package io.ebeaninternal.server.util;

import io.ebean.config.EncryptKey;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.BindParams;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.BindParams.OrderedList;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.BindParams.Param;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.util.Collection;

Parses the BindParams if they are using named parameters.

This is a thread safe implementation.

/** * Parses the BindParams if they are using named parameters. * <p> * This is a thread safe implementation. * </p> */
public class BindParamsParser { private static final String ENCRYPTKEY_PREFIX = "encryptkey_"; private static final String ENCRYPTKEY_GAP = "___"; private static final int ENCRYPTKEY_PREFIX_LEN = ENCRYPTKEY_PREFIX.length(); private static final int ENCRYPTKEY_GAP_LEN = ENCRYPTKEY_GAP.length();
Used to parse sql looking for named parameters.
/** * Used to parse sql looking for named parameters. */
private static final String quote = "'";
Used to parse sql looking for named parameters.
/** * Used to parse sql looking for named parameters. */
private static final String colon = ":"; private final BindParams params; private final String sql; private final BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor; public static String parse(BindParams params, String sql) { return parse(params, sql, null); } public static String parse(BindParams params, String sql, BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor) { return new BindParamsParser(params, sql, beanDescriptor).parseSql(); } private BindParamsParser(BindParams params, String sql, BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor) { this.params = params; this.sql = sql; this.beanDescriptor = beanDescriptor; }
Parse the sql changed named parameters to positioned parameters if required.

The sql is used when named parameters are used.

This is used in most cases of named parameters. The case it is NOT used for is named parameters in a having clause. In this case some of the named parameters could be for a where clause and some for the having clause.

/** * Parse the sql changed named parameters to positioned parameters if required. * <p> * The sql is used when named parameters are used. * </p> * <p> * This is used in most cases of named parameters. The case it is NOT used for is * named parameters in a having clause. In this case some of the named parameters * could be for a where clause and some for the having clause. * </p> */
private String parseSql() { if (params.isSameBindHash()) { String preparedSql = params.getPreparedSql(); if (preparedSql != null && !preparedSql.isEmpty()) { // the sql has already been parsed and positionedParameters are set in order return preparedSql; } } String preparedSql; if (params.requiresNamedParamsPrepare()) { // convert named parameters into ordered list OrderedList orderedList = params.createOrderedList(); parseNamedParams(orderedList); preparedSql = orderedList.getPreparedSql(); } else { preparedSql = sql; } params.setPreparedSql(preparedSql); return preparedSql; }
Named parameters need to be parsed and replaced with ?.
/** * Named parameters need to be parsed and replaced with ?. */
private void parseNamedParams(OrderedList orderedList) { parseNamedParams(0, orderedList); } private void parseNamedParams(int startPos, OrderedList orderedList) { if (sql == null) { throw new PersistenceException("query does not contain any named bind parameters?"); } if (startPos > sql.length()) { return; } // search for quotes and named params... in order... int beginQuotePos = sql.indexOf(quote, startPos); int nameParamStart = findNameStart(sql, startPos); if (beginQuotePos > 0 && beginQuotePos < nameParamStart) { // the quote precedes the named parameter... // find and add up to the end quote int endQuotePos = sql.indexOf(quote, beginQuotePos + 1); String sub = sql.substring(startPos, endQuotePos + 1); orderedList.appendSql(sub); // start again after the end quote parseNamedParams(endQuotePos + 1, orderedList); } else { if (nameParamStart < 0) { // no more params, add the rest String sub = sql.substring(startPos, sql.length()); orderedList.appendSql(sub); } else { // find the end of the parameter name int endOfParam = nameParamStart + 1; do { char c = sql.charAt(endOfParam); if (c != '_' && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { break; } endOfParam++; } while (endOfParam < sql.length()); // add the named parameter value to bindList String paramName = sql.substring(nameParamStart + 1, endOfParam); Param param; if (paramName.startsWith(ENCRYPTKEY_PREFIX)) { param = addEncryptKeyParam(paramName); } else { param = params.getParameter(paramName); } if (param == null) { String msg = "Bind value is not set or null for [" + paramName + "] in [" + sql + "]"; throw new PersistenceException(msg); } String sub = sql.substring(startPos, nameParamStart); orderedList.appendSql(sub); // check if inValue is a Collection type... Object inValue = param.getInValue(); if (inValue instanceof Collection<?>) { // Chop up Collection parameter into a number // of individual parameters and add each one individually Collection<?> collection = (Collection<?>) inValue; int c = 0; for (Object elVal : collection) { if (++c > 1) { orderedList.appendSql(","); } orderedList.appendSql("?"); BindParams.Param elParam = new BindParams.Param(); elParam.setInValue(elVal); orderedList.add(elParam); } } else { // its a normal scalar value parameter... orderedList.add(param); orderedList.appendSql("?"); } // continue on after the end of the parameter parseNamedParams(endOfParam, orderedList); } } }
Find the next named parameter start position (based on colon).
/** * Find the next named parameter start position (based on colon). */
static int findNameStart(String sql, int startPos) { while (true) { int colonPos = sql.indexOf(colon, startPos); if (colonPos > -1) { // validate the next character after the colon (ignore postgres cast) char c = sql.charAt(colonPos + 1); if (c == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { return colonPos; } else { startPos = colonPos + 2; continue; } } return -1; } }
Add an encryption key bind parameter.
/** * Add an encryption key bind parameter. */
private Param addEncryptKeyParam(String keyNamedParam) { int pos = keyNamedParam.indexOf(ENCRYPTKEY_GAP, ENCRYPTKEY_PREFIX_LEN); String tableName = keyNamedParam.substring(ENCRYPTKEY_PREFIX_LEN, pos); String columnName = keyNamedParam.substring(pos + ENCRYPTKEY_GAP_LEN); EncryptKey key = beanDescriptor.getEncryptKey(tableName, columnName); String strKey = key.getStringValue(); return params.setEncryptionKey(keyNamedParam, strKey); } }