package io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn;

import io.ebean.CacheMode;
import io.ebean.CountDistinctOrder;
import io.ebean.Database;
import io.ebean.DtoQuery;
import io.ebean.Expression;
import io.ebean.ExpressionFactory;
import io.ebean.ExpressionList;
import io.ebean.FetchConfig;
import io.ebean.FetchGroup;
import io.ebean.FetchPath;
import io.ebean.FutureIds;
import io.ebean.FutureList;
import io.ebean.FutureRowCount;
import io.ebean.OrderBy;
import io.ebean.OrderBy.Property;
import io.ebean.PagedList;
import io.ebean.PersistenceContextScope;
import io.ebean.ProfileLocation;
import io.ebean.Query;
import io.ebean.QueryIterator;
import io.ebean.QueryType;
import io.ebean.RawSql;
import io.ebean.Transaction;
import io.ebean.UpdateQuery;
import io.ebean.Version;
import io.ebean.bean.CallOrigin;
import io.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphNode;
import io.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphOrigin;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebean.event.BeanQueryRequest;
import io.ebean.event.readaudit.ReadEvent;
import io.ebean.plugin.BeanType;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.BindParams;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.CQueryPlanKey;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.CacheIdLookup;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.HashQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ManyWhereJoins;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.NaturalKeyQueryData;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpression;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionList;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionValidation;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiNamedParam;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuerySecondary;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.ProfilingListener;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.SpiOrmQueryRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanNaturalKey;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.DefaultExpressionList;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.IdInExpression;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.SimpleExpression;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.CancelableQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.NativeSqlQueryPlanKey;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.rawsql.SpiRawSql;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction.ExternalJdbcTransaction;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

Default implementation of an Object Relational query.
/** * Default implementation of an Object Relational query. */
public class DefaultOrmQuery<T> implements SpiQuery<T> { private static final String DEFAULT_QUERY_NAME = "default"; private static final FetchConfig FETCH_CACHE = new FetchConfig().cache(); private static final FetchConfig FETCH_QUERY = new FetchConfig().query(); private static final FetchConfig FETCH_LAZY = new FetchConfig().lazy(); private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Class<T> beanType; private final ExpressionFactory expressionFactory; private final BeanDescriptor<T> rootBeanDescriptor; private BeanDescriptor<T> beanDescriptor; private SpiEbeanServer server; private SpiTransaction transaction;
For lazy loading of ManyToMany we need to add a join to the intersection table. This is that join to the intersection table.
/** * For lazy loading of ManyToMany we need to add a join to the intersection table. This is that * join to the intersection table. */
private TableJoin m2mIncludeJoin; private ProfilingListener profilingListener; private boolean cancelled; private CancelableQuery cancelableQuery; private Type type; private String label; private Mode mode = Mode.NORMAL; private Object tenantId;
Holds query in structured form.
/** * Holds query in structured form. */
private OrmQueryDetail detail; private int maxRows; private int firstRow;
Set to true to disable lazy loading on the object graph returned.
/** * Set to true to disable lazy loading on the object graph returned. */
private boolean disableLazyLoading;
Lazy loading batch size (can override server wide default).
/** * Lazy loading batch size (can override server wide default). */
private int lazyLoadBatchSize; private OrderBy<T> orderBy; private String loadMode; private String loadDescription; private String generatedSql; private String lazyLoadProperty; private String lazyLoadManyPath; private boolean allowLoadErrors;
Flag set for report/DTO beans when we may choose to explicitly include the Id property.
/** * Flag set for report/DTO beans when we may choose to explicitly include the Id property. */
private boolean manualId;
Set to true by a user wanting a DISTINCT query (id property must be excluded).
/** * Set to true by a user wanting a DISTINCT query (id property must be excluded). */
private boolean distinct;
Set to true if this is a future fetch using background threads.
/** * Set to true if this is a future fetch using background threads. */
private boolean futureFetch;
Only used for read auditing with findFutureList() query.
/** * Only used for read auditing with findFutureList() query. */
private ReadEvent futureFetchAudit; private int timeout;
The property used to get the key value for a Map.
/** * The property used to get the key value for a Map. */
private String mapKey;
Used for find by id type query.
/** * Used for find by id type query. */
private Object id; private Map<String, ONamedParam> namedParams;
Bind parameters when using the query language.
/** * Bind parameters when using the query language. */
private BindParams bindParams; private DefaultExpressionList<T> textExpressions; private DefaultExpressionList<T> whereExpressions; private DefaultExpressionList<T> havingExpressions; private boolean asOfBaseTable; private int asOfTableCount;
Set for flashback style 'as of' query.
/** * Set for flashback style 'as of' query. */
private Timestamp asOf; private TemporalMode temporalMode = TemporalMode.CURRENT; private Timestamp versionsStart; private Timestamp versionsEnd; private List<String> softDeletePredicates; private boolean disableReadAudit; private int bufferFetchSizeHint; private boolean usageProfiling = true; private CacheMode useBeanCache = CacheMode.AUTO; private CacheMode useQueryCache = CacheMode.OFF; private Boolean readOnly; private PersistenceContextScope persistenceContextScope;
Allow for explicit on off or null for default.
/** * Allow for explicit on off or null for default. */
private Boolean autoTune; private LockWait forUpdate; private LockType lockType; private boolean singleAttribute; private CountDistinctOrder countDistinctOrder;
Set to true if this query has been tuned by autoTune.
/** * Set to true if this query has been tuned by autoTune. */
private boolean autoTuned;
Root table alias. For Query.alias(String) command.
