package io.ebeaninternal.api;

import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.MultiValueWrapper;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.NaturalKeyBindParam;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

Parameters used for binding to a statement.

Supports ordered or named parameters.

/** * Parameters used for binding to a statement. * <p> * Supports ordered or named parameters. * </p> */
public class BindParams implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4541081933302086285L; private final List<Param> positionedParameters = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<String, Param> namedParameters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
This is the sql. For named parameters this is the sql after the named parameters have been replaced with question mark place holders and the parameters have been ordered by addNamedParamInOrder().
/** * This is the sql. For named parameters this is the sql after the named * parameters have been replaced with question mark place holders and the * parameters have been ordered by addNamedParamInOrder(). */
private String preparedSql;
Bind hash and count used to detect when the bind values have changed such that the generated SQL (with named parameters) needs to be recalculated.
/** * Bind hash and count used to detect when the bind values have changed such * that the generated SQL (with named parameters) needs to be recalculated. */
private String bindHash; public BindParams() { }
Reset positioned parameters (usually due to bind parameter expansion).
/** * Reset positioned parameters (usually due to bind parameter expansion). */
public void reset() { bindHash = null; positionedParameters.clear(); } public int queryBindHash() { int hc = namedParameters.hashCode(); for (Param positionedParameter : positionedParameters) { hc = hc * 92821 + positionedParameter.hashCode(); } return hc; }
Return the hash that should be included with the query plan.

This is to handle binding collections to in clauses. The number of values in the collection effects the query (number of bind values) and so must be taken into account when calculating the query hash.

/** * Return the hash that should be included with the query plan. * <p> * This is to handle binding collections to in clauses. The number of values * in the collection effects the query (number of bind values) and so must be * taken into account when calculating the query hash. * </p> */
public String calcQueryPlanHash() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); buildQueryPlanHash(builder); return builder.toString(); }
Calculate and return a query plan bind hash with total bind count.
/** * Calculate and return a query plan bind hash with total bind count. */
public void buildQueryPlanHash(StringBuilder builder) { int tempBindCount; int bc = 0; for (Param param : positionedParameters) { tempBindCount = param.queryBindCount(); bc += tempBindCount; builder.append("p").append(bc).append(" ?:").append(tempBindCount).append(","); } for (Map.Entry<String, Param> entry : namedParameters.entrySet()) { tempBindCount = entry.getValue().queryBindCount(); bc += tempBindCount; builder.append("n").append(bc).append(" k:").append(entry.getKey()).append(" ?:").append(tempBindCount).append(","); } }
Return a deep copy of the BindParams.
/** * Return a deep copy of the BindParams. */
public BindParams copy() { BindParams copy = new BindParams(); for (Param p : positionedParameters) { copy.positionedParameters.add(p.copy()); } for (Entry<String, Param> entry : namedParameters.entrySet()) { copy.namedParameters.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().copy()); } return copy; }
Return true if there are no bind parameters.
/** * Return true if there are no bind parameters. */
public boolean isEmpty() { return positionedParameters.isEmpty() && namedParameters.isEmpty(); }
Return a Natural Key bind param if supported.
/** * Return a Natural Key bind param if supported. */
public NaturalKeyBindParam getNaturalKeyBindParam() { if (positionedParameters != null) { return null; } if (namedParameters != null && namedParameters.size() == 1) { Entry<String, Param> e = namedParameters.entrySet().iterator().next(); return new NaturalKeyBindParam(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getInValue()); } return null; } public int size() { return positionedParameters.size(); }
Return true if named parameters are being used and they have not yet been ordered. The sql needs to be prepared (named replaced with ?) and the parameters ordered.
/** * Return true if named parameters are being used and they have not yet been * ordered. The sql needs to be prepared (named replaced with ?) and the * parameters ordered. */
public boolean requiresNamedParamsPrepare() { return !namedParameters.isEmpty(); }
Set a null parameter using position.
/** * Set a null parameter using position. */
public void setNullParameter(int position, int jdbcType) { Param p = getParam(position); p.setInNullType(jdbcType); }
Set an In Out parameter using position.
/** * Set an In Out parameter using position. */
public void setParameter(int position, Object value, int outType) { Param p = getParam(position); p.setInValue(value); p.setOutType(outType); }
Using position set the In value of a parameter. Note that for nulls you must use setNullParameter.
/** * Using position set the In value of a parameter. Note that for nulls you * must use setNullParameter. */
public void setParameter(int position, Object value) { Param p = getParam(position); if (value instanceof Collection) { // use of postgres ANY with positioned parameter value = new MultiValueWrapper((Collection)value); } p.setInValue(value); }
Register the parameter as an Out parameter using position.
/** * Register the parameter as an Out parameter using position. */
public void registerOut(int position, int outType) { Param p = getParam(position); p.setOutType(outType); } private Param getParam(String name) { return namedParameters.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new Param()); } private Param getParam(int position) { int more = position - positionedParameters.size(); if (more > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < more; i++) { positionedParameters.add(new Param()); } } return positionedParameters.get(position - 1); }
Set a named In Out parameter.
/** * Set a named In Out parameter. */
public void setParameter(String name, Object value, int outType) { Param p = getParam(name); p.setInValue(value); p.setOutType(outType); }
Set a named In parameter that is null.
/** * Set a named In parameter that is null. */
public void setNullParameter(String name, int jdbcType) { Param p = getParam(name); p.setInNullType(jdbcType); }
Set a named In parameter that is not null.
/** * Set a named In parameter that is not null. */
public Param setParameter(String name, Object value) { Param p = getParam(name); p.setInValue(value); return p; }
Set an encryption key as a bind value.

