package io.ebeaninternal.server.query;

import io.ebean.ProfileLocation;
import io.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphNode;
import io.ebean.meta.MetaOrmQueryMetric;
import io.ebean.meta.MetaOrmQueryOrigin;
import io.ebean.meta.MetricType;
import io.ebean.metric.TimedMetric;
import io.ebean.metric.TimedMetricStats;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;

Statistics for a specific query plan that can accumulate.
/** * Statistics for a specific query plan that can accumulate. */
public final class CQueryPlanStats { private final CQueryPlan queryPlan; private final TimedMetric timedMetric; private long lastQueryTime; private final ConcurrentHashMap<ObjectGraphNode, LongAdder> origins;
Construct for a given query plan.
/** * Construct for a given query plan. */
CQueryPlanStats(CQueryPlan queryPlan, boolean collectQueryOrigins) { this.queryPlan = queryPlan; = !collectQueryOrigins ? null : new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.timedMetric = queryPlan.createTimedMetric(); }
Return true if there are no statistics collected since the last reset.
/** * Return true if there are no statistics collected since the last reset. */
public boolean isEmpty() { return timedMetric.isEmpty(); }
Add a query execution to the statistics.
/** * Add a query execution to the statistics. */
public void add(long loadedBeanCount, long timeMicros, ObjectGraphNode objectGraphNode) { timedMetric.add(timeMicros, loadedBeanCount); // not safe but should be atomic lastQueryTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (origins != null && objectGraphNode != null) { // Maintain the origin points this query fires from // with a simple counter LongAdder counter = origins.get(objectGraphNode); if (counter == null) { // race condition - we can miss counters here but going // to live with that. Don't want to lock/synchronize etc counter = new LongAdder(); origins.put(objectGraphNode, counter); } counter.increment(); } }
Reset the internal statistics counters.
/** * Reset the internal statistics counters. */
public void reset() { timedMetric.reset(); if (origins != null) { for (LongAdder counter : origins.values()) { counter.reset(); } } }
Return the last time this query was executed.
/** * Return the last time this query was executed. */
long getLastQueryTime() { return lastQueryTime; }
Return a Snapshot of the query execution statistics potentially resetting the internal counters.
/** * Return a Snapshot of the query execution statistics potentially resetting the internal counters. */
Snapshot getSnapshot(boolean reset) { TimedMetricStats collect = timedMetric.collect(reset); List<MetaOrmQueryOrigin> origins = getOrigins(reset); return new Snapshot(queryPlan, collect, lastQueryTime, origins); }
Return the list/snapshot of the origins and their counter value.
/** * Return the list/snapshot of the origins and their counter value. */
private List<MetaOrmQueryOrigin> getOrigins(boolean reset) { if (origins == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<MetaOrmQueryOrigin> list = new ArrayList<>(origins.size()); for (Entry<ObjectGraphNode, LongAdder> entry : origins.entrySet()) { if (reset) { list.add(new OriginSnapshot(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().sumThenReset())); } else { list.add(new OriginSnapshot(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().sum())); } } return list; }
Snapshot of the origin ObjectGraphNode and counter value.
/** * Snapshot of the origin ObjectGraphNode and counter value. */
private static class OriginSnapshot implements MetaOrmQueryOrigin { private final ObjectGraphNode objectGraphNode; private final long count; OriginSnapshot(ObjectGraphNode objectGraphNode, long count) { this.objectGraphNode = objectGraphNode; this.count = count; } @Override public String toString() { return "node[" + objectGraphNode + "] count[" + count + "]"; } @Override public ObjectGraphNode getObjectGraphNode() { return objectGraphNode; } @Override public long getCount() { return count; } }
A snapshot of the current statistics for a query plan.
/** * A snapshot of the current statistics for a query plan. */
static class Snapshot implements MetaOrmQueryMetric { private final CQueryPlan queryPlan; private final TimedMetricStats metrics; private final long lastQueryTime; private final List<MetaOrmQueryOrigin> origins; Snapshot(CQueryPlan queryPlan, TimedMetricStats metrics, long lastQueryTime, List<MetaOrmQueryOrigin> origins) { this.queryPlan = queryPlan; this.metrics = metrics; this.lastQueryTime = lastQueryTime; = origins; } @Override public String toString() { return "label:" + getLabel() + " location:" + getLocation() + " metrics:" + metrics + " sql:" + getSql(); } @Override public MetricType getMetricType() { return MetricType.ORM; } @Override public Class<?> getType() { return queryPlan.getBeanType(); } @Override public String getLabel() { return queryPlan.getLabel(); } @Override public String getName() { return queryPlan.getLabel(); } @Override public String getLocation() { return queryPlan.getLocation(); } @Override public ProfileLocation getProfileLocation() { return queryPlan.getProfileLocation(); } @Override public long getBeanCount() { return metrics.getBeanCount(); } @Override public long getCount() { return metrics.getCount(); } @Override public long getTotal() { return metrics.getTotal(); } @Override public long getMax() { return metrics.getMax(); } @Override public long getMean() { return metrics.getMean(); } @Override public long getStartTime() { return metrics.getStartTime(); } @Override public long getLastQueryTime() { return lastQueryTime; } @Override public boolean isAutoTuned() { return queryPlan.isAutoTuned(); } @Override public String getQueryPlanHash() { return queryPlan.getSqlHash(); } @Override public String getSql() { return queryPlan.getSql(); } @Override public List<MetaOrmQueryOrigin> getOrigins() { return origins; } } }