscription, 0 or Long.MAX_VALUE
/** * Concurrent substraction bound to 0 and Long.MAX_VALUE. Any concurrent write will * "happen" before this operation. * * @param sequence current sequence to update * @param toSub delta to sub * * @return value before subscription, 0 or Long.MAX_VALUE */
static long getAndSub(RingBuffer.Sequence sequence, long toSub) { long r, u; do { r = sequence.getAsLong(); if (r == 0 || r == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return r; } u = Operators.subOrZero(r, toSub); } while (!sequence.compareAndSet(r, u)); return r; } final ExecutorService executor; final ExecutorService requestTaskExecutor; final EventLoopContext contextClassLoader; final String name; final boolean autoCancel; final RingBuffer<Slot<IN>> ringBuffer; final WaitStrategy readWait = WaitStrategy.liteBlocking(); Subscription upstreamSubscription; volatile boolean cancelled; volatile int terminated; volatile Throwable error; volatile int subscriberCount; EventLoopProcessor( int bufferSize, @Nullable ThreadFactory threadFactory, @Nullable ExecutorService executor, ExecutorService requestExecutor, boolean autoCancel, boolean multiproducers, Supplier<Slot<IN>> factory, WaitStrategy strategy) { if (!Queues.isPowerOfTwo(bufferSize)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferSize must be a power of 2 : " + bufferSize); } if (bufferSize < 1){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferSize must be strictly positive, " + "was: "+bufferSize); } this.autoCancel = autoCancel; contextClassLoader = new EventLoopContext(multiproducers); this.name = defaultName(threadFactory, getClass()); this.requestTaskExecutor = Objects.requireNonNull(requestExecutor, "requestTaskExecutor"); if (executor == null) { this.executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(threadFactory); } else { this.executor = executor; } if (multiproducers) { this.ringBuffer = RingBuffer.createMultiProducer(factory, bufferSize, strategy, this); } else { this.ringBuffer = RingBuffer.createSingleProducer(factory, bufferSize, strategy, this); } }
Return the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog.
Returns:the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog.
/** * Return the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog. * * @return the number of parked elements in the emitter backlog. */
public abstract long getPending(); @Override @Nullable public Object scanUnsafe(Attr key) { if (key == Attr.PARENT) return upstreamSubscription; return super.scanUnsafe(key); }
A method to extract a name from the ThreadFactory if it turns out to be a Supplier (in which case the supplied value string representation is used). Otherwise return the current class's simpleName.
  • threadFactory – the factory to test for a supplied name
  • clazz –
Returns:the name to use in thread pools
/** * A method to extract a name from the ThreadFactory if it turns out to be a Supplier * (in which case the supplied value string representation is used). Otherwise return * the current class's simpleName. * * @param threadFactory the factory to test for a supplied name * @param clazz * @return the name to use in thread pools */
protected static String defaultName(@Nullable ThreadFactory threadFactory, Class<? extends EventLoopProcessor> clazz) { String name = threadFactory instanceof Supplier ? ((Supplier) threadFactory).get().toString() : null; return null != name ? name : clazz.getSimpleName(); }
A method to create a suitable default ExecutorService for use in implementors requestTask(Subscription) (a cached thread pool), reusing a main name and appending [request-task] suffix.
  • name – the main thread name used by the processor.
Returns:a default ExecutorService for requestTask.
/** * A method to create a suitable default {@link ExecutorService} for use in implementors * {@link #requestTask(Subscription)} (a {@link Executors#newCachedThreadPool() cached * thread pool}), reusing a main name and appending {@code [request-task]} suffix. * * @param name the main thread name used by the processor. * @return a default {@link ExecutorService} for requestTask. */
protected static ExecutorService defaultRequestTaskExecutor(String name) { return Executors.newCachedThreadPool(r -> new Thread(r,name+"[request-task]")); }
Determine whether this Processor can be used.
Returns:true if this Resource is alive and can be used, false otherwise.
/** * Determine whether this {@code Processor} can be used. * * @return {@literal true} if this {@code Resource} is alive and can be used, {@literal false} otherwise. */
final public boolean alive() { return 0 == terminated; }
Block until all submitted tasks have completed, then do a normal EventLoopProcessor.dispose().
