 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.micronaut.context;

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.*;
import io.micronaut.context.env.Environment;
import io.micronaut.context.event.BeanInitializedEventListener;
import io.micronaut.context.event.BeanInitializingEvent;
import io.micronaut.context.exceptions.*;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.Internal;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.UsedByGeneratedCode;
import io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.Bindable;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.ArgumentConversionContext;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext;
import io.micronaut.core.naming.Named;
import io.micronaut.core.type.Argument;
import io.micronaut.core.type.DefaultArgument;
import io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver;
import io.micronaut.inject.*;
import io.micronaut.inject.annotation.AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata;
import io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import javax.inject.Scope;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

Default implementation of the BeanDefinition interface. This class is generally not used directly in user code. Instead a build time tool does analysis of source code and dynamically produces subclasses of this class containing information about the available injection points for a given class.

For technical reasons the class has to be marked as public, but is regarded as internal and should be used by compiler tools and plugins (such as AST transformation frameworks)

The BeanDefinitionWriter class can be used to produce bean definitions at compile or runtime

Author:Graeme Rocher
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Bean definition type
See Also:
/** * <p>Default implementation of the {@link BeanDefinition} interface. This class is generally not used directly in user * code. * Instead a build time tool does analysis of source code and dynamically produces subclasses of this class containing * information about the available injection points for a given class.</p> * <p> * <p>For technical reasons the class has to be marked as public, but is regarded as internal and should be used by * compiler tools and plugins (such as AST transformation frameworks)</p> * <p> * <p>The {@link io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter} class can be used to produce bean definitions at * compile or runtime</p> * * @param <T> The Bean definition type * @author Graeme Rocher * @see io.micronaut.inject.writer.BeanDefinitionWriter * @since 1.0 */
@Internal public class AbstractBeanDefinition<T> extends AbstractBeanContextConditional implements BeanDefinition<T>, EnvironmentConfigurable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractBeanDefinition.class); private static final String NAMED_ATTRIBUTE = Named.class.getName(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected final List<MethodInjectionPoint> methodInjectionPoints = new ArrayList<>(3); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected final List<FieldInjectionPoint> fieldInjectionPoints = new ArrayList<>(3); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected List<MethodInjectionPoint> postConstructMethods; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected List<MethodInjectionPoint> preDestroyMethods; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected Map<MethodKey, ExecutableMethod<T, ?>> executableMethodMap; private final Class<T> type; private final boolean isAbstract; private final boolean isConfigurationProperties; private final Class<?> declaringType; private final ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> constructor; private final Collection<Class> requiredComponents = new HashSet<>(3); private AnnotationMetadata beanAnnotationMetadata; private Environment environment;
Constructs a bean definition that is produced from a method call on another type (factory bean).
  • producedType – The produced type
  • declaringType – The declaring type of the method
  • methodName – The method name
  • methodMetadata – The metadata for the method
  • requiresReflection – Whether reflection is required to invoke the method
  • arguments – The method arguments
/** * Constructs a bean definition that is produced from a method call on another type (factory bean). * * @param producedType The produced type * @param declaringType The declaring type of the method * @param methodName The method name * @param methodMetadata The metadata for the method * @param requiresReflection Whether reflection is required to invoke the method * @param arguments The method arguments */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "WeakerAccess"}) @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected AbstractBeanDefinition(Class<T> producedType, Class<?> declaringType, String methodName, AnnotationMetadata methodMetadata, boolean requiresReflection, Argument... arguments) { this.type = producedType; this.isAbstract = false; // factory beans are never abstract this.declaringType = declaringType; if (requiresReflection) { this.constructor = new ReflectionMethodConstructorInjectionPoint( this, declaringType, methodName, arguments, methodMetadata ); } else { this.constructor = new DefaultMethodConstructorInjectionPoint( this, declaringType, methodName, arguments, methodMetadata ); } this.isConfigurationProperties = hasStereotype(ConfigurationReader.class) || isIterable(); this.addRequiredComponents(arguments); }
Constructs a bean for the given type.
  • type – The type
  • constructorAnnotationMetadata – The annotation metadata for the constructor
  • requiresReflection – Whether reflection is required
  • arguments – The constructor arguments used to build the bean
/** * Constructs a bean for the given type. * * @param type The type * @param constructorAnnotationMetadata The annotation metadata for the constructor * @param requiresReflection Whether reflection is required * @param arguments The constructor arguments used to build the bean */
@Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected AbstractBeanDefinition(Class<T> type, AnnotationMetadata constructorAnnotationMetadata, boolean requiresReflection, Argument... arguments) { this.type = type; this.isAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract(this.type.getModifiers()); this.declaringType = type; if (requiresReflection) { this.constructor = new ReflectionConstructorInjectionPoint<>( this, type, constructorAnnotationMetadata, arguments); } else { this.constructor = new DefaultConstructorInjectionPoint<>( this, type, constructorAnnotationMetadata, arguments ); } this.isConfigurationProperties = hasStereotype(ConfigurationReader.class) || isIterable(); this.addRequiredComponents(arguments); } @Override public @NonNull List<Argument<?>> getTypeArguments(String type) { if (type == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Map<String, Argument<?>[]> typeArguments = getTypeArgumentsMap(); Argument<?>[] arguments = typeArguments.get(type); if (arguments != null) { return Arrays.asList(arguments); } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public AnnotationMetadata getAnnotationMetadata() { if (this.beanAnnotationMetadata == null) { this.beanAnnotationMetadata = initializeAnnotationMetadata(); } return this.beanAnnotationMetadata; } @Override public boolean isAbstract() { return this.isAbstract; } @Override public boolean isIterable() { return hasDeclaredStereotype(EachProperty.class) || hasDeclaredStereotype(EachBean.class); } @Override public boolean isPrimary() { return hasDeclaredStereotype(Primary.class); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <R> Optional<ExecutableMethod<T, R>> findMethod(String name, Class... argumentTypes) { if (executableMethodMap != null) { MethodKey methodKey = new MethodKey(name, argumentTypes); ExecutableMethod<T, R> invocableMethod = (ExecutableMethod<T, R>) executableMethodMap.get(methodKey); if (invocableMethod != null) { return Optional.of(invocableMethod); } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public Stream<ExecutableMethod<T, ?