Needs special treatment as the value should not be included in a log.

/** * Set an encryption key as a bind value. * <p> * Needs special treatment as the value should not be included in a log. * </p> */
public Param setEncryptionKey(String name, Object value) { Param p = getParam(name); p.setEncryptionKey(value); return p; }
Register the named parameter as an Out parameter.
/** * Register the named parameter as an Out parameter. */
public void registerOut(String name, int outType) { Param p = getParam(name); p.setOutType(outType); }
Return the Parameter for a given position.
/** * Return the Parameter for a given position. */
public Param getParameter(int position) { // Used to read Out value by CallableSql return getParam(position); }
Return the named parameter.
/** * Return the named parameter. */
public Param getParameter(String name) { return getParam(name); }
Return the values of ordered parameters.
/** * Return the values of ordered parameters. */
public List<Param> positionedParameters() { return positionedParameters; }
Set the sql with named parameters replaced with place holder ?.
/** * Set the sql with named parameters replaced with place holder ?. */
public void setPreparedSql(String preparedSql) { this.preparedSql = preparedSql; }
Return the sql with ? place holders (named parameters have been processed and ordered).
/** * Return the sql with ? place holders (named parameters have been processed * and ordered). */
public String getPreparedSql() { return preparedSql; }
Return true if the bind hash and count has not changed.
/** * Return true if the bind hash and count has not changed. */
public boolean isSameBindHash() { if (bindHash == null) { bindHash = calcQueryPlanHash(); return false; } String oldPlan = bindHash; bindHash = calcQueryPlanHash(); return bindHash.equals(oldPlan); }
Create a new positioned parameters orderedList.
/** * Create a new positioned parameters orderedList. */
public OrderedList createOrderedList() { positionedParameters.clear(); return new OrderedList(positionedParameters); }
The bind parameters in the correct binding order.

This is the result of converting sql with named parameters into sql with ? and ordered parameters.

