 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package io.micronaut.core.beans;

import io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotatedElement;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataDelegate;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.ArgumentConversionContext;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionContext;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException;
import io.micronaut.core.type.Argument;
import io.micronaut.core.util.ArgumentUtils;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import java.util.Optional;

Represents a bean property and associated annotation metadata.

A BeanProperty allows you to read the value of a property via get(Object) or write to it via set(Object, Object), without using reflection.

The annotations of a property can be inspected via the AnnotationMetadataProvider.getAnnotationMetadata() method.

Type parameters:
  • <B> – The bean type
  • <T> – The bean property type
See Also:
/** * Represents a bean property and associated annotation metadata. * * <p>A {@link BeanProperty} allows you to read the value of a property via {@link #get(Object)} or write to it via {@link #set(Object, Object)}, without using reflection.</p> * * <p>The annotations of a property can be inspected via the {@link #getAnnotationMetadata()} method.</p> * * @param <B> The bean type * @param <T> The bean property type * @author graemerocher * @since 1.1 * @see BeanIntrospection */
@Immutable public interface BeanProperty<B, T> extends AnnotatedElement, AnnotationMetadataDelegate {
Returns:The declaring bean introspection.
/** * @return The declaring bean introspection. */
@NonNull BeanIntrospection<B> getDeclaringBean();
Read the bean value.
  • bean – The bean to read from
Returns:The value
/** * Read the bean value. * @param bean The bean to read from * @return The value * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the bean instance if not of the correct type */
@Nullable T get(@NonNull B bean);
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
  • bean – The bean
  • type – The type
Type parameters:
  • <T2> – The generic type
Returns:The value if conversion was possible.
/** * Read the value and try to convert it to the given type. * @param bean The bean * @param type The type * @param <T2> The generic type * @return The value if conversion was possible. */
default @NonNull <T2> Optional<T2> get(@NonNull B bean, @NonNull Class<T2> type) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("bean", bean); ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("type", type); final Argument<T2> argument = Argument.of(type); return get(bean, argument); }
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
  • bean – The bean
  • argument – The type
Type parameters:
  • <T2> – The generic type
Returns:The value if conversion was possible.
/** * Read the value and try to convert it to the given type. * @param bean The bean * @param argument The type * @param <T2> The generic type * @return The value if conversion was possible. */
default <T2> Optional<T2> get(@NonNull B bean, @NonNull Argument<T2> argument) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("bean", bean); ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("type", argument); final ArgumentConversionContext<T2> conversionContext = ConversionContext.of(argument); return get(bean, conversionContext); }
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
  • bean – The bean
  • conversionContext – The conversion context to use
Type parameters:
  • <T2> – The generic type
Returns:The value if conversion was possible.
/** * Read the value and try to convert it to the given type. * @param bean The bean * @param conversionContext The conversion context to use * @param <T2> The generic type * @return The value if conversion was possible. */
default <T2> Optional<T2> get(@NonNull B bean, @NonNull ArgumentConversionContext<T2> conversionContext) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("bean", bean); ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("conversionContext", conversionContext); final T v = get(bean); return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(v, conversionContext); }
Read the value and try to convert it to the given type.
  • bean – The bean
  • type – The type
  • defaultValue – The default value if conversion is not possible
Type parameters:
  • <T2> – The generic type
Returns:The value if conversion was possible.
/** * Read the value and try to convert it to the given type. * @param bean The bean * @param type The type * @param defaultValue The default value if conversion is not possible * @param <T2> The generic type * @return The value if conversion was possible. */
default @Nullable <T2> T2 get(@NonNull B bean, @NonNull Class<T2> type, @Nullable T2 defaultValue) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("bean", bean); //noinspection ConstantConditions if (type == null) { return defaultValue; } else { final T v = get(bean); return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(v, type).orElse(defaultValue); } }
Write the bean value.
  • bean – The bean
  • value – The value to write
/** * Write the bean value. * @param bean The bean * @param value The value to write * @throws IllegalArgumentException If either the bean type or value type are not correct */
default void set(@NonNull B bean, @Nullable T value) { if (isReadOnly()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot write read-only property: " + getName()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Write method unimplemented for property: " + getName()); } }
Convert the value and set if on the bean using the default conversion service.
  • bean – The bean
  • value – The value
/** * Convert the value and set if on the bean using the default conversion service. * * @param bean The bean * @param value The value * @throws io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException If the value couldn't be converted */
default void convertAndSet(@NonNull B bean, @Nullable Object value) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("bean", bean); if (value != null) { final Argument<T> argument = asArgument(); final ArgumentConversionContext<T> context = ConversionContext.of(argument); final T converted = ConversionService.SHARED.convert(value, context).orElseThrow(() -> new ConversionErrorException(argument, context.getLastError() .orElse(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Value [" + value + "] cannot be converted to type : " + getType()))) ); set(bean, converted); } else { //noinspection ConstantConditions,unchecked set(bean, (T) value); } }
Returns:The property type.
/** * @return The property type. */
@NonNull Class<T> getType();
Represent the type as an argument, including any generic type information.
Returns:The argument
/** * Represent the type as an argument, including any generic type information. * * @return The argument */
default Argument<T> asArgument() { return Argument.of(getType()); }
Returns:Whether the property is read-only
/** * @return Whether the property is read-only */
default boolean isReadOnly() { return false; }
Returns:Whether the property is write-only
/** * @return Whether the property is write-only */
default boolean isWriteOnly() { return false; }
Whether the property can be written to and read from.
Returns:True if it can.
/** * Whether the property can be written to and read from. * * @return True if it can. */
default boolean isReadWrite() { return !isReadOnly() && !isWriteOnly(); }
The declaring type of the property.
Returns:The type
/** * The declaring type of the property. * @return The type */
default Class<B> getDeclaringType() { return getDeclaringBean().getBeanType(); } }