package io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration;

import io.ebean.Ebean;
import io.ebean.EbeanServer;
import io.ebean.annotation.Platform;
import io.ebean.config.DbConstraintNaming;
import io.ebean.config.DbMigrationConfig;
import io.ebean.config.PlatformConfig;
import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.clickhouse.ClickHousePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.cockroach.CockroachPlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.db2.DB2Platform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.h2.H2Platform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.hana.HanaPlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.hsqldb.HsqldbPlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.mysql.MySqlPlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.postgres.PostgresPlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.sqlanywhere.SqlAnywherePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.sqlite.SQLitePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.sqlserver.SqlServer16Platform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.sqlserver.SqlServer17Platform;
import io.ebean.dbmigration.DbMigration;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlWrite;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.Migration;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migrationreader.MigrationXmlWriter;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.CurrentModel;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MConfiguration;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MigrationModel;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MigrationVersion;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.ModelContainer;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.ModelDiff;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.PlatformDdlWriter;
import io.ebeaninternal.extraddl.model.DdlScript;
import io.ebeaninternal.extraddl.model.ExtraDdl;
import io.ebeaninternal.extraddl.model.ExtraDdlXmlReader;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

Generates DB Migration xml and sql scripts.

Reads the prior migrations and compares with the current model of the EbeanServer and generates a migration 'diff' in the form of xml document with the logical schema changes and a series of sql scripts to apply, rollback the applied changes if necessary and drop objects (drop tables, drop columns).

This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them.

      DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create();
/** * Generates DB Migration xml and sql scripts. * <p> * Reads the prior migrations and compares with the current model of the EbeanServer * and generates a migration 'diff' in the form of xml document with the logical schema * changes and a series of sql scripts to apply, rollback the applied changes if necessary * and drop objects (drop tables, drop columns). * </p> * <p> * This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them. * </p> * <pre>{@code * * DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create(); * migration.setPathToResources("src/main/resources"); * migration.setPlatform(Platform.POSTGRES); * * migration.generateMigration(); * * }</pre> */
public class DefaultDbMigration implements DbMigration { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.GenerateMigration"); private static final String initialVersion = "1.0"; private static final String GENERATED_COMMENT = "THIS IS A GENERATED FILE - DO NOT MODIFY"; private boolean logToSystemOut = true;
Set to true if DefaultDbMigration run with online EbeanServer instance.
/** * Set to true if DefaultDbMigration run with online EbeanServer instance. */
protected final boolean online; protected SpiEbeanServer server; protected DbMigrationConfig migrationConfig; protected String pathToResources = "src/main/resources"; protected DatabasePlatform databasePlatform; private boolean vanillaPlatform; protected List<Pair> platforms = new ArrayList<>(); protected ServerConfig serverConfig; protected DbConstraintNaming constraintNaming; protected Boolean strictMode; protected Boolean includeGeneratedFileComment; protected String header; protected String applyPrefix; protected String version; protected String name; protected String generatePendingDrop; protected boolean includeBuiltInPartitioning = true;
Create for offline migration generation.
/** * Create for offline migration generation. */
public DefaultDbMigration() { = false; }
Create using online EbeanServer.
/** * Create using online EbeanServer. */
public DefaultDbMigration(EbeanServer server) { = true; setServer(server); }
Set the path from the current working directory to the application resources.

This defaults to maven style 'src/main/resources'.