>> findPossibleMethods(String name) { if (executableMethodMap != null && executableMethodMap.keySet().stream().anyMatch(methodKey -> methodKey.name.equals(name))) { return executableMethodMap .values() .stream() .filter(method -> method.getMethodName().equals(name)); } return Stream.empty(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } AbstractBeanDefinition<?> that = (AbstractBeanDefinition<?>) o; return getClass().equals(that.getClass()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getClass().hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Definition: " + declaringType.getName(); } @Override public boolean isProvided() { return getAnnotationMetadata().hasDeclaredStereotype(Provided.class); } @Override public boolean isSingleton() { return getAnnotationMetadata().hasDeclaredStereotype(Singleton.class); } @Override public Optional<Class<? extends Annotation>> getScope() { return getAnnotationMetadata().getDeclaredAnnotationTypeByStereotype(Scope.class); } @Override public final Class<T> getBeanType() { return type; } @Override public final Optional<Class<?>> getDeclaringType() { return Optional.ofNullable(declaringType); } @Override public final ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> getConstructor() { return constructor; } @Override public Collection<Class> getRequiredComponents() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(requiredComponents); } @Override public final Collection<MethodInjectionPoint> getInjectedMethods() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(methodInjectionPoints); } @Override public final Collection<FieldInjectionPoint> getInjectedFields() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(fieldInjectionPoints); } @Override public final Collection<MethodInjectionPoint> getPostConstructMethods() { if (postConstructMethods != null) { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(postConstructMethods); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public final Collection<MethodInjectionPoint> getPreDestroyMethods() { if (preDestroyMethods != null) { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(preDestroyMethods); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public String getName() { return getBeanType().getName(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T inject(BeanContext context, T bean) { return (T) injectBean(new DefaultBeanResolutionContext(context, this), context, bean); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T inject(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, T bean) { return (T) injectBean(resolutionContext, context, bean); } @Override public Collection<ExecutableMethod<T, ?>> getExecutableMethods() { if (executableMethodMap != null) { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.executableMethodMap.values()); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } }
Configures the bean for the given BeanContext. If the context features an Environment this method configures the annotation metadata such that environment aware values are returned.
  • environment – The environment
/** * Configures the bean for the given {@link BeanContext}. If the context features an * {@link io.micronaut.context.env.Environment} this method configures the annotation metadata such that * environment aware values are returned. * * @param environment The environment */
@Internal @Override public final void configure(Environment environment) { if (environment != null) { this.environment = environment; if (constructor instanceof EnvironmentConfigurable) { ((EnvironmentConfigurable) constructor).configure(environment); } for (MethodInjectionPoint methodInjectionPoint : methodInjectionPoints) { if (methodInjectionPoint instanceof EnvironmentConfigurable) { ((EnvironmentConfigurable) methodInjectionPoint).configure(environment); } } if (executableMethodMap != null) { for (ExecutableMethod<T, ?> executableMethod : executableMethodMap.values()) { if (executableMethod instanceof EnvironmentConfigurable) { ((EnvironmentConfigurable) executableMethod).configure(environment); } } } } }
Allows printing warning messages produced by the compiler.
  • message – The message
/** * Allows printing warning messages produced by the compiler. * * @param message The message */
@Internal protected final void warn(String message) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn(message); } }
Allows printing warning messages produced by the compiler.
  • type – The type
  • method – The method
  • property – The property
/** * Allows printing warning messages produced by the compiler. * * @param type The type * @param method The method * @param property The property */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal protected final void warnMissingProperty(Class type, String method, String property) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Configuration property [{}] could not be set as the underlying method [{}] does not exist on builder [{}]. This usually indicates the configuration option was deprecated and has been removed by the builder implementation (potentially a third-party library).", property, method, type); } }
Resolves the proxied bean instance for this bean.
Returns:The proxied bean
/** * Resolves the proxied bean instance for this bean. * * @param beanContext The {@link BeanContext} * @return The proxied bean */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"}) @Internal protected final Object getProxiedBean(BeanContext beanContext) { DefaultBeanContext defaultBeanContext = (DefaultBeanContext) beanContext; Optional<String> qualifier = getAnnotationMetadata().getAnnotationNameByStereotype(javax.inject.Qualifier.class); return defaultBeanContext.getProxyTargetBean( getBeanType(), (Qualifier<T>) qualifier.map(q -> Qualifiers.byAnnotation(getAnnotationMetadata(), q)).orElse(null) ); }
Adds a new ExecutableMethod.
  • executableMethod – The method
Returns:The bean definition
/** * Adds a new {@link ExecutableMethod}. * * @param executableMethod The method * @return The bean definition */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final AbstractBeanDefinition<T> addExecutableMethod(ExecutableMethod<T, ?> executableMethod) { MethodKey key = new MethodKey(executableMethod.getMethodName(), executableMethod.getArgumentTypes()); if (executableMethodMap == null) { executableMethodMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(3); } executableMethodMap.put(key, executableMethod); return this; }
Adds an injection point for a field. Typically called by a dynamically generated subclass.
  • declaringType – The declaring type
  • fieldType – The field type
  • field – The name of the field
  • annotationMetadata – The annotation metadata for the field
  • typeArguments – The arguments
  • requiresReflection – Whether reflection is required
Returns:this component definition
/** * Adds an injection point for a field. Typically called by a dynamically generated subclass. * * @param declaringType The declaring type * @param fieldType The field type * @param field The name of the field * @param annotationMetadata The annotation metadata for the field * @param typeArguments The arguments * @param requiresReflection Whether reflection is required * @return this component definition */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"}) @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final AbstractBeanDefinition addInjectionPoint( Class declaringType, Class fieldType, String field, @Nullable AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, @Nullable Argument[] typeArguments, boolean requiresReflection) { if (annotationMetadata != null && annotationMetadata.hasDeclaredAnnotation(Inject.class)) { requiredComponents.add(fieldType); } if (requiresReflection) { fieldInjectionPoints.add(new ReflectionFieldInjectionPoint( this, declaringType, fieldType, field, annotationMetadata, typeArguments )); } else { fieldInjectionPoints.add(new DefaultFieldInjectionPoint( this, declaringType, fieldType, field, annotationMetadata, typeArguments )); } return this; }
Adds an injection point for a method that cannot be resolved at runtime, but a compile time produced injection point exists. This allows the framework to recover and relay better error messages to the user instead of just NoSuchMethodError.
