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 * Copyright 2014 Twitter, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 * limitations under the License.
package io.netty.handler.codec.http2;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.util.AsciiString;
import io.netty.util.ByteProcessor;
import io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.ThrowableUtil;

import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Error.COMPRESSION_ERROR;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Exception.connectionError;

final class HpackHuffmanDecoder {

    private static final Http2Exception EOS_DECODED = ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace(
            connectionError(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - EOS Decoded"), HpackHuffmanDecoder.class, "decode(..)");
    private static final Http2Exception INVALID_PADDING = ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace(
            connectionError(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - Invalid Padding"), HpackHuffmanDecoder.class, "decode(..)");

    private static final Node ROOT = buildTree(HpackUtil.HUFFMAN_CODES, HpackUtil.HUFFMAN_CODE_LENGTHS);

    private final DecoderProcessor processor;

    HpackHuffmanDecoder(int initialCapacity) {
        processor = new DecoderProcessor(initialCapacity);

Decompresses the given Huffman coded string literal.
  • buf – the string literal to be decoded
Returns:the output stream for the compressed data
/** * Decompresses the given Huffman coded string literal. * * @param buf the string literal to be decoded * @return the output stream for the compressed data * @throws Http2Exception EOS Decoded */
public AsciiString decode(ByteBuf buf, int length) throws Http2Exception { processor.reset(); buf.forEachByte(buf.readerIndex(), length, processor); buf.skipBytes(length); return processor.end(); } private static final class Node { private final int symbol; // terminal nodes have a symbol private final int bits; // number of bits matched by the node private final Node[] children; // internal nodes have children
Construct an internal node
/** * Construct an internal node */
Node() { symbol = 0; bits = 8; children = new Node[256]; }
Construct a terminal node
  • symbol – the symbol the node represents
  • bits – the number of bits matched by this node
/** * Construct a terminal node * * @param symbol the symbol the node represents * @param bits the number of bits matched by this node */
Node(int symbol, int bits) { assert bits > 0 && bits <= 8; this.symbol = symbol; this.bits = bits; children = null; } private boolean isTerminal() { return children == null; } } private static Node buildTree(int[] codes, byte[] lengths) { Node root = new Node(); for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { insert(root, i, codes[i], lengths[i]); } return root; } private static void insert(Node root, int symbol, int code, byte length) { // traverse tree using the most significant bytes of code Node current = root; while (length > 8) { if (current.isTerminal()) { throw new IllegalStateException("invalid Huffman code: prefix not unique"); } length -= 8; int i = (code >>> length) & 0xFF; if (current.children[i] == null) { current.children[i] = new Node(); } current = current.children[i]; } Node terminal = new Node(symbol, length); int shift = 8 - length; int start = (code << shift) & 0xFF; int end = 1 << shift; for (int i = start; i < start + end; i++) { current.children[i] = terminal; } } private static final class DecoderProcessor implements ByteProcessor { private final int initialCapacity; private byte[] bytes; private int index; private Node node; private int current; private int currentBits; private int symbolBits; DecoderProcessor(int initialCapacity) { this.initialCapacity = ObjectUtil.checkPositive(initialCapacity, "initialCapacity"); } void reset() { node = ROOT; current = 0; currentBits = 0; symbolBits = 0; bytes = new byte[initialCapacity]; index = 0; } /* * The idea here is to consume whole bytes at a time rather than individual bits. node * represents the Huffman tree, with all bit patterns denormalized as 256 children. Each * child represents the last 8 bits of the huffman code. The parents of each child each * represent the successive 8 bit chunks that lead up to the last most part. 8 bit bytes * from buf are used to traverse these tree until a terminal node is found. * * current is a bit buffer. The low order bits represent how much of the huffman code has * not been used to traverse the tree. Thus, the high order bits are just garbage. * currentBits represents how many of the low order bits of current are actually valid. * currentBits will vary between 0 and 15. * * symbolBits is the number of bits of the symbol being decoded, *including* all those of * the parent nodes. symbolBits tells how far down the tree we are. For example, when * decoding the invalid sequence {0xff, 0xff}, currentBits will be 0, but symbolBits will be * 16. This is used to know if buf ended early (before consuming a whole symbol) or if * there is too much padding. */ @Override public boolean process(byte value) throws Http2Exception { current = (current << 8) | (value & 0xFF); currentBits += 8; symbolBits += 8; // While there are unconsumed bits in current, keep consuming symbols. do { node = node.children[(current >>> (currentBits - 8)) & 0xFF]; currentBits -= node.bits; if (node.isTerminal()) { if (node.symbol == HpackUtil.HUFFMAN_EOS) { throw EOS_DECODED; } append(node.symbol); node = ROOT; // Upon consuming a whole symbol, reset the symbol bits to the number of bits // left over in the byte. symbolBits = currentBits; } } while (currentBits >= 8); return true; } AsciiString end() throws Http2Exception { /* * We have consumed all the bytes in buf, but haven't consumed all the symbols. We may be on * a partial symbol, so consume until there is nothing left. This will loop at most 2 times. */ while (currentBits > 0) { node = node.children[(current << (8 - currentBits)) & 0xFF]; if (node.isTerminal() && node.bits <= currentBits) { if (node.symbol == HpackUtil.HUFFMAN_EOS) { throw EOS_DECODED; } currentBits -= node.bits; append(node.symbol); node = ROOT; symbolBits = currentBits; } else { break; } } // Section 5.2. String Literal Representation // A padding strictly longer than 7 bits MUST be treated as a decoding error. // Padding not corresponding to the most significant bits of the code // for the EOS symbol (0xFF) MUST be treated as a decoding error. int mask = (1 << symbolBits) - 1; if (symbolBits > 7 || (current & mask) != mask) { throw INVALID_PADDING; } return new AsciiString(bytes, 0, index, false); } private void append(int i) { if (bytes.length == index) { // Choose an expanding strategy depending on how big the buffer already is. // 1024 was choosen as a good guess and we may be able to investigate more if there are better choices. // See also https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/6846 final int newLength = bytes.length >= 1024 ? bytes.length + initialCapacity : bytes.length << 1; byte[] newBytes = new byte[newLength]; System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, newBytes, 0, bytes.length); bytes = newBytes; } bytes[index++] = (byte) i; } } }