package io.ebeaninternal.server.idgen;

import io.ebean.Transaction;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.PlatformIdGenerator;

import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

IdGenerator for (pseudo) type 1 UUIDs. This implementation generates a type 1 UUID according to but has no persistence storage. It generates a new random 47 bit node ID with every UUID. Use this, if you want randomness in your UUIDs but want to take advantage of index optimizations of the database. It may be good with AUTO_BINARY_OPTIMIZED and MySql. See:
/** * IdGenerator for (pseudo) type 1 UUIDs. * * This implementation generates a type 1 UUID according to * * but has no persistence storage. It generates a new random 47 bit node ID with every * UUID. * * Use this, if you want randomness in your UUIDs but want to take advantage of index * optimizations of the database. It may be good with AUTO_BINARY_OPTIMIZED and MySql. * * See: */
public class UuidV1RndIdGenerator implements PlatformIdGenerator { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.IDGEN"); // UUID epoch 1582-10-15 00:00:00 and the Unix epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00. protected static final long UUID_EPOCH_OFFSET = 0x01B21DD213814000L; // the resolution is 100ns protected static final long MILLIS_TO_UUID = 10000; public static final UuidV1RndIdGenerator INSTANCE = new UuidV1RndIdGenerator(); protected final AtomicInteger clockSeq = new AtomicInteger((int) (Math.random() * 0x3FFF)); private final SecureRandom numberGenerator = new SecureRandom(); protected AtomicLong timeStamp = new AtomicLong(currentUuidTime()); private AtomicLong nanoToMilliOffset = new AtomicLong(currentUuidTime()); private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Returns the uuid epoch. This is the number of 100ns intervals since 1582-10-15 00:00:00
/** * Returns the uuid epoch. * * This is the number of 100ns intervals since 1582-10-15 00:00:00 */
private static long currentUuidTime() { return (System.currentTimeMillis() * MILLIS_TO_UUID) + UUID_EPOCH_OFFSET; } public UuidV1RndIdGenerator() { computeNanoOffset(); }
Computes the internal offset between System.nanoTime() and System.currentTimeMillis().
/** * Computes the internal offset between System.nanoTime() and System.currentTimeMillis(). */
protected void computeNanoOffset() { long currentTime = currentUuidTime(); long fromNanos = System.nanoTime() / 100L + nanoToMilliOffset.get(); long offset = currentTime - fromNanos; if (Math.abs(offset) > MILLIS_TO_UUID * 1000 ) { nanoToMilliOffset.addAndGet(offset); } }
Method to overwrite to save the state in a non volatile place.
/** * Method to overwrite to save the state in a non volatile place. */
protected void saveState() { }
returns a random 47 bit value according to
/** * returns a random 47 bit value according to */
protected byte[] getNodeIdBytes() { byte[] idBytes = new byte[6]; numberGenerator.nextBytes(idBytes); idBytes[0] |= 0x01; // set multicast bit. return idBytes; }
Return UUID from UUID.randomUUID();
/** * Return UUID from UUID.randomUUID(); */
@Override public UUID nextId(Transaction t) { long current = System.nanoTime() / 100L + nanoToMilliOffset.get(); long delta; int seq; do { seq = clockSeq.get(); while (true) { long last = timeStamp.get(); delta = current - last; if (delta < -10000 * 20000) {"Clock skew of {} ms detected", delta / -10000); // The clock was adjusted back about 2 seconds, or we were generating a lot of ids too fast // if so, we try to set the current as last and also increment the clockSeq. lock.lock(); try { if (clockSeq.compareAndSet(seq, seq + 1)) { timeStamp.set(current); saveState(); computeNanoOffset(); } else { continue; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } // If current is in the future (most of the cases) try to set it. if (delta > 0 && timeStamp.compareAndSet(last, current)) { break; } else if (timeStamp.compareAndSet(last, last + 1)) { // here we go, if we pull IDs too fast. current = last + 1; break; } } // verify, if this timestamp is for this clock sequence } while (seq != clockSeq.get()); // save state every 60 seconds if (delta > 60000 * 10000) { saveState(); computeNanoOffset(); } long msb = current << 32; // time low msb |= (current & 0xFFFF00000000L) >> 16; // time mid msb |= 0x1000 | ((current >> 48) & 0x0FFF); // time hi and version 1 byte[] idBytes = getNodeIdBytes(); long lsb = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { lsb = (lsb << 8) | (idBytes[i] & 0xff); } // RFC 4.1.1. Variant: is set with bits 10xx seq = seq & 0x3FFF | 0x8000; lsb |= (long) seq << 48; return new UUID(msb, lsb); }
Returns "uuid".
/** * Returns "uuid". */
@Override public String getName() { return "uuid"; }
Returns false.
/** * Returns false. */
@Override public boolean isDbSequence() { return false; }
Ignored for UUID as not required as a performance optimisation.
/** * Ignored for UUID as not required as a performance optimisation. */
@Override public void preAllocateIds(int allocateSize) { // ignored } }