  • declaringType – The declaring type
  • method – The method
  • arguments – The argument types
  • annotationMetadata – The annotation metadata
  • requiresReflection – Whether the method requires reflection to invoke
Returns:this component definition
/** * Adds an injection point for a method that cannot be resolved at runtime, but a compile time produced injection * point exists. This allows the framework to recover and relay better error messages to the user instead of just * NoSuchMethodError. * * @param declaringType The declaring type * @param method The method * @param arguments The argument types * @param annotationMetadata The annotation metadata * @param requiresReflection Whether the method requires reflection to invoke * @return this component definition */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"}) @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final AbstractBeanDefinition addInjectionPoint( Class declaringType, String method, @Nullable Argument[] arguments, @Nullable AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, boolean requiresReflection) { return addInjectionPointInternal( declaringType, method, arguments, annotationMetadata, requiresReflection, this.methodInjectionPoints ); }
Adds a post construct method definition.
  • declaringType – The declaring type
  • method – The method
  • arguments – The arguments
  • annotationMetadata – The annotation metadata
  • requiresReflection – Whether the method requires reflection
Returns:This bean definition
/** * Adds a post construct method definition. * * @param declaringType The declaring type * @param method The method * @param arguments The arguments * @param annotationMetadata The annotation metadata * @param requiresReflection Whether the method requires reflection * @return This bean definition */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final AbstractBeanDefinition addPostConstruct(Class declaringType, String method, @Nullable Argument[] arguments, @Nullable AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, boolean requiresReflection) { if (postConstructMethods == null) { postConstructMethods = new ArrayList<>(1); } return addInjectionPointInternal(declaringType, method, arguments, annotationMetadata, requiresReflection, this.postConstructMethods); }
Adds a pre destroy method definition.
  • declaringType – The declaring type
  • method – The method
  • arguments – The arguments
  • annotationMetadata – The annotation metadata
  • requiresReflection – Whether the method requires reflection
Returns:This bean definition
/** * Adds a pre destroy method definition. * * @param declaringType The declaring type * @param method The method * @param arguments The arguments * @param annotationMetadata The annotation metadata * @param requiresReflection Whether the method requires reflection * @return This bean definition */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final AbstractBeanDefinition addPreDestroy(Class declaringType, String method, Argument[] arguments, AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, boolean requiresReflection) { if (preDestroyMethods == null) { preDestroyMethods = new ArrayList<>(1); } return addInjectionPointInternal(declaringType, method, arguments, annotationMetadata, requiresReflection, this.preDestroyMethods); }
The default implementation which provides no injection. To be overridden by compile time tooling.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • bean – The bean
Returns:The injected bean
/** * The default implementation which provides no injection. To be overridden by compile time tooling. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param bean The bean * @return The injected bean */
@Internal @SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "unused"}) @UsedByGeneratedCode protected Object injectBean(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, Object bean) { return bean; }
Inject another bean, for example one created via factory.
  • resolutionContext – The reslution context
  • context – The context
  • bean – The bean
Returns:The bean
/** * Inject another bean, for example one created via factory. * * @param resolutionContext The reslution context * @param context The context * @param bean The bean * @return The bean */
@Internal @SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) @UsedByGeneratedCode protected Object injectAnother(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, Object bean) { if (bean == null) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Bean factory returned null"); } DefaultBeanContext defaultContext = (DefaultBeanContext) context; return defaultContext.inject(resolutionContext, this, bean); }
Default postConstruct hook that only invokes methods that require reflection. Generated subclasses should override to call methods that don't require reflection.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution hook
  • context – The context
  • bean – The bean
Returns:The bean
/** * Default postConstruct hook that only invokes methods that require reflection. Generated subclasses should * override to call methods that don't require reflection. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution hook * @param context The context * @param bean The bean * @return The bean */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"}) @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected Object postConstruct(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, Object bean) { boolean addInCreationHandling = isSingleton() && !CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(postConstructMethods); DefaultBeanContext.BeanKey key = null; if (addInCreationHandling) { // ensure registration as an inflight bean if a post construct is present // this is to ensure that if the post construct method does anything funky to // cause recreation of this bean then we don't have a circular problem key = new DefaultBeanContext.BeanKey(this, resolutionContext.getCurrentQualifier()); resolutionContext.addInFlightBean(key, bean); } final Set<Map.Entry<Class, List<BeanInitializedEventListener>>> beanInitializedEventListeners = ((DefaultBeanContext) context).beanInitializedEventListeners; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(beanInitializedEventListeners)) { for (Map.Entry<Class, List<BeanInitializedEventListener>> entry : beanInitializedEventListeners) { if (entry.getKey().isAssignableFrom(getBeanType())) { for (BeanInitializedEventListener listener : entry.getValue()) { bean = listener.onInitialized(new BeanInitializingEvent(context, this, bean)); if (bean == null) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Listener [" + listener + "] returned null from onInitialized event"); } } } } } DefaultBeanContext defaultContext = (DefaultBeanContext) context; for (int i = 0; i < methodInjectionPoints.size(); i++) { MethodInjectionPoint methodInjectionPoint = methodInjectionPoints.get(i); if (methodInjectionPoint.isPostConstructMethod() && methodInjectionPoint.requiresReflection()) { injectBeanMethod(resolutionContext, defaultContext, i, bean); } } if (bean instanceof LifeCycle) { bean = ((LifeCycle) bean).start(); } try { return bean; } finally { if (addInCreationHandling) { // ensure registration as an inflight bean if a post construct is present // this is to ensure that if the post construct method does anything funky to // cause recreation of this bean then we don't have a circular problem resolutionContext.removeInFlightBean(key); } } }
Default preDestroy hook that only invokes methods that require reflection. Generated subclasses should override to call methods that don't require reflection.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution hook
  • context – The context
  • bean – The bean
Returns:The bean
/** * Default preDestroy hook that only invokes methods that require reflection. Generated subclasses should override * to call methods that don't require reflection. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution hook * @param context The context * @param bean The bean * @return The bean */
@UsedByGeneratedCode protected Object preDestroy(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, Object bean) { DefaultBeanContext defaultContext = (DefaultBeanContext) context; for (int i = 0; i < methodInjectionPoints.size(); i++) { MethodInjectionPoint methodInjectionPoint = methodInjectionPoints.get(i); if (methodInjectionPoint.isPreDestroyMethod() && methodInjectionPoint.requiresReflection()) { injectBeanMethod(resolutionContext, defaultContext, i, bean); } } if (bean instanceof LifeCycle) { bean = ((LifeCycle) bean).stop(); } return bean; }
Inject a bean method that requires reflection.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • methodIndex – The method index
  • bean – The bean
/** * Inject a bean method that requires reflection. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param methodIndex The method index * @param bean The bean */
@Internal @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected void injectBeanMethod(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, DefaultBeanContext context, int methodIndex, Object bean) { MethodInjectionPoint methodInjectionPoint = methodInjectionPoints.get(methodIndex); Argument[] methodArgumentTypes = methodInjectionPoint.getArguments(); Object[] methodArgs = new Object[methodArgumentTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < methodArgumentTypes.length; i++) { methodArgs[i] = getBeanForMethodArgument(resolutionContext, context, methodIndex, i); } try { methodInjectionPoint.invoke(bean, methodArgs); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(this, e); } }
Injects the value of a field of a bean that requires reflection.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • index – The index of the field
  • bean – The bean being injected