/** * Set the path from the current working directory to the application resources. * <p> * This defaults to maven style 'src/main/resources'. */
@Override public void setPathToResources(String pathToResources) { this.pathToResources = pathToResources; }
Set the server to use to determine the current model. Typically this is not called explicitly.
/** * Set the server to use to determine the current model. * Typically this is not called explicitly. */
@Override public void setServer(EbeanServer ebeanServer) { this.server = (SpiEbeanServer) ebeanServer; setServerConfig(server.getServerConfig()); }
Set the serverConfig to use. Typically this is not called explicitly.
/** * Set the serverConfig to use. Typically this is not called explicitly. */
@Override public void setServerConfig(ServerConfig config) { if (this.serverConfig == null) { this.serverConfig = config; } if (migrationConfig == null) { this.migrationConfig = serverConfig.getMigrationConfig(); } if (constraintNaming == null) { this.constraintNaming = serverConfig.getConstraintNaming(); } } @Override public void setStrictMode(boolean strictMode) { this.strictMode = strictMode; } @Override public void setApplyPrefix(String applyPrefix) { this.applyPrefix = applyPrefix; } @Override public void setVersion(String version) { this.version = version; } @Override public void setName(String name) { = name; } @Override public void setGeneratePendingDrop(String generatePendingDrop) { this.generatePendingDrop = generatePendingDrop; } @Override public void setIncludeGeneratedFileComment(boolean includeGeneratedFileComment) { this.includeGeneratedFileComment = includeGeneratedFileComment; } @Override public void setIncludeBuiltInPartitioning(boolean includeBuiltInPartitioning) { this.includeBuiltInPartitioning = includeBuiltInPartitioning; } @Override public void setHeader(String header) { this.header = header; }
Set the specific platform to generate DDL for.

If not set this defaults to the platform of the default server.

/** * Set the specific platform to generate DDL for. * <p> * If not set this defaults to the platform of the default server. * </p> */
@Override public void setPlatform(Platform platform) { vanillaPlatform = true; setPlatform(getPlatform(platform)); }
Set the specific platform to generate DDL for.

If not set this defaults to the platform of the default server.

/** * Set the specific platform to generate DDL for. * <p> * If not set this defaults to the platform of the default server. * </p> */
@Override public void setPlatform(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform) { this.databasePlatform = databasePlatform; if (!online) { DbOffline.setPlatform(databasePlatform.getPlatform()); } }
Add an additional platform to write the migration DDL.

Use this when you want to generate sql scripts for multiple database platforms from the migration (e.g. generate migration sql for MySql, Postgres and Oracle).

/** * Add an additional platform to write the migration DDL. * <p> * Use this when you want to generate sql scripts for multiple database platforms * from the migration (e.g. generate migration sql for MySql, Postgres and Oracle). * </p> */
@Override public void addPlatform(Platform platform, String prefix) { platforms.add(new Pair(getPlatform(platform), prefix)); } @Override public void addDatabasePlatform(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform, String prefix) { platforms.add(new Pair(databasePlatform, prefix)); }
Generate the next migration xml file and associated apply and rollback sql scripts.

This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them.

Example: Run for a single specific platform

      DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create();

