package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import io.ebean.PersistenceIOException;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanDiffVisitor;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.json.SpiJsonWriter;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.util.ArrayStack;


Builds the 'new values' and 'old values' in JSON form for ChangeLog.
/** * Builds the 'new values' and 'old values' in JSON form for ChangeLog. */
class BeanChangeJson implements BeanDiffVisitor { private final StringWriter newData; private final StringWriter oldData; private final SpiJsonWriter newJson; private final SpiJsonWriter oldJson; private final ArrayStack<BeanDescriptor<?>> stack = new ArrayStack<>(); private BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor; BeanChangeJson(BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, boolean statelessUpdate) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.newData = new StringWriter(200); this.newJson = descriptor.createJsonWriter(newData); newJson.writeStartObject(); if (statelessUpdate) { this.oldJson = null; this.oldData = null; } else { this.oldData = new StringWriter(200); this.oldJson = descriptor.createJsonWriter(oldData); oldJson.writeStartObject(); } } @Override public void visit(int position, Object newVal, Object oldVal) { try { BeanProperty prop = descriptor.propertiesIndex[position]; if (prop.isDbUpdatable()) { prop.jsonWriteValue(newJson, newVal); if (oldJson != null) { prop.jsonWriteValue(oldJson, oldVal); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new PersistenceIOException(e); } } @Override public void visitPush(int position) { stack.push(descriptor); BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> embedded = (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>)descriptor.propertiesIndex[position]; descriptor = embedded.getTargetDescriptor(); newJson.writeStartObject(embedded.getName()); if (oldJson != null) { oldJson.writeStartObject(embedded.getName()); } } @Override public void visitPop() { newJson.writeEndObject(); if (oldJson != null) { oldJson.writeEndObject(); } descriptor = stack.pop(); }
Flush the buffers.
/** * Flush the buffers. */
void flush() { try { newJson.writeEndObject(); newJson.flush(); if (oldJson != null) { oldJson.writeEndObject(); oldJson.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new PersistenceIOException(e); } }
Return the new values JSON.
/** * Return the new values JSON. */
String newJson() { return newData.toString(); }
Return the old values JSON.
/** * Return the old values JSON. */
String oldJson() { return oldData == null ? null : oldData.toString(); } }