/** * Injects the value of a field of a bean that requires reflection. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param index The index of the field * @param bean The bean being injected */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal protected final void injectBeanField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, DefaultBeanContext context, int index, Object bean) { FieldInjectionPoint fieldInjectionPoint = fieldInjectionPoints.get(index); boolean isInject = fieldInjectionPoint.getAnnotationMetadata().hasDeclaredAnnotation(Inject.class); try { Object value; if (isInject) { instrumentAnnotationMetadata(context, fieldInjectionPoint); value = getBeanForField(resolutionContext, context, fieldInjectionPoint); } else { value = getValueForField(resolutionContext, context, index); } if (value != null) { //noinspection unchecked fieldInjectionPoint.set(bean, value); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof BeanContextException) { throw (BeanContextException) e; } else { throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, fieldInjectionPoint, "Error setting field value: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }
Obtains a value for the given method argument.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • methodIndex – The method index
  • argIndex – The argument index
Returns:The value
/** * Obtains a value for the given method argument. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param methodIndex The method index * @param argIndex The argument index * @return The value */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"}) @Internal protected final Object getValueForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int methodIndex, int argIndex) { MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint = methodInjectionPoints.get(methodIndex); Argument argument = injectionPoint.getArguments()[argIndex]; BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); path.pushMethodArgumentResolve(this, injectionPoint, argument); if (context instanceof ApplicationContext) { // can't use orElseThrow here due to compiler bug try { String valueAnnStr = argument.getAnnotationMetadata().stringValue(Value.class).orElse(null); Class<?> argumentType; boolean isCollection = false; if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(argument.getType())) { argumentType = argument.getFirstTypeVariable().map(Argument::getType).orElse((Class) Object.class); isCollection = true; } else { argumentType = argument.getType(); } if (isInnerConfiguration(argumentType, context)) { Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, argument, true); if (isCollection) { Collection beans = ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeansOfType(resolutionContext, argumentType, qualifier); return coerceCollectionToCorrectType(argument.getType(), beans); } else { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, argumentType, qualifier); } } else { String valString = resolvePropertyValueName(resolutionContext, injectionPoint.getAnnotationMetadata(), argument, valueAnnStr); ApplicationContext applicationContext = (ApplicationContext) context; ArgumentConversionContext conversionContext = ConversionContext.of(argument); Optional value = resolveValue(applicationContext, conversionContext, valueAnnStr != null, valString); if (argumentType == Optional.class) { return resolveOptionalObject(value); } else { if (value.isPresent()) { return value.get(); } else { if (argument.isDeclaredNullable()) { return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, conversionContext, valString); } } } } finally { path.pop(); } } else { path.pop(); throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, "BeanContext must support property resolution"); } }
Obtains a value for the given method argument.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • methodIndex – The method index
  • argIndex – The argument index
Returns:The value
/** * Obtains a value for the given method argument. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param methodIndex The method index * @param argIndex The argument index * @return The value */
@Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final boolean containsValueForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int methodIndex, int argIndex) { if (context instanceof ApplicationContext) { MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint = methodInjectionPoints.get(methodIndex); Argument argument = injectionPoint.getArguments()[argIndex]; String valueAnnStr = argument.getAnnotationMetadata().stringValue(Value.class).orElse(null); String valString = resolvePropertyValueName(resolutionContext, injectionPoint.getAnnotationMetadata(), argument, valueAnnStr); ApplicationContext applicationContext = (ApplicationContext) context; Class type = argument.getType(); boolean isConfigProps = type.isAnnotationPresent(ConfigurationProperties.class); boolean result = isConfigProps || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ? applicationContext.containsProperties(valString) : applicationContext.containsProperty(valString); if (!result && isConfigurationProperties()) { String cliOption = resolveCliOption(argument.getName()); if (cliOption != null) { result = applicationContext.containsProperty(cliOption); } } if (result && injectionPoint instanceof MissingMethodInjectionPoint) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Bean definition for type [{}] is compiled against an older version and value [{}] can no longer be set for missing method: {}", getBeanType(), valString, injectionPoint.getName()); } result = false; } return result; } return false; }
Obtains a bean definition for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • methodIndex – The method index
  • argIndex – The argument index
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean definition for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param methodIndex The method index * @param argIndex The argument index * @return The resolved bean */
@Internal @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final Object getBeanForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int methodIndex, int argIndex) { MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint = methodInjectionPoints.get(methodIndex); Argument argument = injectionPoint.getArguments()[argIndex]; if (argument instanceof DefaultArgument) { argument = new EnvironmentAwareArgument((DefaultArgument) argument); instrumentAnnotationMetadata(context, argument); } return getBeanForMethodArgument(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint, argument); }
Obtains all bean definitions for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The method injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains all bean definitions for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The method injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Collection getBeansOfTypeForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromMethodArgument(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> { boolean hasNoGenerics = !argument.getType().isArray() && argument.getTypeVariables().isEmpty(); if (hasNoGenerics) { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); } else { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeansOfType(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); } } ); }
Obtains a bean provider for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The method injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean provider for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The method injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Provider getBeanProviderForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromMethodArgument(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeanProvider(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains an optional bean for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The method injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains an optional bean for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The method injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Optional findBeanForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromMethodArgument(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).findBean(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains all bean definitions for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The method injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains all bean definitions for the method at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The method injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Stream streamOfTypeForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromMethodArgument(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).streamOfType(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains a bean definition for a constructor at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • argIndex – The argument index
