 * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package io.netty.util;

import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import io.netty.util.internal.SocketUtils;
import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.Inet4Address;
import java.net.Inet6Address;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.NetworkInterface;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;

import static io.netty.util.AsciiString.indexOf;

A class that holds a number of network-related constants.

This class borrowed some of its methods from a modified fork of the Inet6Util class which was part of Apache Harmony.
/** * A class that holds a number of network-related constants. * <p/> * This class borrowed some of its methods from a modified fork of the * <a href="http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/harmony/enhanced/java/branches/java6/classlib/modules/luni/ * src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/luni/util/Inet6Util.java">Inet6Util class</a> which was part of Apache Harmony. */
public final class NetUtil {
The Inet4Address that represents the IPv4 loopback address ''
/** * The {@link Inet4Address} that represents the IPv4 loopback address '' */
public static final Inet4Address LOCALHOST4;
The Inet6Address that represents the IPv6 loopback address '::1'
/** * The {@link Inet6Address} that represents the IPv6 loopback address '::1' */
public static final Inet6Address LOCALHOST6;
The InetAddress that represents the loopback address. If IPv6 stack is available, it will refer to LOCALHOST6. Otherwise, LOCALHOST4.
/** * The {@link InetAddress} that represents the loopback address. If IPv6 stack is available, it will refer to * {@link #LOCALHOST6}. Otherwise, {@link #LOCALHOST4}. */
public static final InetAddress LOCALHOST;
The loopback NetworkInterface of the current machine
/** * The loopback {@link NetworkInterface} of the current machine */
public static final NetworkInterface LOOPBACK_IF;
The SOMAXCONN value of the current machine. If failed to get the value, 200 is used as a default value for Windows or 128 for others.
/** * The SOMAXCONN value of the current machine. If failed to get the value, {@code 200} is used as a * default value for Windows or {@code 128} for others. */
public static final int SOMAXCONN;
This defines how many words (represented as ints) are needed to represent an IPv6 address
/** * This defines how many words (represented as ints) are needed to represent an IPv6 address */
private static final int IPV6_WORD_COUNT = 8;
The maximum number of characters for an IPV6 string with no scope
/** * The maximum number of characters for an IPV6 string with no scope */
private static final int IPV6_MAX_CHAR_COUNT = 39;
Number of bytes needed to represent and IPV6 value
/** * Number of bytes needed to represent and IPV6 value */
private static final int IPV6_BYTE_COUNT = 16;
Maximum amount of value adding characters in between IPV6 separators
/** * Maximum amount of value adding characters in between IPV6 separators */
private static final int IPV6_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR = 4;
Minimum number of separators that must be present in an IPv6 string
/** * Minimum number of separators that must be present in an IPv6 string */
private static final int IPV6_MIN_SEPARATORS = 2;
Maximum number of separators that must be present in an IPv6 string
/** * Maximum number of separators that must be present in an IPv6 string */
private static final int IPV6_MAX_SEPARATORS = 8;
Maximum amount of value adding characters in between IPV4 separators
/** * Maximum amount of value adding characters in between IPV4 separators */
private static final int IPV4_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR = 3;
Number of separators that must be present in an IPv4 string
/** * Number of separators that must be present in an IPv4 string */
private static final int IPV4_SEPARATORS = 3;
true if IPv4 should be used even if the system supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
/** * {@code true} if IPv4 should be used even if the system supports both IPv4 and IPv6. */
private static final boolean IPV4_PREFERRED = SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean("java.net.preferIPv4Stack", false);
true if an IPv6 address should be preferred when a host has both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address.
/** * {@code true} if an IPv6 address should be preferred when a host has both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. */
private static final boolean IPV6_ADDRESSES_PREFERRED = SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean("java.net.preferIPv6Addresses", false);
The logger being used by this class
/** * The logger being used by this class */
private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(NetUtil.class); static { logger.debug("-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack: {}", IPV4_PREFERRED); logger.debug("-Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses: {}", IPV6_ADDRESSES_PREFERRED); byte[] LOCALHOST4_BYTES = {127, 0, 0, 1}; byte[] LOCALHOST6_BYTES = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; // Create IPv4 loopback address. Inet4Address localhost4 = null; try { localhost4 = (Inet4Address) InetAddress.getByAddress("localhost", LOCALHOST4_BYTES); } catch (Exception e) { // We should not get here as long as the length of the address is correct. PlatformDependent.throwException(e); } LOCALHOST4 = localhost4; // Create IPv6 loopback address. Inet6Address localhost6 = null; try { localhost6 = (Inet6Address) InetAddress.getByAddress("localhost", LOCALHOST6_BYTES); } catch (Exception e) { // We should not get here as long as the length of the address is correct. PlatformDependent.throwException(e); } LOCALHOST6 = localhost6; // Retrieve the list of available network interfaces. List<NetworkInterface> ifaces = new ArrayList<NetworkInterface>(); try { Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); if (interfaces != null) { while (interfaces.