package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedClassResolver;
import io.ebean.config.DatabaseConfig;
Used to obtain the Jackson AnnotatedClass for a given bean type utlimately to obtain field level Jackson annotations.
* Used to obtain the Jackson AnnotatedClass for a given bean type utlimately to obtain field level Jackson annotations.
class DeployBeanObtainJackson<T> {
private final DatabaseConfig config;
private final Class<T> beanType;
DeployBeanObtainJackson(DatabaseConfig config, Class<T> beanType) {
this.config = config;
this.beanType = beanType;
Return the Jackson AnnotatedClass for the given bean type.
* Return the Jackson AnnotatedClass for the given bean type.
Object obtain() {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = (ObjectMapper) config.getObjectMapper();
JavaType javaType = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructType(beanType);
return AnnotatedClassResolver.resolve(objectMapper.getDeserializationConfig(), javaType, objectMapper.getDeserializationConfig());