package io.ebeaninternal.server.core;

import io.ebean.Database;
import io.ebean.meta.MetaCountMetric;
import io.ebean.meta.MetaMetric;
import io.ebean.meta.MetaQueryMetric;
import io.ebean.meta.MetaTimedMetric;
import io.ebean.meta.ServerMetrics;
import io.ebean.meta.ServerMetricsAsJson;
import io.ebean.meta.SortMetric;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

class DumpMetricsJson implements ServerMetricsAsJson {

  private final Database database;

  private Appendable writer;

By default include sql and location attributes for the initial collection only.
/** * By default include sql and location attributes for the initial collection only. */
private int includeExtraAttributes = 1; private boolean withHeader = true; private boolean withHash = true; private String newLine = "\n"; private Comparator<MetaTimedMetric> sortBy = SortMetric.NAME; private int listCounter; private int objKeyCounter; DumpMetricsJson(Database database) { this.database = database; } @Override public ServerMetricsAsJson withHeader(boolean withHeader) { this.withHeader = withHeader; return this; } @Override public ServerMetricsAsJson withExtraAttributes(boolean extraAttributes) { this.includeExtraAttributes = extraAttributes ? 2 : 0; return this; } @Override public ServerMetricsAsJson withHash(boolean withHash) { this.withHash = withHash; return this; } @Override public ServerMetricsAsJson withSort(Comparator<MetaTimedMetric> sortBy) { this.sortBy = sortBy; return this; } @Override public ServerMetricsAsJson withNewLine(boolean withNewLine) { this.newLine = withNewLine ? "\n" : ""; return this; } @Override public String json() { writer = new StringWriter(); collect(database.getMetaInfoManager().collectMetrics()); return writer.toString(); } @Override public void write(Appendable buffer) { writer = buffer; collect(database.getMetaInfoManager().collectMetrics()); } private void collect(ServerMetrics serverMetrics) { try { start(); for (MetaTimedMetric metric : serverMetrics.getTimedMetrics()) { logTimed(metric); } List<MetaCountMetric> countMetrics = serverMetrics.getCountMetrics(); if (!countMetrics.isEmpty()) { if (sortBy != null) { countMetrics.sort(SortMetric.COUNT_NAME); } for (MetaCountMetric metric : countMetrics) { logCount(metric); } } List<MetaQueryMetric> queryMetrics = serverMetrics.getQueryMetrics(); if (!queryMetrics.isEmpty()) { if (sortBy != null) { queryMetrics.sort(sortBy); } for (MetaQueryMetric metric : queryMetrics) { logQuery(metric); } } end(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error writing metrics as JSON", e); } } private void start() throws IOException { if (withHeader) { objStart(); key("db"); val(database.getName()); key("metrics"); listStart(); } } private void end() throws IOException { if (withHeader) { listEnd(); objEnd(); } } private void objStart() throws IOException { objKeyCounter = 0; writer.append("{"); } private void objEnd() throws IOException { writer.append("}"); } private void listStart() throws IOException { listCounter = 0; writer.append("["); writer.append(newLine); } private void listEnd() throws IOException { writer.append("]"); } private void key(String key) throws IOException { if (objKeyCounter++ > 0) { writer.append(", "); } writer.append("\"").append(key).append("\":"); } private void val(long count) throws IOException { writer.append(Long.toString(count)); } private void val(String val) throws IOException { writer.append("\"").append(val).append("\""); } private void metricStart(MetaMetric metric) throws IOException { if (listCounter++ > 0) { writer.append(",").append(newLine); } objStart(); key("name"); val(metric.getName()); } private void metricEnd() throws IOException { objEnd(); } private void logCount(MetaCountMetric metric) throws IOException { metricStart(metric); key("count"); val(metric.getCount()); metricEnd(); } private void logTimed(MetaTimedMetric metric) throws IOException { metricStart(metric); appendTiming(metric); if (isIncludeDetail(metric)) { appendExtra("loc", metric.getLocation()); } metricEnd(); } private void logQuery(MetaQueryMetric metric) throws IOException { metricStart(metric); appendTiming(metric); if (withHash) { appendExtra("hash", metric.getHash()); } if (isIncludeDetail(metric)) { appendExtra("loc", metric.getLocation()); appendExtra("sql", metric.getSql()); } metricEnd(); } private boolean isIncludeDetail(MetaTimedMetric metric) { return includeExtraAttributes == 2 || includeExtraAttributes == 1 && metric.initialCollection(); } private void appendExtra(String key, String val) throws IOException { if (val != null) { key(key); val(val); } } private void appendTiming(MetaTimedMetric timedMetric) throws IOException { key("count"); val(timedMetric.getCount()); key("total"); val(timedMetric.getTotal()); key("mean"); val(timedMetric.getMean()); key("max"); val(timedMetric.getMax()); } }