 * Copyright 2014 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at:
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package io.netty.handler.codec.http2;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelPromise;
import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi;

import java.io.Closeable;

A writer responsible for marshaling HTTP/2 frames to the channel. All of the write methods in this interface write to the context, but DO NOT FLUSH. To perform a flush, you must separately call ChannelHandlerContext.flush().
/** * A writer responsible for marshaling HTTP/2 frames to the channel. All of the write methods in * this interface write to the context, but DO NOT FLUSH. To perform a flush, you must separately * call {@link ChannelHandlerContext#flush()}. */
@UnstableApi public interface Http2FrameWriter extends Http2DataWriter, Closeable {
Configuration specific to Http2FrameWriter
/** * Configuration specific to {@link Http2FrameWriter} */
interface Configuration { /** * Get the {@link Http2HeadersEncoder.Configuration} for this {@link Http2FrameWriter} */ Http2HeadersEncoder.Configuration headersConfiguration(); /** * Get the {@link Http2FrameSizePolicy} for this {@link Http2FrameWriter} */ Http2FrameSizePolicy frameSizePolicy(); }
Writes a HEADERS frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • streamId – the stream for which to send the frame.
  • headers – the headers to be sent.
  • padding – additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive).
  • endStream – indicates if this is the last frame to be sent for the stream.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write. Section 10.5.1 states the following:
The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed.
If this call has modified the HPACK header state you MUST throw a connection error.

If this call has NOT modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error.

/** * Writes a HEADERS frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param streamId the stream for which to send the frame. * @param headers the headers to be sent. * @param padding additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and * 256 (inclusive). * @param endStream indicates if this is the last frame to be sent for the stream. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. * <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-10.5.1">Section 10.5.1</a> states the following: * <pre> * The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed. * </pre> * If this call has modified the HPACK header state you <strong>MUST</strong> throw a connection error. * <p> * If this call has <strong>NOT</strong> modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error. */
ChannelFuture writeHeaders(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int padding, boolean endStream, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a HEADERS frame with priority specified to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • streamId – the stream for which to send the frame.
  • headers – the headers to be sent.
  • streamDependency – the stream on which this stream should depend, or 0 if it should depend on the connection.
  • weight – the weight for this stream.
  • exclusive – whether this stream should be the exclusive dependant of its parent.
  • padding – additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive).
  • endStream – indicates if this is the last frame to be sent for the stream.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write. Section 10.5.1 states the following:
The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed.
If this call has modified the HPACK header state you MUST throw a connection error.

If this call has NOT modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error.

/** * Writes a HEADERS frame with priority specified to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param streamId the stream for which to send the frame. * @param headers the headers to be sent. * @param streamDependency the stream on which this stream should depend, or 0 if it should * depend on the connection. * @param weight the weight for this stream. * @param exclusive whether this stream should be the exclusive dependant of its parent. * @param padding additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and * 256 (inclusive). * @param endStream indicates if this is the last frame to be sent for the stream. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. * <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-10.5.1">Section 10.5.1</a> states the following: * <pre> * The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed. * </pre> * If this call has modified the HPACK header state you <strong>MUST</strong> throw a connection error. * <p> * If this call has <strong>NOT</strong> modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error. */
ChannelFuture writeHeaders(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int streamDependency, short weight, boolean exclusive, int padding, boolean endStream, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a PRIORITY frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • streamId – the stream for which to send the frame.
  • streamDependency – the stream on which this stream should depend, or 0 if it should depend on the connection.
  • weight – the weight for this stream.
  • exclusive – whether this stream should be the exclusive dependant of its parent.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Writes a PRIORITY frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param streamId the stream for which to send the frame. * @param streamDependency the stream on which this stream should depend, or 0 if it should * depend on the connection. * @param weight the weight for this stream. * @param exclusive whether this stream should be the exclusive dependant of its parent. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writePriority(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, int streamDependency, short weight, boolean exclusive, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a RST_STREAM frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • streamId – the stream for which to send the frame.
  • errorCode – the error code indicating the nature of the failure.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Writes a RST_STREAM frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param streamId the stream for which to send the frame. * @param errorCode the error code indicating the nature of the failure. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writeRstStream(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, long errorCode, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a SETTINGS frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • settings – the settings to be sent.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Writes a SETTINGS frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param settings the settings to be sent. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writeSettings(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Http2Settings settings, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a SETTINGS acknowledgment to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Writes a SETTINGS acknowledgment to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writeSettingsAck(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a PING frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • ack – indicates whether this is an ack of a PING frame previously received from the remote endpoint.
  • data – the payload of the frame.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Writes a PING frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param ack indicates whether this is an ack of a PING frame previously received from the * remote endpoint. * @param data the payload of the frame. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writePing(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, boolean ack, long data, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a PUSH_PROMISE frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • streamId – the stream for which to send the frame.
  • promisedStreamId – the ID of the promised stream.
  • headers – the headers to be sent.
  • padding – additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive).
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write. Section 10.5.1 states the following:
The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed.
If this call has modified the HPACK header state you MUST throw a connection error.