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean definition for a constructor at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param argIndex The argument index * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final Object getBeanForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int argIndex) { ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> constructorInjectionPoint = getConstructor(); Argument<?> argument = constructorInjectionPoint.getArguments()[argIndex]; if (argument instanceof DefaultArgument) { argument = new EnvironmentAwareArgument((DefaultArgument) argument); instrumentAnnotationMetadata(context, argument); } Class argumentType = argument.getType(); if (argumentType == BeanResolutionContext.class) { return resolutionContext; } else if (argumentType.isArray()) { Collection beansOfType = getBeansOfTypeForConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, context, constructorInjectionPoint, argument); return beansOfType.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(argumentType.getComponentType(), beansOfType.size())); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { Collection beansOfType = getBeansOfTypeForConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, context, constructorInjectionPoint, argument); return coerceCollectionToCorrectType(argumentType, beansOfType); } else if (Stream.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { return streamOfTypeForConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, context, constructorInjectionPoint, argument); } else if (Provider.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { return getBeanProviderForConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, context, constructorInjectionPoint, argument); } else if (Optional.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { return findBeanForConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, context, constructorInjectionPoint, argument); } else { BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); BeanResolutionContext.Segment current = path.peek(); boolean isNullable = argument.isDeclaredNullable(); if (isNullable && current != null && current.getArgument().equals(argument)) { return null; } else { path.pushConstructorResolve(this, argument); try { Object bean; Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, argument, isInnerConfiguration(argument.getType(), context)); if (Qualifier.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { bean = qualifier; } else { //noinspection unchecked bean = ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, argumentType, qualifier); } path.pop(); return bean; } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", argumentType.getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } if (isIterable() && getAnnotationMetadata().hasDeclaredAnnotation(EachBean.class)) { throw new DisabledBeanException("Bean [" + getBeanType().getSimpleName() + "] disabled by parent: " + e.getMessage()); } else { if (isNullable) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, e); } } catch (NoSuchBeanException e) { if (isNullable) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, e); } } } }
Obtains a value for a bean definition for a constructor at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • argIndex – The argument index
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a value for a bean definition for a constructor at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param argIndex The argument index * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final Object getValueForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int argIndex) { ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> constructorInjectionPoint = getConstructor(); BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); Argument<?> argument = constructorInjectionPoint.getArguments()[argIndex]; path.pushConstructorResolve(this, argument); try { Object result; if (context instanceof ApplicationContext) { ApplicationContext propertyResolver = (ApplicationContext) context; AnnotationMetadata argMetadata = argument.getAnnotationMetadata(); Optional<String> valAnn = argMetadata.stringValue(Value.class); String prop = resolvePropertyValueName(resolutionContext, argMetadata, argument, valAnn.orElse(null)); ArgumentConversionContext<?> conversionContext = ConversionContext.of(argument); Optional<?> value = resolveValue(propertyResolver, conversionContext, valAnn.isPresent(), prop); if (argument.getType() == Optional.class) { return resolveOptionalObject(value); } else { // can't use orElseThrow here due to compiler bug if (value.isPresent()) { result = value.get(); } else { if (argument.isDeclaredNullable()) { result = null; } else { result = argMetadata.getValue(Bindable.class, "defaultValue", argument) .orElseThrow(() -> new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, conversionContext, prop)); } } } } else { throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, "BeanContext must support property resolution"); } if (this instanceof ValidatedBeanDefinition) { ((ValidatedBeanDefinition) this).validateBeanArgument( resolutionContext, constructorInjectionPoint, argument, argIndex, result ); } return result; } catch (NoSuchBeanException | BeanInstantiationException e) { throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, e); } finally { path.pop(); } }
Obtains a bean provider for a constructor at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • constructorInjectionPoint – The constructor injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean provider for a constructor at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param constructorInjectionPoint The constructor injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Provider getBeanProviderForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConstructorInjectionPoint constructorInjectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeanProvider(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • constructorInjectionPoint – The constructor injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param constructorInjectionPoint The constructor injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Collection getBeansOfTypeForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> constructorInjectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> { boolean hasNoGenerics = !argument.getType().isArray() && argument.getTypeVariables().isEmpty(); if (hasNoGenerics) { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); } else { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeansOfType(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); } } ); }
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • constructorInjectionPoint – The constructor injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param constructorInjectionPoint The constructor injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Stream streamOfTypeForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> constructorInjectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).streamOfType(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • constructorInjectionPoint – The constructor injection point
  • argument – The argument
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains all bean definitions for a constructor argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param constructorInjectionPoint The constructor injection point * @param argument The argument * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Optional findBeanForConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> constructorInjectionPoint, Argument argument) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsFromConstructorArgument(resolutionContext, argument, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).findBean(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • fieldIndex – The field index
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param fieldIndex The field index * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final Object getBeanForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int fieldIndex) { FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint = fieldInjectionPoints.get(fieldIndex); instrumentAnnotationMetadata(context, injectionPoint); return getBeanForField(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint); }
Obtains a value for the given field from the bean context

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • fieldIndex – The index of the field
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a value for the given field from the bean context * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param fieldIndex The index of the field * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final Object getValueForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int fieldIndex) { FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint = fieldInjectionPoints.get(fieldIndex); BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); path.pushFieldResolve(this, injectionPoint); try { if (context instanceof PropertyResolver) { final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = injectionPoint.getAnnotationMetadata(); String valueAnnVal = annotationMetadata.stringValue(Value.class).orElse(null); Argument<?> fieldArgument = injectionPoint.asArgument(); Class<?> argumentType; boolean isCollection = false; if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(injectionPoint.getType())) { argumentType = fieldArgument.getFirstTypeVariable().map(Argument::getType).orElse((Class) Object.class); isCollection = true; } else { argumentType = fieldArgument.getType(); } if (isInnerConfiguration(argumentType, context)) { Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, fieldArgument, true); if (isCollection) { Collection beans = ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeansOfType(resolutionContext, argumentType, qualifier); return coerceCollectionToCorrectType(fieldArgument.getType(), beans); } else { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, argumentType, qualifier); } } else { String valString = resolvePropertyValueName(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, valueAnnVal, annotationMetadata); ArgumentConversionContext conversionContext = ConversionContext.of(fieldArgument); Optional value = resolveValue((ApplicationContext) context, conversionContext, valueAnnVal != null, valString); if (argumentType == Optional.class) { return resolveOptionalObject(value); } else { if (value.isPresent()) { return value.get(); } else { if (fieldArgument.isDeclaredNullable()) { return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, "Error resolving field value [" + valString + "]. Property doesn't exist or cannot be converted"); } } } } else { throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, "@Value requires a BeanContext that implements PropertyResolver"); } } finally { path.pop(); } }
Resolve a value for the given field of the given type and path. Only used by applications compiled with versions of Micronaut prior to 1.2.0.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • propertyType – The required property type
  • propertyPath – The property path
Type parameters:
  • <T1> – The generic type
Returns:An optional value
