package io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.platform;

Helper for determining type casting for JSON and ARRAY expressions.
/** * Helper for determining type casting for JSON and ARRAY expressions. */
public class PostgresCast {
Postgres CAST the type if necessary.

This is generally necessary for JSON expressions as text values always returned from the json operators used.

/** * Postgres CAST the type if necessary. * <p> * This is generally necessary for JSON expressions as text values always returned from the json operators used. * </p> */
protected static String cast(Object value) { return cast(value, false); }
Postgres CAST the type if necessary additionally specify if DB ARRAY is used.
/** * Postgres CAST the type if necessary additionally specify if DB ARRAY is used. */
protected static String cast(Object value, boolean asArray) { if (value == null) { // for exists and not-exists expressions return ""; } if (value instanceof Integer) { return asArray ? "::integer[]" : "::integer"; } if (value instanceof Long) { return asArray ? "::bigint[]" : "::bigint"; } if (value instanceof Number) { return asArray ? "::decimal[]" : "::decimal"; } if (value instanceof Boolean) { return asArray ? "::boolean[]" : "::boolean"; } return ""; } }