If this call has NOT modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error.

/** * Writes a PUSH_PROMISE frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param streamId the stream for which to send the frame. * @param promisedStreamId the ID of the promised stream. * @param headers the headers to be sent. * @param padding additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and * 256 (inclusive). * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. * <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-10.5.1">Section 10.5.1</a> states the following: * <pre> * The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed. * </pre> * If this call has modified the HPACK header state you <strong>MUST</strong> throw a connection error. * <p> * If this call has <strong>NOT</strong> modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error. */
ChannelFuture writePushPromise(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, int promisedStreamId, Http2Headers headers, int padding, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a GO_AWAY frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • lastStreamId – the last known stream of this endpoint.
  • errorCode – the error code, if the connection was abnormally terminated.
  • debugData – application-defined debug data. This will be released by this method.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Writes a GO_AWAY frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param lastStreamId the last known stream of this endpoint. * @param errorCode the error code, if the connection was abnormally terminated. * @param debugData application-defined debug data. This will be released by this method. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writeGoAway(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int lastStreamId, long errorCode, ByteBuf debugData, ChannelPromise promise);
Writes a WINDOW_UPDATE frame to the remote endpoint.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • streamId – the stream for which to send the frame.
  • windowSizeIncrement – the number of bytes by which the local inbound flow control window is increasing.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Writes a WINDOW_UPDATE frame to the remote endpoint. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param streamId the stream for which to send the frame. * @param windowSizeIncrement the number of bytes by which the local inbound flow control window * is increasing. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writeWindowUpdate(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, int windowSizeIncrement, ChannelPromise promise);
Generic write method for any HTTP/2 frame. This allows writing of non-standard frames.
  • ctx – the context to use for writing.
  • frameType – the frame type identifier.
  • streamId – the stream for which to send the frame.
  • flags – the flags to write for this frame.
  • payload – the payload to write for this frame. This will be released by this method.
  • promise – the promise for the write.
Returns:the future for the write.
/** * Generic write method for any HTTP/2 frame. This allows writing of non-standard frames. * * @param ctx the context to use for writing. * @param frameType the frame type identifier. * @param streamId the stream for which to send the frame. * @param flags the flags to write for this frame. * @param payload the payload to write for this frame. This will be released by this method. * @param promise the promise for the write. * @return the future for the write. */
ChannelFuture writeFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, byte frameType, int streamId, Http2Flags flags, ByteBuf payload, ChannelPromise promise);
Get the configuration related elements for this Http2FrameWriter
/** * Get the configuration related elements for this {@link Http2FrameWriter} */
Configuration configuration();
Closes this writer and frees any allocated resources.
/** * Closes this writer and frees any allocated resources. */
@Override void close(); }