package io.ebeaninternal.server.el;

import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.plugin.Property;
import io.ebean.text.StringParser;
import io.ebean.util.SplitName;
import io.ebean.util.StringHelper;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.ScalarType;

import java.util.Arrays;

A ElGetValue based on a chain of properties.

Used to get the value for an compound expression like or etc.

Note that if any element in the chain returns null, then null is returned and no further processing of the chain occurs.

/** * A ElGetValue based on a chain of properties. * <p> * Used to get the value for an compound expression like or * etc. * </p> * <p> * Note that if any element in the chain returns null, then null is returned and * no further processing of the chain occurs. * </p> */
public class ElPropertyChain implements ElPropertyValue { private final String prefix; private final String placeHolder; private final String placeHolderEncrypted; private final String name; private final String expression; private final boolean containsMany; private final ElPropertyValue[] chain; private final boolean assocId; private final int last; private final BeanProperty lastBeanProperty; private final ScalarType<?> scalarType; private final ElPropertyValue lastElPropertyValue; public ElPropertyChain(boolean containsMany, boolean embedded, String expression, ElPropertyValue[] chain) { this.containsMany = containsMany; this.chain = chain; this.expression = expression; int dotPos = expression.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotPos > -1) { = expression.substring(dotPos + 1); if (embedded) { int embPos = expression.lastIndexOf('.', dotPos - 1); this.prefix = embPos == -1 ? null : expression.substring(0, embPos); } else { this.prefix = expression.substring(0, dotPos); } } else { this.prefix = null; = expression; } this.assocId = chain[chain.length - 1].isAssocId(); this.last = chain.length - 1; this.lastBeanProperty = chain[chain.length - 1].getBeanProperty(); if (lastBeanProperty != null) { this.scalarType = lastBeanProperty.getScalarType(); } else { // case for nested compound type (non-scalar) this.scalarType = null; } this.lastElPropertyValue = chain[chain.length - 1]; this.placeHolder = getElPlaceHolder(prefix, lastElPropertyValue, false); this.placeHolderEncrypted = getElPlaceHolder(prefix, lastElPropertyValue, true); } @Override public String toString() { return "expr:" + expression + " chain:" + Arrays.toString(chain); } @Override public int getFetchPreference() { return chain[0].getFetchPreference(); } @Override public boolean isAggregation() { return false; } private String getElPlaceHolder(String prefix, ElPropertyValue lastElPropertyValue, boolean encrypted) { if (prefix == null) { return lastElPropertyValue.getElPlaceholder(encrypted); } String el = lastElPropertyValue.getElPlaceholder(encrypted); if (!el.contains("${}")) { // typically a secondary table property return StringHelper.replaceString(el, "${", "${" + prefix + "."); } else { return StringHelper.replaceString(el, ROOT_ELPREFIX, "${" + prefix + "}"); } }
Return true if there is a many property from sinceProperty to the end of this chain.
/** * Return true if there is a many property from sinceProperty to * the end of this chain. */
@Override public boolean containsManySince(String sinceProperty) { if (sinceProperty == null) { return containsMany; } if (!expression.startsWith(sinceProperty)) { return containsMany; } int i = 1 + SplitName.count(sinceProperty); for (; i < chain.length; i++) { if (chain[i].getBeanProperty().containsMany()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean containsFormulaWithJoin() { // Not cascading the check at this stage return false; } @Override public boolean containsMany() { return containsMany; } @Override public String getElPrefix() { return prefix; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String getElName() { return expression; } @Override public String getElPlaceholder(boolean encrypted) { return encrypted ? placeHolderEncrypted : placeHolder; } @Override public boolean isDbEncrypted() { return lastElPropertyValue.isDbEncrypted(); } @Override public boolean isLocalEncrypted() { return lastElPropertyValue.isLocalEncrypted(); } @Override public Object localEncrypt(Object value) { return lastElPropertyValue.localEncrypt(value); } @Override public String getAssocIsEmpty(SpiExpressionRequest request, String path) { return lastElPropertyValue.getAssocIsEmpty(request, path); } @Override public Object[] getAssocIdValues(EntityBean bean) { // Don't navigate the object graph as bean // is assumed to be the appropriate type return lastElPropertyValue.getAssocIdValues(bean); } @Override public String getAssocIdExpression(String prefix, String operator) { return lastElPropertyValue.getAssocIdExpression(expression, operator); } @Override public String getAssocIdInExpr(String prefix) { return lastElPropertyValue.getAssocIdInExpr(prefix); } @Override public String getAssocIdInValueExpr(boolean not, int size) { return lastElPropertyValue.getAssocIdInValueExpr(not, size); } @Override public boolean isAssocMany() { return lastElPropertyValue.isAssocMany(); } @Override public Property getProperty() { return lastBeanProperty; } @Override public boolean isAssocId() { return assocId; } @Override public boolean isAssocProperty() { for (ElPropertyValue aChain : chain) { if (aChain.isAssocProperty()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public String getDbColumn() { return lastElPropertyValue.getDbColumn(); } @Override public BeanProperty getBeanProperty() { return lastBeanProperty; } @Override public boolean isDateTimeCapable() { return scalarType != null && scalarType.isDateTimeCapable(); } @Override public int getJdbcType() { return scalarType == null ? 0 : scalarType.getJdbcType(); } @Override public Object parseDateTime(long systemTimeMillis) { return scalarType.convertFromMillis(systemTimeMillis); } @Override public StringParser getStringParser() { return scalarType; } @Override public Object convert(Object value) { // just convert using the last one in the chain return lastElPropertyValue.convert(value); } @Override public Object pathGet(Object bean) { for (ElPropertyValue aChain : chain) { if (aChain.isAssocMany()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("pathGet not supported on [" + expression + "], because " + aChain + " is an assocMany property"); } bean = aChain.pathGet(bean); if (bean == null) { return null; } } return bean; } @Override public Object pathGetNested(Object bean) { Object prevBean = bean; for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) { // always return non null prevBean prevBean = chain[i].pathGetNested(prevBean); } // try the last step in the chain return chain[last].pathGet(prevBean); } @Override public void pathSet(Object bean, Object value) { Object prevBean = bean; for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) { prevBean = chain[i].pathGetNested(prevBean); } if (prevBean != null) { if (lastBeanProperty != null) { // last chain element maps to a real scalar property lastBeanProperty.pathSet(prevBean, value); } else { // a non-scalar property of a Compound value object lastElPropertyValue.pathSet(prevBean, value); } } } }