package io.ebean.text;

Parses Uri segments like :(id,name,shippingAddress(*),contacts(*)) so that the response can be customised for performance.
/** * Parses Uri segments like :(id,name,shippingAddress(*),contacts(*)) so that * the response can be customised for performance. * * @author rbygrave */
class PathPropertiesParser { // :(a,b,c(d,e,f)) private final PathProperties pathProps; private final String source; private final char[] chars; private final int eof; private int pos; private int startPos; private PathProperties.Props currentPathProps; /** * Use {@link PathProperties#parse(String)}. */ static PathProperties parse(String source) { return new PathPropertiesParser(source).pathProps; } private PathPropertiesParser(String src) { if (src.startsWith(":")) { src = src.substring(1); } this.pathProps = new PathProperties(); this.source = src; this.chars = src.toCharArray(); this.eof = chars.length; if (eof > 0) { currentPathProps = pathProps.getRootProperties(); parse(); } } private String getPath() { do { char c1 = chars[pos++]; switch (c1) { case '(': return currentWord(); default: if (pos == 1) { return ""; } } } while (pos < eof); throw new RuntimeException("Hit EOF while reading sectionTitle from " + startPos); } private void parse() { do { String path = getPath(); pushPath(path); parseSection(); } while (pos < eof); } private void parseSection() { if (pos < eof) { do { char c1 = chars[pos++]; switch (c1) { case '(': addSubpath(); break; case ',': addCurrentProperty(); break; case ':': // start new section startPos = pos; return; case ')': // end of section addCurrentProperty(); popSubpath(); break; default: } } while (pos < eof); } if (startPos < pos) { String currentWord = source.substring(startPos, pos); currentPathProps.addProperty(currentWord); } } private void addSubpath() { pushPath(currentWord()); } private void addCurrentProperty() { String w = currentWord(); if (!w.isEmpty()) { currentPathProps.addProperty(w); } } private String currentWord() { if (startPos == pos) { return ""; } String currentWord = source.substring(startPos, pos - 1); startPos = pos; return currentWord; } private void pushPath(String title) { if (!"".equals(title)) { currentPathProps = currentPathProps.addChild(title); } } private void popSubpath() { currentPathProps = currentPathProps.getParent(); } }