package io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.platform;

import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.BitwiseOp;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.Op;

Adds the db platform specific json expression.
/** * Adds the db platform specific json expression. */
public interface DbExpressionHandler {
Write the db platform specific json expression.
/** * Write the db platform specific json expression. */
void json(SpiExpressionRequest request, String propName, String path, Op operator, Object value);
Add SQL for ARRAY CONTAINS expression.
/** * Add SQL for ARRAY CONTAINS expression. */
void arrayContains(SpiExpressionRequest request, String propName, boolean contains, Object... values);
Add SQL for ARRAY IS EMPTY expression.
/** * Add SQL for ARRAY IS EMPTY expression. */
void arrayIsEmpty(SpiExpressionRequest request, String propName, boolean empty);
Add the bitwise expression.
/** * Add the bitwise expression. */
void bitwise(SpiExpressionRequest request, String propName, BitwiseOp operator, long flags, String compare, long match);
Performs a "CONCAT" operation for that platform.
/** * Performs a "CONCAT" operation for that platform. */
String concat(String property0, String separator, String property1, String suffix); }