/** * Root table alias. For {@link Query#alias(String)} command. */
private String rootTableAlias; private String baseTable;
The node of the bean or collection that fired lazy loading. Not null if profiling is on and this query is for lazy loading. Used to hook back a lazy loading query to the "original" query point.
/** * The node of the bean or collection that fired lazy loading. Not null if profiling is on and * this query is for lazy loading. Used to hook back a lazy loading query to the "original" query * point. */
private ObjectGraphNode parentNode; private BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> lazyLoadForParentsProperty;
Hash of final query after AutoTune tuning.
/** * Hash of final query after AutoTune tuning. */
private CQueryPlanKey queryPlanKey; private PersistenceContext persistenceContext; private ManyWhereJoins manyWhereJoins; private SpiRawSql rawSql; private boolean useDocStore; private String docIndexName; private OrmUpdateProperties updateProperties; private String nativeSql; private boolean orderById; private ProfileLocation profileLocation; public DefaultOrmQuery(BeanDescriptor<T> desc, SpiEbeanServer server, ExpressionFactory expressionFactory) { this.beanDescriptor = desc; this.rootBeanDescriptor = desc; this.beanType = desc.getBeanType(); this.server = server; this.orderById = server.getServerConfig().isDefaultOrderById(); this.disableLazyLoading = server.getServerConfig().isDisableLazyLoading(); this.expressionFactory = expressionFactory; this.detail = new OrmQueryDetail(); } public void setNativeSql(String nativeSql) { this.nativeSql = nativeSql; } @Override public <D> DtoQuery<D> asDto(Class<D> dtoClass) { return server.findDto(dtoClass, this); } @Override public UpdateQuery<T> asUpdate() { return new DefaultUpdateQuery<>(this); } @Override public BeanDescriptor<T> getBeanDescriptor() { return beanDescriptor; } @Override public boolean isFindAll() { return whereExpressions == null && nativeSql == null && rawSql == null; } @Override public boolean isFindById() { if (id == null && whereExpressions != null) { id = whereExpressions.idEqualTo(beanDescriptor.getIdName()); if (id != null) { whereExpressions = null; } } return id != null; } @Override public String profileEventId() { switch (mode) { case LAZYLOAD_BEAN: return FIND_ONE_LAZY; case LAZYLOAD_MANY: return FIND_MANY_LAZY; default: return type.profileEventId(); } } @Override public String getProfileId() { return getPlanLabel(); } @Override public Query<T> setProfileLocation(ProfileLocation profileLocation) { this.profileLocation = profileLocation; return this; } @Override public String getLabel() { return label; } @Override public String getPlanLabel() { if (label != null) { return label; } if (profileLocation != null) { return profileLocation.label(); } return null; } @Override public void setProfilePath(String label, String relativePath, ProfileLocation profileLocation) { this.profileLocation = profileLocation; this.label = ((profileLocation == null) ? label : profileLocation.label()) + "_" + relativePath; } @Override public Query<T> setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; return this; } @Override public boolean isAutoTunable() { return nativeSql == null && beanDescriptor.isAutoTunable(); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setUseDocStore(boolean useDocStore) { this.useDocStore = useDocStore; return this; } @Override public boolean isUseDocStore() { return useDocStore; } @Override public Query<T> apply(FetchPath fetchPath) { fetchPath.apply(this); return this; } @Override public void addSoftDeletePredicate(String softDeletePredicate) { if (softDeletePredicates == null) { softDeletePredicates = new ArrayList<>(); } softDeletePredicates.add(softDeletePredicate); } @Override public List<String> getSoftDeletePredicates() { return softDeletePredicates; } @Override public boolean isAsOfBaseTable() { return asOfBaseTable; } @Override public void setAsOfBaseTable() { this.asOfBaseTable = true; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setAllowLoadErrors() { this.allowLoadErrors = true; return this; } @Override public void incrementAsOfTableCount() { asOfTableCount++; } @Override public int getAsOfTableCount() { return asOfTableCount; } @Override public Timestamp getAsOf() { return asOf; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> asOf(Timestamp asOfDateTime) { this.temporalMode = (asOfDateTime != null) ? TemporalMode.AS_OF : TemporalMode.CURRENT; this.asOf = asOfDateTime; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> asDraft() { this.temporalMode = TemporalMode.DRAFT; this.useBeanCache = CacheMode.OFF; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setIncludeSoftDeletes() { this.temporalMode = TemporalMode.SOFT_DELETED; return this; } @Override public Query<T> setDocIndexName(String indexName) { this.docIndexName = indexName; this.useDocStore = true; return this; } @Override public String getDocIndexName() { return docIndexName; } @Override public SpiRawSql getRawSql() { return rawSql; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setRawSql(RawSql rawSql) { this.rawSql = (SpiRawSql) rawSql; return this; } @Override public String getOriginKey() { if (parentNode == null || parentNode.getOriginQueryPoint() == null) { return null; } else { return parentNode.getOriginQueryPoint().getKey(); } } @Override public int getLazyLoadBatchSize() { return lazyLoadBatchSize; } @Override public Query<T> setLazyLoadBatchSize(int lazyLoadBatchSize) { this.lazyLoadBatchSize = lazyLoadBatchSize; return this; } @Override public String getLazyLoadProperty() { return lazyLoadProperty; } @Override public void setLazyLoadProperty(String lazyLoadProperty) { this.lazyLoadProperty = lazyLoadProperty; } @Override public ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory() { return expressionFactory; } private void createExtraJoinsToSupportManyWhereClause() { manyWhereJoins = new ManyWhereJoins(); if (whereExpressions != null) { whereExpressions.containsMany(beanDescriptor, manyWhereJoins); } if (havingExpressions != null) { havingExpressions.containsMany(beanDescriptor, manyWhereJoins); } }
Return the extra joins required to support the where clause for 'Many' properties.