Returns:if the underlying executor terminated and false if the timeout elapsed before termination
/** * Block until all submitted tasks have completed, then do a normal {@code EventLoopProcessor.dispose()}. * @return if the underlying executor terminated and false if the timeout elapsed before termination */
public final boolean awaitAndShutdown() { return awaitAndShutdown(Duration.ofSeconds(-1)); }
Block until all submitted tasks have completed, then do a normal EventLoopProcessor#dispose().
  • timeout – the timeout value
  • timeUnit – the unit for timeout
Returns:if the underlying executor terminated and false if the timeout elapsed before termination
Deprecated:use awaitAndShutdown(Duration) instead
/** * Block until all submitted tasks have completed, then do a normal {@code EventLoopProcessor#dispose()}. * @param timeout the timeout value * @param timeUnit the unit for timeout * @return if the underlying executor terminated and false if the timeout elapsed before termination * @deprecated use {@link #awaitAndShutdown(Duration)} instead */
@Deprecated public final boolean awaitAndShutdown(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { try { shutdown(); return executor.awaitTermination(timeout, timeUnit); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return false; } }
Block until all submitted tasks have completed, then do a normal EventLoopProcessor#dispose().
  • timeout – the timeout value as a Duration. Note this is converted to a Long of nanoseconds (which amounts to roughly 292 years maximum timeout).
Returns:if the underlying executor terminated and false if the timeout elapsed before termination
/** * Block until all submitted tasks have completed, then do a normal {@code EventLoopProcessor#dispose()}. * @param timeout the timeout value as a {@link java.time.Duration}. Note this is converted to a {@link Long} * of nanoseconds (which amounts to roughly 292 years maximum timeout). * @return if the underlying executor terminated and false if the timeout elapsed before termination */
public final boolean awaitAndShutdown(Duration timeout) { long nanos = -1; if (!timeout.isNegative()) { nanos = timeout.toNanos(); } try { shutdown(); return executor.awaitTermination(nanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return false; } } //FIXME store current subscribers @Override public Stream<? extends Scannable> inners() { return Stream.empty(); }
Drain is a hot replication of the current buffer delivered if supported. Since it is hot there might be no guarantee to see a end if the buffer keeps replenishing due to concurrent producing.
Returns:a Flux sequence possibly unbounded of incoming buffered values or empty if not supported.
/** * Drain is a hot replication of the current buffer delivered if supported. Since it is hot there might be no * guarantee to see a end if the buffer keeps replenishing due to concurrent producing. * * @return a {@link Flux} sequence possibly unbounded of incoming buffered values or empty if not supported. */
public Flux<IN> drain(){ return Flux.empty(); }
Shutdown this Processor, forcibly halting any work currently executing and discarding any tasks that have not yet been executed.
Returns:a Flux instance with the remaining undelivered values
/** * Shutdown this {@code Processor}, forcibly halting any work currently executing and discarding any tasks that have * not yet been executed. * @return a Flux instance with the remaining undelivered values */
final public Flux<IN> forceShutdown() { int t = terminated; if (t != FORCED_SHUTDOWN && TERMINATED.compareAndSet(this, t, FORCED_SHUTDOWN)) { executor.shutdownNow(); requestTaskExecutor.shutdownNow(); } return drain(); }
Returns:a snapshot number of available onNext before starving the resource
/** * @return a snapshot number of available onNext before starving the resource */
final public long getAvailableCapacity() { return ringBuffer.bufferSize() - ringBuffer.getPending(); } @Override @Nullable final public Throwable getError() { return error; } @Override final public String toString() { return "/Processors/" + name + "/" + contextClassLoader.hashCode(); } @Override final public int hashCode() { return contextClassLoader.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean isSerialized() { return contextClassLoader.multiproducer; } @Override final public boolean isTerminated() { return terminated > 0; } @Override final public void onComplete() { if (TERMINATED.compareAndSet(this, 0, SHUTDOWN)) { upstreamSubscription = null; doComplete(); executor.shutdown(); readWait.signalAllWhenBlocking(); } } @Override final public void onError(Throwable t) { Objects.requireNonNull(t, "onError"); if (TERMINATED.compareAndSet(this, 0, SHUTDOWN)) { error = t; upstreamSubscription = null; doError(t); executor.shutdown(); readWait.signalAllWhenBlocking(); } else { Operators.onErrorDropped(t, Context.empty()); } } @Override final public void onNext(IN o) { Objects.requireNonNull(o, "onNext"); final long seqId = ringBuffer.next(); final Slot<IN> signal = ringBuffer.get(seqId); signal.value = o; ringBuffer.publish(seqId); } @Override final public void onSubscribe(final Subscription s) { if (Operators.validate(upstreamSubscription, s)) { this.upstreamSubscription = s; try { if (s != Operators.emptySubscription()) { requestTask(s); } } catch (Throwable t) { onError(Operators.onOperatorError(s, t, currentContext())); } } } @Override protected boolean serializeAlways() { return !contextClassLoader.multiproducer; }
Shutdown this active Processor such that it can no longer be used. If the resource carries any work, it will wait (but NOT blocking the caller) for all the remaining tasks to perform before closing the resource.