Example: Run migration generating DDL for multiple platforms

      DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create();
      migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.POSTGRES, "pg");
      migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.MYSQL, "mysql");
      migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.ORACLE, "mysql");
Returns:the generated migration or null
/** * Generate the next migration xml file and associated apply and rollback sql scripts. * <p> * This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them. * </p> * <h3>Example: Run for a single specific platform</h3> * <pre>{@code * * DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create(); * migration.setPathToResources("src/main/resources"); * migration.setPlatform(DbPlatformName.ORACLE); * * migration.generateMigration(); * * }</pre> * <p> * <h3>Example: Run migration generating DDL for multiple platforms</h3> * <pre>{@code * * DbMigration migration = DbMigration.create(); * migration.setPathToResources("src/main/resources"); * * migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.POSTGRES, "pg"); * migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.MYSQL, "mysql"); * migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.ORACLE, "mysql"); * * migration.generateMigration(); * * }</pre> * * @return the generated migration or null */
@Override public String generateMigration() throws IOException { return generateMigrationFor(false); } @Override public String generateInitMigration() throws IOException { return generateMigrationFor(true); } private String generateMigrationFor(boolean dbinitMigration) throws IOException { // use this flag to stop other plugins like full DDL generation if (!online) { DbOffline.setGenerateMigration(); if (databasePlatform == null && !platforms.isEmpty()) { // for multiple platform generation the first platform // is used to generate the "logical" model diff setPlatform(platforms.get(0).platform); } } setDefaults(); if (!platforms.isEmpty()) { configurePlatforms(); } try { Request request = createRequest(dbinitMigration); if (!dbinitMigration) { // repeatable migrations if (platforms.isEmpty()) { generateExtraDdl(request.migrationDir, databasePlatform, request.isTablePartitioning()); } else { for (Pair pair : platforms) { PlatformDdlWriter platformWriter = createDdlWriter(pair.platform); File subPath = platformWriter.subPath(request.migrationDir, pair.prefix); generateExtraDdl(subPath, pair.platform, request.isTablePartitioning()); } } } String pendingVersion = generatePendingDrop(); if (pendingVersion != null) { return generatePendingDrop(request, pendingVersion); } else { return generateDiff(request); } } catch (UnknownResourcePathException e) { logError("ERROR - " + e.getMessage()); logError("Check the working directory or change dbMigration.setPathToResources() value?"); return null; } finally { if (!online) { DbOffline.reset(); } } }
Return the versions containing pending drops.
/** * Return the versions containing pending drops. */
@Override public List<String> getPendingDrops() { if (!online) { DbOffline.setGenerateMigration(); } setDefaults(); try { return createRequest(false).getPendingDrops(); } finally { if (!online) { DbOffline.reset(); } } }
Load the configuration for each of the target platforms.
/** * Load the configuration for each of the target platforms. */
private void configurePlatforms() { for (Pair pair : platforms) { PlatformConfig config = serverConfig.newPlatformConfig("dbmigration.platform", pair.prefix); pair.platform.configure(config); } }
Generate "repeatable" migration scripts.

These take scrips from extra-ddl.xml (typically views) and outputs "repeatable" migration scripts (starting with "R__") to be run by FlywayDb or Ebean's own migration runner.