/** * Return the extra joins required to support the where clause for 'Many' properties. */
@Override public ManyWhereJoins getManyWhereJoins() { return manyWhereJoins; }
Return true if select all properties was used to ensure the property invoking a lazy load was included in the query.
/** * Return true if select all properties was used to ensure the property invoking a lazy load was * included in the query. */
@Override public boolean selectAllForLazyLoadProperty() { if (lazyLoadProperty != null) { if (!detail.containsProperty(lazyLoadProperty)) {"*"); return true; } } return false; } private List<OrmQueryProperties> removeQueryJoins() { List<OrmQueryProperties> queryJoins = detail.removeSecondaryQueries(); if (queryJoins != null) { if (orderBy != null) { // remove any orderBy properties that relate to // paths of the secondary queries for (OrmQueryProperties joinPath : queryJoins) { // loop through the orderBy properties and // move any ones related to the query join List<Property> properties = orderBy.getProperties(); Iterator<Property> it = properties.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Property property =; if (property.getProperty().startsWith(joinPath.getPath())) { // remove this orderBy segment and // add it to the secondary join it.remove(); joinPath.addSecJoinOrderProperty(property); } } } } } return queryJoins; } private List<OrmQueryProperties> removeLazyJoins() { return detail.removeSecondaryLazyQueries(); } @Override public void setLazyLoadManyPath(String lazyLoadManyPath) { this.lazyLoadManyPath = lazyLoadManyPath; } @Override public SpiQuerySecondary convertJoins() { if (!useDocStore) { createExtraJoinsToSupportManyWhereClause(); } markQueryJoins(); return new OrmQuerySecondary(removeQueryJoins(), removeLazyJoins()); }
Limit the number of fetch joins to Many properties, mark as query joins as needed.
/** * Limit the number of fetch joins to Many properties, mark as query joins as needed. */
private void markQueryJoins() { detail.markQueryJoins(beanDescriptor, lazyLoadManyPath, isAllowOneManyFetch(), type != Type.ATTRIBUTE); } private boolean isAllowOneManyFetch() { if (Mode.LAZYLOAD_MANY == mode) { return false; } else { return !hasMaxRowsOrFirstRow() || isRawSql(); } } @Override public void setDefaultSelectClause() { if (type != Type.ATTRIBUTE) { detail.setDefaultSelectClause(beanDescriptor); } else if (!detail.hasSelectClause()) { // explicit empty select when single attribute query on non-root fetch path detail.setEmptyBase(); } } @Override public void setTenantId(Object tenantId) { this.tenantId = tenantId; } @Override public Object getTenantId() { return tenantId; } @Override public void setDetail(OrmQueryDetail detail) { this.detail = detail; } @Override public boolean tuneFetchProperties(OrmQueryDetail tunedDetail) { return detail.tuneFetchProperties(tunedDetail); } @Override public OrmQueryDetail getDetail() { return detail; } @Override public ExpressionList<T> filterMany(String prop) { OrmQueryProperties chunk = detail.getChunk(prop, true); return chunk.filterMany(this); } @Override public void setFilterMany(String prop, ExpressionList<?> filterMany) { if (filterMany != null) { OrmQueryProperties chunk = detail.getChunk(prop, true); chunk.setFilterMany((SpiExpressionList<?>) filterMany); } } @Override public void prepareDocNested() { if (textExpressions != null) { textExpressions.prepareDocNested(beanDescriptor); } if (whereExpressions != null) { whereExpressions.prepareDocNested(beanDescriptor); } }
Setup to be a delete or update query.
/** * Setup to be a delete or update query. */
@Override public void setupForDeleteOrUpdate() { forUpdate = null; rootTableAlias = "${RTA}"; // alias we remove later setSelectId(); } @Override public CQueryPlanKey setDeleteByIdsPlan() { // re-build plan for cascading via delete by ids queryPlanKey = queryPlanKey.withDeleteByIds(); return queryPlanKey; }
Set the select clause to select the Id property.
/** * Set the select clause to select the Id property. */
@Override public void setSelectId() { // clear select and fetch joins.. detail.clear(); select(beanDescriptor.getIdBinder().getIdProperty()); } @Override public void setSingleAttribute() { this.singleAttribute = true; }
Return true if this is a single attribute query.
/** * Return true if this is a single attribute query. */
@Override public boolean isSingleAttribute() { return singleAttribute; } @Override public CountDistinctOrder getCountDistinctOrder() { return countDistinctOrder; }
Return true if the Id should be included in the query.
