package io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform;

import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.h2.H2HistoryTrigger;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlBuffer;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlWrite;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MTable;


H2 history support using DB triggers to maintain a history table.
/** * H2 history support using DB triggers to maintain a history table. */
public class H2HistoryDdl extends DbTriggerBasedHistoryDdl { private static final String TRIGGER_CLASS = H2HistoryTrigger.class.getName(); public H2HistoryDdl() { this.sysPeriodType = "timestamp"; this.currentTimestamp = "now()"; } @Override protected void dropTriggers(DdlBuffer buffer, String baseTable) throws IOException { buffer.append("drop trigger ").append(updateTriggerName(baseTable)).endOfStatement(); } @Override protected void createTriggers(DdlWrite writer, MTable table) throws IOException { String baseTableName = table.getName(); DdlBuffer apply = writer.applyHistoryTrigger(); addCreateTrigger(apply, updateTriggerName(baseTableName), baseTableName); } @Override protected void updateHistoryTriggers(DbTriggerUpdate update) throws IOException { recreateHistoryView(update); DdlBuffer buffer = update.historyTriggerBuffer(); dropTriggers(buffer, update.getBaseTable()); addCreateTrigger(buffer, updateTriggerName(update.getBaseTable()), update.getBaseTable()); } private void addCreateTrigger(DdlBuffer apply, String triggerName, String baseTable) throws IOException { // Note that this does not take into account the historyTable name (excepts _history suffix) and // does not take into account excluded columns (all columns included in history) apply .append("create trigger ").append(triggerName).append(" before update,delete on ").append(baseTable) .append(" for each row call \"" + TRIGGER_CLASS + "\";").newLine(); } }