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface iface = interfaces.nextElement(); // Use the interface with proper INET addresses only. if (SocketUtils.addressesFromNetworkInterface(iface).hasMoreElements()) { ifaces.add(iface); } } } } catch (SocketException e) { logger.warn("Failed to retrieve the list of available network interfaces", e); } // Find the first loopback interface available from its INET address ( or ::1) // Note that we do not use NetworkInterface.isLoopback() in the first place because it takes long time // on a certain environment. (e.g. Windows with -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true) NetworkInterface loopbackIface = null; InetAddress loopbackAddr = null; loop: for (NetworkInterface iface: ifaces) { for (Enumeration<InetAddress> i = SocketUtils.addressesFromNetworkInterface(iface); i.hasMoreElements();) { InetAddress addr = i.nextElement(); if (addr.isLoopbackAddress()) { // Found loopbackIface = iface; loopbackAddr = addr; break loop; } } } // If failed to find the loopback interface from its INET address, fall back to isLoopback(). if (loopbackIface == null) { try { for (NetworkInterface iface: ifaces) { if (iface.isLoopback()) { Enumeration<InetAddress> i = SocketUtils.addressesFromNetworkInterface(iface); if (i.hasMoreElements()) { // Found the one with INET address. loopbackIface = iface; loopbackAddr = i.nextElement(); break; } } } if (loopbackIface == null) { logger.warn("Failed to find the loopback interface"); } } catch (SocketException e) { logger.warn("Failed to find the loopback interface", e); } } if (loopbackIface != null) { // Found the loopback interface with an INET address. logger.debug( "Loopback interface: {} ({}, {})", loopbackIface.getName(), loopbackIface.getDisplayName(), loopbackAddr.getHostAddress()); } else { // Could not find the loopback interface, but we can't leave LOCALHOST as null. // Use LOCALHOST6 or LOCALHOST4, preferably the IPv6 one. if (loopbackAddr == null) { try { if (NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(LOCALHOST6) != null) { logger.debug("Using hard-coded IPv6 localhost address: {}", localhost6); loopbackAddr = localhost6; } } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } finally { if (loopbackAddr == null) { logger.debug("Using hard-coded IPv4 localhost address: {}", localhost4); loopbackAddr = localhost4; } } } } LOOPBACK_IF = loopbackIface; LOCALHOST = loopbackAddr; // As a SecurityManager may prevent reading the somaxconn file we wrap this in a privileged block. // // See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/3680 SOMAXCONN = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Integer>() { @Override public Integer run() { // Determine the default somaxconn (server socket backlog) value of the platform. // The known defaults: // - Windows NT Server 4.0+: 200 // - Linux and Mac OS X: 128 int somaxconn = PlatformDependent.isWindows() ? 200 : 128; File file = new File("/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn"); BufferedReader in = null; try { // file.exists() may throw a SecurityException if a SecurityManager is used, so execute it in the // try / catch block. // See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/4936 if (file.exists()) { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); somaxconn = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: {}", file, somaxconn); } } else { // Try to get from sysctl Integer tmp = null; if (SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean("io.netty.net.somaxconn.trySysctl", false)) { tmp = sysctlGetInt("kern.ipc.somaxconn"); if (tmp == null) { tmp = sysctlGetInt("kern.ipc.soacceptqueue"); if (tmp != null) { somaxconn = tmp; } } else { somaxconn = tmp; } } if (tmp == null) { logger.debug("Failed to get SOMAXCONN from sysctl and file {}. Default: {}", file, somaxconn); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Failed to get SOMAXCONN from sysctl and file {}. Default: {}", file, somaxconn, e); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignored. } } } return somaxconn; } }); }
This will execute sysctl with the sysctlKey which is expected to return the numeric value for for sysctlKey.
  • sysctlKey – The key which the return value corresponds to.
Returns:The sysctl value for sysctlKey.
/** * This will execute <a href ="https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?sysctl(8)">sysctl</a> with the {@code sysctlKey} * which is expected to return the numeric value for for {@code sysctlKey}. * @param sysctlKey The key which the return value corresponds to. * @return The <a href ="https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?sysctl(8)">sysctl</a> value for {@code sysctlKey}. */
private static Integer sysctlGetInt(String sysctlKey) throws IOException { Process process = new ProcessBuilder("sysctl", sysctlKey).start(); try { InputStream is = process.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); try { String line = br.readLine(); if (line.startsWith(sysctlKey)) { for (int i = line.length() - 1; i > sysctlKey.length(); --i) { if (!Character.isDigit(line.charAt(i))) { return Integer.valueOf(line.substring(i + 1, line.length())); } } } return null; } finally { br.close(); } } finally { if (process != null) { process.destroy(); } } }