/** * Return true if the Id should be included in the query. */
@Override public boolean isWithId() { return !manualId && !distinct && !singleAttribute; } @Override public CacheIdLookup<T> cacheIdLookup() { if (whereExpressions == null) { return null; } List<SpiExpression> underlyingList = whereExpressions.getUnderlyingList(); if (underlyingList.size() == 1) { SpiExpression singleExpression = underlyingList.get(0); if (singleExpression instanceof IdInExpression) { return new CacheIdLookup<>((IdInExpression) singleExpression); } } return null; } @Override public NaturalKeyQueryData<T> naturalKey() { if (whereExpressions == null) { return null; } BeanNaturalKey naturalKey = beanDescriptor.getNaturalKey(); if (naturalKey == null) { return null; } NaturalKeyQueryData<T> data = new NaturalKeyQueryData<>(naturalKey); for (SpiExpression expression : whereExpressions.getUnderlyingList()) { // must be eq or in if (!expression.naturalKey(data)) { return null; } } return data; } @Override public NaturalKeyBindParam getNaturalKeyBindParam() { NaturalKeyBindParam namedBind = null; if (bindParams != null) { namedBind = bindParams.getNaturalKeyBindParam(); if (namedBind == null) { return null; } } if (whereExpressions != null) { List<SpiExpression> exprList = whereExpressions.internalList(); if (exprList.size() > 1) { return null; } else if (exprList.isEmpty()) { return namedBind; } else { if (namedBind != null) { return null; } SpiExpression se = exprList.get(0); if (se instanceof SimpleExpression) { SimpleExpression e = (SimpleExpression) se; if (e.isOpEquals()) { return new NaturalKeyBindParam(e.getPropName(), e.getValue()); } } } } return null; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> copy() { return copy(server); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> copy(SpiEbeanServer server) { DefaultOrmQuery<T> copy = new DefaultOrmQuery<>(beanDescriptor, server, expressionFactory); copy.transaction = transaction; copy.m2mIncludeJoin = m2mIncludeJoin; copy.profilingListener = profilingListener; copy.profileLocation = profileLocation; copy.baseTable = baseTable; copy.rootTableAlias = rootTableAlias; copy.distinct = distinct; copy.allowLoadErrors = allowLoadErrors; copy.timeout = timeout; copy.mapKey = mapKey; = id; copy.label = label; copy.nativeSql = nativeSql; copy.useBeanCache = useBeanCache; copy.useQueryCache = useQueryCache; copy.readOnly = readOnly; if (detail != null) { copy.detail = detail.copy(); } copy.temporalMode = temporalMode; copy.firstRow = firstRow; copy.maxRows = maxRows; if (orderBy != null) { copy.orderBy = orderBy.copy(); } copy.orderById = orderById; if (bindParams != null) { copy.bindParams = bindParams.copy(); } if (whereExpressions != null) { copy.whereExpressions = whereExpressions.copy(copy); } if (havingExpressions != null) { copy.havingExpressions = havingExpressions.copy(copy); } copy.persistenceContextScope = persistenceContextScope; copy.usageProfiling = usageProfiling; copy.autoTune = autoTune; copy.parentNode = parentNode; copy.forUpdate = forUpdate; copy.rawSql = rawSql; return copy; } @Override public Query<T> setPersistenceContextScope(PersistenceContextScope scope) { this.persistenceContextScope = scope; return this; } @Override public PersistenceContextScope getPersistenceContextScope() { return persistenceContextScope; } @Override public Type getType() { return type; } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } @Override public String getLoadDescription() { return loadDescription; } @Override public String getLoadMode() { return loadMode; } @Override public void setLoadDescription(String loadMode, String loadDescription) { this.loadMode = loadMode; this.loadDescription = loadDescription; }
Return the TransactionContext.

If no TransactionContext is present on the query then the TransactionContext from the Transaction is used (transaction scoped persistence context).

/** * Return the TransactionContext. * <p> * If no TransactionContext is present on the query then the TransactionContext from the * Transaction is used (transaction scoped persistence context). * </p> */
@Override public PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext() { return persistenceContext; }
Set an explicit TransactionContext (typically for a refresh query).

If no TransactionContext is present on the query then the TransactionContext from the Transaction is used (transaction scoped persistence context).

/** * Set an explicit TransactionContext (typically for a refresh query). * <p> * If no TransactionContext is present on the query then the TransactionContext from the * Transaction is used (transaction scoped persistence context). * </p> */
@Override public void setPersistenceContext(PersistenceContext persistenceContext) { this.persistenceContext = persistenceContext; } @Override public void setLazyLoadForParents(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many) { this.lazyLoadForParentsProperty = many; } @Override public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> getLazyLoadMany() { return lazyLoadForParentsProperty; }
Return true if the query detail has neither select or joins specified.
