 * Copyright 2017 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package io.netty.internal.tcnative;

This class is necessary to break the following cyclic dependency:
  1. JNI_OnLoad
  2. JNI Calls FindClass because RegisterNatives (used to register JNI methods) requires a class
  3. FindClass loads the class, but static members variables of that class attempt to call a JNI method which has not yet been registered.
  4. UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown because native method has not yet been registered.
Static members which call JNI methods must not be declared in this class!
/** * This class is necessary to break the following cyclic dependency: * <ol> * <li>JNI_OnLoad</li> * <li>JNI Calls FindClass because RegisterNatives (used to register JNI methods) requires a class</li> * <li>FindClass loads the class, but static members variables of that class attempt to call a JNI method which has not * yet been registered.</li> * <li>{@link java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError} is thrown because native method has not yet been registered.</li> * </ol> * <strong>Static members which call JNI methods must not be declared in this class!</strong> */
final class NativeStaticallyReferencedJniMethods { private NativeStaticallyReferencedJniMethods() { }
Options that may impact security and may be set by default as defined in: SSL Docs.
/** * Options that may impact security and may be set by default as defined in: * <a href="https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.1/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_options.html">SSL Docs</a>. */
static native int sslOpCipherServerPreference(); static native int sslOpNoSSLv2(); static native int sslOpNoSSLv3(); static native int sslOpNoTLSv1(); static native int sslOpNoTLSv11(); static native int sslOpNoTLSv12(); static native int sslOpNoTicket();
Options not defined in the OpenSSL docs but may impact security.
/** * Options not defined in the OpenSSL docs but may impact security. */
static native int sslOpNoCompression(); /* Only support OFF and SERVER for now */ static native int sslSessCacheOff(); static native int sslSessCacheServer(); static native int sslStConnect(); static native int sslStAccept(); static native int sslModeEnablePartialWrite(); static native int sslModeAcceptMovingWriteBuffer(); static native int sslModeReleaseBuffers(); static native int sslSendShutdown(); static native int sslReceivedShutdown(); static native int sslErrorNone(); static native int sslErrorSSL(); static native int sslErrorWantRead(); static native int sslErrorWantWrite(); static native int sslErrorWantX509Lookup(); static native int sslErrorSyscall(); static native int sslErrorZeroReturn(); static native int sslErrorWantConnect(); static native int sslErrorWantAccept(); static native int sslMaxPlaintextLength(); static native int sslMaxRecordLength(); static native int x509CheckFlagAlwaysCheckSubject(); static native int x509CheckFlagDisableWildCards(); static native int x509CheckFlagNoPartialWildCards(); static native int x509CheckFlagMultiLabelWildCards(); /* x509 certificate verification errors */ static native int x509vOK(); static native int x509vErrUnspecified(); static native int x509vErrUnableToGetIssuerCert(); static native int x509vErrUnableToGetCrl(); static native int x509vErrUnableToDecryptCertSignature(); static native int x509vErrUnableToDecryptCrlSignature(); static native int x509vErrUnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey(); static native int x509vErrCertSignatureFailure(); static native int x509vErrCrlSignatureFailure(); static native int x509vErrCertNotYetValid(); static native int x509vErrCertHasExpired(); static native int x509vErrCrlNotYetValid(); static native int x509vErrCrlHasExpired(); static native int x509vErrErrorInCertNotBeforeField(); static native int x509vErrErrorInCertNotAfterField(); static native int x509vErrErrorInCrlLastUpdateField(); static native int x509vErrErrorInCrlNextUpdateField(); static native int x509vErrOutOfMem(); static native int x509vErrDepthZeroSelfSignedCert(); static native int x509vErrSelfSignedCertInChain(); static native int x509vErrUnableToGetIssuerCertLocally(); static native int x509vErrUnableToVerifyLeafSignature(); static native int x509vErrCertChainTooLong(); static native int x509vErrCertRevoked(); static native int x509vErrInvalidCa(); static native int x509vErrPathLengthExceeded(); static native int x509vErrInvalidPurpose(); static native int x509vErrCertUntrusted(); static native int x509vErrCertRejected(); static native int x509vErrSubjectIssuerMismatch(); static native int x509vErrAkidSkidMismatch(); static native int x509vErrAkidIssuerSerialMismatch(); static native int x509vErrKeyUsageNoCertSign(); static native int x509vErrUnableToGetCrlIssuer(); static native int x509vErrUnhandledCriticalExtension(); static native int x509vErrKeyUsageNoCrlSign(); static native int x509vErrUnhandledCriticalCrlExtension(); static native int x509vErrInvalidNonCa(); static native int x509vErrProxyPathLengthExceeded(); static native int x509vErrKeyUsageNoDigitalSignature(); static native int x509vErrProxyCertificatesNotAllowed(); static native int x509vErrInvalidExtension(); static native int x509vErrInvalidPolicyExtension(); static native int x509vErrNoExplicitPolicy(); static native int x509vErrDifferntCrlScope(); static native int x509vErrUnsupportedExtensionFeature(); static native int x509vErrUnnestedResource(); static native int x509vErrPermittedViolation(); static native int x509vErrExcludedViolation(); static native int x509vErrSubtreeMinMax(); static native int x509vErrApplicationVerification(); static native int x509vErrUnsupportedConstraintType(); static native int x509vErrUnsupportedConstraintSyntax(); static native int x509vErrUnsupportedNameSyntax(); static native int x509vErrCrlPathValidationError(); static native int x509vErrPathLoop(); static native int x509vErrSuiteBInvalidVersion(); static native int x509vErrSuiteBInvalidAlgorithm(); static native int x509vErrSuiteBInvalidCurve(); static native int x509vErrSuiteBInvalidSignatureAlgorithm(); static native int x509vErrSuiteBLosNotAllowed(); static native int x509vErrSuiteBCannotSignP384WithP256(); static native int x509vErrHostnameMismatch(); static native int x509vErrEmailMismatch(); static native int x509vErrIpAddressMismatch(); static native int x509vErrDaneNoMatch(); }