Returns true if IPv4 should be used even if the system supports both IPv4 and IPv6. Setting this property to true will disable IPv6 support. The default value of this property is false.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if IPv4 should be used even if the system supports both IPv4 and IPv6. Setting this * property to {@code true} will disable IPv6 support. The default value of this property is {@code false}. * * @see <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/doc-files/net-properties.html">Java SE * networking properties</a> */
public static boolean isIpV4StackPreferred() { return IPV4_PREFERRED; }
Returns true if an IPv6 address should be preferred when a host has both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. The default value of this property is false.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if an IPv6 address should be preferred when a host has both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 * address. The default value of this property is {@code false}. * * @see <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/doc-files/net-properties.html">Java SE * networking properties</a> */
public static boolean isIpV6AddressesPreferred() { return IPV6_ADDRESSES_PREFERRED; }
Creates an byte[] based on an ipAddressString. No error handling is performed here.
/** * Creates an byte[] based on an ipAddressString. No error handling is performed here. */
public static byte[] createByteArrayFromIpAddressString(String ipAddressString) { if (isValidIpV4Address(ipAddressString)) { return validIpV4ToBytes(ipAddressString); } if (isValidIpV6Address(ipAddressString)) { if (ipAddressString.charAt(0) == '[') { ipAddressString = ipAddressString.substring(1, ipAddressString.length() - 1); } int percentPos = ipAddressString.indexOf('%'); if (percentPos >= 0) { ipAddressString = ipAddressString.substring(0, percentPos); } return getIPv6ByName(ipAddressString, true); } return null; } private static int decimalDigit(String str, int pos) { return str.charAt(pos) - '0'; } private static byte ipv4WordToByte(String ip, int from, int toExclusive) { int ret = decimalDigit(ip, from); from++; if (from == toExclusive) { return (byte) ret; } ret = ret * 10 + decimalDigit(ip, from); from++; if (from == toExclusive) { return (byte) ret; } return (byte) (ret * 10 + decimalDigit(ip, from)); } // visible for tests static byte[] validIpV4ToBytes(String ip) { int i; return new byte[] { ipv4WordToByte(ip, 0, i = ip.indexOf('.', 1)), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, i = ip.indexOf('.', i + 2)), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, i = ip.indexOf('.', i + 2)), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, ip.length()) }; }
Converts a 32-bit integer into an IPv4 address.
/** * Converts a 32-bit integer into an IPv4 address. */
public static String intToIpAddress(int i) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(15); buf.append(i >> 24 & 0xff); buf.append('.'); buf.append(i >> 16 & 0xff); buf.append('.'); buf.append(i >> 8 & 0xff); buf.append('.'); buf.append(i & 0xff); return buf.toString(); }
Converts 4-byte or 16-byte data into an IPv4 or IPv6 string respectively.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if length is not 4 nor 16
/** * Converts 4-byte or 16-byte data into an IPv4 or IPv6 string respectively. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if {@code length} is not {@code 4} nor {@code 16} */
public static String bytesToIpAddress(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToIpAddress(bytes, 0, bytes.length); }
Converts 4-byte or 16-byte data into an IPv4 or IPv6 string respectively.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if length is not 4 nor 16
/** * Converts 4-byte or 16-byte data into an IPv4 or IPv6 string respectively. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if {@code length} is not {@code 4} nor {@code 16} */
public static String bytesToIpAddress(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) { switch (length) { case 4: { return new StringBuilder(15) .append(bytes[offset] & 0xff) .append('.') .append(bytes[offset + 1] & 0xff) .append('.') .append(bytes[offset + 2] & 0xff) .append('.') .append(bytes[offset + 3] & 0xff).toString(); } case 16: return toAddressString(bytes, offset, false); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("length: " + length + " (expected: 4 or 16)"); } } public static boolean isValidIpV6Address(String ip) { return isValidIpV6Address((CharSequence) ip); } public static boolean isValidIpV6Address(CharSequence ip) { int end = ip.length(); if (end < 2) { return false; } // strip "[]" int start; char c = ip.charAt(0); if (c == '[') { end--; if (ip.charAt(end) != ']') { // must have a close ] return false; } start = 1; c = ip.charAt(1); } else { start = 0; } int colons; int compressBegin; if (c == ':') { // an IPv6 address can start with "::" or with a number if (ip.charAt(start + 1) != ':') { return false; } colons = 2; compressBegin = start; start += 2; } else { colons = 0; compressBegin = -1; } int wordLen = 0; loop: for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { c = ip.charAt(i); if (isValidHexChar(c)) { if (wordLen < 4) { wordLen++; continue; } return false; } switch (c) { case ':': if (colons > 7) { return false; } if (ip.charAt(i - 1) == ':') { if (compressBegin >= 0) { return false; } compressBegin = i - 1; } else { wordLen = 0; } colons++; break; case '.': // case for the last 32-bits represented as IPv4 x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d // check a normal case (6 single colons) if (compressBegin < 0 && colons != 6 || // a special case ::1:2:3:4:5:d.d.d.d allows 7 colons with an // IPv4 ending, otherwise 7 :'s is bad (colons == 7 && compressBegin >= start || colons > 7)) { return false; } // Verify this address is of the correct structure to contain an IPv4 address. // It must be IPv4-Mapped or IPv4-Compatible // (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.5.5). int ipv4Start = i - wordLen; int j = ipv4Start - 2; // index of character before the previous ':'. if (isValidIPv4MappedChar(ip.charAt(j))) { if (!isValidIPv4MappedChar(ip.charAt(j - 1)) || !isValidIPv4MappedChar(ip.charAt(j - 2)) || !isValidIPv4MappedChar(ip.charAt(j - 3))) { return false; } j -= 5; } for (; j >= start; --j) { char tmpChar = ip.charAt(j); if (tmpChar != '0' && tmpChar != ':') { return false; } } // 7 - is minimum IPv4 address length int ipv4End = indexOf(ip, '%', ipv4Start + 7); if (ipv4End < 0) { ipv4End = end; } return isValidIpV4Address(ip, ipv4Start, ipv4End); case '%': // strip the interface name/index after the percent sign end = i; break loop; default: return false; } } // normal case without compression if (compressBegin < 0) { return colons == 7 && wordLen > 0; } return compressBegin + 2 == end || // 8 colons is valid only if compression in start or end wordLen > 0 && (colons < 8 || compressBegin <= start); } private static boolean isValidIpV4Word(CharSequence word, int from, int toExclusive) { int len = toExclusive - from; char c0, c1, c2; if (len < 1 || len > 3 || (c0 = word.charAt(from)) < '0') { return false; } if (len == 3) { return (c1 = word.charAt(from + 1)) >= '0' && (c2 = word.charAt(from + 2)) >= '0' && (c0 <= '1' && c1 <= '9' && c2 <= '9' || c0 == '2' && c1 <= '5' && (c2 <= '5' || c1 < '5' && c2 <= '9')); } return c0 <= '9' && (len == 1 || isValidNumericChar(word.charAt(from + 1))); } private static boolean isValidHexChar(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'; } private static boolean isValidNumericChar(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } private static boolean isValidIPv4MappedChar(char c) { return c == 'f' || c == 'F'; } private static boolean isValidIPv4MappedSeparators(byte b0, byte b1, boolean mustBeZero) { // We allow IPv4 Mapped (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section- // and IPv4 compatible (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section- // The IPv4 compatible is deprecated, but it allows parsing of plain IPv4 addressed into IPv6-Mapped addresses. return b0 == b1 && (b0 == 0 || !mustBeZero && b1 == -1); } private static boolean isValidIPv4Mapped(byte[] bytes, int currentIndex, int compressBegin, int compressLength) { final boolean mustBeZero = compressBegin + compressLength >= 14; return currentIndex <= 12 && currentIndex >= 2 && (!mustBeZero || compressBegin < 12) && isValidIPv4MappedSeparators(bytes[currentIndex - 1], bytes[currentIndex - 2], mustBeZero) && PlatformDependent.isZero(bytes, 0, currentIndex - 3); }
Takes a CharSequence and parses it to see if it is a valid IPV4 address.
Returns:true, if the string represents an IPV4 address in dotted notation, false otherwise
/** * Takes a {@link CharSequence} and parses it to see if it is a valid IPV4 address. * * @return true, if the string represents an IPV4 address in dotted * notation, false otherwise */
public static boolean isValidIpV4Address(CharSequence ip) { return isValidIpV4Address(ip, 0, ip.length()); }
Takes a String and parses it to see if it is a valid IPV4 address.
Returns:true, if the string represents an IPV4 address in dotted notation, false otherwise
/** * Takes a {@link String} and parses it to see if it is a valid IPV4 address. * * @return true, if the string represents an IPV4 address in dotted * notation, false otherwise */
public static boolean isValidIpV4Address(String ip) { return isValidIpV4Address(ip, 0, ip.length()); } private static boolean isValidIpV4Address(CharSequence ip, int from, int toExcluded) { return ip instanceof String ? isValidIpV4Address((String) ip, from, toExcluded) : ip instanceof AsciiString ? isValidIpV4Address((AsciiString) ip, from, toExcluded) : isValidIpV4Address0(ip, from, toExcluded); } @SuppressWarnings("DuplicateBooleanBranch") private static boolean isValidIpV4Address(String ip, int from, int toExcluded) { int len = toExcluded - from; int i; return len <= 15 && len >= 7 && (i = ip.indexOf('.', from + 1)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from, i) && (i = ip.indexOf('.', from = i + 2)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from - 1, i) && (i = ip.indexOf('.', from = i + 2)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from - 1, i) && isValidIpV4Word(ip, i + 1, toExcluded); } @SuppressWarnings("DuplicateBooleanBranch") private static boolean isValidIpV4Address(AsciiString ip, int from, int toExcluded) { int len = toExcluded - from; int i; return len <= 15 && len >= 7 && (i = ip.indexOf('.', from + 1)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from, i) && (i = ip.indexOf('.', from = i + 2)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from - 1, i) && (i = ip.indexOf('.', from = i + 2)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from - 1, i) && isValidIpV4Word(ip, i + 1, toExcluded); } @SuppressWarnings("DuplicateBooleanBranch") private static boolean isValidIpV4Address0(CharSequence ip, int from, int toExcluded) { int len = toExcluded - from; int i; return len <= 15 && len >= 7 && (i = indexOf(ip, '.', from + 1)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from, i) && (i = indexOf(ip, '.', from = i + 2)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from - 1, i) && (i = indexOf(ip, '.', from = i + 2)) > 0 && isValidIpV4Word(ip, from - 1, i) && isValidIpV4Word(ip, i + 1, toExcluded); }
Returns the Inet6Address representation of a CharSequence IP address.