/** * Return true if the query detail has neither select or joins specified. */
@Override public boolean isDetailEmpty() { return detail.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean isAutoTuned() { return autoTuned; } @Override public void setAutoTuned(boolean autoTuned) { this.autoTuned = autoTuned; } @Override public Boolean isAutoTune() { return autoTune; } @Override public void setDefaultRawSqlIfRequired() { if (beanDescriptor.isRawSqlBased() && rawSql == null) { rawSql = beanDescriptor.getNamedRawSql(DEFAULT_QUERY_NAME); } } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setAutoTune(boolean autoTune) { this.autoTune = autoTune; return this; } @Override public Query<T> withLock(LockType lockType) { return setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait.WAIT, lockType); } @Override public Query<T> withLock(LockType lockType, LockWait lockWait) { return setForUpdateWithMode(lockWait, lockType); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> forUpdate() { return setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait.WAIT, LockType.DEFAULT); } @Override public Query<T> forUpdate(LockType lockType) { return setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait.WAIT, lockType); } @Override public Query<T> forUpdateNoWait(LockType lockType) { return setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait.NOWAIT, lockType); } @Override public Query<T> forUpdateSkipLocked(LockType lockType) { return setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait.SKIPLOCKED, lockType); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> forUpdateNoWait() { return setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait.NOWAIT, LockType.DEFAULT); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> forUpdateSkipLocked() { return setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait.SKIPLOCKED, LockType.DEFAULT); } private DefaultOrmQuery<T> setForUpdateWithMode(LockWait mode, LockType lockType) { this.forUpdate = mode; this.lockType = lockType; this.useBeanCache = CacheMode.OFF; return this; } @Override public boolean isForUpdate() { return forUpdate != null; } @Override public LockWait getForUpdateLockWait() { return forUpdate; } @Override public LockType getForUpdateLockType() { return lockType; } @Override public ProfilingListener getProfilingListener() { return profilingListener; } @Override public void setProfilingListener(ProfilingListener profilingListener) { this.profilingListener = profilingListener; } @Override public QueryType getQueryType() { if (type != null) { switch (type) { case DELETE: return QueryType.DELETE; case UPDATE: return QueryType.UPDATE; } } return QueryType.FIND; } @Override public Mode getMode() { return mode; } @Override public TemporalMode getTemporalMode() { return temporalMode; } @Override public boolean isAsOfQuery() { return asOf != null; } @Override public boolean isAsDraft() { return TemporalMode.DRAFT == temporalMode; } @Override public boolean isIncludeSoftDeletes() { return TemporalMode.SOFT_DELETED == temporalMode; } @Override public void setMode(Mode mode) { this.mode = mode; } @Override public boolean isUsageProfiling() { return usageProfiling; } @Override public void setUsageProfiling(boolean usageProfiling) { this.usageProfiling = usageProfiling; } @Override public void setParentNode(ObjectGraphNode parentNode) { this.parentNode = parentNode; } @Override public ObjectGraphNode getParentNode() { return parentNode; } @Override public ObjectGraphNode setOrigin(CallOrigin callOrigin) { // create a 'origin' which links this query to the profiling information ObjectGraphOrigin o = new ObjectGraphOrigin(calculateOriginQueryHash(), callOrigin, beanType.getName()); parentNode = new ObjectGraphNode(o, null); return parentNode; }
Calculate a hash for use in determining the ObjectGraphOrigin.

This should be quite a stable hash as most uniqueness is determined by the CallStack, so we only use the bean type and overall query type.

This stable hash allows the query to be changed (joins added etc) without losing the already collected usage profiling.

/** * Calculate a hash for use in determining the ObjectGraphOrigin. * <p> * This should be quite a stable hash as most uniqueness is determined by the CallStack, so we * only use the bean type and overall query type. * </p> * <p> * This stable hash allows the query to be changed (joins added etc) without losing the already * collected usage profiling. * </p> */
private int calculateOriginQueryHash() { int hc = beanType.getName().hashCode(); hc = hc * 92821 + (type == null ? 0 : type.ordinal()); return hc; }
Calculate the query hash for either AutoTune query tuning or Query Plan caching.
/** * Calculate the query hash for either AutoTune query tuning or Query Plan caching. */
CQueryPlanKey createQueryPlanKey() { if (isNativeSql()) { String bindHash = (bindParams == null) ? "" : bindParams.calcQueryPlanHash(); queryPlanKey = new NativeSqlQueryPlanKey(type.ordinal() + nativeSql + "-" + firstRow + "-" + maxRows + "-" + bindHash); } else { queryPlanKey = new OrmQueryPlanKey(planDescription(), maxRows, firstRow, rawSql); } return queryPlanKey; } private String planDescription() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(300); if (type != null) { sb.append("t:").append(type.ordinal()); } if (useDocStore) { sb.append(",ds:"); } if (beanDescriptor.getDiscValue() != null) { sb.append(",disc:").append(beanDescriptor.getDiscValue()); } if (temporalMode != SpiQuery.TemporalMode.CURRENT) { sb.append(",temp:").append(temporalMode.ordinal()); if (versionsStart != null) { sb.append(",vb:"); } } if (forUpdate != null) { sb.append(",forUpd:").append(forUpdate.ordinal()); if (lockType != null) { sb.append(",lt:").append(lockType.ordinal()); } } if (id != null) { sb.append(",id:"); } if (manualId) { sb.append(",manId:"); } if (distinct) { sb.append(",dist:"); } if (allowLoadErrors) { sb.append(",allowLoadErrors:"); } if (disableLazyLoading) { sb.append(",disLazy:"); } if (baseTable != null) { sb.append(",baseTable:").append(baseTable); } if (rootTableAlias != null) { sb.append(",root:").append(rootTableAlias); } if (orderBy != null) { sb.append(",orderBy:").append(orderBy.toStringFormat()); } if (m2mIncludeJoin != null) { sb.append(",m2m:").append(m2mIncludeJoin.getTable()); } if (mapKey != null) { sb.append(",mapKey:").append(mapKey); } if (countDistinctOrder != null) { sb.append(",countDistOrd:").append(; } if (detail != null) { sb.append(" detail["); detail.queryPlanHash(sb); sb.append("]"); } if (bindParams != null) { sb.append(" bindParams["); bindParams.buildQueryPlanHash(sb); sb.append("]"); } if (whereExpressions != null) { sb.append(" where["); whereExpressions.queryPlanHash(sb); sb.append("]"); } if (havingExpressions != null) { sb.append(" having["); havingExpressions.queryPlanHash(sb); sb.append("]"); } if (updateProperties != null) { sb.append(" update["); updateProperties.buildQueryPlanHash(sb); sb.append("]"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean isNativeSql() { return nativeSql != null; } @Override public String getNativeSql() { return nativeSql; } @Override public Object getQueryPlanKey() { return queryPlanKey; }
Prepare the query which prepares any expressions (sub-query expressions etc) and calculates the query plan key.
