package io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction;
Collects the events of a transaction being profiled.
* Collects the events of a transaction being profiled.
public interface ProfileStream {
Return the offset in micros from the start of the transaction.
* Return the offset in micros from the start of the transaction.
long offset();
Add a query event.
* Add a query event.
void addQueryEvent(String event, long offset, String beanName, int beanCount, String queryId);
Add a persist event.
* Add a persist event.
void addPersistEvent(String event, long offset, String beanName, int beanCount);
Add the commit/rollback event.
* Add the commit/rollback event.
void addEvent(String event, long startOffset);
Transaction completed collect the profiling information.
* Transaction completed collect the profiling information.
void end(TransactionManager manager);