package io.ebeaninternal.server.core;
Helper for performing a 'refresh' on an Entity bean.
Note that this does not 'refresh' any OnetoMany or ManyToMany properties. It
refreshes all the other properties though.
* Helper for performing a 'refresh' on an Entity bean.
* <p>
* Note that this does not 'refresh' any OnetoMany or ManyToMany properties. It
* refreshes all the other properties though.
* </p>
public class RefreshHelp {
// /**
// * Helper for debug of lazy loading.
// */
// private final DebugLazyLoad debugLazyLoad;
// private final MAdminLoggingMBean logControl;
// public RefreshHelp(MAdminLoggingMBean logControl, boolean debugLazyLoad){
// this.logControl = logControl;
// this.debugLazyLoad = new DebugLazyLoad(debugLazyLoad);
// }
// /**
// * Refresh the bean from property values in dbBean.
// */
// public void refresh(Object o, Object dbBean, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, EntityBeanIntercept ebi, Object id, boolean isLazyLoad) {
// Object originalOldValues = null;
// boolean setOriginalOldValues = false;
// // set of properties to exclude from the refresh because it is
// // not a refresh but rather a lazyLoading event.
// Set<String> excludes = null;
// // turn off intercepting so lazy loading is
// // not invoked when populating the bean
// // with PropertyChangeSupport
// ebi.setIntercepting(false);
// boolean readOnly = ebi.isReadOnly();
// boolean sharedInstance = ebi.isSharedInstance();
// if (isLazyLoad){
// excludes = ebi.getLoadedProps();
// if (excludes != null){
// // lazy loading a "Partial Object"... which already
// // contains some properties and perhaps some oldValues
// // and these will need to be maintained...
// originalOldValues = ebi.getOldValues();
// setOriginalOldValues = originalOldValues != null;
// }
// if (logControl.isDebugLazyLoad()){
// debug(desc, ebi, id, excludes);
// }
// }
// BeanProperty[] props = desc.propertiesBaseScalar();
// for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
// BeanProperty prop = props[i];
// if (excludes != null && excludes.contains(prop.getName())){
// // ignore this property (partial bean lazy loading)
// } else {
// Object dbVal = prop.getValue(dbBean);
// if (isLazyLoad) {
// prop.setValue(o, dbVal);
// } else {
// prop.setValueIntercept(o, dbVal);
// }
// if (setOriginalOldValues){
// // maintain original oldValues for partially loaded bean
// prop.setValue(originalOldValues, dbVal);
// }
// }
// }
// BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] ones = desc.propertiesOne();
// for (int i = 0; i < ones.length; i++) {
// BeanProperty prop = ones[i];
// if (excludes != null && excludes.contains(prop.getName())){
// // ignore this property (partial bean lazy loading)
// } else {
// Object dbVal = prop.getValue(dbBean);
// if (isLazyLoad){
// prop.setValue(o, dbVal);
// } else {
// prop.setValueIntercept(o, dbVal);
// }
// if (setOriginalOldValues){
// // maintain original oldValues for partially loaded bean
// prop.setValue(originalOldValues, dbVal);
// }
// if (dbVal != null){
// if (sharedInstance){
// // propagate sharedInstance status to associated beans
// ((EntityBean)dbVal)._ebean_getIntercept().setSharedInstance();
// } else if (readOnly) {
// // propagate readOnly status to associated beans
// ((EntityBean)dbVal)._ebean_getIntercept().setReadOnly(true);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// refreshEmbedded(o, dbBean, desc, excludes, readOnly);
// // set a lazy loading many proxy if required
// BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] manys = desc.propertiesMany();
// for (int i = 0; i < manys.length; i++) {
// BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop = manys[i];
// if (excludes != null && excludes.contains(prop.getName())){
// // the many already existed on the bean
// } else {
// // set a lazy loading proxy
// prop.createReference(o, null, readOnly, sharedInstance);
// }
// }
// // the refreshed/lazy loaded bean is always fully
// // populated so set loadedProps to null
// ebi.setLoadedProps(null);
// // reset the loaded status
// ebi.setLoaded();
// }
// /**
// * Refresh the Embedded beans.
// */
// private void refreshEmbedded(Object o, Object dbBean, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, Set<String> excludes, boolean propagateReadOnly) {
// BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] embeds = desc.propertiesEmbedded();
// for (int i = 0; i < embeds.length; i++) {
// BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop = embeds[i];
// if (excludes != null && excludes.contains(prop.getName())){
// // ignore this property
// } else {
// // the original embedded bean
// Object oEmb = prop.getValue(o);
// // the new one from the database
// Object dbEmb = prop.getValue(dbBean);
// if (oEmb == null){
// // original embedded bean was null
// // so just replace the entire embedded bean
// prop.setValueIntercept(o, dbEmb);
// if (propagateReadOnly && dbEmb != null){
// // propagate readOnly status to embedded beans
// ((EntityBean)dbEmb)._ebean_getIntercept().setReadOnly(true);
// }
// } else {
// // refresh each property of the original
// // embedded bean
// if (oEmb instanceof EntityBean){
// // turn off interception to stop invoking lazy loading
// // but allow PropertyChangeSupport
// ((EntityBean) oEmb)._ebean_getIntercept().setIntercepting(false);
// }
// BeanProperty[] props = prop.getProperties();
// for (int j = 0; j < props.length; j++) {
// Object v = props[j].getValue(dbEmb);
// props[j].setValueIntercept(oEmb, v);
// }
// // No longer calling setLoaded() on embedded bean
// // as the EntityBean itself
// // .. calls setEmbeddedLoaded() on each of
// // .. its embedded beans itself.
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Output some debug to describe the lazy loading event.
// */
// private void debug(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, EntityBeanIntercept ebi, Object id, Set<String> excludes) {
// Class<?> beanType = desc.getBeanType();
// StackTraceElement cause = debugLazyLoad.getStackTraceElement(beanType);
// String lazyLoadProperty = ebi.getLazyLoadProperty();
// String msg = "debug.lazyLoad ["+desc+"] id["+id+"] lazyLoadProperty["+lazyLoadProperty+"]";
// if (excludes != null){
// msg += " partialProps"+excludes;
// }
// if (cause != null){
// String causeLine = cause.toString();
// if (causeLine.indexOf(".groovy:") > -1){
// // eclipse console does not like finding groovy source at the moment
// causeLine = StringHelper.replaceString(causeLine, ".groovy:", ".groovy :");
// }
// msg += " at: "+causeLine;
// }
// System.err.println(msg);
// }