/** * The bind parameters in the correct binding order. * <p> * This is the result of converting sql with named parameters * into sql with ? and ordered parameters. * </p> */
public static final class OrderedList { private final List<Param> paramList; private final StringBuilder preparedSql; public OrderedList() { this(new ArrayList<>()); } public OrderedList(List<Param> paramList) { this.paramList = paramList; this.preparedSql = new StringBuilder(); }
Add a parameter in the correct binding order.
/** * Add a parameter in the correct binding order. */
public void add(Param param) { paramList.add(param); }
Return the number of bind parameters in this list.
/** * Return the number of bind parameters in this list. */
public int size() { return paramList.size(); }
Returns the ordered list of bind parameters.
/** * Returns the ordered list of bind parameters. */
public List<Param> list() { return paramList; }
Append parsedSql that has named parameters converted into ?.
/** * Append parsedSql that has named parameters converted into ?. */
public void appendSql(String parsedSql) { preparedSql.append(parsedSql); } public String getPreparedSql() { return preparedSql.toString(); } }
A In Out capable parameter for the CallableStatement.
/** * A In Out capable parameter for the CallableStatement. */
public static final class Param implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private boolean encryptionKey; private boolean isInParam; private boolean isOutParam; private int type; private Object inValue; private Object outValue;
Construct a Parameter.
/** * Construct a Parameter. */
public Param() { } public int queryBindCount() { if (inValue == null) { return 0; } if (inValue instanceof Collection<?>) { return ((Collection<?>) inValue).size(); } return 1; }
Create a deep copy of the Param.
/** * Create a deep copy of the Param. */
public Param copy() { Param copy = new Param(); copy.isInParam = isInParam; copy.isOutParam = isOutParam; copy.type = type; copy.inValue = inValue; copy.outValue = outValue; return copy; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hc = getClass().hashCode(); hc = hc * 92821 + (isInParam ? 0 : 1); hc = hc * 92821 + (isOutParam ? 0 : 1); hc = hc * 92821 + (type); hc = hc * 92821 + (inValue == null ? 0 : inValue.hashCode()); return hc; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o != null && (o == this || (o instanceof Param) && hashCode() == o.hashCode()); }
Return true if this is an In parameter that needs to be bound before execution.
/** * Return true if this is an In parameter that needs to be bound before * execution. */
public boolean isInParam() { return isInParam; }
Return true if this is an out parameter that needs to be registered before execution.
/** * Return true if this is an out parameter that needs to be registered * before execution. */
public boolean isOutParam() { return isOutParam; }
Return the jdbc type of this parameter. Used for registering Out parameters and setting NULL In parameters.
/** * Return the jdbc type of this parameter. Used for registering Out * parameters and setting NULL In parameters. */
public int getType() { return type; }
Set the Out parameter type.
/** * Set the Out parameter type. */
public void setOutType(int type) { this.type = type; this.isOutParam = true; }
Set the In value.
/** * Set the In value. */
public void setInValue(Object in) { this.inValue = in; this.isInParam = true; }
Set an encryption key (which can not be logged).
/** * Set an encryption key (which can not be logged). */
public void setEncryptionKey(Object in) { this.inValue = in; this.isInParam = true; this.encryptionKey = true; }
Specify that the In parameter is NULL and the specific type that it is.
/** * Specify that the In parameter is NULL and the specific type that it * is. */
public void setInNullType(int type) { this.type = type; this.inValue = null; this.isInParam = true; }
Return the OUT value that was retrieved. This value is set after CallableStatement was executed.
/** * Return the OUT value that was retrieved. This value is set after * CallableStatement was executed. */
public Object getOutValue() { return outValue; }
Return the In value. If this is null, then the type should be used to specify the type of the null.
/** * Return the In value. If this is null, then the type should be used to * specify the type of the null. */
public Object getInValue() { return inValue; }
Set the OUT value returned by a CallableStatement after it has executed.
/** * Set the OUT value returned by a CallableStatement after it has * executed. */
public void setOutValue(Object out) { this.outValue = out; }
If true do not include this value in a transaction log.
/** * If true do not include this value in a transaction log. */
public boolean isEncryptionKey() { return encryptionKey; } } }