This method will treat all IPv4 type addresses as "IPv4 mapped" (see getByName(CharSequence, boolean))

Returns:Inet6Address representation of the ip or null if not a valid IP address.
/** * Returns the {@link Inet6Address} representation of a {@link CharSequence} IP address. * <p> * This method will treat all IPv4 type addresses as "IPv4 mapped" (see {@link #getByName(CharSequence, boolean)}) * @param ip {@link CharSequence} IP address to be converted to a {@link Inet6Address} * @return {@link Inet6Address} representation of the {@code ip} or {@code null} if not a valid IP address. */
public static Inet6Address getByName(CharSequence ip) { return getByName(ip, true); }
Returns the Inet6Address representation of a CharSequence IP address.

The ipv4Mapped parameter specifies how IPv4 addresses should be treated. "IPv4 mapped" format as defined in rfc 4291 section 2 is supported.

  • ip – CharSequence IP address to be converted to a Inet6Address
  • ipv4Mapped –
    • true To allow IPv4 mapped inputs to be translated into Inet6Address
    • false Consider IPv4 mapped addresses as invalid.
Returns:Inet6Address representation of the ip or null if not a valid IP address.
/** * Returns the {@link Inet6Address} representation of a {@link CharSequence} IP address. * <p> * The {@code ipv4Mapped} parameter specifies how IPv4 addresses should be treated. * "IPv4 mapped" format as * defined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.5.5">rfc 4291 section 2</a> is supported. * @param ip {@link CharSequence} IP address to be converted to a {@link Inet6Address} * @param ipv4Mapped * <ul> * <li>{@code true} To allow IPv4 mapped inputs to be translated into {@link Inet6Address}</li> * <li>{@code false} Consider IPv4 mapped addresses as invalid.</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Inet6Address} representation of the {@code ip} or {@code null} if not a valid IP address. */
public static Inet6Address getByName(CharSequence ip, boolean ipv4Mapped) { byte[] bytes = getIPv6ByName(ip, ipv4Mapped); if (bytes == null) { return null; } try { return Inet6Address.getByAddress(null, bytes, -1); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // Should never happen } }
Returns the byte array representation of a CharSequence IP address.

The ipv4Mapped parameter specifies how IPv4 addresses should be treated. "IPv4 mapped" format as defined in rfc 4291 section 2 is supported.