/** * Prepare the query which prepares any expressions (sub-query expressions etc) and calculates the query plan key. */
@Override public CQueryPlanKey prepare(SpiOrmQueryRequest<T> request) { prepareExpressions(request); prepareForPaging(); queryPlanKey = createQueryPlanKey(); return queryPlanKey; }
Prepare the expressions (compile sub-queries etc).
/** * Prepare the expressions (compile sub-queries etc). */
private void prepareExpressions(BeanQueryRequest<?> request) { if (whereExpressions != null) { whereExpressions.prepareExpression(request); } if (havingExpressions != null) { havingExpressions.prepareExpression(request); } }
deemed to be a be a paging query - check that the order by contains the id property to ensure unique row ordering for predicable paging but only in case, this is not a distinct query
/** * deemed to be a be a paging query - check that the order by contains the id * property to ensure unique row ordering for predicable paging but only in * case, this is not a distinct query */
private void prepareForPaging() { // add the rawSql statement - if any if (orderByIsEmpty()) { if (rawSql != null && rawSql.getSql() != null) { order(rawSql.getSql().getOrderBy()); } } if (checkPagingOrderBy()) { beanDescriptor.appendOrderById(this); } }
Calculate a hash based on the bind values used in the query.

Used with queryPlanHash() to get a unique hash for a query.

/** * Calculate a hash based on the bind values used in the query. * <p> * Used with queryPlanHash() to get a unique hash for a query. * </p> */
@Override public int queryBindHash() { int hc = (id == null ? 0 : id.hashCode()); hc = hc * 92821 + (whereExpressions == null ? 0 : whereExpressions.queryBindHash()); hc = hc * 92821 + (havingExpressions == null ? 0 : havingExpressions.queryBindHash()); hc = hc * 92821 + (bindParams == null ? 0 : bindParams.queryBindHash()); hc = hc * 92821 + (asOf == null ? 0 : asOf.hashCode()); hc = hc * 92821 + (versionsStart == null ? 0 : versionsStart.hashCode()); hc = hc * 92821 + (versionsEnd == null ? 0 : versionsEnd.hashCode()); return hc; }
Return a hash that includes the query plan and bind values.

This hash can be used to identify if we have executed the exact same query (including bind values) before.

/** * Return a hash that includes the query plan and bind values. * <p> * This hash can be used to identify if we have executed the exact same query (including bind * values) before. * </p> */
@Override public HashQuery queryHash() { // calculateQueryPlanHash is called just after potential AutoTune tuning // so queryPlanHash is calculated well before this method is called int hc = queryBindHash(); return new HashQuery(queryPlanKey, hc); } @Override public boolean isRawSql() { return rawSql != null; }
Return the timeout.
/** * Return the timeout. */
@Override public int getTimeout() { return timeout; } @Override public boolean hasMaxRowsOrFirstRow() { return maxRows > 0 || firstRow > 0; } @Override public boolean isVersionsBetween() { return versionsStart != null; } @Override public Timestamp getVersionStart() { return versionsStart; } @Override public Timestamp getVersionEnd() { return versionsEnd; } @Override public Boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { this.readOnly = readOnly; return this; } @Override public boolean isBeanCachePut() { return useBeanCache.isPut() && beanDescriptor.isBeanCaching(); } @Override public boolean isBeanCacheGet() { return useBeanCache.isGet() && beanDescriptor.isBeanCaching(); } @Override public boolean isForceHitDatabase() { return forUpdate != null || CacheMode.PUT == useBeanCache; } @Override public void resetBeanCacheAutoMode(boolean findOne) { if (useBeanCache == CacheMode.AUTO) { if (!findOne || useQueryCache != CacheMode.OFF) { useBeanCache = CacheMode.OFF; } } } @Override public CacheMode getUseBeanCache() { return useBeanCache; } @Override public CacheMode getUseQueryCache() { return useQueryCache; } @Override public Query<T> setBeanCacheMode(CacheMode beanCacheMode) { this.useBeanCache = beanCacheMode; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setUseQueryCache(CacheMode useQueryCache) { this.useQueryCache = useQueryCache; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setLoadBeanCache(boolean loadBeanCache) { this.useBeanCache = CacheMode.PUT; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setTimeout(int secs) { this.timeout = secs; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> select(String columns) {; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> select(FetchGroup<T> fetchGroup) { this.detail = ((SpiFetchGroup<T>) fetchGroup).detail(); return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property) { return fetch(property, null, null); } @Override public Query<T> fetchQuery(String property) { return fetch(property, null, FETCH_QUERY); } public Query<T> fetchCache(String property) { return fetch(property, null, FETCH_CACHE); } @Override public Query<T> fetchLazy(String property) { return fetch(property, null, FETCH_LAZY); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property, FetchConfig joinConfig) { return fetch(property, null, joinConfig); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property, String columns) { return fetch(property, columns, null); } @Override public Query<T> fetchQuery(String property, String columns) { return fetch(property, columns, FETCH_QUERY); } @Override public Query<T> fetchCache(String property, String columns) { return fetch(property, columns, FETCH_CACHE); } @Override public Query<T> fetchLazy(String property, String columns) { return fetch(property, columns, FETCH_LAZY); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property, String columns, FetchConfig config) { detail.fetch(property, columns, config); return this; } @Override public Query<T> usingTransaction(Transaction transaction) { this.transaction = (SpiTransaction) transaction; return this; } @Override public Query<T> usingConnection(Connection connection) { this.transaction = new ExternalJdbcTransaction(connection); return this; } @Override public Query<T> usingDatabase(Database database) { this.server = (SpiEbeanServer) database; return this; } @Override public int delete() { return server.delete(this, transaction); } @Override public int delete(Transaction transaction) { return server.delete(this, transaction); } @Override public int update() { return server.update(this, transaction); } @Override public int update(Transaction transaction) { return server.update(this, transaction); } @Override public <A> List<A> findIds() { // a copy of this query is made in the server // as the query needs to modified (so we modify // the copy rather than this query instance) return server.findIds(this, transaction); } @Override public boolean exists() { return server.exists(this, transaction); } @Override public int findCount() { // a copy of this query is made in the server // as the query needs to modified (so we modify // the copy rather than this query instance) return server.findCount(this, transaction); } @Override public void findEachWhile(Predicate<T> consumer) { server.findEachWhile(this, consumer, transaction); } @Override public void findEach(Consumer<T> consumer) { server.findEach(this, consumer, transaction); } @Override public QueryIterator<T> findIterate() { return server.findIterate(this, transaction); } @Override public Stream<T> findStream() { return server.findStream(this, transaction); } @Override public Stream<T> findLargeStream() { return server.findLargeStream(this, transaction); } @Override public List<Version<T>> findVersions() { this.temporalMode = TemporalMode.VERSIONS; return server.findVersions(this, transaction); } @Override public List<Version<T>> findVersionsBetween(Timestamp start, Timestamp end) { if (start == null || end == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("start and end must not be null"); } this.temporalMode = TemporalMode.VERSIONS; this.versionsStart = start; this.versionsEnd = end; return server.findVersions(this, transaction); } @Override public List<T> findList() { return server.findList(this, transaction); } @Override public Set<T> findSet() { return server.findSet(this, transaction); } @Override public <K> Map<K, T> findMap() { return server.findMap(this, transaction); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <A> List<A> findSingleAttributeList() { return (List<A>) server.findSingleAttributeList(this, transaction); } @Override public <A> A findSingleAttribute() { List<A> list = findSingleAttributeList(); return !list.isEmpty() ? list.get(0) : null; } @Override public T findOne() { return server.findOne(this, transaction); } @Override public Optional<T> findOneOrEmpty() { return server.findOneOrEmpty(this, transaction); } @Override public FutureIds<T> findFutureIds() { return server.findFutureIds(this, transaction); } @Override public FutureList<T> findFutureList() { return server.findFutureList(this, transaction); } @Override public FutureRowCount<T> findFutureCount() { return server.findFutureCount(this, transaction); } @Override public PagedList<T> findPagedList() { return server.findPagedList(this, transaction); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setParameter(Object value) { if (bindParams == null) { bindParams = new BindParams(); } bindParams.setNextParameter(value); return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setParameters(Object... values) { if (bindParams == null) { bindParams = new BindParams(); } bindParams.setNextParameters(values); return this; }
Set an ordered bind parameter according to its position. Note that the position starts at 1 to be consistent with JDBC PreparedStatement. You need to set a parameter value for each ? you have in the query.
/** * Set an ordered bind parameter according to its position. Note that the position starts at 1 to * be consistent with JDBC PreparedStatement. You need to set a parameter value for each ? you * have in the query. */
@Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setParameter(int position, Object value) { if (bindParams == null) { bindParams = new BindParams(); } bindParams.setParameter(position, value); return this; }
Set a named bind parameter. Named parameters have a colon to prefix the name.
/** * Set a named bind parameter. Named parameters have a colon to prefix the name. */
@Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setParameter(String name, Object value) { if (namedParams != null) { ONamedParam param = namedParams.get(name); if (param != null) { param.setValue(value); return this; } } if (bindParams == null) { bindParams = new BindParams(); } bindParams.setParameter(name, value); return this; } @Override public boolean checkPagingOrderBy() { return orderById && !useDocStore; } @Override public boolean orderByIsEmpty() { return orderBy == null || orderBy.isEmpty(); } @Override public OrderBy<T> getOrderBy() { return orderBy; } @Override @Deprecated public OrderBy<T> orderBy() { return order(); } @Override public OrderBy<T> order() { if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = new OrderBy<>(this, null); } return orderBy; } @Override @Deprecated public DefaultOrmQuery<T> orderBy(String orderByClause) { return order(orderByClause); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> order(String orderByClause) { if (orderByClause == null || orderByClause.trim().isEmpty()) { this.orderBy = null; } else { this.orderBy = new OrderBy<>(this, orderByClause); } return this; } @Override @Deprecated public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setOrderBy(OrderBy<T> orderBy) { return setOrder(orderBy); } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setOrder(OrderBy<T> orderBy) { this.orderBy = orderBy; if (orderBy != null) { orderBy.setQuery(this); } return this; } @Override public boolean isManualId() { return manualId; } @Override public void setManualId() { if (detail != null && detail.hasSelectClause()) { this.manualId = true; } }
return true if user specified to use SQL DISTINCT (effectively excludes id property).
/** * return true if user specified to use SQL DISTINCT (effectively excludes id property). */
@Override public boolean isDistinct() { return distinct; }
Internally set to use SQL DISTINCT on the query but still have id property included.