/** * Generate "repeatable" migration scripts. * <p> * These take scrips from extra-ddl.xml (typically views) and outputs "repeatable" * migration scripts (starting with "R__") to be run by FlywayDb or Ebean's own * migration runner. * </p> */
private void generateExtraDdl(File migrationDir, DatabasePlatform dbPlatform, boolean tablePartitioning) throws IOException { if (dbPlatform != null) { if (tablePartitioning && includeBuiltInPartitioning) { generateExtraDdlFor(migrationDir, dbPlatform, ExtraDdlXmlReader.readBuiltinTablePartitioning()); } generateExtraDdlFor(migrationDir, dbPlatform, ExtraDdlXmlReader.readBuiltin()); generateExtraDdlFor(migrationDir, dbPlatform,; } } private void generateExtraDdlFor(File migrationDir, DatabasePlatform dbPlatform, ExtraDdl extraDdl) throws IOException { if (extraDdl != null) { List<DdlScript> ddlScript = extraDdl.getDdlScript(); for (DdlScript script : ddlScript) { if (!script.isDrop() && ExtraDdlXmlReader.matchPlatform(dbPlatform.getName(), script.getPlatforms())) { writeExtraDdl(migrationDir, script); } } } }
Write (or override) the "repeatable" migration script.
/** * Write (or override) the "repeatable" migration script. */
private void writeExtraDdl(File migrationDir, DdlScript script) throws IOException { String fullName = repeatableMigrationName(script.isInit(), script.getName()); logger.debug("writing repeatable script {}", fullName); File file = new File(migrationDir, fullName); try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file)) { writer.write(script.getValue()); writer.flush(); } } @Override public void setLogToSystemOut(boolean logToSystemOut) { this.logToSystemOut = logToSystemOut; } private void logError(String message) { if (logToSystemOut) { System.out.println("DbMigration> " + message); } else { logger.error(message); } } private void logInfo(String message, Object value) { if (value != null) { message = String.format(message, value); } if (logToSystemOut) { System.out.println("DbMigration> " + message); } else {; } } private String repeatableMigrationName(boolean init, String scriptName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (init) { sb.append("I__"); } else { sb.append("R__"); } sb.append(scriptName.replace(' ', '_')); sb.append(migrationConfig.getApplySuffix()); return sb.toString(); }
Generate the diff migration.
/** * Generate the diff migration. */
private String generateDiff(Request request) throws IOException { List<String> pendingDrops = request.getPendingDrops(); if (!pendingDrops.isEmpty()) { logInfo("Pending un-applied drops in versions %s", pendingDrops); } Migration migration = request.createDiffMigration(); if (migration == null) { logInfo("no changes detected - no migration written", null); return null; } else { // there were actually changes to write return generateMigration(request, migration, null); } }
Generate the migration based on the pendingDrops from a prior version.
/** * Generate the migration based on the pendingDrops from a prior version. */
private String generatePendingDrop(Request request, String pendingVersion) throws IOException { Migration migration = request.migrationForPendingDrop(pendingVersion); String version = generateMigration(request, migration, pendingVersion); List<String> pendingDrops = request.getPendingDrops(); if (!pendingDrops.isEmpty()) { logInfo("... remaining pending un-applied drops in versions %s", pendingDrops); } return version; } private Request createRequest(boolean dbinitMigration) { return new Request(dbinitMigration); } private class Request { final boolean dbinitMigration; final File migrationDir; final File modelDir; final CurrentModel currentModel; final ModelContainer migrated; final ModelContainer current; private Request(boolean dbinitMigration) { this.dbinitMigration = dbinitMigration; this.currentModel = new CurrentModel(server, constraintNaming); this.current =; this.migrationDir = getMigrationDirectory(dbinitMigration); if (dbinitMigration) { this.modelDir = null; this.migrated = new ModelContainer(); } else { this.modelDir = getModelDirectory(migrationDir); MigrationModel migrationModel = new MigrationModel(modelDir, migrationConfig.getModelSuffix()); this.migrated =; } } boolean isTablePartitioning() { return current.isTablePartitioning(); }
Return the next migration version (based on existing migration versions).
/** * Return the next migration version (based on existing migration versions). */
String nextVersion() { // always read the next version using the main migration directory (not dbinit) File migDirectory = getMigrationDirectory(false); File modelDir = getModelDirectory(migDirectory); return LastMigration.nextVersion(migDirectory, modelDir, dbinitMigration); }
Return the migration for the pending drops for a given version.
/** * Return the migration for the pending drops for a given version. */
Migration migrationForPendingDrop(String pendingVersion) { Migration migration = migrated.migrationForPendingDrop(pendingVersion); // register any remaining pending drops migrated.registerPendingHistoryDropColumns(current); return migration; }
Return the list of versions that have pending un-applied drops.
/** * Return the list of versions that have pending un-applied drops. */
public List<String> getPendingDrops() { return migrated.getPendingDrops(); }
Create and return the diff of the current model to the migration model.
/** * Create and return the diff of the current model to the migration model. */
Migration createDiffMigration() { ModelDiff diff = new ModelDiff(migrated); diff.compareTo(current); return diff.isEmpty() ? null : diff.getMigration(); } } private String generateMigration(Request request, Migration dbMigration, String dropsFor) throws IOException { String fullVersion = getFullVersion(request.nextVersion(), dropsFor); logInfo("generating migration:%s", fullVersion); if (!request.dbinitMigration && !writeMigrationXml(dbMigration, request.modelDir, fullVersion)) { logError("migration already exists, not generating DDL"); return null; } else { if (!platforms.isEmpty()) { writeExtraPlatformDdl(fullVersion, request.currentModel, dbMigration, request.migrationDir); } else if (databasePlatform != null) { // writer needs the current model to provide table/column details for // history ddl generation (triggers, history tables etc) DdlWrite write = new DdlWrite(new MConfiguration(), request.current); PlatformDdlWriter writer = createDdlWriter(databasePlatform); writer.processMigration(dbMigration, write, request.migrationDir, fullVersion); } return fullVersion; } }
Return true if the next pending drop changeSet should be generated as the next migration.
/** * Return true if the next pending drop changeSet should be generated as the next migration. */
private String generatePendingDrop() { String nextDrop = System.getProperty("ddl.migration.pendingDropsFor"); if (nextDrop != null) { return nextDrop; } return generatePendingDrop; }
Return the full version for the migration being generated.