  • ip – CharSequence IP address to be converted to a Inet6Address
  • ipv4Mapped –
    • true To allow IPv4 mapped inputs to be translated into Inet6Address
    • false Consider IPv4 mapped addresses as invalid.
Returns:byte array representation of the ip or null if not a valid IP address.
/** * Returns the byte array representation of a {@link CharSequence} IP address. * <p> * The {@code ipv4Mapped} parameter specifies how IPv4 addresses should be treated. * "IPv4 mapped" format as * defined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.5.5">rfc 4291 section 2</a> is supported. * @param ip {@link CharSequence} IP address to be converted to a {@link Inet6Address} * @param ipv4Mapped * <ul> * <li>{@code true} To allow IPv4 mapped inputs to be translated into {@link Inet6Address}</li> * <li>{@code false} Consider IPv4 mapped addresses as invalid.</li> * </ul> * @return byte array representation of the {@code ip} or {@code null} if not a valid IP address. */
private static byte[] getIPv6ByName(CharSequence ip, boolean ipv4Mapped) { final byte[] bytes = new byte[IPV6_BYTE_COUNT]; final int ipLength = ip.length(); int compressBegin = 0; int compressLength = 0; int currentIndex = 0; int value = 0; int begin = -1; int i = 0; int ipv6Separators = 0; int ipv4Separators = 0; int tmp; boolean needsShift = false; for (; i < ipLength; ++i) { final char c = ip.charAt(i); switch (c) { case ':': ++ipv6Separators; if (i - begin > IPV6_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR || ipv4Separators > 0 || ipv6Separators > IPV6_MAX_SEPARATORS || currentIndex + 1 >= bytes.length) { return null; } value <<= (IPV6_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR - (i - begin)) << 2; if (compressLength > 0) { compressLength -= 2; } // The value integer holds at most 4 bytes from right (most significant) to left (least significant). // The following bit shifting is used to extract and re-order the individual bytes to achieve a // left (most significant) to right (least significant) ordering. bytes[currentIndex++] = (byte) (((value & 0xf) << 4) | ((value >> 4) & 0xf)); bytes[currentIndex++] = (byte) ((((value >> 8) & 0xf) << 4) | ((value >> 12) & 0xf)); tmp = i + 1; if (tmp < ipLength && ip.charAt(tmp) == ':') { ++tmp; if (compressBegin != 0 || (tmp < ipLength && ip.charAt(tmp) == ':')) { return null; } ++ipv6Separators; needsShift = ipv6Separators == 2 && value == 0; compressBegin = currentIndex; compressLength = bytes.length - compressBegin - 2; ++i; } value = 0; begin = -1; break; case '.': ++ipv4Separators; tmp = i - begin; // tmp is the length of the current segment. if (tmp > IPV4_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR || begin < 0 || ipv4Separators > IPV4_SEPARATORS || (ipv6Separators > 0 && (currentIndex + compressLength < 12)) || i + 1 >= ipLength || currentIndex >= bytes.length || ipv4Separators == 1 && // We also parse pure IPv4 addresses as IPv4-Mapped for ease of use. ((!ipv4Mapped || currentIndex != 0 && !isValidIPv4Mapped(bytes, currentIndex, compressBegin, compressLength)) || (tmp == 3 && (!isValidNumericChar(ip.charAt(i - 1)) || !isValidNumericChar(ip.charAt(i - 2)) || !isValidNumericChar(ip.charAt(i - 3))) || tmp == 2 && (!isValidNumericChar(ip.charAt(i - 1)) || !isValidNumericChar(ip.charAt(i - 2))) || tmp == 1 && !isValidNumericChar(ip.charAt(i - 1))))) { return null; } value <<= (IPV4_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR - tmp) << 2; // The value integer holds at most 3 bytes from right (most significant) to left (least significant). // The following bit shifting is to restructure the bytes to be left (most significant) to // right (least significant) while also accounting for each IPv4 digit is base 10. begin = (value & 0xf) * 100 + ((value >> 4) & 0xf) * 10 + ((value >> 8) & 0xf); if (begin < 0 || begin > 255) { return null; } bytes[currentIndex++] = (byte) begin; value = 0; begin = -1; break; default: if (!isValidHexChar(c) || (ipv4Separators > 0 && !isValidNumericChar(c))) { return null; } if (begin < 0) { begin = i; } else if (i - begin > IPV6_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR) { return null; } // The value is treated as a sort of array of numbers because we are dealing with // at most 4 consecutive bytes we can use bit shifting to accomplish this. // The most significant byte will be encountered first, and reside in the right most // position of the following integer value += StringUtil.decodeHexNibble(c) << ((i - begin) << 2); break; } } final boolean isCompressed = compressBegin > 0; // Finish up last set of data that was accumulated in the loop (or before the loop) if (ipv4Separators > 0) { if (begin > 0 && i - begin > IPV4_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR || ipv4Separators != IPV4_SEPARATORS || currentIndex >= bytes.length) { return null; } if (ipv6Separators == 0) { compressLength = 12; } else if (ipv6Separators >= IPV6_MIN_SEPARATORS && (!isCompressed && (ipv6Separators == 6 && ip.charAt(0) != ':') || isCompressed && (ipv6Separators < IPV6_MAX_SEPARATORS && (ip.charAt(0) != ':' || compressBegin <= 2)))) { compressLength -= 2; } else { return null; } value <<= (IPV4_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR - (i - begin)) << 2; // The value integer holds at most 3 bytes from right (most significant) to left (least significant). // The following bit shifting is to restructure the bytes to be left (most significant) to // right (least significant) while also accounting for each IPv4 digit is base 10. begin = (value & 0xf) * 100 + ((value >> 4) & 0xf) * 10 + ((value >> 8) & 0xf); if (begin < 0 || begin > 255) { return null; } bytes[currentIndex++] = (byte) begin; } else { tmp = ipLength - 1; if (begin > 0 && i - begin > IPV6_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR || ipv6Separators < IPV6_MIN_SEPARATORS || !isCompressed && (ipv6Separators + 1 != IPV6_MAX_SEPARATORS || ip.charAt(0) == ':' || ip.charAt(tmp) == ':') || isCompressed && (ipv6Separators > IPV6_MAX_SEPARATORS || (ipv6Separators == IPV6_MAX_SEPARATORS && (compressBegin <= 2 && ip.charAt(0) != ':' || compressBegin >= 14 && ip.charAt(tmp) != ':'))) || currentIndex + 1 >= bytes.length || begin < 0 && ip.charAt(tmp - 1) != ':' || compressBegin > 2 && ip.charAt(0) == ':') { return null; } if (begin >= 0 && i - begin <= IPV6_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR) { value <<= (IPV6_MAX_CHAR_BETWEEN_SEPARATOR - (i - begin)) << 2; } // The value integer holds at most 4 bytes from right (most significant) to left (least significant). // The following bit shifting is used to extract and re-order the individual bytes to achieve a // left (most significant) to right (least significant) ordering. bytes[currentIndex++] = (byte) (((value & 0xf) << 4) | ((value >> 4) & 0xf)); bytes[currentIndex++] = (byte) ((((value >> 8) & 0xf) << 4) | ((value >> 12) & 0xf)); } i = currentIndex + compressLength; if (needsShift || i >= bytes.length) { // Right shift array if (i >= bytes.length) { ++compressBegin; } for (i = currentIndex; i < bytes.length; ++i) { for (begin = bytes.length - 1; begin >= compressBegin; --begin) { bytes[begin] = bytes[begin - 1]; } bytes[begin] = 0; ++compressBegin; } } else { // Selectively move elements for (i = 0; i < compressLength; ++i) { begin = i + compressBegin; currentIndex = begin + compressLength; if (currentIndex < bytes.length) { bytes[currentIndex] = bytes[begin]; bytes[begin] = 0; } else { break; } } } if (ipv4Separators > 0) { // We only support IPv4-Mapped addresses [1] because IPv4-Compatible addresses are deprecated [2]. // [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section- // [2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section- bytes[10] = bytes[11] = (byte) 0xff; } return bytes; }
Returns the String representation of an InetSocketAddress.