/** * Internally set to use SQL DISTINCT on the query but still have id property included. */
@Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setDistinct(boolean distinct) { this.distinct = distinct; return this; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setCountDistinct(CountDistinctOrder countDistinctOrder) { this.countDistinctOrder = countDistinctOrder; return this; } @Override public boolean isCountDistinct() { return countDistinctOrder != null; } @Override public Class<T> getBeanType() { return beanType; } @Override public Class<? extends T> getInheritType() { return beanDescriptor.getBeanType(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Query<T> setInheritType(Class<? extends T> type) { if (type == beanType) { return this; } InheritInfo inheritInfo = rootBeanDescriptor.getInheritInfo(); inheritInfo = inheritInfo == null ? null : inheritInfo.readType(type); if (inheritInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given type " + type + " is not a subtype of " + beanType); } beanDescriptor = (BeanDescriptor<T>) rootBeanDescriptor.getBeanDescriptor(type); return this; } @Override public String toString() { return "Query [" + whereExpressions + "]"; } @Override public TableJoin getM2mIncludeJoin() { return m2mIncludeJoin; } @Override public void setM2MIncludeJoin(TableJoin m2mIncludeJoin) { this.m2mIncludeJoin = m2mIncludeJoin; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setDisableLazyLoading(boolean disableLazyLoading) { this.disableLazyLoading = disableLazyLoading; return this; } @Override public boolean isDisableLazyLoading() { return disableLazyLoading; } @Override public int getFirstRow() { return firstRow; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setFirstRow(int firstRow) { this.firstRow = firstRow; return this; } @Override public int getMaxRows() { return maxRows; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setMaxRows(int maxRows) { this.maxRows = maxRows; return this; } @Override public String getMapKey() { return mapKey; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setMapKey(String mapKey) { this.mapKey = mapKey; return this; } @Override public Object getId() { return id; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setId(Object id) { if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The id is null"); } = id; return this; } @Override public BindParams getBindParams() { return bindParams; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> where(Expression expression) { where().add(expression); return this; } @Override public ExpressionList<T> text() { if (textExpressions == null) { useDocStore = true; textExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<>(this); } return textExpressions; } @Override public ExpressionList<T> where() { if (whereExpressions == null) { whereExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<>(this, null); } return whereExpressions; } @Override public void simplifyExpressions() { if (whereExpressions != null) { whereExpressions.simplify(); } } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> having(Expression expression) { having().add(expression); return this; } @Override public ExpressionList<T> having() { if (havingExpressions == null) { havingExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<>(this, null); } return havingExpressions; } @Override public SpiExpressionList<T> getHavingExpressions() { return havingExpressions; } @Override public SpiExpressionList<T> getWhereExpressions() { return whereExpressions; } @Override public SpiExpressionList<T> getTextExpression() { return textExpressions; } @Override public String getGeneratedSql() { return generatedSql; } @Override public void setGeneratedSql(String generatedSql) { this.generatedSql = generatedSql; } @Override public void checkNamedParameters() { if (namedParams != null) { for (ONamedParam value : namedParams.values()) { value.checkValueSet(); } } } @Override public SpiNamedParam createNamedParameter(String name) { if (namedParams == null) { namedParams = new HashMap<>(); } return namedParams.computeIfAbsent(name, ONamedParam::new); } @Override public void setDefaultFetchBuffer(int fetchSize) { if (bufferFetchSizeHint == 0) { bufferFetchSizeHint = fetchSize; } } @Override public Query<T> setBufferFetchSizeHint(int bufferFetchSizeHint) { this.bufferFetchSizeHint = bufferFetchSizeHint; return this; } @Override public int getBufferFetchSizeHint() { return bufferFetchSizeHint; } @Override public Query<T> setDisableReadAuditing() { this.disableReadAudit = true; return this; } @Override public boolean isDisableReadAudit() { return disableReadAudit; } @Override public boolean isFutureFetch() { return futureFetch; } @Override public void setFutureFetch(boolean backgroundFetch) { this.futureFetch = backgroundFetch; } @Override public void setFutureFetchAudit(ReadEvent event) { this.futureFetchAudit = event; } @Override public ReadEvent getFutureFetchAudit() { return futureFetchAudit; } @Override public void setCancelableQuery(CancelableQuery cancelableQuery) { lock.lock(); try { this.cancelableQuery = cancelableQuery; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public Query<T> setBaseTable(String baseTable) { this.baseTable = baseTable; return this; } @Override public String getBaseTable() { return baseTable; } @Override public DefaultOrmQuery<T> alias(String alias) { this.rootTableAlias = alias; return this; } @Override public String getAlias() { return rootTableAlias; } @Override public String getAlias(String defaultAlias) { return rootTableAlias != null ? rootTableAlias : defaultAlias; } @Override public void cancel() { lock.lock(); try { cancelled = true; if (cancelableQuery != null) { cancelableQuery.cancel(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { lock.lock(); try { return cancelled; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public Set<String> validate() { return server.validateQuery(this); }
Validate all the expression properties/paths given the bean descriptor.
/** * Validate all the expression properties/paths given the bean descriptor. */
@Override public Set<String> validate(BeanType<T> desc) { SpiExpressionValidation validation = new SpiExpressionValidation(desc); if (whereExpressions != null) { whereExpressions.validate(validation); } if (havingExpressions != null) { havingExpressions.validate(validation); } if (orderBy != null) { for (Property property : orderBy.getProperties()) { validation.validate(property.getProperty()); } } return validation.getUnknownProperties(); } void setUpdateProperties(OrmUpdateProperties updateProperties) { this.updateProperties = updateProperties; } @Override public OrmUpdateProperties getUpdateProperties() { return updateProperties; } @Override public ProfileLocation getProfileLocation() { return profileLocation; } @Override public void handleLoadError(String fullName, Exception e) { if (!allowLoadErrors) { throw new PersistenceException("Error loading on " + fullName, e); } } @Override public Query<T> orderById(boolean orderById) { this.orderById = orderById; return this; } }