/** * Shutdown this active {@code Processor} such that it can no longer be used. If the resource carries any work, it * will wait (but NOT blocking the caller) for all the remaining tasks to perform before closing the resource. */
public final void shutdown() { try { onComplete(); executor.shutdown(); requestTaskExecutor.shutdown(); } catch (Throwable t) { onError(Operators.onOperatorError(t, currentContext())); } } @Override final public int getBufferSize() { return ringBuffer.bufferSize(); } final void cancel() { cancelled = true; if (TERMINATED.compareAndSet(this, 0, SHUTDOWN)) { executor.shutdown(); } readWait.signalAllWhenBlocking(); } protected void doComplete() { }
An async request client for ring buffer impls
Author:Stephane Maldini
/** * An async request client for ring buffer impls * * @author Stephane Maldini */
static final class RequestTask implements Runnable { final LongSupplier readCount; final Subscription upstream; final EventLoopProcessor<?> parent; final Consumer<Long> postWaitCallback; RequestTask(Subscription upstream, EventLoopProcessor<?> p, @Nullable Consumer<Long> postWaitCallback, LongSupplier readCount) { this.parent = p; this.readCount = readCount; this.postWaitCallback = postWaitCallback; this.upstream = upstream; } @Override public void run() { final long bufferSize = parent.ringBuffer.bufferSize(); final long limit = bufferSize == 1 ? bufferSize : bufferSize - Math.max(bufferSize >> 2, 1); long cursor = -1; try { parent.run(); upstream.request(bufferSize); long c; //noinspection InfiniteLoopStatement for (; ; ) { c = cursor + limit; cursor = parent.readWait.waitFor(c, readCount, parent); if (postWaitCallback != null) { postWaitCallback.accept(cursor); } //spinObserver.accept(null); upstream.request(limit + (cursor - c)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread() .interrupt(); } catch (Throwable t) { if(WaitStrategy.isAlert(t)){ if(parent.cancelled){ upstream.cancel(); } return; } parent.onError(Operators.onOperatorError(t, parent.currentContext())); } } } protected void requestTask(final Subscription s) { //implementation might run a specific request task for the given subscription } final void decrementSubscribers() { Subscription subscription = upstreamSubscription; int subs = SUBSCRIBER_COUNT.decrementAndGet(this); if (subs == 0) { if (subscription != null && autoCancel) { upstreamSubscription = null; cancel(); } } } @Override public long downstreamCount() { return subscriberCount; } abstract void doError(Throwable throwable); final boolean incrementSubscribers() { return SUBSCRIBER_COUNT.getAndIncrement(this) == 0; } final static class EventLoopContext extends ClassLoader { final boolean multiproducer; EventLoopContext(boolean multiproducer) { super(Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader()); this.multiproducer = multiproducer; } } static final int SHUTDOWN = 1; static final int FORCED_SHUTDOWN = 2; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<EventLoopProcessor> SUBSCRIBER_COUNT = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(EventLoopProcessor.class, "subscriberCount"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final static AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<EventLoopProcessor> TERMINATED = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(EventLoopProcessor.class, "terminated");
A simple reusable data container.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
/** * A simple reusable data container. * * @param <T> the value type */
public static final class Slot<T> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5172014386416785095L; public T value; } final static class EventLoopFactory implements ThreadFactory, Supplier<String> { /** */ static final AtomicInteger COUNT = new AtomicInteger(); final String name; final boolean daemon; EventLoopFactory(String name, boolean daemon) { this.name = name; this.daemon = daemon; } @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(r, name + "-" + COUNT.incrementAndGet()); t.setDaemon(daemon); return t; } @Override public String get() { return name; } } }