The full version can contain a comment suffix after a "__" double underscore.

/** * Return the full version for the migration being generated. * <p> * The full version can contain a comment suffix after a "__" double underscore. */
private String getFullVersion(String nextVersion, String dropsFor) { String version = getVersion(); if (version == null) { version = (nextVersion != null) ? nextVersion : initialVersion; } String fullVersion = migrationConfig.getApplyPrefix() + version; String name = getName(); if (name != null) { fullVersion += "__" + toUnderScore(name); } else if (dropsFor != null) { fullVersion += "__" + toUnderScore("dropsFor_" + MigrationVersion.trim(dropsFor)); } else if (version.equals(initialVersion)) { fullVersion += "__initial"; } return fullVersion; }
Replace spaces with underscores.
/** * Replace spaces with underscores. */
private String toUnderScore(String name) { return name.replace(' ', '_'); }
Write any extra platform ddl.
/** * Write any extra platform ddl. */
private void writeExtraPlatformDdl(String fullVersion, CurrentModel currentModel, Migration dbMigration, File writePath) throws IOException { for (Pair pair : platforms) { DdlWrite platformBuffer = new DdlWrite(new MConfiguration(),; PlatformDdlWriter platformWriter = createDdlWriter(pair.platform); File subPath = platformWriter.subPath(writePath, pair.prefix); platformWriter.processMigration(dbMigration, platformBuffer, subPath, fullVersion); } } private PlatformDdlWriter createDdlWriter(DatabasePlatform platform) { return new PlatformDdlWriter(platform, serverConfig, migrationConfig); }
Write the migration xml.
/** * Write the migration xml. */
private boolean writeMigrationXml(Migration dbMigration, File resourcePath, String fullVersion) { String modelFile = fullVersion + migrationConfig.getModelSuffix(); File file = new File(resourcePath, modelFile); if (file.exists()) { return false; } String comment = Boolean.TRUE.equals(includeGeneratedFileComment) ? GENERATED_COMMENT : null; MigrationXmlWriter xmlWriter = new MigrationXmlWriter(comment); xmlWriter.write(dbMigration, file); return true; }
Set default server and platform if necessary.
/** * Set default server and platform if necessary. */
private void setDefaults() { if (server == null) { setServer(Ebean.getDefaultServer()); } if (vanillaPlatform || databasePlatform == null) { // not explicitly set so use the platform of the server databasePlatform = server.getDatabasePlatform(); } if (migrationConfig != null) { if (strictMode != null) { migrationConfig.setStrictMode(strictMode); } if (applyPrefix != null) { migrationConfig.setApplyPrefix(applyPrefix); } if (header != null) { migrationConfig.setDdlHeader(header); } } }
Return the migration version (typically FlywayDb compatible).

Example: 1.1.1_2

The version is expected to be the combination of the current pom version plus a 'feature' id. The combined version must be unique and ordered to work with FlywayDb so each developer sets a unique version so that the migration script generated is unique (typically just prior to being submitted as a merge request).

/** * Return the migration version (typically FlywayDb compatible). * <p> * Example: 1.1.1_2 * <p> * The version is expected to be the combination of the current pom version plus * a 'feature' id. The combined version must be unique and ordered to work with * FlywayDb so each developer sets a unique version so that the migration script * generated is unique (typically just prior to being submitted as a merge request). */
private String getVersion() { String envVersion = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.version"); if (!isEmpty(envVersion)) { return envVersion.trim(); } return version; }
Return the migration name which is short description text that can be appended to the migration version to become the ddl script file name.

