// Generated from /home/rob/github/ebean-dir/ebean/src/test/resources/EQL.g4 by ANTLR 4.8
package io.ebeaninternal.server.grammer.antlr;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode;

This class provides an empty implementation of EQLListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
/** * This class provides an empty implementation of {@link EQLListener}, * which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset * of the available methods. */
public class EQLBaseListener implements EQLListener {

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterSelect_statement(EQLParser.Select_statementContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitSelect_statement(EQLParser.Select_statementContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterSelect_properties(EQLParser.Select_propertiesContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitSelect_properties(EQLParser.Select_propertiesContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterSelect_clause(EQLParser.Select_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitSelect_clause(EQLParser.Select_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterDistinct(EQLParser.DistinctContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitDistinct(EQLParser.DistinctContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_clause(EQLParser.Fetch_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_clause(EQLParser.Fetch_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterWhere_clause(EQLParser.Where_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitWhere_clause(EQLParser.Where_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterOrderby_clause(EQLParser.Orderby_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitOrderby_clause(EQLParser.Orderby_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterOrderby_property(EQLParser.Orderby_propertyContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitOrderby_property(EQLParser.Orderby_propertyContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterNulls_firstlast(EQLParser.Nulls_firstlastContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitNulls_firstlast(EQLParser.Nulls_firstlastContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterAsc_desc(EQLParser.Asc_descContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitAsc_desc(EQLParser.Asc_descContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterLimit_clause(EQLParser.Limit_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitLimit_clause(EQLParser.Limit_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterOffset_clause(EQLParser.Offset_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitOffset_clause(EQLParser.Offset_clauseContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_path(EQLParser.Fetch_pathContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_path(EQLParser.Fetch_pathContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_property_set(EQLParser.Fetch_property_setContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_property_set(EQLParser.Fetch_property_setContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_property_group(EQLParser.Fetch_property_groupContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_property_group(EQLParser.Fetch_property_groupContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_path_path(EQLParser.Fetch_path_pathContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_path_path(EQLParser.Fetch_path_pathContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_property(EQLParser.Fetch_propertyContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_property(EQLParser.Fetch_propertyContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_query_hint(EQLParser.Fetch_query_hintContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_query_hint(EQLParser.Fetch_query_hintContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_lazy_hint(EQLParser.Fetch_lazy_hintContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_lazy_hint(EQLParser.Fetch_lazy_hintContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_option(EQLParser.Fetch_optionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_option(EQLParser.Fetch_optionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_query_option(EQLParser.Fetch_query_optionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_query_option(EQLParser.Fetch_query_optionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_lazy_option(EQLParser.Fetch_lazy_optionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_lazy_option(EQLParser.Fetch_lazy_optionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterFetch_batch_size(EQLParser.Fetch_batch_sizeContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitFetch_batch_size(EQLParser.Fetch_batch_sizeContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterConditional_expression(EQLParser.Conditional_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitConditional_expression(EQLParser.Conditional_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterConditional_term(EQLParser.Conditional_termContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitConditional_term(EQLParser.Conditional_termContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterConditional_factor(EQLParser.Conditional_factorContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitConditional_factor(EQLParser.Conditional_factorContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterConditional_primary(EQLParser.Conditional_primaryContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitConditional_primary(EQLParser.Conditional_primaryContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterAny_expression(EQLParser.Any_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitAny_expression(EQLParser.Any_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterInOrEmpty_expression(EQLParser.InOrEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitInOrEmpty_expression(EQLParser.InOrEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterIn_expression(EQLParser.In_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitIn_expression(EQLParser.In_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterIn_value(EQLParser.In_valueContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitIn_value(EQLParser.In_valueContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterBetween_expression(EQLParser.Between_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitBetween_expression(EQLParser.Between_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterInrange_expression(EQLParser.Inrange_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitInrange_expression(EQLParser.Inrange_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterInrange_op(EQLParser.Inrange_opContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitInrange_op(EQLParser.Inrange_opContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterPropertyBetween_expression(EQLParser.PropertyBetween_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitPropertyBetween_expression(EQLParser.PropertyBetween_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterIsNull_expression(EQLParser.IsNull_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitIsNull_expression(EQLParser.IsNull_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterIsNotNull_expression(EQLParser.IsNotNull_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitIsNotNull_expression(EQLParser.IsNotNull_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterIsEmpty_expression(EQLParser.IsEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitIsEmpty_expression(EQLParser.IsEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterIsNotEmpty_expression(EQLParser.IsNotEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitIsNotEmpty_expression(EQLParser.IsNotEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterLike_expression(EQLParser.Like_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitLike_expression(EQLParser.Like_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterLike_op(EQLParser.Like_opContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitLike_op(EQLParser.Like_opContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterComparison_expression(EQLParser.Comparison_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitComparison_expression(EQLParser.Comparison_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterComparison_operator(EQLParser.Comparison_operatorContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitComparison_operator(EQLParser.Comparison_operatorContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterValue_expression(EQLParser.Value_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitValue_expression(EQLParser.Value_expressionContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterLiteral(EQLParser.LiteralContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitLiteral(EQLParser.LiteralContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void visitTerminal(TerminalNode node) { }

The default implementation does nothing.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */
@Override public void visitErrorNode(ErrorNode node) { } }