/** * Resolve a value for the given field of the given type and path. Only * used by applications compiled with versions of Micronaut prior to 1.2.0. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param propertyType The required property type * @param propertyPath The property path * @param <T1> The generic type * @return An optional value */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final <T1> Optional<T1> getValueForPath( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, Argument<T1> propertyType, String... propertyPath) { if (context instanceof PropertyResolver) { PropertyResolver propertyResolver = (PropertyResolver) context; String pathString = propertyPath.length > 1 ? String.join(".", propertyPath) : propertyPath[0]; String valString = resolvePropertyPath(resolutionContext, pathString); return propertyResolver.getProperty(valString, ConversionContext.of(propertyType)); } return Optional.empty(); }
Resolve a value for the given field of the given type and path.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • propertyType – The required property type
  • propertyPath – The property path
Type parameters:
  • <T1> – The generic type
Returns:An optional value
/** * Resolve a value for the given field of the given type and path. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param propertyType The required property type * @param propertyPath The property path * @param <T1> The generic type * @return An optional value */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final <T1> Optional<T1> getValueForPath( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, Argument<T1> propertyType, String propertyPath) { if (context instanceof PropertyResolver) { PropertyResolver propertyResolver = (PropertyResolver) context; String valString = substituteWildCards(resolutionContext, propertyPath); return propertyResolver.getProperty(valString, ConversionContext.of(propertyType)); } return Optional.empty(); }
Obtains a value for the given field argument.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The bean context
  • fieldIndex – The field index
Returns:True if it does
/** * Obtains a value for the given field argument. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The bean context * @param fieldIndex The field index * @return True if it does */
@Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final boolean containsValueForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, int fieldIndex) { if (context instanceof ApplicationContext) { FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint = fieldInjectionPoints.get(fieldIndex); final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = injectionPoint.getAnnotationMetadata(); String valueAnnVal = annotationMetadata.stringValue(Value.class).orElse(null); String valString = resolvePropertyValueName(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, valueAnnVal, annotationMetadata); ApplicationContext applicationContext = (ApplicationContext) context; Class fieldType = injectionPoint.getType(); boolean isConfigProps = fieldType.isAnnotationPresent(ConfigurationProperties.class); boolean result = isConfigProps || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType) || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType) ? applicationContext.containsProperties(valString) : applicationContext.containsProperty(valString); if (!result && isConfigurationProperties()) { String cliOption = resolveCliOption(injectionPoint.getName()); if (cliOption != null) { return applicationContext.containsProperty(cliOption); } } return result; } return false; }
If this bean is a ConfigurationProperties bean return whether any properties for it are configured within the context.
  • resolutionContext – the resolution context
  • context – The context
Returns:True if it does
/** * If this bean is a {@link ConfigurationProperties} bean return whether any properties for it are configured * within the context. * * @param resolutionContext the resolution context * @param context The context * @return True if it does */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final boolean containsProperties(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context) { return containsProperties(resolutionContext, context, null); }
If this bean is a ConfigurationProperties bean return whether any properties for it are configured within the context.
  • resolutionContext – the resolution context
  • context – The context
  • subProperty – The subproperty to check
Returns:True if it does
/** * If this bean is a {@link ConfigurationProperties} bean return whether any properties for it are configured * within the context. * * @param resolutionContext the resolution context * @param context The context * @param subProperty The subproperty to check * @return True if it does */
@SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "SameParameterValue"}) @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final boolean containsProperties(@SuppressWarnings("unused") BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, String subProperty) { boolean isSubProperty = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(subProperty); if (!isSubProperty && !requiredComponents.isEmpty()) { // if the bean requires dependency injection we disable this optimization return true; } if (isConfigurationProperties && context instanceof ApplicationContext) { AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = getAnnotationMetadata(); ApplicationContext appCtx = (ApplicationContext) context; if (annotationMetadata.getValue(ConfigurationProperties.class, "cliPrefix").isPresent()) { return true; } else { String path = getConfigurationPropertiesPath(resolutionContext); return appCtx.containsProperties(path); } } return false; }
Resolves a bean for the given FieldInjectionPoint.
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Resolves a bean for the given {@link FieldInjectionPoint}. * * @param resolutionContext The {@link BeanResolutionContext} * @param context The {@link BeanContext} * @param injectionPoint The {@link FieldInjectionPoint} * @return The resolved bean * @throws DependencyInjectionException If the bean cannot be resolved */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal @UsedByGeneratedCode protected final Object getBeanForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint) { Class beanType = injectionPoint.getType(); if (beanType.isArray()) { Collection beansOfType = getBeansOfTypeForField(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint); return beansOfType.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(beanType.getComponentType(), beansOfType.size())); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) { Collection beansOfType = getBeansOfTypeForField(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint); if (beanType.isInstance(beansOfType)) { return beansOfType; } else { //noinspection unchecked return CollectionUtils.convertCollection(beanType, beansOfType).orElse(null); } } else if (Stream.class.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) { return getStreamOfTypeForField(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint); } else if (Provider.class.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) { return getBeanProviderForField(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint); } else if (Optional.class.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) { return findBeanForField(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint); } else { BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); path.pushFieldResolve(this, injectionPoint); try { Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, injectionPoint.asArgument()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Object bean = ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); path.pop(); return bean; } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", beanType.getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } if (isIterable() && getAnnotationMetadata().hasDeclaredAnnotation(EachBean.class)) { throw new DisabledBeanException("Bean [" + getBeanType().getSimpleName() + "] disabled by parent: " + e.getMessage()); } else { if (injectionPoint.isDeclaredNullable()) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, e); } } catch (NoSuchBeanException e) { if (injectionPoint.isDeclaredNullable()) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, e); } } }
Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The field injection point
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The field injection point * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Provider getBeanProviderForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsForField(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeanProvider(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains a an optional for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The field injection point
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a an optional for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The field injection point * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Optional findBeanForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsForField(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).findBean(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The field injection point
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The field injection point * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Collection getBeansOfTypeForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsForField(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, (beanType, qualifier) -> { boolean hasNoGenerics = !injectionPoint.getType().isArray() && injectionPoint.asArgument().getTypeVariables().isEmpty(); if (hasNoGenerics) { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); } else { return ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBeansOfType(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); } } ); }
Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index

Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code.

