package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyDeploy;

import java.util.Set;

For updates converts logical property names to database columns and bean type to base table.
/** * For updates converts logical property names to database columns and bean type to base table. */
public final class DeployUpdateParser extends DeployParser { private final BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor; public DeployUpdateParser(BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor) { this.beanDescriptor = beanDescriptor; }
Return null as not used for updates.
/** * Return null as not used for updates. */
@Override public Set<String> getIncludes() { return null; } @Override public String convertWord() { String dbWord = getDeployWord(word); if (dbWord != null) { return dbWord; } // maybe tableAlias.propertyName return convertSubword(word); } private String convertSubword(String currentWord) { int start = 0; StringBuilder localBuffer = null; while (true) { int dotPos = currentWord.indexOf('.', start); if (start == 0 && dotPos == -1) { return currentWord; } if (start == 0) { localBuffer = new StringBuilder(); } if (dotPos == -1) { // no match... localBuffer.append(currentWord.substring(start)); return localBuffer.toString(); } // append up to the dot localBuffer.append(currentWord, start, dotPos + 1); if (dotPos == currentWord.length() - 1) { // ends with a "." ??? return localBuffer.toString(); } // get the remainder after the dot start = dotPos + 1; String remainder = currentWord.substring(start); String dbWord = getDeployWord(remainder); if (dbWord != null) { // we have found a match for the remainder localBuffer.append(dbWord); return localBuffer.toString(); } } } @Override public String getDeployWord(String expression) { if (expression.equalsIgnoreCase(beanDescriptor.getName())) { return beanDescriptor.getBaseTable(); } ElPropertyDeploy elProp = beanDescriptor.getElPropertyDeploy(expression); return elProp != null ? elProp.getDbColumn() : null; } }