The output does not include Scope ID.

Returns:String containing the text-formatted IP address
/** * Returns the {@link String} representation of an {@link InetSocketAddress}. * <p> * The output does not include Scope ID. * @param addr {@link InetSocketAddress} to be converted to an address string * @return {@code String} containing the text-formatted IP address */
public static String toSocketAddressString(InetSocketAddress addr) { String port = String.valueOf(addr.getPort()); final StringBuilder sb; if (addr.isUnresolved()) { String hostname = getHostname(addr); sb = newSocketAddressStringBuilder(hostname, port, !isValidIpV6Address(hostname)); } else { InetAddress address = addr.getAddress(); String hostString = toAddressString(address); sb = newSocketAddressStringBuilder(hostString, port, address instanceof Inet4Address); } return sb.append(':').append(port).toString(); }
Returns the String representation of a host port combo.
/** * Returns the {@link String} representation of a host port combo. */
public static String toSocketAddressString(String host, int port) { String portStr = String.valueOf(port); return newSocketAddressStringBuilder( host, portStr, !isValidIpV6Address(host)).append(':').append(portStr).toString(); } private static StringBuilder newSocketAddressStringBuilder(String host, String port, boolean ipv4) { int hostLen = host.length(); if (ipv4) { // Need to include enough space for hostString:port. return new StringBuilder(hostLen + 1 + port.length()).append(host); } // Need to include enough space for [hostString]:port. StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(hostLen + 3 + port.length()); if (hostLen > 1 && host.charAt(0) == '[' && host.charAt(hostLen - 1) == ']') { return stringBuilder.append(host); } return stringBuilder.append('[').append(host).append(']'); }
Returns the String representation of an InetAddress.

The output does not include Scope ID.

  • ip – InetAddress to be converted to an address string
Returns:String containing the text-formatted IP address
/** * Returns the {@link String} representation of an {@link InetAddress}. * <ul> * <li>Inet4Address results are identical to {@link InetAddress#getHostAddress()}</li> * <li>Inet6Address results adhere to * <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952#section-4">rfc 5952 section 4</a></li> * </ul> * <p> * The output does not include Scope ID. * @param ip {@link InetAddress} to be converted to an address string * @return {@code String} containing the text-formatted IP address */
public static String toAddressString(InetAddress ip) { return toAddressString(ip, false); }
Returns the String representation of an InetAddress.

The output does not include Scope ID.