  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • context – The context
  • injectionPoint – The field injection point
Returns:The resolved bean
/** * Obtains a bean definition for the field at the given index and the argument at the given index * <p> * Warning: this method is used by internal generated code and should not be called by user code. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param context The context * @param injectionPoint The field injection point * @return The resolved bean */
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Internal protected final Stream getStreamOfTypeForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint) { return resolveBeanWithGenericsForField(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, (beanType, qualifier) -> ((DefaultBeanContext) context).streamOfType(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier) ); }
A method that subclasses can override to provide information on type arguments.
Returns:The type arguments
/** * A method that subclasses can override to provide information on type arguments. * * @return The type arguments */
@Internal protected Map<String, Argument<?>[]> getTypeArgumentsMap() { return Collections.emptyMap(); }
Resolves the annotation metadata for this bean. Subclasses
Returns:The AnnotationMetadata
/** * Resolves the annotation metadata for this bean. Subclasses * * @return The {@link AnnotationMetadata} */
protected AnnotationMetadata resolveAnnotationMetadata() { return AnnotationMetadata.EMPTY_METADATA; } private AnnotationMetadata initializeAnnotationMetadata() { AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = resolveAnnotationMetadata(); if (annotationMetadata != AnnotationMetadata.EMPTY_METADATA) { // we make a copy of the result of annotation metadata which is normally a reference // to the class metadata return new BeanAnnotationMetadata(annotationMetadata); } else { return AnnotationMetadata.EMPTY_METADATA; } } private AbstractBeanDefinition addInjectionPointInternal( Class declaringType, String method, @Nullable Argument[] arguments, @Nullable AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, boolean requiresReflection, List<MethodInjectionPoint> targetInjectionPoints) { boolean isPreDestroy = targetInjectionPoints == this.preDestroyMethods; boolean isPostConstruct = targetInjectionPoints == this.postConstructMethods; MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint; if (requiresReflection) { injectionPoint = new ReflectionMethodInjectionPoint( this, declaringType, method, arguments, annotationMetadata ); } else { injectionPoint = new DefaultMethodInjectionPoint( this, declaringType, method, arguments, annotationMetadata ); } targetInjectionPoints.add(injectionPoint); if (isPostConstruct || isPreDestroy) { this.methodInjectionPoints.add(injectionPoint); } addRequiredComponents(arguments); return this; } private Object getBeanForMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint, Argument argument) { Class argumentType = argument.getType(); if (argumentType.isArray()) { Collection beansOfType = getBeansOfTypeForMethodArgument(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint, argument); return beansOfType.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(argumentType.getComponentType(), beansOfType.size())); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { Collection beansOfType = getBeansOfTypeForMethodArgument(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint, argument); return coerceCollectionToCorrectType(argumentType, beansOfType); } else if (Stream.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { return streamOfTypeForMethodArgument(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint, argument); } else if (Provider.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { return getBeanProviderForMethodArgument(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint, argument); } else if (Optional.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentType)) { return findBeanForMethodArgument(resolutionContext, context, injectionPoint, argument); } else { BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); path.pushMethodArgumentResolve(this, injectionPoint, argument); try { Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, argument); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Object bean = ((DefaultBeanContext) context).getBean(resolutionContext, argumentType, qualifier); path.pop(); return bean; } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", argumentType.getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } if (isIterable() && getAnnotationMetadata().hasDeclaredAnnotation(EachBean.class)) { throw new DisabledBeanException("Bean [" + getBeanType().getSimpleName() + "] disabled by parent: " + e.getMessage()); } else { if (argument.isDeclaredNullable()) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, e); } } catch (NoSuchBeanException e) { if (argument.isDeclaredNullable()) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, e); } } } private Optional resolveValue( ApplicationContext context, ArgumentConversionContext<?> argument, boolean hasValueAnnotation, String valString) { if (hasValueAnnotation) { return context.resolvePlaceholders(valString).flatMap(v -> context.getConversionService().convert(v, argument) ); } else { Optional<?> value = context.getProperty(valString, argument); if (!value.isPresent() && isConfigurationProperties()) { String cliOption = resolveCliOption(argument.getArgument().getName()); if (cliOption != null) { return context.getProperty(cliOption, argument); } } return value; } } private String resolvePropertyValueName( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, Argument argument, String valueAnnStr) { String valString; if (valueAnnStr != null) { valString = valueAnnStr; } else { valString = annotationMetadata.stringValue(Property.class, "name") .orElseGet(() -> argument.getAnnotationMetadata().stringValue(Property.class, "name") .orElseThrow(() -> new DependencyInjectionException( resolutionContext, argument, "Value resolution attempted but @Value annotation is missing" ) ) ); valString = substituteWildCards(resolutionContext, valString); } return valString; } private String resolvePropertyValueName( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint, String valueAnn, AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata) { String valString; if (valueAnn != null) { valString = valueAnn; } else { valString = annotationMetadata.stringValue(Property.class, "name") .orElseThrow(() -> new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, "Value resolution attempted but @Value annotation is missing")); valString = substituteWildCards(resolutionContext, valString); } return valString; } private String resolvePropertyPath( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, String path) { String valString = getConfigurationPropertiesPath(resolutionContext); return valString + "." + path; } private String getConfigurationPropertiesPath(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext) { String valString = getAnnotationMetadata() .stringValue(ConfigurationReader.class, "prefix") .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Resolve property path called for non @ConfigurationProperties bean")); valString = substituteWildCards( resolutionContext, valString ); return valString; } private String substituteWildCards(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, String valString) { if (valString.indexOf('*') > -1) { Optional<String> namedBean = resolutionContext.get(Named.class.getName(), ConversionContext.STRING); if (namedBean.isPresent()) { valString = valString.replace("*", namedBean.get()); } } return valString; } private String resolveCliOption(String name) { String attr = "cliPrefix"; AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = getAnnotationMetadata(); if (annotationMetadata.isPresent(ConfigurationProperties.class, attr)) { return annotationMetadata.stringValue(ConfigurationProperties.class, attr).map(val -> val + name).orElse(null); } return null; } private boolean isInnerConfiguration(Class<?