So if the name is "a foo table" then the ddl script file could be: "1.1.1_2__a-foo-table.sql"

When the DB migration relates to a git feature (merge request) then this description text is a short description of the feature.

/** * Return the migration name which is short description text that can be appended to * the migration version to become the ddl script file name. * <p> * So if the name is "a foo table" then the ddl script file could be: * "1.1.1_2__a-foo-table.sql" * </p> * <p> * When the DB migration relates to a git feature (merge request) then this description text * is a short description of the feature. * </p> */
private String getName() { String envName = readEnvironment(""); if (!isEmpty(envName)) { return envName.trim(); } return name; }
Return true if the string is null or empty.
/** * Return true if the string is null or empty. */
private boolean isEmpty(String val) { return val == null || val.trim().isEmpty(); }
Return the system or environment property.
/** * Return the system or environment property. */
private String readEnvironment(String key) { String val = System.getProperty(key); if (val == null) { val = System.getenv(key); } return val; }
Return the main migration directory.
/** * Return the main migration directory. */
File getMigrationDirectory() { return getMigrationDirectory(false); }
Return the file path to write the xml and sql to.
/** * Return the file path to write the xml and sql to. */
File getMigrationDirectory(boolean dbinitMigration) { // path to src/main/resources in typical maven project File resourceRootDir = new File(pathToResources); if (!resourceRootDir.exists()) { String msg = String.format("Error - path to resources %s does not exist. Absolute path is %s", pathToResources, resourceRootDir.getAbsolutePath()); throw new UnknownResourcePathException(msg); } String resourcePath = migrationConfig.getMigrationPath(dbinitMigration); // expect to be a path to something like - src/main/resources/dbmigration/model File path = new File(resourceRootDir, resourcePath); if (!path.exists()) { if (!path.mkdirs()) { logInfo("Warning - Unable to ensure migration directory exists at %s", path.getAbsolutePath()); } } return path; }
Return the model directory (relative to the migration directory).
/** * Return the model directory (relative to the migration directory). */
private File getModelDirectory(File migrationDirectory) { String modelPath = migrationConfig.getModelPath(); if (modelPath == null || modelPath.isEmpty()) { return migrationDirectory; } File modelDir = new File(migrationDirectory, migrationConfig.getModelPath()); if (!modelDir.exists() && !modelDir.mkdirs()) { logInfo("Warning - Unable to ensure migration model directory exists at %s", modelDir.getAbsolutePath()); } return modelDir; }
Return the DatabasePlatform given the platform key.
/** * Return the DatabasePlatform given the platform key. */
protected DatabasePlatform getPlatform(Platform platform) { switch (platform) { case H2: return new H2Platform(); case HSQLDB: return new HsqldbPlatform(); case POSTGRES: return new PostgresPlatform(); case MYSQL: return new MySqlPlatform(); case ORACLE: return new OraclePlatform(); case SQLANYWHERE: return new SqlAnywherePlatform(); case SQLSERVER16: return new SqlServer16Platform(); case SQLSERVER17: return new SqlServer17Platform(); case SQLSERVER: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please choose the more specific SQLSERVER16 or SQLSERVER17 platform. Refer to issue #1340 for details"); case DB2: return new DB2Platform(); case SQLITE: return new SQLitePlatform(); case HANA: return new HanaPlatform(); case COCKROACH: return new CockroachPlatform(); case CLICKHOUSE: return new ClickHousePlatform(); case GENERIC: return new DatabasePlatform(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Platform missing? " + platform); } }
Holds a platform and prefix. Used to generate multiple platform specific DDL for a single migration.
/** * Holds a platform and prefix. Used to generate multiple platform specific DDL * for a single migration. */
static class Pair {
The platform to generate the DDL for.
/** * The platform to generate the DDL for. */
final DatabasePlatform platform;
A prefix included into the file/resource names indicating the platform.
/** * A prefix included into the file/resource names indicating the platform. */
final String prefix; Pair(DatabasePlatform platform, String prefix) { this.platform = platform; this.prefix = prefix; } } }