package io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping;

import io.ebean.annotation.DocMapping;
import io.ebean.annotation.DocStore;
import io.ebean.text.PathProperties;
import io.ebean.util.SplitName;

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

Builds the DocumentMapping for a given bean type.
/** * Builds the DocumentMapping for a given bean type. */
public class DocMappingBuilder { private final PathProperties paths; private final DocStore docStore; private final Stack<DocPropertyMapping> properties = new Stack<>(); private final Map<String, DocPropertyMapping> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Create with the document structure paths and docStore deployment annotation.
/** * Create with the document structure paths and docStore deployment annotation. */
public DocMappingBuilder(PathProperties paths, DocStore docStore) { this.paths = paths; this.docStore = docStore; DocPropertyMapping()); }
Return true if the property is included in the document.
/** * Return true if the property is included in the document. */
public boolean includesProperty(String prefix, String name) { return paths.includesProperty(prefix, name); }
Return true if the path is included in the document.
/** * Return true if the path is included in the document. */
public boolean includesPath(String prefix, String name) { return paths.includesProperty(prefix, name); }
Add the property mapping.
/** * Add the property mapping. */
public void add(DocPropertyMapping docMapping) { DocPropertyMapping currentParent = properties.peek(); currentParent.addChild(docMapping); String parentName = currentParent.getName(); String fullName = SplitName.add(parentName, docMapping.getName()); map.put(fullName, docMapping); }
Push the nested object or list onto the properties stack.
/** * Push the nested object or list onto the properties stack. */
public void push(DocPropertyMapping nested) { properties.push(nested); }
Pop the nested object or list off the properties stack.
/** * Pop the nested object or list off the properties stack. */
public void pop() { properties.pop(); }
Apply any override mappings from the top level docStore annotation.
/** * Apply any override mappings from the top level docStore annotation. */
public void applyMapping() { for (DocMapping docMapping : docStore.mapping()) { applyFieldMapping(docMapping); } } private void applyFieldMapping(DocMapping docMapping) { DocPropertyMapping mapping = map.get(; if (mapping == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("DocMapping for [" + + "] but property not included in document?"); } mapping.apply(docMapping); }
Collect the mapping of properties to 'raw' properties for those marked as sortable.
/** * Collect the mapping of properties to 'raw' properties for those marked as sortable. */
public Map<String, String> collectSortable() { DocPropertyMapping peek = properties.peek(); SortableVisitor visitor = new SortableVisitor(); peek.visit(visitor); return visitor.getSortableMap(); }
Create the document mapping.
/** * Create the document mapping. */
public DocumentMapping create(String queueId, String indexName, String indexType) { int shards = docStore.shards(); int replicas = docStore.replicas(); DocPropertyMapping root = properties.peek(); return new DocumentMapping(queueId, indexName, indexType, paths, root, shards, replicas); }
Find sortable properties to build the mapping to 'raw' properties.
/** * Find sortable properties to build the mapping to 'raw' properties. */
private static class SortableVisitor extends DocPropertyAdapter { private Map<String, String> sortableMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); @Override public void visitProperty(DocPropertyMapping property) { DocPropertyOptions options = property.getOptions(); if (options != null && options.isSortable()) { String fullPath = pathStack.peekFullPath(property.getName()); sortableMap.put(fullPath, fullPath + ".raw"); } } private Map<String, String> getSortableMap() { return sortableMap; } } }