> argumentType, BeanContext beanContext) { return isConfigurationProperties && argumentType.getName().indexOf('$') > -1 && !argumentType.isEnum() && !argumentType.isPrimitive() && Modifier.isPublic(argumentType.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(argumentType.getModifiers()) && isInnerOfAnySuperclass(argumentType) && beanContext.findBeanDefinition(argumentType).map(bd -> bd.hasStereotype(ConfigurationReader.class) || bd.isIterable()).isPresent(); } private boolean isInnerOfAnySuperclass(Class argumentType) { Class beanType = getBeanType(); while (beanType != null) { if ((beanType.getName() + "$" + argumentType.getSimpleName()).equals(argumentType.getName())) { return true; } beanType = beanType.getSuperclass(); } return false; } private <B, X extends RuntimeException> B resolveBeanWithGenericsFromMethodArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, MethodInjectionPoint injectionPoint, Argument argument, BeanResolver<B> beanResolver) throws X { BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); path.pushMethodArgumentResolve(this, injectionPoint, argument); try { Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, argument); Class argumentType = argument.getType(); Class genericType = resolveGenericType(argument, argumentType); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") B bean = (B) beanResolver.resolveBean(genericType != null ? genericType : argumentType, qualifier); path.pop(); return bean; } catch (NoSuchBeanException e) { throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, argument, e); } } private Class resolveGenericType(Argument argument, Class argumentType) { Class genericType; if (argumentType.isArray()) { genericType = argumentType.getComponentType(); } else { Map<String, Argument<?>> genericTypes = argument.getTypeVariables(); if (genericTypes.size() == 1) { genericType = genericTypes.values().iterator().next().getType(); } else { genericType = null; } } return genericType; } private <B> B resolveBeanWithGenericsFromConstructorArgument(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Argument argument, BeanResolver<B> beanResolver) { BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); path.pushConstructorResolve(this, argument); try { Class argumentType = argument.getType(); Class genericType = resolveGenericType(argument, argumentType); Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, argument); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") B bean = (B) beanResolver.resolveBean(genericType != null ? genericType : argumentType, qualifier); path.pop(); return bean; } catch (NoSuchBeanException e) { if (argument.isNullable()) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, argument, e); } } private <B> B resolveBeanWithGenericsForField(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, FieldInjectionPoint injectionPoint, BeanResolver<B> beanResolver) { BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); path.pushFieldResolve(this, injectionPoint); Argument argument = injectionPoint.asArgument(); try { Optional<Class> genericType = injectionPoint.getType().isArray() ? Optional.of(injectionPoint.getType().getComponentType()) : argument.getFirstTypeVariable().map(Argument::getType); Qualifier qualifier = resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, injectionPoint.asArgument()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") B bean = (B) beanResolver.resolveBean(genericType.orElse(injectionPoint.getType()), qualifier); path.pop(); return bean; } catch (NoSuchBeanException e) { if (argument.isNullable()) { path.pop(); return null; } throw new DependencyInjectionException(resolutionContext, injectionPoint, e); } } private boolean isConfigurationProperties() { return isConfigurationProperties; } private Qualifier resolveQualifier(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Argument argument) { return resolveQualifier(resolutionContext, argument, false); } private Qualifier resolveQualifier( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Argument argument, boolean innerConfiguration) { AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = argument.getAnnotationMetadata(); boolean hasMetadata = annotationMetadata != AnnotationMetadata.EMPTY_METADATA; Class<? extends Annotation> qualifierType = hasMetadata ? annotationMetadata.getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(javax.inject.Qualifier.class).orElse(null) : null; if (qualifierType != null) { return Qualifiers.byAnnotation( annotationMetadata, qualifierType ); } else { Class<?>[] byType = hasMetadata ? annotationMetadata.hasDeclaredAnnotation(Type.class) ? annotationMetadata.classValues(Type.class) : null : null; if (byType != null) { return Qualifiers.byType(byType); } else { Qualifier qualifier = null; boolean isIterable = isIterable() || resolutionContext.get(EachProperty.class.getName(), Class.class).map(getBeanType()::equals).orElse(false); if (isIterable) { Optional<Qualifier> optional = resolutionContext.get(javax.inject.Qualifier.class.getName(), Map.class) .map(map -> (Qualifier) map.get(argument)); qualifier = optional.orElse(null); } if (qualifier == null) { if ((hasMetadata && argument.isAnnotationPresent(Parameter.class)) || (innerConfiguration && isIterable) || Qualifier.class == argument.getType()) { final Optional<String> n = resolutionContext.get(NAMED_ATTRIBUTE, ConversionContext.STRING); qualifier = n.map(Qualifiers::byName).orElse(null); } } return qualifier; } } } @SuppressWarnings("OptionalUsedAsFieldOrParameterType") private Object resolveOptionalObject(Optional value) { if (!value.isPresent()) { return value; } else { Object convertedOptional = value.get(); if (convertedOptional instanceof Optional) { return convertedOptional; } else { return value; } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object coerceCollectionToCorrectType(Class collectionType, Collection beansOfType) { if (collectionType.isInstance(beansOfType)) { return beansOfType; } else { return CollectionUtils.convertCollection(collectionType, beansOfType).orElse(null); } } private void addRequiredComponents(Argument... arguments) { if (arguments != null) { for (Argument argument : arguments) { requiredComponents.add(argument.getType()); } } } private void instrumentAnnotationMetadata(BeanContext context, Object object) { if (object instanceof EnvironmentConfigurable && context instanceof ApplicationContext) { ((EnvironmentConfigurable) object).configure(((ApplicationContext) context).getEnvironment()); } }
Internal environment aware annotation metadata delegate.
/** * Internal environment aware annotation metadata delegate. */
private final class BeanAnnotationMetadata extends AbstractEnvironmentAnnotationMetadata { BeanAnnotationMetadata(AnnotationMetadata targetMetadata) { super(targetMetadata); } @Nullable @Override protected Environment getEnvironment() { return environment; } }
Class used as a method key.
/** * Class used as a method key. */
private final class MethodKey { final String name; final Class[] argumentTypes; MethodKey(String name, Class[] argumentTypes) { this.name = name; this.argumentTypes = argumentTypes; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MethodKey methodKey = (MethodKey) o; if (!name.equals(methodKey.name)) { return false; } return Arrays.equals(argumentTypes, methodKey.argumentTypes); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = name.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(argumentTypes); return result; } }
Bean resolver.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The type
/** * Bean resolver. * * @param <T> The type */
private interface BeanResolver<T> { T resolveBean(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier); } }