  • ip – InetAddress to be converted to an address string
  • ipv4Mapped –
    • true to stray from strict rfc 5952 and support the "IPv4 mapped" format defined in rfc 4291 section 2 while still following the updated guidelines in rfc 5952 section 4
    • false to strictly follow rfc 5952
Returns:String containing the text-formatted IP address
/** * Returns the {@link String} representation of an {@link InetAddress}. * <ul> * <li>Inet4Address results are identical to {@link InetAddress#getHostAddress()}</li> * <li>Inet6Address results adhere to * <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952#section-4">rfc 5952 section 4</a> if * {@code ipv4Mapped} is false. If {@code ipv4Mapped} is true then "IPv4 mapped" format * from <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.5.5">rfc 4291 section 2</a> will be supported. * The compressed result will always obey the compression rules defined in * <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952#section-4">rfc 5952 section 4</a></li> * </ul> * <p> * The output does not include Scope ID. * @param ip {@link InetAddress} to be converted to an address string * @param ipv4Mapped * <ul> * <li>{@code true} to stray from strict rfc 5952 and support the "IPv4 mapped" format * defined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.5.5">rfc 4291 section 2</a> while still * following the updated guidelines in * <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952#section-4">rfc 5952 section 4</a></li> * <li>{@code false} to strictly follow rfc 5952</li> * </ul> * @return {@code String} containing the text-formatted IP address */
public static String toAddressString(InetAddress ip, boolean ipv4Mapped) { if (ip instanceof Inet4Address) { return ip.getHostAddress(); } if (!(ip instanceof Inet6Address)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled type: " + ip); } return toAddressString(ip.getAddress(), 0, ipv4Mapped); } private static String toAddressString(byte[] bytes, int offset, boolean ipv4Mapped) { final int[] words = new int[IPV6_WORD_COUNT]; int i; final int end = offset + words.length; for (i = offset; i < end; ++i) { words[i] = ((bytes[i << 1] & 0xff) << 8) | (bytes[(i << 1) + 1] & 0xff); } // Find longest run of 0s, tie goes to first found instance int currentStart = -1; int currentLength; int shortestStart = -1; int shortestLength = 0; for (i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) { if (words[i] == 0) { if (currentStart < 0) { currentStart = i; } } else if (currentStart >= 0) { currentLength = i - currentStart; if (currentLength > shortestLength) { shortestStart = currentStart; shortestLength = currentLength; } currentStart = -1; } } // If the array ends on a streak of zeros, make sure we account for it if (currentStart >= 0) { currentLength = i - currentStart; if (currentLength > shortestLength) { shortestStart = currentStart; shortestLength = currentLength; } } // Ignore the longest streak if it is only 1 long if (shortestLength == 1) { shortestLength = 0; shortestStart = -1; } // Translate to string taking into account longest consecutive 0s final int shortestEnd = shortestStart + shortestLength; final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(IPV6_MAX_CHAR_COUNT); if (shortestEnd < 0) { // Optimization when there is no compressing needed b.append(Integer.toHexString(words[0])); for (i = 1; i < words.length; ++i) { b.append(':'); b.append(Integer.toHexString(words[i])); } } else { // General case that can handle compressing (and not compressing) // Loop unroll the first index (so we don't constantly check i==0 cases in loop) final boolean isIpv4Mapped; if (inRangeEndExclusive(0, shortestStart, shortestEnd)) { b.append("::"); isIpv4Mapped = ipv4Mapped && (shortestEnd == 5 && words[5] == 0xffff); } else { b.append(Integer.toHexString(words[0])); isIpv4Mapped = false; } for (i = 1; i < words.length; ++i) { if (!inRangeEndExclusive(i, shortestStart, shortestEnd)) { if (!inRangeEndExclusive(i - 1, shortestStart, shortestEnd)) { // If the last index was not part of the shortened sequence if (!isIpv4Mapped || i == 6) { b.append(':'); } else { b.append('.'); } } if (isIpv4Mapped && i > 5) { b.append(words[i] >> 8); b.append('.'); b.append(words[i] & 0xff); } else { b.append(Integer.toHexString(words[i])); } } else if (!inRangeEndExclusive(i - 1, shortestStart, shortestEnd)) { // If we are in the shortened sequence and the last index was not b.append("::"); } } } return b.toString(); }
  • addr – The address
Returns:the host string
/** * Returns {@link InetSocketAddress#getHostString()} if Java >= 7, * or {@link InetSocketAddress#getHostName()} otherwise. * @param addr The address * @return the host string */
public static String getHostname(InetSocketAddress addr) { return PlatformDependent.javaVersion() >= 7 ? addr.getHostString() : addr.getHostName(); }
Does a range check on value if is within start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
  • value – The value to checked if is within start (inclusive) and end (exclusive)
  • start – The start of the range (inclusive)
  • end – The end of the range (exclusive)
  • true if value if is within start (inclusive) and end (exclusive)
  • false otherwise
/** * Does a range check on {@code value} if is within {@code start} (inclusive) and {@code end} (exclusive). * @param value The value to checked if is within {@code start} (inclusive) and {@code end} (exclusive) * @param start The start of the range (inclusive) * @param end The end of the range (exclusive) * @return * <ul> * <li>{@code true} if {@code value} if is within {@code start} (inclusive) and {@code end} (exclusive)</li> * <li>{@code false} otherwise</li> * </ul> */
private static boolean inRangeEndExclusive(int value, int start, int end) { return value >= start && value < end; }
A constructor to stop this class being constructed.
/** * A constructor to stop this class being constructed. */
private NetUtil() { // Unused } }